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K How long have we known each other now? gez like 10 years too long. too long. I Think it's about damn time that I do this. It's time for you to learn about Sweden No please.

Anything that don't worry Ken Don't worry, stop it. Stop. because I made it for Americans so it's easy to understand. Hooray! Yay! We need to learn more about Sweden you're always tell me about I have to hear about the Swedish inventions all the time and how great Sweden is.

though you won't live there apparently it's great. Well you summarized the whole presentation for me. Oh sorry I mean please continue. Well first, we're going to begin with: geography.

That's right. Ken Can you do me a favor point out Sweden on the map of Europe I'm pointing. Is it here? No, it's Is it here? No. I don't even know what that is.

that ain't it. Is it here? No, No, definitely not. It's the one that looks like a flaccid wiener. Part of it is you did it.

Yes. And the one across the water is the ball sack. That's right, Finland is the bull sack of Sweden You are correct and Denmark could be considered a little split split. Oh yeah, well done.

Yay! See I Had faith in you again I knew you were going to get it. Do you use that analogy yourselves? Do you guys think of it that way? That's how I remember yeah it was it was on news and Sweden when they announced the Euro cuz Norway is not part of Europe So the co on the coin it looks like a penis and it was a big International Scandal nice Sweden is a penis. you may notice this little um blob on the map. What is that? Ken look don't ask me what any of that other stuff is I know to it doesn't matter because I tell you what it is, it's not Sweden it's Switzerland oh they're two different countries I don't ever want to hear in my life oh you're from Sweden so like I love your tools.

they're really good. I'm like yeah we have tools. really good tools. The Swiss Harvey knives that yes oh I love your chocolate.

oh we do have chocolate that is correct and you're skiing no well yes there is skiing. Don't confuse Sweden with with the med pack company. they they're the video game med pack flag exactly. First a kids Sweden is not Switzerland but you knew that of course Yeah of course Switzerland has expensive nice watches Rolex Yes Sweden has really cheap knockoff because they're you know, wiser with your money.

People that wear Rolex are just trying to flex and they're probably that's right losers. That's right. Switzerland has toon oh I don't like toon I've never had it What? I just went oh because seen it before. how do you eat it I know you're supposed to snap one off but I just want to shove the whole thing in my mouth and that's not comfortable.

trust me. I tried it. It looks like with something the police would throw out on the road to pop your tires if you're speeding away. That's right.

stupid chocolate they put like some nut in there I don't like it. Then we have Marabu. So good marabu and they of course have this Swiss army knife. there is Yeah yeah.
in Sweden we have the spoon also known as So. Now that we learned the difference between Sweden and Switzerland, we can now move on to some famous Swedish people SL Figures. Oh and I'm going to go ahead and let you why do I sound Italian I don't know know. you go ahead and you name three.

You want me to name three Swedish Okay, one is easy. all right Felix Shellberg, you got damn right Peie pie. Going to give you a hint on the next one. Okay, wait is this from Euro Vision? Come on come on the be.

No, it's not BG's uh H not heart. who are the uh Spice Girls and boy dancing queen young I know the song I don't know who sung it ABA it's ABA ABA How can you not know Abba that's not their name is it? Yes it is. I I've seen that the name before and I thought it was just like an abbreviation for something like Abba like it stands for something, it's just ABA oh what do you think the abbreviation was Awesome Band Yes B Beautifully awesome You know I'll take that all right. you're sitting down right I am sitting Yes I want you to sit for the next one.

Okay I'm s cuz as an American this might be troubling. disturbing shocking. who is is this man and I know for a fact you have noing clue who that is. You're right I do not have Celsius and Celsius that's Celsius mother That's right I knew you didn't know Celsius you filthy American Where's where's Fahrenheit at? Oh God Get it interrupting video for a special an time I made a presentation.

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You may have seen free Vpns but they're trash something something ass Okay I'm out here living large, watching whatever show that damn pleases me because that's how it should be. There should be no restrictions on the internet I'm watching Myster P home getting them that Christmas spirit It's okay cuz I'm in Sweden How would they know? Prove it, Prove that I'm not. You can't I don't know why I added that nor VPN more VPN With amazing features such as threat protection and file protection now I'm going to tell you an embarrassing story there. Oh, it doesn't stop spinning Okay, this is me as a dumb little child I Clicked on something I wasn't supposed to do.

