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Hawaii I'm back baby! Yeah, maybe not a hundred percent, but good enough. Yeah, we're gonna have to address this right away. I Guess Oh she's so cute. Rest in peace Our Queen You will always be in our heart.

Ah, she aged so beautifully. She was such a pretty old dog. so gorgeous! You know I would get so upset because people would post in the in the Reddit and it would always get upvoted like look how old Maya is she's gonna die soon. This is so sad.

Anyways, upvote I Just found this find it so weird and and frustrating and now seeing just everyone being so loving and supportive about her passing that faith in Reddit restored I Really appreciate it and it was a tough couple days, but things get better each day. and uh, we obviously really really miss her. I don't know maybe all the posts will be related. it's time to go I Wish I could dog go? No! I'm totally worth the best stuff.

It's made in two of our simulator. it's so good! She was the best doggo! We would always joke that Maya was like taking care of me and Marzia and it wasn't us taking care of her. So when she got really old she demanded so much attention because she couldn't do much on her own and we just felt like she deserves all of it. And I'm so glad we did Give him a kiss! Oh we got all that stuff.

this was me ages ago. oh she doesn't want to so it feels very cute. No, no, you can't kiss me. That's where it's from for a reason.

That's where that song is from. Maya Had her own smash hit single Jabba the hood. 100 million views. almost actually not even close.

72 Anyway, for a reason that's in Italy She used to be way too fat. It's nice that we have so many photos and videos to look on. I Couldn't look at anything for a couple days. It was just too painful take care of them for me.

Now no more moment. Agar had really been making us laugh. They've been so funny to watch them play. I'm glad Edgar has a new friend as well.

This is when we brought her to the UK for the first time. She loved to lay on her back like that. She couldn't do it anymore when she was old. All right, the Paw Thing like I'm just describing any dog but she would always put the Paw on you if you wanted something so you could like be petting her and then you just look away and then you feel like a little soft touch on your leg and you look over and she's just making that face like will you spit me more more pits please.

So sweet. The fact that it's super simulator makes it so wholesome. I Don't know why. it's kind of ridiculous really.

it's slippy in the back Legends Oh that's so nice. Oh thank you Early Bird Red! Very nice, Beautiful. Oh it's this guy again growing into my PewDiePie hoodie. Oh across the years.

All right. Step one, Step two, Step three, Step four. All right now I Want you to rip this all right next Slide Five Better be yo Ow that's so cool though. Big PP Energy Absolutely beautiful Thank you Luna Maya Arts Hey Look, it's a non-maya one.
Okay I found my old 3DS from 2011 I was eight I Love PewDiePie Wow! Incredible! I'm so glad you saved that I see my recommended tab. Really wants me to watch this video. Good job YouTube Finally yes recommend my videos YouTube or else what are you gonna do? The money? what are you gonna do? Strike my chat, What are you gonna do? Shadow bet I'm sorry YouTube I said it before and I'll say it again. Start lifting immediately even if you don't have big peepee, you feel like you're huge all the time.

Maybe there's several bad spying conditions that has me stuck in bed over 95 percent of the time due to pain. despite only being 25. Needs a cane to walk amongst distances. You misunderstand big people.

gospel. Everybody had different canvas. it's about what you use with it although I feel your pain I'm sorry bro. Don't mean to come across as insensitive, but hopefully you can understand.

Oh that's so good. I Like this one better I'm sorry which one am I supposed to like? better 2022 versus 2020. still amazing Wednesday gets the best fan art. It's not fair.

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Tell her to tell me thanks I'll wait. Okay, that was fast. Thank you No Big Man for sponsoring this video. Okay, yeah, I've no Ah Mr Beast in Fortnite Now me remembering the great times with Maya me knowing that I'll see Mama Grow up Yay! God I Hated the timing of that upload.
It's so annoying. we obviously knew my head was gonna pass away. uh I Feel like we've been prepared for it for better of this entire year? Even though we were so ready for that it was gonna happen. it was still so shocking and so so much more painful than I thought it would be.

I'm glad we got Momo before. She's been making the process way easier to go through and we obviously still think about Maya and care for her. She'll always have a place in our hearts. You know it's like a weird mix of memes Maya and fitness looking.

Good man. Hell yeah big. PP since PewDiePie lives in Japan I Think he'd really appreciate this cartoon I Made finally going to Japan after two years of studying Japanese Okay, foreign. okay I love when you hit him with the other screen again two years.

God Is this that Japanese have like uh other Asian languages As far as I understand there's polite form and then there's casual form. Generally the book will first obviously teach you polite form but you speak to people that seems to be the less often case of of type of language I guess and that grammar just feels like a whole mush of what the is going on. even just like knowing what they're saying with with everything added on top. you're just like I don't what the what? but I will not give up I will Master the nihongo getting better though I'm still but you know that animation was great though.

