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Foreign. Just got back from the embassy, had to renew my passport. Two guys looked a little younger than me, recognized me immediately. It's funniest thing is Swedish to people again, especially in Tokyo I see more Swedish people.

Yeah, it went well. Okay, you should bark at Momo can do Boom! This is my closet and I'm thinking about putting my console in here. build a shelf, put a screen, put speakers, some lights, paint it, and then we should have a home arcade in my closet. We'll see how it actually goes.

You comfy again, you look comfy. All right. This is the progress so far: I got the Shelf up. It's nice I'm still waiting for the screen and I want the speakers to be more aimed up.

so I might 3D print something for it. All right? 3D print is done. let's see if it fits. Hey, look at that! Momo has been scared of walking the stairs, but she can totally walk though.

she just doesn't want to do it or she's scaring them if she's on top. Oh my God. Oh you're so scared of the series that was terrifying for you from the top mama. you can do it.

Oh now it's a different ball game, huh? You can do it. Come in, you did it. How did she do it? And then all of a sudden forget that she knows how to do it. Let's start from two.

All right. Thank you. Update on the closet thing: I put panels in. it looks nice right now.

I'm routing and I Can't Do It Outdoors because it's been raining and it's just been raining and raining. so I'm doing it in my office. Don't do it in your office I had to make my own sort of thing. so I can get it straight I bought the cheapest router because it was smaller I deeply regret it.

It's trash I hate routing. it's the first time I do it. but I have one more of these out of eight and then I'm done. So it looks good in there though.

All right. So I'm testing out the lights. Seems okay. Yeah, it looks good I have to tread eight six more I really have to jam them in there.

but I think I'll be done today. Finally, all the cables are still there I'll have to fix that and the roof, but it'll look like this. You can see how bad I routed if you look close like it's not super straight. It was hard to do, but I think it yeah.

I'm happy with it. If I were to hack a game and have my own controller and arcade at home, this is how I would do it. but I wouldn't anyway. I'm very pleased to have this whole turnout and it was a nightmare to set up.

but I think it turned my closet into something really cool and useful made possible by minimalist game. Get on it! Today we're going. Uh, Marcia's taking me out on a little date. We're almost there.

It's supposed to be really cool because we'll be at the rooftop and if you're lucky, I Guess there will be clouds forming on the Terrace so we'll be eating amongst the clowns. It doesn't look like there's clouds to be honest. that will be cherry blossoms. It's so fancy.

Can you see the clowns? Hello man, they made a solute version. Sorry boy. Very nice. Tokyo FM Saturday Night Let's go.
Why are there flares on the ground? I've never seen that those are flares right? Again, if you were a well, you would be Welshia. Check this out. Momo has a dead giveaway when she's gonna attack. Don't pull your ears back before you attack because then I'll know.

Okay, don't pull your ears back I know and you're gonna do it I know when you're gonna do it, don't pull your ass back good morning I'm waiting outside as normal for much yet to do her health checkup with her and the baby. I Figured I should share. You know, good and bad because we didn't get good results last about 10 days ago. It makes it makes you worried it.

She's fine and the baby's fine, but she's in the risk. just at the edge of the risk of premature labor at least from where she is. Buy a Weekly Standard So she's been taking it very easily. easy for the past 10 days not moving and trying to lay down and not put pressure and all that stuff.

So hopefully that has made a positive change and she's been able to catch up sort of where she's supposed to be. I'm supposed to travel tomorrow and I don't really feel comfortable leaving her if it's at risk, you know, so it's difficult I Really hope, really hope for good results now. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Hey remember when I said I was going to get my passport? well they didn't have it.

I'm supposed to fly tomorrow but I finally got it so we had to delay the flight a day. Everything is fine with March as well by the way, so that's good I feel much more comfortable going but I am I was supposed to meet my parents and all that. but I am just going super quick because Marsha still needs to rest so I don't want to leave her too long every time I go to the Embassy in Sweden it becomes like a little fan Meetup I just get recognized instantly. it's really funny.

I'm gonna enjoy my last day here and then I'm off to UK Thank you Foreign, How do people live like this? It's 12 30 a.m I Slept for another two hours and a half. The shoot is starting so it's starting now so it's exciting. What a weird day! Not to be cheeky like that. but it is times like these where you are really blind.

You have a GPU We did it, we survived that was intense. We're not allowed to say what it was, but it was very cool and finally we were the fastest ones gay. Marines The real games That's so cool. You'll see it soon! It's 5 A.m We Rent The shoot at Three Three A.m So I just took a bath I had so much fun I am so glad I went on this trip like the flight is ridiculous and the fact that I'm flying today it's kind of insane but worth it.

That was a memory. Oh I'm so happy that was so worth it I'm so glad I mean PJ got to hang out I'm gonna have breakfast in like two hours because they're opening up and then I saw because you guys know I've been into bouldering lately I Thought there's a really good place like 20 minutes from here and my flight is not until seven so I might I might check it out. compare Japan and UK It's supposed to be really good and I've never seen such high reviews I Can't help myself. it's so fun! Yeah so we'll check that out.
Thank you John Like hit me now so hard I'm heading back already I Knew it was gonna be a intense trip. It's really fun. it's just like now I'm just like so. I Arrived yesterday and I'm leaving today obviously I had such a good time but I look forward to go back home now.

