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#Code #Pewdiepie

I challenge you to not skip that. I have never scratcher oh yeah, but you will. This is how we're gon na do this. I'm gon na show funny strata, haha videos.

Okay, jack is gon na, try not to laugh and then we're gon na. Do the exact same thing on jack's channel, same challenge and whoever laughs the least we'll go to the grand finale they'll? Call it five for the next round, they'll go to uh that final round where they can win 10 million dollars, 6 billion, hosted by mr beast. I'm just saying: okay, this is going to be so awkward of me just sitting here, not laughing and then you're wondering if discord's even working or i have color coordinated my videos. What thinking will he laugh at this, and this is an orange, so it could go either way.

Are you ready? Oh no. I thought you meant that the colors in the videos were all coordinated with each other. Now some high level, i'm i'm not a psychopath. Okay.

Okay, i have i have seen this video, but i only watched it once. I just love these videos, where you read the title and you're like that's, not gon na happen right. He did the thing he farted. Um dogs didn't run away.

Oh, my god, i i knew it was coming. That's the thing you really tied up when i watched it with evelyn. We were kind of like talking through it and then it happened was like oh ha ha, but now hearing it isolate it on its own, hey. I get to left.

This is great yeah. I hate this. That's why i thought it was orange because you've seen it i feel like yeah, you haven't seen him. It would have been a good chance.

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You guys have been uh giving good feedback appreciate on with video. I feel like you're, going to bust out some really weird feelings on me. You you have some like really weird like deep lore videos. That's that's cyber! That's not me! I! I have nothing to do with without you seem to have like a reaction picture every time anybody sends you anything on whatsapp and they're all different.

All the time i take my reaction, gifts very seriously, all right, scary, easter bunny. I think we've seen this one together. No, am i that stupid, i need brain surgery. Jack.

Are you sorry? Don't don't worry? I do the exact same thing all the time. Okay, they start off so excited. Oh, my god have we seen this. Am i that out of it, i just love seeing them.

They don't know how to their parents, do nothing yeah, so they don't know what to do they just like run around. I think the parents did this completely on purpose to terrify their children. Okay. I think it's fine that you didn't laugh at that, because i'm gon na hit you with this one.

Oh no, it was all a ruse. Why did you poke the frog? But it's just oh traumatized for life for life. Why would you do that? You flicked it that way. I see i want to laugh now.

Is it? Is it okay for me to laugh after that's terrifying? Ah, it makes me ill that poor child traumatized forever they wan na. You know you go around the park and you see a kid who's like there's dogs running around the kid's like the highest on the monkey bars and they're terrified, and they don't want to go anywhere in yours. How can you be afraid of a dog they're? So nice and then yeah it's because of the because of stuff like that yeah yeah, they were chased up a tree when they were six, the poor kid look at the drip game, though look at those cord shorts he's got the slippers on with the wrong foot. What an idiot he deserved, what came from him? Good luck, heading into college idiot, can't even put on shoes stupid chad, all right! That's enough! Let's have children stuff! For now.

I see that that's not working on you, chad! Are they all orange? What you don't like? Those were green. Unfortunately, those were my trap cards. Oh i'm doing well, yeah you don't like watching chill and stuff for jack. What are you? So? I'm sorry, absolutely! I just take my competition very seriously.

Okay. Well, what about this? Here you go rocky! I know how much you like wieners, i know how much you like, wieners, i'm so sh. What do you mean? It's hilarious? This is what i mean. This is some like i'm laughing, because i know it makes you laugh.
I know this is the that you watch on your spare time and you giggle to yourself and that's: what's making me laugh yeah, these all made me laugh come on. Oh yes, outside count, it ding it bang it put it on the board. Save let's go. I own it nice.

This is uh orange again, so could go either way. You never know. I have spanish one and spanish too, but this is the word i do remember from it. This is the word that i remember from spanish and this what it is boom.

You listen your song, i know you want to. I know you want to you're, not getting me. No! That buildup, though, that guy knows how to tell the story. He does it kind of caught me off guard.

I thought it would say like magusta or something, but well it's in the title: oh, not delicioso, it's the it's the opposite of the the horse, farting one where it's like. That's the title and you're like come on: prove it you're, a tough component component, yeah you're, a tough component, i'm a tough competitor yeah! That's what my my parents used to always say when i was a kid uh jack. I have a question for you uh-huh. What's the skeleton's favorite snack? Oh, i don't know you don't know, take a guess.

I have a joke for you. What what is a skeleton's favorite snack, go on? Guess, death! No come on gas booms, gas! That's what i thought too, why are you laughing? I haven't told the punchline yet come on, it's obvious: what is it dad's, favorite snack gas gas? Why won't you answer me? What is my favorite snack? No, no run. What is it? Why must you fail me so often i think he's yelling. You know what the worst part is.

Yeah i've seen this and i couldn't remember what the answer was ribs. All i could remember was that he says bones. Ah so good, damn it jack playing with tom holly. I got ta check that out.

Yeah save that watch later. What that's cute, i'm not like mark is a strong boy. You should say that to your queue as well: yeah, yeah, right after you watch the fun time, freddy compilation uh what is happening. What's my youtube algorithm, i got ta be honest with you jack all the clips.

I showed you already have been decoys. Trapped, they've been trapped, they've not been set up to make. You laugh. I know you're a tough component jack, but nothing's gon na make you laugh.

That's what they say like this gregory. Do you see a small vent on the floor? Have you ever heard of among us gregory, you need to be you need to defend. I know it will be hard. No, it ain't doing it.