Luckiest me 10 out of 10. good life Me and the boys when we managed to make a fire on the camping trip whenever me and Jack are together IQ just like continuously dropping. oh that's so cute. you know what? that's great I can tell it's not a iron.

thank you she's so cute I feel like my bond with my act kind of came the because she was always admired to his dog and she would always stay with Meister because of it. but I think the last three to four years she would she Arbonne really grew yeah we really I feel like I really connected with my aunt and making sure that she was doing well was really a big responsibility for me and I'm glad I really tried my best and never lost my patience and I'm really proud of that. She deserved everything. Such a good dog! Even all this comment in our blogs like why is she in a like a baby stroller It's actually kind of funny.

like here in: Japan all the parents carry their kids I rarely see them in a baby stroller if you see a baby stroller in Japan looking because there will be a dog in there Obviously like we couldn't leave Maya alone at the house anymore because she couldn't do anything on her own so we had to bring her with us a lot of times. which meant having a baby stroller was just more convenient. It doesn't mean that we're treating our dog like a baby I Don't know. It feels better to do that than just let them be alone and stressed out and sad I Don't know why do cartoon characters wear the same clothes every day you call me a cartoon character? how dare you? You're correct.
Cartoon characters extremely based epic minimalists I Understand I bet you SpongeBob has the same pair of underwear every single day I mean same pair but many versions not the same. Ah, me and my girlfriend and I painted mine is that the Polar Express I saw that the first time a few days ago. That was weird. Oh I have a question for the Swedes.

It's a Christmas related question in Sweden. We have something called which is not Santa but kind of Santa but it's not an elf. What the is? Oh it's like a gnome. I'm so dumb.

It's a gnome. They help with your yard and daily work. They're just like a little homie. I'm so dumb.

They're there. Look at this dude. Yeah, look at this homie. What are this artwork? Hey there you dropped your wheat man.

Hey baby sweet. and Laura is so weird. Oh, that reminds me this is funny I Didn't know about this until uh, recently in Sweden I'm not entirely fluent on the Sweden lore, but I think don't quote me on this like a lot of European cities have different depictions of Santa. So yeah, in Sweden people believe the EULA goat to be an invisible spirit that would be appeared Before Christmas Make sure the holiday performance Zone Yuli goat.

So these are very common in Sweden the uh and they're usually kind of small. small like a Decor made of I think wheat. I'm not entirely sure, but some City in Sweden builds a giant one every year and for example, for some reason people decide to burn it down every single year. and no matter if they put up fences and all this kind of protective measurements, someone tries to try to manage to burn it down.

It's so funny. What's that mean? This one? Burn the book in I'm enormous Scott covered it. He knows more than sweet that you have a goat than me, Damn you. Tom Scott Army around.

What are they gonna do Doom soundtrack on this? Hell yeah. Oh so good. Poor goat. Oh wow.

This day's way back from 1966. that's when it started. It's been going that long. How did I not know about this 1966.

it was destroyed at midnight because he burned. It survived the year after. It survived the year after as well. So this is the added safety measures they added like chicken wire.

Not good enough. This is hilarious. It lasted six hours. What the he he got two years Jail from stealing it.

What? that's insane for Sweden burned collapse. Someone hit it with a Volvo Amazon burnt beat up burnt. You can get two years jail and this. This is the greatest tradition of all time.

You can bet if the goat will survive on betting signs. What a weird story I Can't believe it. What a weird tangent I Gotta know if it made it this year. the fact that you can go to jail for two years I Think it's uh, quite something.
It's quite elaborate to make it. they start in September an American burned it down thinking it was a yearly tradition not knowing it was completely legal. Don't stay out of this. Americans if you don't understand our culture.

That was good. That cheered me up. Thank you guys for watching! Appreciate all the love and support means a lot and I'll see you guys next! Thanks.

10 thoughts on “This illegal swedish tradition is insane…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kinko says:

    Jävla Gävle

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pink Omega says:

    Pewds laughs the exact same

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lostboyzs says:

    I was 13 when I heard the Jabba the Hut song for the first time, back in 2013 when it came out, I still know every word and it became an inside meme with my younger sister, we still sing it sometimes. I've been here for 11 years (had more than one account in my lifetime:') ) and I'm so glad to be. Felix has been one of my favorite people growing up, I was very sad hearing about Maya's passing. RIP Puga chan, there's a special place for you in doggy afterlife, and in our hearts 🌈❤️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Joker says:

    God, I didn't know Maya had passed. I'm sad now.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oussama Islam says:

    Mester best💪💪💪💪
    👇👇👇👇👇Do you like meste best

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Georgina Thomas says:

    Maya was so beautiful and always will be. I’ve lost many dogs in the last few years and nothing can prepare you for it. We also used a pram for our dogs and they’re amazing for their mobility! To anyone reading who has a older dog, get them a pram, take them places they can’t walk to anymore. they will love it. ❤

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rounded sky says:

    It was fight with india biggest company name tseris

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TarnoVigas says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MadhuKulya Rajput 🚩 says:

    Are you still competing with T-SERIES 😂😂😂😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarkFrosty101 says:

    He doesn't play enough video games anymore

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