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Joey, the manga man felix poopy day. Oh, that's me, oh yo, okay, uh, i was browsing crunchyroll the other day joey, and you know what i discovered. What what that f is wrong with anime titles? Okay, what do you mean? We have here my next life as a villainness. All roots lead to doom.

Well, perfectly understandable title right: we know who the main character is and what they are planning to do. No, we don't. I don't know, i don't know how much more obvious you can get with that. Okay! Well, you can apparently so i'm a spider.

So what yeah? So what what you you're you're you're arachnophobic of any kind you don't like spiders. Can you explain to me what at least is happening here? Uh main character turns into a spider in an rpg world and is uh just you know a little carefree, hence the so. What? Although i will say with this one uh, i hate the fact that they use the word so twice, so i'm a spider. So what that's just awful! It's like grammatically incorrect and it's just bugging the crap out of me.

Oh it's bugging the crap. Out of you. Sorry, it's spidering the crap out of me, my bad. I've been killing slimes for 300 years and max out my level damn.

Are they just well spent? Are they trying to just explain the entire plot in the title? Is that what's happening yeah so like? So? Do you want like the serious answer as to why they call it like this? No well, oh yeah, maybe maybe let me just go through them. What their reason was sure, let's go, let's go through a couple of ones: the hidden dungeon only i can enter. Wow exclusivity - am i right? Is there a reason behind the different color, the dungeon i can hit then only enter? Why did it color? Some of it is this like? Is this like hints from like the zodiac killer, he's just like leaving in anime titles? What the is up with slime animes the slime diaries, how many slime ones do we need dude? Have you ever like touched slime before yeah god like okay, okay, i get it thanks. This feels good man, okay, so applying this concept of naming anime, because you know we're old school, anime fans, you and i joey naruto.

What what would be the actual name of naruto, then i saved the ninja village and become hukake, i'm a nine-tailed fox, and i'm very sad because my father left me that's why that should be cool and my best friend hates me what's up with that. What's up with that, am i right they did it wrong? That's a much better title. I never finished bleach. What would bleach be because that's also like a really quick thing, don't spoil the whole thing to be fair.

I don't know why they called it bleach. I just feel like i don't know, but at least you can't remember it at least it makes sense. I prefer bleach a thousand times you're right, it doesn't actually maybe believe it's not a good one. Bleach would be something like i died now i have powers.

Maybe that's better you, you nailed it on that one yeah! How about this? I died and i like squishing slime slime. I like squishing, it bleach the chronicle bleach and then in brackets bleach. Wait. I want to think of more.
I don't know why this is so funny to me uh like what what are some of the original classic anime uh um, one piece, one piece: what about one piece? Oh one piece, i never actually finished it either, i'm a really stretchy slime, guy type of guy. So what slime i mean she likes like, i am stretchy like slime, but i'm actually rubber. What's up with that, i like homemade dude. They should make more anime titles that'll like end in, like an existential question like yeah like like i'm made of slime, or am i who knows what i am really, what is a pirate? Does anyone know who they are? No wait.

Okay, wait, one more one! More! Okay um: what did i watch santa moon, uh? Okay, pokemon pokemon is good pokemon, there's a bunch of stupid animals everywhere. Let's make them fight. That's awesome. I captured animals for my own self-satisfaction because they enjoy my company.

It always has to end existential, like with a question it leaves you read that title and you're like. Oh, i wonder what i wonder what that could mean. I got ta check it out so funny. I love this.

Okay, explain explain to me: why are they doing these family titles? Okay? So most? If not, i think all of these are originally based off light novels and there's a trend in the light novel world where, instead of writing, you know how most books have a blurb at the back to like tell you what the book is about. Yeah yeah well in japan. They realized that younger people just weren't, reading blurbs and were basically just picking up titles because they thought it was interesting. So i guess um it makes sense.

They literally were like what. If the blub is the title, that makes sense. I actually makes perfect sense, that's so dumb, but yeah yeah. It makes it so dumb, but it works right.

Yeah because you remember you remember my next villain life is a villain as all routes lead to doom as like a really dumb title. But you know exactly what the show is about without having to read the blog, but it does kind of take away from that connection with like, like oh yeah pokemon, you know exactly what that is and what that means. Like yeah yeah, i mean there's, there's some like good titles out there like even today. It's just you know for some reason, a lot of the ones that get turned into anime are ones with ridiculous titles like this, and they just kept the title yeah and they were like.