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That concludes my presentation. Why n VPN best VPN That's right Ken Sweden invented Celsius All right now you got to tell me why V Celsius is better I Don't think there's much to say cuz it's obvious to anyone Firenight is only used by Americans and some few other people in the whole world. You do realize you're the only one. It's yeah, yeah, we also measur in feet, you know, instead of yeah.

But but the UK does that stupid I Don't know. oh do they they measure their feet? yes they do and stones. and anyway Celsius Fahrenheit Z Dee Water 100 water. it boils Oh so simple.

so simple. And they they also like convert into each other. Very easy too. like Zer to 100 thank you I I thought you would resist Fit: sounds dumb Fahrenheit It's like a was there a video game called Fahrenheit No but there's a novel and it sucks.

that's was a novel right? Yeah, adding little pictures. fan Celsius Enjy just come on man. what do you think in Celsius is hot? Like if it's hot outside if it's hot. So I've been in Australia so now I've kind of getting I've gotten you know train but it's like if it's above 30 it's it's pretty warm outside.

pretty hot. That's right, that's correct. All right, you actually get American pass. Congratulations thank you thank you.

Sweden has many great Innovations as I'm sure you know Ken M I Don't know if I mentioned this to you before all the time I mean yeah, never never. What has Swen invented? Can you name some what haven't they invented right? Clearly you don't listen. they've done so much. Jesus Christ You know they the Ikea they've invented Ikea and the spoon and meatballs.

You see their SC No, they did they Cocacola. You see you think it's American Also American we love our Coca-Cola over here. In fact Ken I Think what might surprise you is that the bottle was invented by Sweden Oh the bottle. Yes, the bottle.

The iconic bottle. Oh you, you'll let us have the bottle. Well I was going to say you know it makes sense that Sweden would think it was a good idea to put like cocaine and a drink like they did originally. but never mind I guess that was still an American thing I bet you didn't know that.

How about this? huh? Alfred Nobel the Nobel Awards You've heard of that? Sure, yeah, yes, in of dynamite, we like to make things boom just like you. Ken I'm learning so much. You know history is not an American strong point at all because we never learned from it. But I'm impressed to know that the the Nobel Prize guy invented dynamite.
Yeah, there's a bomb Oh those thing. Yeah, you ever used one of those? Yes. I have. Yeah, they're very handy.

That's right, they are. You want to. You want your garden host to strap on a little tighter? Just give that thing a twirl and you're good. Give some Plumbing Just tighten it up.

A chopping board. That's it. Looks like a chopping board. It's a plastic bag.

How dare they No no no no no. our intentions were puin. Oh, they invented this thinking oh, it's plastic bag. People are going to reuse it.

This is such a good idea. How wrong they were. Oh how wrong everyone's like I just throw it in trash I'm done with this. Yeah, yeah, they actually thought people would bring them to the store I Guess people kind of do now with the fancy ones, but that was the intention with the plastic bag.

That's the Sweds Andan. Oh, we could do that here. Um, like we. We'll get delivery.

Like we'll have them delivered, uh, to our door, sometimes our groceries. and if we keep the plastic bags and give them to them, they'll take them. and oh yes, supposedly reuse them. Yes, of course, reuse them.

You like propellers I Love Propellers First one. Swedish Wow, yeah, was that the first one right there? Huge one I Bet it wasn't you, you know Ikea Glorious Motherland the mother. Yeah. Fantastic.

Spotify Minecraft Adjustable wrench. Wow I have one of those. thank you Sweden Thank you. You're welcome.

Are you taking CR Yeah. The seat belt. That's right. The three-point seat belt.

The zipper. The zipper. You use it every day. Probably don't wear real pants like a true American And as a true American I bet you like cutting bolts.

Oh yeah. Bol Cutter bulb Cutters Wow. Ball bearing you like spinny fidget Spinners Thank you sweet my God That's right. ball bearings are pretty cool is how long is this list? What all they have? What is that? Tira Pac It's a cart paper carton of stuff.

