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How's it going bros today? We are literally just gonna watch funny videos. Go! haha. No gimmick, no donations, just good time. If that sounds good, let's dive into it anytime.

I See one of these birds I'm like I want a bird but I know I'll get the worst bird. it'll just everywhere. so stop tricking me Birds I'm not getting one of you stupid bird that sent me this sir. Why it wasn't me I swear could have been anyone.

Excuse me sir, how much dog food is that? Jesus Christ It's funny because with Momo our tiny one, it's the complete opposite. She loves to I don't know random stuff and as soon as we go what what you got there? she'll bolt no matter what. Even if she doesn't want it, she'll take it, eat it, swallow it. So I commend that dog foreign.

The perfect crime. They say it doesn't exist Before we continue. Quick word from sponsor: this video is brought to you by G Fuel. If you've never tried G fuel, you're missing out.

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That's the biggest sale they've ever done. So seven flavors for 15 bucks? You just can't beat that. The best flavor is PewDiePie flavor. but I Also love the Dragon Ball Z Kamehara and Naruto Sage Mode As you guys know I love G Fuel gives me the energy to record my videos, keep me riding in a smooth balance I Absolutely love it.

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You're welcome, pack the dishwasher and then I'm back. The doodle is like this: hey hey, relax, it's gonna be all right. See this basket thing I Don't know how it happens if it's the house or what, but any dirty clothes you put in this basket somehow the next day they're just clean, folded, and in a perfect pile on your bed. You're not serious I Couldn't believe the first either, but it just keeps happening.

There's other things too. Plates Cutlery pizza boxes, dirty tissues. Anything you leave on this coffee table just vanishes overnight. I mean sometimes I'll see how far I can push this thing and hold your sleeves everywhere.

this is Marta with the dishwasher. No, this is it with the trash. No with the Amazon boxes It's Magic It just disappeared. It's magic.

No, she wouldn't have left me. this would have think happened. I heard her get up in the middle of the night to get a drink or something. She must have fallen onto the magic coffee table and just vanished.
Insane. No, he's not insane. I've got the same coffee, got the same coffee table. She cleans the coffee table.

That's magic actually. My husband gearing up to ask me if we have any plans this weekend even though I had told him five times already a 100. I'm terrified every time. First four goes straight into the trash.

at least usually. I'm the fifth time it registers. Oh yes, we have plans. That's right.

Yeah, Remember that there's no mud, there's no mind, there's no mountains. Makes a better actually. him trying to explain. he doesn't want to cut it because it's hot.

Yes, it's too high. I'm high every night. I'm hot I have to remove everything I'll take those ice blocks of feet and I thank them happily. But if it's too hot, it's too hot man.

Excuse me? I've got to be going. Why? something? it has come to my attention. It's not that bad is it people? Really, it's uncomfortable when you're like a teenager. Come on, come on, he's protector of the Seven Realms for Elixir upset I Think he needs some space I Love that Beautiful.

There's no way she thought I was thrilled. Okay now I want a bird? Just not a live one? So I can do this. He opened me window I think birds can do that and I think you should know that hey, more bird related memes. Tired of being a bird? I Got it.

Seen that last video I get it it. I'm very confused. but I think the dog won. Well played dog.

We don't do that. Put it down. please look, she's happy. No.

I see God these are so good I can't remember even if I show this but it's so funny I don't know what it is. Kids don't unders like their brains get stuck and they can't keep doing what they're doing and it's hilarious. Two hands. It will not happen to my child.

No, don't give up two hands. He's giving up. Look at him. Come on, what are you doing there? You go here.

We go. That's okay. Don't worry about those. You got it.

Feed that dogging. Don't miss. All right. Why do people want these six? Jesus No empathy for a child apparently I was joking.

Maybe they are too when you wake up before her and see her still sleeping. I mean yeah. the dog is cute. What the dog dreaming of though? Is the dog okay? I don't understand.

Is this your elbow or is this your elbow I Gotta try it I got it right. Is this your elbow or is this your elbow? He doesn't care? Look, it's so funny because she's half Pug half Chihuahua Her right ear is down like a pug but her left one is always up like a shoe. You look like a meerkat or a kangaroo. What is he doing? Sounds like me deadlifting.