We could make it like really catchy and fun and cool, but not this. If this is what, if this is what the person who made it says it is, i guess this is what it is. Have you seen any of these like this one, for example, have you seen this uh? No, what about what happens? I've seen the spider one. I've seen a slight one.

I would be a better name. What would be a better name? I don't know uh spider, diaries, spider, diaries, yeah, that's like vampire diaries, because then i'll be like how can the spider even write a diary? That makes sense exactly because it's because you're following the life of the spider right, so it's like spider diaries or like spider stories or something i don't know. Spider story sounds like a really like nickelodeon movie, maybe not spider story. Spider, spider diaries spider dies because i hate them all spiders exterminate them all spiders must die the old spiders.
I like that, all right. This is just the start of the video and you explaining it to me because, like that, what i really wanted to do is to see what are some really bad titles like what are the worst titles. These are just some bad ones right, so i have collected julie, the worst titles of anime, of all time. Okay, bad bet! Better.

Are you ready to rate them? Are you ready to find which one is actually the worst one? You came to the right place felix because if anyone is qualified for this video eight, it is watashi. Okay, so starting off with the legend of the legend japanese title, the legend of the legendary heroes, yep, the legendary of the legend of the legendary heroes. Have you seen this? Have you read this? Have you watched it? I have. I have seen this actually, this one, this one is a classic, but actually yeah.

It actually has decent review. It was made in like what 2011 20 oh yeah. 2010. There you go.

The legend of the legendary heroes - that's like the most redundant title. You could possibly make no, it's not redundant dude! It's like it's like double the effect. You know what i mean. It's like it's, it's like they're, legendary, but like on top of that legendary status.

They're. Even more legendary, it's like it's like it's like saying, like the epic tale of the epic gamers, you know it's like it sounds like the worst like mobile phone game or something like okay, the legend of the legendary yeah sure i'll download that this video is sponsored By the epic legend of the epic gamers - yes, that's exactly it okay, so i watch this clip and i'm like what the is happening before the arrows touch me a clever ruse, but if you could, oh god, i've never heard of the dog, not if i didn't Feel keen on rousing the fury of your laptop, oh man, this is taking me back actually yeah. It's kind of nostalgic, don't tell me. Reiner.

Loot is an alpha stigma. What the is happening he's an alpha sigma alpha, sigma sigma, that's so cool he's not only a legendary hero, but he's an alpha sigma he's a legendary of a hero at legend alpha. Should we do entirely some of this now i think about it. Hey you know what, let's just rate them wait at what out of like a scale of one to ten yeah, so i'm i'm gon na completely separate the actual, like quality of the show, with the title, i'm purely rating it on the yeah.

All right, you don't have to worry about pissing off the fanboys, come on no one's a fan of the legend of the legendary heroes speak and if they are shame on you, okay, to be fair. Now that i look at it um, it's a pretty wack title, not gon na lie yeah just the title, the legendary hero just the title, but i don't know man like it came out off like like, like the epic energy, you feel me. No! No! I don't. There's something like really epic about the legend of the legend there here is like holy.
Can you get even more legendary than that? No, you can't you're right. You make a great point. Thank you. What is the rating i'll rate it three, because it's okay? Oh, you know what we'll we'll put this as the benchmark.

I think i'll rate this a five out of ten okay, i put three, you put five yeah, okay, we're gon na average these out later and we'll see which one is actually the worst. Okay. Moving on. What attack do you do? I dare to read this in japanese dengeki, which one is butt attack out of all these words uh oshioki, how the hell did they become these because english anime titles are whack dude? Why, okay, to be fair, i've never heard of this show before you've never heard of butt attack, monster girl, guatta guaraman.

What a man i think it's got! A man nah guar man! Oh buddha, is in this one. That's awesome! Oh my man buddha! What's up! So this was made in 1994 jesus. I was born that year. What the this is.

This is the golden ones we missed out on the generation above us okay. So this looks like this. This is a one-episode ova, which means it was part of like that. Really, oh, i didn't notice that you're right yeah in the 90s there was like a massive like ova boom.