They made the carton as well. yes we did I drink out milk cartons when I was a kid. That's right, You should thank a sweet every time. But most importantly of all, can we invent that? and I'm actually genely proud of this.

The A Cream separator. Where would I be in life without the Ab Cream separator? What? What is that? What is that? do? it separates the cream, what it from what itself and B I don't know. you got the A cream and the B cream but they're separate now and we got the Ab separator. Look at this beautiful image.

Oh brings tear to my eyes. Such wonderful use of Abam separator. So I want you to say thanks. You should thank a site any chance you get for its many Innovations and contributions to the world.

You use the zipper thank you Sweden thank you Sweden Did you show this to Maria if you show it to me? No I haven't Actually she glanced at it and she was like what the F she like Very good. So let's compare American Image I thought the end of it. Okay, all right, fair enough. let's compare.
Peanut Butter Wow! Incredible! Where would I be without peanut butter? So skinny and small Potato potato chips? Yes not crisps. Oh oh what is that? An Abomination corn dog Sir That is a that is a American Pastime right there eating corn dog. the the stick goes halfway up that that dog right there and you kind of eat around. it.

Is it good? they're Prett they're pretty tasty. They also got breakfast ones too that have like pancake batter around the dog instead sausage inside. Why am I not surprised? Of course you can dip it in in Honey or you know, molasses. whatever you want.

oh what is that? Tater tots? Tater tods. where are all these food? I don't know, you tell me I don't know Americans Loved eat. All right we know it tastes good if you can deep fry it. the hamburger the trip Triple Decker hamburger and a coke knot in that glass from Sweden that's what I'm talking about.

That's what I like to see right there good American Glass thank you America truly as well I didn't want to just come here and you know, talk about all Sweden's invention. Oh the brownie as well. Oh I I love brownies too God This This looks like a like a good weekend to me. right here like this 4th of July Get the burgers and the corn dogs and the peanut butter tater tots.

You truly are American K You truly are. But one thing about the burger though. Listen you people out there in your fancy Burger shops stop making your Burgers taller. They're hard, can't chew them.

How am I supposed to bite mouth around it? Thank you. Just make them flatter and wider. I Guess you want to make how do they expect it if it's this tall like how am I supposed to eat it? Okay, so you might wonder what kind of food does Sweden have? Oh okay, all the first one's easy. Mhm.

Oh is it? Is it the meatball? That's right. Meatball. Glorious. Meatball is that potatoes? And what is the other thing? Mashed potatoes and lingan berries.

The PewDiePie geuel flavor. It's beautiful. Kill PewDiePie Than go. It's a tartness that goes perfect with the brown sauce.

H I cook food sometimes once a year, maybe every other year. And if I make meatballs and you don't eat the linger berries, you're dead to me. Okay, okay oh I understand this has happened many times before. They look at the lingan berries and they're like it looks fun.

Weird I Don't want to. You have to eat the lingan berries. Do not say you like meatballs and let you eat the linger berries. My mouth is salivating just talking about the Sweeden is coming out.

You got to eat them so can you name another one? I Cuz I could like. This is hard for me too to be honest. The Hot Pocket no, but you know this one Sud Stroming well I Have no idea what that is. What is that? It's the thing that smells like death.
You never heard of this I mean is. that? why everybody's covering their face up while they're opening it in this picture this is like a YouTube thing you never what? what? I didn't never do those stupid challenges. Well good because last time I did it I almost died. It is the most foul stench you've ever smelled times 100.

It's illegal to open these at an airport because it's consider a deed of terrorism. You're supposed to open it underwater and it's good apparently. I Don't eat it. Would you eat underwater too like I don't know.

you need a gas mask to eat it. but it's a Swedish Food glorious. Therefore, it's glorious SE String Very nice and we also have you know this one. is this breakfast.

no no no it's a word. It's a Swedish word that Americans love to say and I don't understand why. uh smart spon Are you just waiting for me to be confused so you can throw these words at me? yeah I always hear you say it or people they're like oh Sweden like smuggers Bo I love it. hang on I need Mary for this cuz one second hang on I think she said this here Mary you say you say the word that I think it's a different word though Shak oh no, you made me say it wrong I didn't do anything.

