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It out on with the video youtube, is being dumb again. What else is new good evening? Everyone? My poppy smart reply. Recently, a youtuber named totally not mark had over 150 of his videos deleted due to the japanese company touhou toy animation. They own the rights to cut anime like one piece dragon ball sailor, moon, a big shot company that basically couldn't care less about some random anime.

Youtuber, let's get real here i'll link to totally not mark in the description check him out, go, give him support. I actually have some personal issue with the as well that i want to bring up at the end of this video but keeping toy animation in mind. Japan, especially, is so notoriously dumb when it comes to copyright, backwards, thinking or or uh just overall lacking in what most people agree with what is fair use and not they just don't care they're, a big company. That's it.

You probably remember as well with japan and nintendo having the youtube creator program. If you want to give us free promotion with. Let's plays you have to go through us, okay, which everyone said that was a stupid as hell idea, and lo and behold it was shut down they're just blatantly behind, and i think it's important that we call these things out so that hopefully they can listen this. What happened to mark just really highlights a huge issue with youtube.

Is that any day your your livelihood on youtube could get removed because some big company decided out of the blue? That no stop thing. I watch mark's videos just to get an idea. Sort of you know, is it fair use? Is it not, and you know he does rely heavily on clips from the shows themselves, but as far as i understand with copyright laws that you are allowed to show clips as in form and reference and mark's point in this video is that even if he does Counterclaim these videos youtube's system is so slow that he would literally, i think he did the math. It will take 68 years or something or he'll be 68 by the time he's reclaimed all his videos.
It's just completely pointless to even try and fight it. So i mean what else can you do? It just shows that youtube is always in favor of the company. When it comes to copyright, you know basically how it goes if you get, a copyright claim is, as a company goes and say, hey that that video that's mine now and you go no actually that's fair use. I i follow all the guidelines.

I've carefully crafted this content and then their response is basically nah. I still want it and youtube goes yeah, yeah he's right, that's how it works and youtube knows how big of an issue this is. They revealed millions of incorrect copyright claims in just six months. It's such a splurge of copyright issue where youtube doesn't want to deal with it, so they give companies these tools to take down and make it as easy for them as possible, but without any regard for us as creators of what we can do about it to Play devil's advocate just for a minute: youtube has become massively improved when it comes in favor of of the copyright for the creators to be fair, because there didn't used to be anything that we could do if a video got claimed back in the day.

It's like. Ah, what can you do? It's gone now? Hey, that's still pretty much the case, but it's still better because now, at least you can get the option to hey. Do you want to trim out the segment which is still a painfully slow process? Because if you get like two clips, you have to wait for one to get finished and then go back to another one which yeah it's small, i'm just nitpicking but or you can mute the song or replace a song. I don't know if you ever watched a video where the song has been replaced.

It just goes from hey guys, so i just wan na it's just it's it's awful. It's awful. I mean practically my entire library from 2016 and backwards. It's it's just gone.

It's gon na take too long to deal with it. I whatever take it, take my money. I don't care so in this article posted by the verge about how much incorrect copyright claims are occurring. I really got very pissed off to be honest reading about.

Ah, here it is when users dispute these claims. The case result in favor of the uploader of the video 60 of the time. According to the report, so they're kind of saying the majority still goes to the creator, look 60 of the time it favors you guys. Listen if i accuse everyone in the whole world of stealing from me and sixty percent of them comes back and me and can and can prove that i'm wrong.
That doesn't mean i'm 40 right. That just still means i'm 100 wrong that doesn't favor other people. It still favors me massively. It's blatant theft, a lot of the times too, and i've had this problem too uh recently, where all my music got claimed.

I don't know if you noticed this, but if you go to lasagna, you can see that it's been claimed by a company called repos network and then princesses on behalf of pewdiepie nah. What do you you can't just say it's on behalf of me? That's not just stealing that's stealing and lying about it. I know i didn't claim that i didn't tell anyone to do that, and the thing is, like i even put in the description feel free to use this track. It won't be claimed like i want people to.