Oh there were so many like one-shot ovas in the 90s, and so many of them sucked ass and i'm sure from the look of it, looks like this. Is one of them, so this is a 45 minute ova, okay, interesting! Well, let's have a little clip or a clip of rooney and look here already, i'm excited you're about to see with, i think some of the greatest anime of your life. Let's find out. No that's darth vader tan.

I knew you liked this dark later. Oh, my god. I need to watch this dude honestly dude. Wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait, wait has delivered.

Are you ready for this? Let's see that scroll, that's the origin! Hell yeah, dude, honestly yeah! I'm for that - oh my god. I have to watch this. That's amazing, nice, okay, whatever so, butt attack punisher girl, gortaman, i mean look now that we've seen the clip of it yeah i mean it's gon na be hard not to be influenced yeah, exactly right. Yeah, like you know exactly what the show is about, there's a there's, a girl called gautaman and she punishes and attacks with her ass.

You can't argue with it. You can't argue with that like that, arguably exactly what that's about actually kind of want to watch it. I give it a 10. you're gon na give it.
You know what i'll i'll give it a strong, nine, strong, nine all right, yeah i'll, give it a strong nine, because it's to the point, it's memorable right, mm-hmm and you know exactly what's gon na happen in it yeah. How can you not remember butt attack, punisher girl, god? Oh man, how can you not you're right exactly all right? Next, i'm i'm i'm dead. I was gon na make a video on that hell. Yeah, i'm glad i could find one that you haven't found the source of that's awesome.

I my me strawberry eggs, okay, so so i've heard of this one, but i've never seen it. Okay, yeah! That's a that's a really weird title: the thing about it. I thought that was like a dumb english translation and they don't know how to use like, maybe like watashi or something like becomes me, but it literally says i my me me yeah yeah, exactly i'm like what the. Why do they name it these? What does that mean? I mean strawberries have to come from somewhere from oh the eggs, okay, yeah yeah, oh god, i don't know.

Have you ever seen a strawberry being born yeah. I do actually they've grown all the time. Yes yeah from eggs. They sprout from eggs.

No, they don't yeah. I just hate this title so much. I my knee. That's a very weird title.

We have a clip, see what it's all about holy all 13 episodes. Oh wow, i picked the best quality. I could possibly find jesus christ. This is a very popular anime, joey and uh everyone.

Just it's all right. You want to get clemson claim from this. We forgot about all of the wonderful times we shared with you. It doesn't matter if you're, a man or a woman there we go nice.

Nice list, all i got out of that is the i love early, like 2000's anime like mouth flaps. It's like it's literally just like three frames of just like open half closed. They try their best yeah, so touching at the end, so touching at the end. Last part was so emotional, i kind of want to watch it now.

What is this? The last part i was so emotional all right, i my me strawberry eggs. I might yeah, that's that's a pretty title. I'm i'm gon na i'm gon na have to give that like a two damn okay, i get. I can find pisses me out in a good way.

Wait. You prefer that over the legend of the legendary heroes, yeah legend there yeah what okay, the next one joey. I hate it so much. I hate this one title.

I hate this i've seen this one. Oh my god! I hate this thing, though, do you want to read this yeah very easy? I know that title off by heart. Bro. Do you really yeah? I do.

Oh, my god, how is that possible? It's an impossible title. It's i've, never seen a title of anything. That long. Do you love your mom and her two-hit multi-targeted tanks? No! Well! Do you no dude.

This is a great title. It's asking a question to the viewer. Do you like it? No, i know existentialism at its finest. That seems to be the pattern here.

Isn't it you decide you decide. Is it do you love it wait. So there's alternative titles. Do you like your mom? This just ended there.
Do you, like your mom? Her normal attack is two attacks at full power. Okasan online. That's a such a title. I thought the normal english title was like kind of all right, but that, like that alternative title is crap.

I i like the alternative titles, so i actually know that this is a a novel as well. So it kind of ties in with what you said yeah and have you read it yeah? Yes, i have actually really why i've read it. Why why'd you like, i i did it. I did a video where i rented a japanese mum for 24 hours.

Oh, i saw that yeah yeah, and that was sponsored by this. Oh yeah. I love this title, but the anime was garbage. Oh okay, yeah.

