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You may have noticed i am not in japan. You are correct. Congratulations for those who don't know me and marsha have been trying to move to japan now for quite a while uh, even just make, oh god, wow, even just making the choice to move. There was really difficult.

We obviously would be leaving everything that we built here behind all these amazing friends, but we just felt like we really wanted to take on on this adventure while we're still young just getting the preliminary visa. Just that was a huge process, but it didn't matter because we wanted to go so badly. I counted all the emails with with the correspondence and it's 700 emails like we're not able to enter because japan has been kept, their border close for everyone, uh, even people going through a visa process during this most of this time, at least - and you know, there's Obviously, because of covet, and that's the reason why i avoided making a video even talking about this, usually i i share what's going on with you guys, but it just felt like uh, i don't think the world needs someone who's. You know well off complaining.

How covet is affecting them and it's also a complicated issue, and i just felt like this is going to complicate it more. If i talk about it uh - and i don't want to read a bunch of headlines - i can already see them like pewdiepie complains about not being able to enter japan. I get it. It sounds entitled, but at this point i just wanted to give an update and sort of talk about what we've been through these past two years, because it's kind of driving me a bit crazy uh.

I think i bothered my friends and family about this. Like 600 times and like what? What do you think i should do hey by the way? What do you think i should do? Okay, um, because every day i swear at this point because it's been so long first year was fine. Whatever every day i go from, we should just give up. This is ridiculous, like it shouldn't have taken this long.

You know, maybe it just wasn't meant to be they're, not giving us any updates on when they're planning to reopen. You know why should they change their mind, all the sudden, it's obviously what if it takes another two years like we can't just wait forever, and then we go from that to we spent three years all this money, where all these things we're gon na go. We wan na, and i just jump in between that every single day and it's it's awesome, it's great and that's the thing like i feel like i'm living a cautionary tale and i don't know what the meaning behind it is. Is it never give up or is it don't give up, because you never know how close you are? I wish i knew this is the hardest choice i ever made, and i don't know one of the most difficult part about this whole thing has been not knowing.

If i knew that they were going to be close for two years, then at least we could have made some choices around that we could have made trips to see our family more. We could have not stayed in my office for two years. We thought we'd be here for a couple months max. We could have avoided playing this guessing game of.
Oh the olympics that surely they're gon na open up for the olympics, they're gon na have to have an audience. Okay, no um, maybe maybe now the cases are really low uh and they weren't giving any updates it's just like, maybe next month, okay - well, maybe next month, maybe next month and maybe next month, and do that 24 times it's like. Maybe this is my fault for being so crazy about it, but it is a big choice to make when you make the choice to move to another country and it's hard to get just droplets and as it turns out, i'm not alone in this situation, uh there Was a new york times, article estimating about 350 000 people stuck in this limbo situation? The same as i am not people entering with business visa like i am but students as well, who have already paid their tuition, but they're not allowed in just want to make it clear like it's, not tourists. It's not people going.

Ah they're still closed. Guess i'll. Have to re schedule my flight again, you know it it's people who made this difficult choice and - and they don't even have a choice at this point of then having to wait and honestly reading their stories online, because a lot of them have been trying to contact Me and send me messages. It breaks my heart because if this has been heavy for me, i can't imagine for all these people and i'm honestly just so sorry now that they closed the border for everyone in december.

I think that was the last straw for a lot of people seeing messages of people giving up it's just so sad and another sad part is like all these people riding me that are in this limbo situation are hoping that i'm gon na, like urge on the Japanese government of like do something, but they just closed down for everyone like even not now, not even japanese people can accident return. You know people that were hoping to see their family abroad can't do that now and sucks for everyone. So you know. Obviously, it's not gon na matter.

If i talk about it, that's just not the case and i guess that's the point. People are so desperate that their their last hope is literally some swedish youtuber complaining online, which i'm sorry i'm not even doing. I just wanted to explain my situation. I will say it has been frustrating also seeing that other japanese people can travel to other countries as they want, but their own borders have been closed for everyone, this entire time kind of like that's.

No one else talking about this should am i the one. Am i the only one saying this shouldn't countries like call this out? I don't know if i'm allowed to show it, but i am approved to go for five years, which is amazing uh. I would love that, but i'm not allowed in, but as part part of me acquiring this, i had to get an office in japan. Do you know how hard it is to get an office in japan if you're not even allowed to enter the country? Well, thanks to our friends, sir, we were able to do it.
This is part of our visa. We had to have that. I have a company in japan, a business ready to set up i'm going to pay my taxes. Whatever i have an employee in japan, i have a house in japan, i'm approved to go, but i'm not allowed in and it's like damn we're still here huh.

I keep meeting people here and they're like you're still here and it's like yep still here. I don't know what to tell you, i'm almost like sorry for even making this video it feels it just feels super lame. I don't like talking about this. It feels like i'm complaining and i feel entitled, but you know i appreciate being able to talk about my situation and i hope that other people, in my same situation, can find some comfort that you're not alone and japan.

If you can give an update at least a lot of people would appreciate it, and that was it for my update still not in japan, but i'll be fine and i'm happy either way. So thank you for listening. That's it bye!.

16 thoughts on “Why am i still here..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Varryx says:

    Pewds: Why am I still here?
    Me, an intellectual: …just to suffer

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mod Maker 🇵🇱 says:

    An Italian woman and a Swedish man that live currently in England but want to live in Japan.

    Pewdiepie is Mr International.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cassie Schilling says:

    Your problems are still problems no matter how well off you are. I love hearing your life updates. Thank you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mon mon says:

    Wait i thought I would be one of the first 100s

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Airbranch man says:

    If you need to take a brake and focus on this completely, do it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KawaiiToast says:

    Why are we still here… just to suffer… every night I can feel it in my arm… in my leg…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emerald Sky says:

    You're here to give our life meaning. All hail our cult leader Pewds

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Analyn Abellano says:

    How many people loves PewDiePie?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Belle says:

    Thank you for updating us, you can tell it's been frustrating. I hope it works out eventually and you guys get to move to Japan

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melodyrain says:

    Felix you should watch the movie “dont look up” I think you would really like it 🤩

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElecTrick says:

    More bots in the comment section than in an fps lobby :/

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nobody says:

    Thank you PewDiePie for never disappointing us with your content.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LYN says:

    Rich people are allowed to share their side/express their grievances just like everyone else tf

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hoshiyuki 星海美雪 says:

    Wow after just a single minute this comment section is already giving me a headache.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ExpWars says:

    I hope I can be as great of a YouTuber as you are one day you inspire me so much.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rotting dog says:

    pewdiepie dont move big tidus anime girls arent real i found out the hard way

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