Oh god, it pisses me off. I wanted people to like remix and do fun stuff with the song, because i don't support this whole claim music thing. I think it's completely backwards. Look at tik tok how many songs are blowing up purely because kids are using it as a reference in a clip or whatever.

It is a positive, but companies aren't seeing it whatever that's their issue, but it's even so bad that some, i don't know. I don't know how this was possible, that someone can claim my own video and say it's me: how is that possible youtube like i deliberately didn't, go with a label with any of my music, because i hate how they run stuff on youtube and it's it still Me so bad and the thing is like you know, fine, i understand it's a difficult process to run copyright on youtube. It's never going to be perfect, but the kind of stuff that happened to totally not mark where he literally has no chance of rectifying the situation or or make his own case. It's not okay and even the this video.

You know that was claimed by me. Apparently, like i said, i don't expect everything to be perfect, but if i counter claim a bogus claim, you'd think that youtube would say yeah. That is a bogus claim. They re they rejected.

My dispute. Youtube is favoring with the the company, so i now have the choice to replace a song or mute the song cool. I can't use my own music in my own videos anymore. That's awesome, the is this but uh, you know 60 is in the favor of the creator, guys.

So there's really no reason to freak out. There's no reason to be pissed off at all. Anyway. I'm uh, i'm glad that this is getting highlighted.

Uh. I hope there's some silver lining of some. Some change actually happening here, because this is just not okay subscribe and you can win a billion poppy gloria out.

15 thoughts on “Youtube copyright seriously pisses me off”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Artamis says:

    I’m really sorry but if this works I’m gonna claim loads and get me some money lol don’t hate the player , hate the game

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chawnel Marie❤ says:

    I miss the days when you could do anything you want on YouTube (except sexually related) 😂 youtube stop being so strict ffs

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan says:

    Simply put why couldn't they just give the creator the power to disabld to dislike button. Can't we make that choice for ourselves?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GO Johnson says:

    It costs money to use repost network. Which means that someone paid money to claim your music. Which means the authentication for the service is garbage.
    Which means you can act like you're just any music creator and get money from it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Destroyer Army says:

    i bought nord vpn using ur link which is very helpful because i cant use discord at school without a vpn because it's blocked

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Opa Triz says:

    pewds, you should see channel Aba&Preach Vs Fresh&Fit regarding to Youtube copyright strike

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drink N' Games says:

    If it's 60% in favor of the uploader, is that why I see so much re-uploaded (stolen) content? That math makes sense.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iEmily says:

    So you made music and someone else claimed it and youtube didn't give you it back? Wtf? Are they stupid?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j0s1v says:

    Youtubers should come together and create a new platform, that is actually in favor of creators.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Dobson says:

    Every time Pewdiepie says: Badabing badaboom

    My Brain: Mr Worldwide as I step in the room

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian G. says:

    wait if they claim to be doing it on behalf of someone without anyone actually doing that, there's got to be some illegality to that right? sounds almost like identity theft or something (I don't know what the proper term would be)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tomtom kage says:

    but I thing the company has rights to do that, because he use their products / materials without

    company's permissions.

    If his actions to take others' products are supported that means patent laws have no meaning.

    If he wants to support the company, so ask for their permissions first.

    Not just take their materials and makes videos out of it and complain if they take legal actions

    the companies have rights with their own products.

    If you don't want to have copyright problems, so make your own films, Your own animations

    or at least ask for their permissions first.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RhomayyannHB says:

    That's scary for newer channels like myself and other's who are trying to cover content, but have to worry about copyright. And money does not have to be involved when copyriting either I've had a couple video's claimed for literally 4 seconds of a song I couldn't even recognize and I'm not monetized.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John H. says:

    I think the dumbest thing I witnessed in this video was how "RepostNetwork" claimed your music videos "on your behalf," you tried to dispute it, and YouTube rejected it. Like, I think the fact that random companies can lie about that shows how much of an issue it is on this platform

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Was Born Yesterday says:

    Imagine if youtubes content copyright system wasn't run by a blender, 2 toasters and a microwave

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