They didn't get, it didn't get good reviews. I heard that no, no, what was bad about it. Look i love my mom, but i i don't want to see like another person's mom in like weird sexualized situations like this, i'm just not into that personally, all right. Whatever it's very strange, well, you know if you're into that, then go hand, your family - i don't understand, i don't understand anyone has like a mom thing.

That's pretty good! No, definitely not a certain swedish guy! Well now it seems like i like this. I haven't watched that all right anyway, mom anime, three, three yeah - i i kind of like this title so i'll, give it like a six, oh okay, there moving on to what the is this you're, like i've, watched this one too, really what yeah, what the it's It yeah, oh here we go completely fine title story in which i was kidnapped by a young lady school to be a sample of common people. What and you watched this, you decided, you know what that one yeah, that one out of thousands i'm watching, that one yep or reading that one yeah cool, that's great! It's my life yeah. How was it uh? I've already forgotten the title story in which i was kidnapped by a young lady's school, a young lady school.

How are you kind of a young lady school yeah? He was kidnapped by young lady school to be a sample of the peasants. I don't get it. I don't understand so so the plot is basically, there is like a prestigious like high school full of like pretty much like rich family like princesses, who live like a princess type life. In order to like fully understand the common people aka the peasants, they kidnap a peasant boy to learn the peasant ways: oh yeah peasant boy, casual, that's a casual modern day in slavery and yo.

You were like yeah even and i was like, and i was like hell, yeah dog. It is interesting when they're using like i don't know if this heart is supposed to be there, but i know in like euro camp, they insist on having like the camp logo. There yeah the triangle: yeah, isn't that kind of weird yeah i kind of like it that'll be it's cute, this title, whatever zera, i don't know, i hate it there, okay, i'll. I will give this a three.
I would have given it more points if, instead of common people, they just you know have the balls to just say peasants: okay, three, it is three, it is. Oh, my god i uh. This is really annoying. I'm not even joking.

My mental choices are completely interfering with my school romantic comedy. That is exactly what you said. That's the thing you read at the back yeah, oh, my god, that's the thing japan has like met the game so hard that they've turned a blurb into a title. To be fair, i i have seen this one: oh my god, you've seen them all joey, i'm the anime man felix.

Of course, i've seen it yeah, but yet we're watching come on, come on no okay, okay, to be fair! To be fair! This is like a ridiculous title, but this anime is actually hilarious. Really, it's actually really really funny. Okay, yeah, but uh comedy my mental multiple choice. Power is completely ruining my school romantic comedy.

Okay, right i mean it's funny. I mean the the title you know they could have gone for a you know, admittedly, a little more of a snappier title but uh. I guess they were just like you know what it we need to explain this ridiculous plot from the get-go. You know what they should do.

They should just name. The like meta tags should be the title now with the online world right. Well, actually, it's funny because, like a lot of these like longer titles, they actually shorten it to make it a little more like easier to say: oh really yeah. So, in the case with this one, the the colloquial title for when referring to it is so they take the nor in nornai and they take the kome in comedy, so they all right, so they do uh, they try a little bit.

I appreciate that that will definitely they should just name it light novel comedy roman school 24 episodes uh for three main characters: yeah enjoy the reason there isn't a million of those already and then would you like to watch question mark got ta, have a question at The end, that's a bad point, though: what, if what if there was a show that was just like so self-aware of how it is that the title is like? Are you sure you want to watch this? Are you positive? You want to waste your time to watch this show. Oh my god, someone has to write that. That is great. Are you sure about this one bro? It's like a challenge, that's great! All right! What would you rate this? I rate it three i'll give it a five okay yeah, because it's long but it i mean - i remember it off the top of my head, because it's a good show and it's like and it's shortened you can shorten it.

So you know what i'll give them points for that effort. At least next one doesn't piss me off, i'm actually kind of kind of want to watch it. It's oh dude, bob bubba, i'm not sure how you say it, it's. How would you say it? Oh, i like that that kind of flows too this is like this is dead ass, one of my favorite manga ever like really yeah.
It's like i grew up with this. This is so insane and like just out there that it's just so funny yeah, because i i i never heard about it. I just googled dumb titles, but then i watched some clips and i'm like this is just this looks like standing by right guys. Okay, maybe not the dub, i don't know, but the dom's actually not too bad yeah.