Shakery Board a sh a Shakery board Shakery board. the is that the Shakur board. It's the board you have where your chees stuff SM Board Shakur Boy shakuri means meat and cheese. What language? I Don't know me either.

Maybe people in the comments maybe it means something else in a different I don't know the same thing? All right. Drinks: We have drinks I Just feel like you need to know about this. Okay, okay okay yeah, you must. You know what that is Sounds it sounds gross.

It sounds like like mu must. that's what it is you. It means Christmas must Christmas or no Christmas foam I guess or yeah I don't know how to transyl say it's like Coke but it's foamy and we drink it every Christmas and it's delicious. It's got to be better than eggnog I Don't know why people drink that? Well yeah, EG is disgusting.

So typically typically you Americans associate Christmas with Coca-Cola We do. We though. they kind of force that on. They try to force that.

That's right. That's right, they do. those. don't abuse us with the image of S Santa and our precious Hearts getting stolen.

the ultimate capitalist Santa Claus Well, capitalism hasn't worked for us there because every December UL must stock prices kazoo over Coca-Cola C Co we drink Yos Do you drink it? Yeah I Love it. It's the best. So would you drink it like I don't like now like any other time. No, that's forbidden.

you have to drink it during Christmas Okay oh my God say don't your American values how dare you. It's good. You know if you can just enjoy it? no if we do have it for Easter too. but that's it.
If you drink it any other time people look at you like what the is wrong with you. put that down. So yeah I just wanted to show the phone the foam is the important bit. You got to slurp the foam I am white as on camera.

the sun is hitting straight into the lens your precious Jes Christ Stop it son oh my God just look at yourself. You're just like out like nuking my camera the summer Solstice. it's shining upon you, your in your sweetest Glory you spread the good word of Ulist. no the sun is moving okay just going to hold up this book.

It's how you absorb knowledge. you just hold it up I'm want to time with this presentation Ken I Got to keep moving. We also have vodka. but yeah, who cares? All right So Ken can you answer who is this? It's Donald Duck no no isn't no, it's K mother flipping anchor okay kala Anka that's right kala Anka and PFF puff poof piff puff poof you D you told me about this where was Chip Andale it's the same in Sweden We don't give a about this guy.

All right. get him out of here. Donald Duck is what it's all about. We love Donald Duck Oranka I Think it's important to know I was waiting I already saw in my head I was like he's going to hit me with the freaking boner Donald in a minute.

What other image can I use the best one I It really personifies what what he is just a Chad he is a Chad beta Mickey Mouse Well anyway, we have the comic book that you saw earlier. but also we have a weird Swedish tradition. You maybe know about this. This is Christmas in Sweden at 300 p.m.

everyone watches Donald do huh? Yeah, 3 p.m. on Christmas they haven't even opened the presents yet. No usually like after. Yeah, that would make sense I don't know, maybe before.

It depends. Yeah, we all watch religiously Donald Duck We love it so much. Who's this channel? St Svt1 Swedish TV It's the government one. Okay, what are some things you should never say to a Sweden that they might be Switzerland That's right, that's one you're learning I Appreciate.

appreciate that We've already been through that however. Oh, this. Don't stop bringing this Swedish racist stereotype I Don't want to hear it. It's too accurate that it's not funny I Never heard I Never heard a Swedish person think this guy's funny.

We all take offense I've brought this guy up to you several times to was a joke too. You never laugh. Yeah, maybe get the idea Ken it's not funny I I know number two. Okay, what is it that Sweden invented husqavarna? Yeah, well we did.

Did we not? you did. Oh is that how you say it though? Does that bother you? How I say husar? no it's kind of cute I appreciate it. Well you shouldn't say however is oh, you're cold but you're Swedish We feel the cold just like anyone else. What do you mean it makes it so like I can't complain about being cold cuz cuz I know some will come under my shoulder and go well I thought you were Swedish surprise surprise I still get Cal Last but not least Ken what should you never bring up to a sued? do you Worship the Great Odin or Thor or tier Norway Norway never say anything good about Norway I don't want to hear it have I told you about Norway tell me about Norway Okay so for to go to Norway God have a slide ready for it.
Wow fell into that one All right Sweden has had many worse. We had STX Tden We had the Viking tden. We fought everyone for a while tden. it was pretty cool.