Oh God wait I Personally, don't find this very funny if you go on this equipment shouldn't have been used to move this kind of product. No. oh apparently it's not funny. Box weighed's 40 pounds right away Kevin it really like it's a big box but come down bro, just toss the damn Box come down for the registers.
40 pounds. Oh I'm dying. not funny moment to you again now that we have a half. Chihuahua I Look at all these swamis I'm like that's hilarious and I don't think they're that funny.

but anyway the other dog doesn't look too pleased about it I Gotta be honest child. I blesses the with extra Scooby Snay hey that was smooth I guess he's done with Edgar he's getting way too chunky God It's all it's all wife or cats or dumb kids. That's what gets me these days. I Don't know.

Give it back. Oh god Oh yes. Oh God this is so funny. How is this real? They always stayed Fair has been calling competition okay, divorce if anyone yells at me like that.

Oh God Can you hear me? You get yourself in here right here. Right one? You know, you know I want to get there on time, right? right? Right when? I First last lady has centuries of practice Mrs Henderson Really? I Used to get major secondhand embarrassment as a kid watching this. There was also Mom calling contest for kids which I was forced into entering and I'm realizing I had suppressed that memory a long time ago. Oh God Iowa Is there nothing else to do in Iowa But this? you gotta come up with something else.

Oh God Trying the microphone. All right. Yeah. I've seen this comes out right.

it's so cute. Oh I should say a period, right? Oh oh I'm sorry. wait a minute. Stop it grandma.

Breathe deep. Okay, what does that say? Wait a minute. I'll I'll read it. Okay, what is it? Say wait a minute.

I Read it. Okay, stop reading what you're saying. Is she answering me? Is she talking back to me? Is that me? I mean I should be empathetic. It's going to be us when AI 5000 Gbt does something incomprehensible.

There's a couple of happy couples there aren't they enjoying a summer night at? Fenway Park Whoops. Nickmarks Here you go bracky. I Know how much you like wieners? How gay is my dog? Here's a sausage. Bailey Would you like it? No, it's my dog game.

All right. One more here you go I Know you how much you like wieners Mama it's here in my hand. Come on, he's a little Psychopathic I'm not gonna lie I don't know what I was expecting. really got a couple more I Love the caption.

The caption actually made it funnier. The cat said it's not a trails for the shirt. What kind of names were these kids calling you? uh at the pool Meathead Fatso Why? But Wally The whale Porky Hog Fat Ass double wide Butterball those sorts of things, right? Yeah, dumbass Chubby Chub, It's really horrible when everyone call you stinky Blinky Chubby Chungus and did you cry when they called you laughs I Thought it would be crazy, but that's actually funny to contact me Absolutely. John vacuum is attached best Felix That's how you do it.
Come on. foreign. What's his problem? Oh my God What the hell is that? It's actual bully? Well, that was fun wasn't it? Did you just got that? You won? Congratulations! Hope you guys are doing well and I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye bye.

14 thoughts on “Try not to laugh t r y n o t t o l a u g h !”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cilan Steele says:

    Bro read 50-90 pounds and said "40 pounds thats nothing"

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chi sarah Akor 🔥🔥 says:

    This is very interesting and am happy I listened to you … You can look out for more on my profile

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Broussard says:

    Imma have my kids binge ur videos from the start

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maté razzi says:

    Pewds never say Skarattar Du Förlorar Du anymore😢

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pewdelay says:

    Привет из России 🇷🇺🇷🇺

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eunice C says:

    Did he say KAMEHARA instead of KAMEHAMEHA?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drunk Broadcast says:

    you cry you lose

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyMy Kittens says:

    Please make a video talking about lil Momo. We would love to get to know her more.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CornDawggyDog says:

    Dragon Ball Z KAMEHARA?!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Four Gadget says:

    Hahahaha I laughed I lost

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars speedy ok says:

    what happened to edgar

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4Hart says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greenbycler says:

    Is this video a part of YLYL?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars heimmy says:

    What was funny in the baseball clip? Besides the guy grabbing a handful of boob?? 😂

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