How do you say the yellow, afro guy yeah and his power is that he can control his nose, hairs to attack people, of course, and, of course, yeah. So that's like those black things coming out of his nose. I can control my nostril hair to attack people. What should i do? That's a better thing.

What should i do it's at a better time and like he has a brother called baby baby baby legs hairs? Oh yeah, nice, yeah, okay. I might actually check this one out. What would you rate it? I mean it's so catchy and so memorable, like that's a 10. yeah.

I think it's a 10 too yeah. I like it. It's amazing! Okay. We only have a couple more next up.

Oh my god. I don't know why it pisses me off so much. Can you read the japanese you've seen them all joey. What the i like immediately recognize the title.

The list i'm like! Oh this one right! Well, they don't have bad rating, though yeah this one's actually pretty good. Give us your beautiful, japanese title. Are you busy? I know this means. What is i can read it? Will you save us okay world end? What do you do at the world end? No, what do you do at the end of the world? Are you this? Is the questions again? Stop asking me: have you ever seen a title that has not one not two but three questions.

I'm like i'm not ready for this. This is too much man god. This is like a political press event where they just like keep asking you questions, but it's also a heavy moral question. I'm like all right enter the world.

Are you going to be busy or what you're going to be like this, like this, this title could just be like you could just replace it with brock end of the world breath the world's ending bro. I was like world end. Well then one word. Well then, yeah! Well, then, which is weird because, like i don't know why, i guess like walden, is like the the alternative title to it, because, like it's not in the actual, like japanese title, it says synonyms.

What does that mean? Well again is like the it's. Like the abbreviated version uh, because each one of the questions in japanese ends with sk weird - i don't know - i don't know how they come up with these acronyms. It's kind of funny. That's pretty clever.

I'll, give my mind an extra point for that all right rating. It rating it i mean look, it was a good show, but that title is absolutely ridiculous. So i'll give it like a i'll give it like a four i'll, give it one. I don't know why they couldn't just call it walden nah.

This is way better. Another question: another moral dilemma: joey: is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? Is it wrong? Is it wrong i'll, never tell have you you've seen this don't tell me, you haven't seen this joey. I know you've watched it. I i have.
I have the number of the author on my phone. I've i've gone to dinner when you call him this, can you ask them what the yeah i mean i said like i asked him like. How did you come up with the title and yeah? I don't know dude. This is super popular.

What the yeah this is this. This is a really big show actually huh. Well, i can see why have you not seen? Have you not seen hestia the mean girl hestia, the main girl there in, like the the white dress? She she was like everywhere when this first came out. Really, i wonder why she's really cute yeah yeah, it's got qualities.

Yeah she's got a great personality. I kind of want to see her now. Sorry, oh, this is the opening all right i see. Is it wrong gentlemen, all right? What would you rate it? I mean i like this title because you know again: it's memorable, i'm not just saying that, because i'm friends with the author, i genuinely do like this title, so i'm gon na give like an eight, oh okay, i'll, give it five all right, fair enough, fair enough.

The king, the king of all, this is where it all started: dude really yeah. I i would say this is where it all started, i'm glad we finished up with it then yeah yeah. I feel if this show didn't get as popular as it did. We wouldn't really like insane holy.

My little sister can't be this cute. I love the the incest, that's great just right there and the title yeah right like just no holds bad like yes, i think my sister, what of it? That's what that's what the title should have been? I my sister one of it joey i need to be monetized. I i hug my sister sideways. That's okay, right! What of it? Yeah? What of it? Have you seen this uh yeah? Unfortunately, it's not good.

Is it not, i mean there's lots of like hardcore fans of this show, but i i never thought it was good. Why was it so popular incest is popular? I guess more than bug girl yeah. I know it's a true crime. Is this the one it's kind of not cute at all? Actually right, my little sister can't be.

This annoying should have been the yeah yeah who's getting punched. I saw someone getting punched. I like this and they're both getting fired. This show is literally if, like 30 day, fiance wasn't anime.

Okay, like it's! It's like that level of trash. I like that. That actually makes me want to watch damn love third and apn all right. What would you rate this type? This has to be a really low, then or three.