We have long history of fighting Ken but we also fight amongst ourselves just like you. Ken Oh the Denmarks and the Swedes. the Nors and the Swedes. The Norways and the Denmarks.

The the Denmarks and then Swedes there for back and forth and then everyone hates Sweden for some reason I Don't get it. Every Noric country were they making fun of us I don't get it. what do we do then in? um I don't remember when 1300s this Danish Queen came in and was like you guys should stop fighting. let's all be friends I think that's how it went down and we became friends.

Wow Yeah, it was beautiful. No. Ken it wasn't beautiful. Okay Sweden strong independent woman.

We want it out. Okay, you can Style on this image. we don't like these guys. Then this Legend showed up Gustava.

you know Gustava of course. Mhm. this guy. nice legs.

Thank you. There's a fun fact about this. I'm glad you brought this up. Apparently he saw one of the soldiers I was like that guy has nice legs.

Paint me those legs. those are not his legs. Those are not his legs. That's like the world's first.

Photoshop I Was gonna say like I don't know if his jacket's too big or if the legs are small like those legs. man those are fine. Draw those. Uh, he separated us from all this.

B That's a long history here. So I'm just going to fast forward why Norway is bad. Okay, first of all, they killed our King Not cool in the 1700s. apparently they shot their King I Feel like you would be pissed if someone did that to you.

It's not not cool man. You may have noticed he's being carried out on a giant pillow. Yeah, as was ironic cuz he was shot in the head. Is that his face? yeah I think he? yeah I think he's dead.

it looks like the freaking NS veratu vampire. we weren't so pretty back then. Ken I Just love they they gave him a pillow. it's like motherfucker's dead.

Well he got shot in the head. you know he got beautiful image, beautiful drawing, all right, more history speedrun. Just so you can know why Norway is bad. We had a French kid king for a while.

it's weird French King Sean Baptist or something like that. uh he complained I remember in history class he complained that Sweden was so cold right? Yeah yeah so I guess he wasn't Swedish then cuz he felt the cold he the cold. then we took over Norway finally and it looked like this from the 1800s to the 1905 for a 100 years Norway was like please, can we independent I don't know how to how toes know it sound like just really dumb. can we be independent? Can you? and Sweden's like no, there's legs though yeah legs in Sweden is a thing.
but then finally we were like okay, fine, just fine. Norway you can go. you can leave us after 100 years we gave up Norway Super happy they celebrate their independence and they do it way more than sweets which I don't like. All right, they're way happier about it.

They celebrate too much. Yeah, tone it down a bit. Norway Jesus Christ and then of course you know this happened Norway finds a trillion dollar. It's not my fault.

All right. No, you should be mad. you hunt oil all the time you're American you might wonder. Okay, why does Sweden not have the oil? It was our land.

Okay, we took Norway we just let them go. We deserve that money. It's like if if I give you something useless and then you sell it on eBay for 2 billion I want a piece of that trillion at the very least all of it and then go. but no, you gave it to me.

it's mine I can do what? it doesn't matter because I had it first. so I should at least get you what you gave it to me. it was trash to you and you know I just took advantage of the situation. Yes, it was trash to me.

but now I want it back actually I want it back. friends anymore now. No, it doesn't matter because it's mine now. No, it's mine.

Okay, well see what happens. Nori wasn't sure that they had found all the oil first. they were like I think there's something over here Sweds Hey Sweds think we found something. uh and they wanted.

yeah this is Norway finding oil. Uh they I ran out of time. okay uh Norway said to Sweden if you give us 40% of your Volvo precious Volvo your wonderful safe cars, we will let you in on this oil that we think we found and we're like no, you're not touching our volleball. You already got too much right? You don't deserve anything.

It's like it's if I give you something you sell it on eBay for a trillion and then you want something more out of me. But we could both make money. Why are you on their side? So yeah they were like oh we think we find all Let's Make a Deal Sweden says no that we're not doing a deal. we Vol too precious for us.