I was doing totally fine like bouldering shoot I didn't sleep anything but now the receptionist told me good morning even though it was 4 P.M because I think she just looked at me and saw how tired I was and then she was like oh I'm so sorry I'm like yeah you're right it is good morning foreign. It's been a while actually we haven't done much because my RCS has just been not moving but you've been really good. So we're doing an exhibition which looks really cool. We'll check it out.

walk slowly. come here. All right. We're at stump number two to check out some wisteria.

It looks really popular but it looks very pretty. We knew it was going to be busy. Actually, good luck getting a photo. Thank you.

They were serious. It wasn't so good. we got for free. It's all flowing into here.

It smells so much foreign. Another day waiting for myself to do her appointment to check on our baby. I Think it might be time to tell you guys the gender whoa there's Mount Fuji Holy I'm driving to Fujikyo. This is kind of crazy because I was gonna meet up with Jimmy and Mr B's I thought it was next month and then today he wrote me uh I'll see you tomorrow and I was like oh I I Didn't realize you were here so soon but he wrote me see you tomorrow at 1am So I woke up and started thinking it's tomorrow so I'm at Fuji Q he rented out the whole park I didn't realize it was actually buying Fuji that's so cool I was supposed to be there two hours ago but we finally figured out it was under it was happening today.

This feels very bizarre to be doing I was not. It was not what I was planning to do in my afternoon. Rather, it's six now so the park is closed and uh yeah I wonder what it's gonna look like. Holy did you enjoy the Vlog over me vlogging I didn't Vlog anything my my voice is ruined.

it feels weird. uh. filming someone that you met for the first time. You know it was cool Jim was cool.

Everyone on the cruise really nice. That's a good time. The roller coaster was insane Fuji Q is no joke. like I thought for a second I was gonna lose it.

it was so scary. I'm still kind of shocked about how scary that roller coaster was. You hear my voice I can barely talk. Yeah, that was a weird experience in a good way.

Uh so I guess I'll be part of a Mr Beast video. This is one out of six things that he's doing and for a video I'm working on like a video where I'm 3D printing a couple cute things. that's what I'm doing. it's kind of crazy.
The difference. Glad I got to meet him and uh his crew. good. They all seem really like really good people.

Uh, it's 10 30 now I'm driving home and all right. So I got a bunch of fruit left over from the shoot yesterday. so these are 11 per strawberry, 11 more or less and these smarts are just that are cheap. mushrooms strawberries.

We're gonna do a taste test. Oh I like it. okay the biting that one. mm-hmm that last one was the expensive one I Could tell because it was so much cleaner to bite into but this one tasted had more flavor I think they're more ripe? maybe I don't know if that makes sense.

So I think it's more personal preference. Honestly foreign baby in here. What would you say if we went to Pink Cafe because we thank you I Got drama guys oh no yeah yeah yeah small Monica mine say it's very popular. Next location is Tokyo Tower and there a gender reveal awaits.

If you know you will know Big surprise we're having a fish. If you know what these means then you know the gender. Thank you.

14 thoughts on “Think it’s time we did a gender reveal”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mikeylgg says:

    Nothing makes me happier than seeing Felix live his best life.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DECOYE says:

    First thoughts in my mind I hope he's a male or a Female not anything else if you what i mean lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon says:

    IM SOBBING, these videos are going to be watched back by his own child in the future; and, realize how cool his mom and dad are (๑◎△◎๑)〃

    Sooooo happy for you guys!!! We all love and support y’all

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dichotomous says:

    Danm I miss Edgar.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teodor Wojda says:

    Im so happy to be growing up while watching Felix’s growth

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Normal Channel says:

    It's so surreal that a few years ago I was in my Elementary School years watching Pewdiepie playing funny games and whatnot, and now, I'm graduating Highschool and He's already in parenthood…

    Words cannot explain how I feel rn

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hasif Kamarudin says:

    why is broo living my dreamm

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richie says:

    I love these Japan vlogs. It's wild to think how long I've been watching you and the growth over time. We're about the same age and looking back the changes in our lives and the parallels is wild. Glad to hear that everything with the pregnancy is well.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Kun98 says:

    Its blue!!! Cant wait in 10 years pewds will collab with his child to play minecraft

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gisselle martinez-thomas says:

    congratulations on your baby boy 🩵

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A J says:

    You're having a boy because you've always wanted to take a son fishing? 😆

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sunfish says:

    This is the best gender reveal out there respectful and unique congrats on your son🎊

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryce Hurd says:

    Marzi Ive watched you for a long time..u replied once and Ive always held that near to my heart

    You are such a gorgeous soul, and I wish you the most beautiful life. Love and good wishes to your new family.

    Bryce ❤

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyrad says:

    im crying congrats to the both of you

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