I guess i mean look, here's the thing as like, as as much as the show kind of sucks it did kind of like birth or like set a foundation of like, which is why anime titles? Actually, why? It should be burned to hell, we should have destroyed a uh. You know what i'll give this a six. Okay, all right, let's see, uh! Let me do quick math and the winner is, i think it's beer before right, because we gave that a 10. well.
Okay, the best title out of all these is that's it, yes, but that the worst one is story in which i was kidnapped by a young lady school to be the sample of the car. That is the worst one. That is absolutely the worst one. I'm sorry! That's absolutely the worst that is the worst anime title we found at joey.

Thank you for helping me out with these. I i could probably find you one worse, no stop it. I don't want to know it. I have one in mind.

Actually: okay, okay, all right! A challenger appears, i don't know if i want it worth it. I don't know if this some some stuff is better to leave, dark and crumbled up in the darkness. Now, after after you see this one, no i'm gon na feel sick, oh god, oh god. Oh, my god! Oh, oh god, it's so long! I am a high school boy and a successful light novel author, but i'm being struck, i'm being strangled by a female classmate who is a voice actress and is younger than me jesus christ? Why, when i saw this for the first time, i was like no way is this a real title? How do you know like reading looking at this uh cover like? How do you know? What is what time to play? I would think time to play was the name of this yeah right time to play is the the name of the first volume, because, of course, they had to separately name the volumes as well what the jesus christ.

I just imagine big coming up with this title, while this is happening like oh, i'm being straight, like we have to put as much information about the story into the title as possible as bad as it is. I i still firmly believe that this yeah is the worst and i i stand by it. Joey yeah, fair enough, fair enough. I thank you for helping me rate the worst anime titles of all time.

Of course, of course, anytime check out joey's channel link is in the description you talk about. What does he talk about again? I forgot, i don't know some kind of japanese cartoon. I guess check them out. I talk.

I talk exclusively about xiaomi sample. If you like to see 50 videos on the showing sample come to your boy, i don't think that's gon na work. Well, good luck with that man! I'm sure that would be great all right. Thanks for joining have a great one and epic profess yeah yeah.

You thought it was gay, but true relevance never really died. Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber. Simulator. Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers are emotions memes our emotions, express your emotions with me.

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13 thoughts on “Why are anime titles so dumb? w/ the anime man”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hex : I think we did a pretty good job so far says:

    I know some great manga names, “I shaved, then I brought a high school girl home”, “Alya who sits next to me in class whispers me sweet nothings in Russian”

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FoolguyX🎃 says:

    Have u watched vanitas no carte if u wasn't already watch it

    First of all I didn't watch ur full video so idk if u included that anime 😅😅 but yea u should watch it

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pawc4 says:

    I think Danmachi was originally named Familia Myth or something like that, but the editor said it wasn't catchy enough so it was changed.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghostly Razgriz says:

    Could "I My Me" supposed to be a play on "Me Myself and I"???
    But it got translated really badly

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaizer2001 says:

    Keeping up with LN traditions, a slightly better name would have been "Yes, I'm a Spider, So what?" Or, "The Survival Diaries: Spider".

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amosa Petana says:

    slime diaries is the censored version of " that time i got reincarnated as a slime".

    fav isekai

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars memento mori says:

    uhmm the "brrr" sound that keeps coming out have a risk of damaging speakers (and annoying). I'd suggest you change that to another sound.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars This is Dottlez says:

    My memory automatically changed "So I'm a spider, so what?" to "So I'm a spider, what about it?" at one point lol

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MayoPotato says:

    opm:I exercised for 3 years and I'm now the strongest human in the world and I kill monsters.I am also depressed because I'm to strong.I also have a cyborg disciple who didn't help me save the world from some god damn aliens in their toy spaceship that i can easily destroy

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dennis alibania says:

    How Manny letters of this anime?

    world's finest assassin gets reincarnated in another world as an aristocrat

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dennis alibania says:

    Minecraft If its Has a Anime long title

    I Got spawned And Mine And Discover things As I die I Still got respawned And now Im Gonna kill the ender dragon

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T D says:

    Just to clarify, the title "Bleach" refers to the shinigami cleansing, or "bleaching" souls before taking them to the afterlife, and also its a contrast to the black robes that soul reapers wear.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Franz Melegrito says:

    "Bleach" title literally came from the bleach cleanser because as you noticed, shinigamis are actually cleansing the soul of hollows.

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