What happens Boom $1.1 trillion. It makes me sick just looking at it. Honestly, more than China should have gave him some Volvo man I don't know I know k I know cuz as I'm sure you know Volvo eventually sold in China so what the what was the point of that? Sweds have never really recovered from this at least I haven't It hurts me every day. As you can see, is you playing like The Walking Dead back in the day that's no that I was looking at Norway's GDP Well Ken you may think wow, this is pretty bad for Sweden but it get worse.
It can't get worse. No it get no. it gets worse. it gets worse North Korea You see this North Korean Gentlemen, uhhuh what car is he driving Ken definitely not a Volvo that is a Volvo Oh no yeah, you think you paid for that Volvo Ken Yes So basically in the 1970s this has been marked in history as one of the worst business deals.

After the Norway Fiasco where North Korea came to Sweden and was like hey, cool cars you got there Could you send us a couple of those? We send thousands. We're like okay here you go North Korea you repal North Korea Here's the cars worth of millions and millions. Anyway, here's the billing. pay whenever it's convenient for you.

They still haven't paid us 50 years and I don't think they're going to pay us I just don't for some reason I don't know why I don't think it's going to happen. Man is Volvo doing youing idiots you it so hard I curse wo God damn should this go on the list of things I should never ask a Swedish person about I think so? Yes even no Yeah, yes it does Ken Yes it does. What is this Volvo on the right Is this scrapping all the cars throwing? my probably probably because now fast forward today Volvo Sld to China so it didn't matter. Second, we import Norway's trash.

That's what we do now. So so you're telling me the Norway's over there living it up with all their money and we get their and they send Sweden their trash so that you can create heat and electricity. Do you pay for the trash? Most likely we're idiots, but it's okay Ken because Sweden we have F I Don't know if you heard about this. a coffee.

yes it's a coffee break. call it f it's awesome. Usually you have a lemonade or sft as we call it with the kenel bu our King wears really funny hats that's cool right? and Sweden twice population of Norway that's way better right? Okay and we have Midsummer wonderful tradition we the kakaka. Yeah yeah so we have the world famous that everyone knows.

Yeah Abba uhuh that's right. Yeah and of course PewDiePie they don't have him anymore. let's be honest he mov to Japan he's gone and that's why Sweden is the best country Yay Sweet! The best country ever which is why I don't live there anymore because I want everyone else to enjoy you removed yourself for everybody and this is for you guys should you should thank your thank your PewDiePie Sweden I Hope this was educational and that you learned a lot I learned a whole lot. Wow I Really understand Sweden now and it is the best.

It's the best! Don't say that you have your potato chips and your hamburger yeah I got hamburgers.

17 thoughts on “The real reason i left sweden.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cDenials says:

    I can't believe he didn't mention caramelldansen :c

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abe And His Babe says:

    Kalle Anka’s (Donald Duck’s) nephews names aren’t Piff, Paff and Puff. They are Knatte, Fnatte, Tjatte!! 🧐

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R D says:

    Eggnog = you fill it with bourbon/whiskey/sherry.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eldred says:

    I wanna escape LatAm

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leyore PLUS says:

    flaccid sweden XDDD

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumaiya Amin says:

    Sooo wholesome ❤❤❤😂😂😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars no proxy ego says:

    Why you left Sweden? Was it all the rape that the syrian immigrants were doing? Making Sweden the rape capital of Europe in 2016. A lot of good those open borders did huh?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vivaldy says:

    The old guy on the left contributes nothing to the video, but I actually loved the presentation 😀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Byström says:

    Also for a ”spoon” he shows a picture of a swedish butter knife 💀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Byström says:

    I love that these chads have super sweet and expensive headphones. Jacksepticeye also has real monster headphones a lot of the time

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smirna's Parlor says:

    Ken was kinda right tho, ABBA stands for the names of the 4 members: Agnetha, Benny, Bjorn and Anni-Frid

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frost Demen says:

    I feel like now we need a presentation from Ken to educate Pewds

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiamondShrines says:

    On the USA inventions list, you forgot to add…. THE INTERNET! You're welcome Sweden! lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethereal Plumbob says:

    The way I was proud of myself for knowing that Abba came from Sweden

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moze says:

    thats so cringe… and i like it

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniela Ryan says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomson Lindquist says:

    Knatte, Fnatte och Tjatte för fan! 😅

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