No, the guy doing the voice thinks he's funnier than he is: okay: okay, okay, okay, that was also a decoy watch this no, no, your biggest weakness, jack, no god so stupid. Why? It's not even funny! I'm sorry! I apologize everyone every time. There's a fart joke! The longer it goes on the funnier it gets. Yes, i hate it.
I i hate it more than it makes me laugh. I hate that that's my trigger. I apologize i'm seven years old. That was unfair.

That's like going to war with a nuke that blasted me from orbit with that one. I don't feel proud of that one either. I got ta be honest with you i had to just i had to get it out of there. Damn it.

You know two baby. Let's go, i do anything to win just like you're trying really hard. So am i jack. I have to pull out my golden card - oh god, those cheeks everyone's, going to judge this framing sense of humor now, but i guess that shouldn't be no sense.

For 10 years, have you seen this one? It doesn't look familiar okay, funny, indian rally, co driver medium left, a good friend offloading in this race. Fine jesus, anyone driving with their wife in their car can relate to this wow. That's what we're going with i'm joking uh. I don't drive a car.

I don't stand with this. Okay, all right! I don't stand with pewdiepie. I don't either him. No all right! That's a funny clip! But yeah! That's! Okay! How about this? I don't know.

Awesome! I mean i'm not either i'm happy about that. Okay, good, i'm just taking advantage of the country, but i'm not assimilating to society. I don't know why. I watched that and it just made me laugh.

I don't know why. Yeah, i have problems. Okay, all right! All! Right all right, how am i doing all right, you're, not ready for this? Am i halfway through, yet i'm not ready for this, you better squeeze hard for this one jack! Okay! This is my asian doll baby. Here we go.

No, you up! You up! You glitched! It this is like getting waterboarded. You know that torture, where you have like the drip on your head and you're tied up and it's just drip, drip drip for hours and hours and you go crazy, yeah exactly that's what this is yeah yeah i this is exactly like real torture, guys, oh god, I wrote that and played for and see how long it takes for jack to laugh, but i guess, oh god, i already - i already hit you with the fnaf one. I didn't think that would work. Okay, this will really prove if you and i have bad sense of humor jay.

Are you ready this one yeah this one 21st century humor in 176 seconds you is happening? I can't even keep up with the memes. Simon is editing right now, just dying having a heart attack. I should have saved this for hours, damn it you made it. I don't understand this humor.

This is where, like the generation snaps farting, don't stop pretending that you're better than anyone? Okay, oh my god. I suck so what did i get? Was that two? I think that was two yeah. You got it. You got a couple of like out of me yeah, you got a couple of exhales, but that was harder.

That was harder than i thought. I thought i could make you laugh. Okay, i got one more one more. This one is actually not that funny.

Oh god me. I watched this on stream because i was uh uh. I was like i might as well stream watching through the videos to find out, and i watch this - i'm like animation is never funny. I even said that this is no way this is gon na make me laugh because i have got you know when you plow through videos and like there's no way to shoot i've seen it yeah yeah yeah baby, stop wait.
We got ta, laugh, that's three baby. Let's go is that from an anime or is it edited? I don't know i. No. I don't want the answer.

No, i know it's funny or not to know yeah. That was, i didn't. I didn't expect her to go full bionicle on me. Well jack.

It's been my pleasure to host this. You laugh, you lose with you. I guess i lost well, we don't know if i lost, i don't know if you're lost or not, who won check out both videos lincoln channel. I'm feeling good about my one all right.

Well, we're gon na see we'll do the outro like we always do on this channel smash like subscribe. Maybe if you want to do it and you could win 6 billion jack could pay you. I could. It could come to your house dresses, freddy.

15 thoughts on “Try not to laugh vs jacksepticeye!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ➡️ GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY CHECK MY CHANNEL ⬅️ says:

    Pewdiepie and jackseptceye doing try not to laughle me: trying not to laugh and wake up my mom

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vaibhav J. says:

    Is it just me or jack wearing headphone reversed bothering anyone's OCD

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1R0NM4N15 says:

    The youtube gods have blessed us with a back to back uploads……….ALL HAIL PEWDS and JACK xD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars akılsız köpek says:

    jack wearing the headphone backwards. How do you even do that with hd800?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Ab says:

    Pewds looks so much mor happy now!!
    I’m glad, he’s completed YouTube ✌🏻✌🏻

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agnesia says:

    Funny how I was just rebinging the YLYL series and brand try not to laugh.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MonsterSmike says:

    Parents like "now you'll shut up about the easter bunny."

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Forest says:

    Before comments go away like the dislike button, I want to say that it feels good to be part of these grown adult's stupidity.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Václav Bařinka says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars salman shareef says:

    “I don’t stand with pewdiepie” . . .
    When have i have heard that from jack before ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crystallized Lemons 🍋 ♥ says:

    Pewdiepie i think you might wanna watch this channel i dont want it to happen tho but go to a channel that the name is 2022 vision and go to your video im sorry I dont want it to happen but it predicted Kobes death in so sorry

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Inside Friends says:

    I'm not gonna lie when Jacks in the video it makes the video less fun

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AwesomeNurm Zamri says:

    1 am here, wanna sleep since its school tomorrow. BUT THE KING POST UP SOMETHING

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CroBear says:

    Jack pls turn your headphones R to right and L to left pls for love of God

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily🔥𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥🔞 says:

    Pewdiepie and jackseptceye doing try not to laugh

    Le me: trying not to laugh and wake up my mom

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