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What was that i was just going to say: why do i say dumb all the time you just launched into it, hey check out my tech talks. You want to check out my big box. You wan na check out check them out my chick check out my tick tock bro, you flexing your tick tocks at me, yeah, i'm flashing. You check this out.

Yeah yeah yeah check this out. I feel like this. One gets better. The more i look at it.

I just this dude is way beyond his years, everyone's living at the moment and he's like what, if they're all dead tomorrow, what, if ryze step up the moment, dude's thinking about his future and his afterlife well, at the same time, i love it. His friend is like dude. What the are you looking at yeah he's like what are you looking at? It's the sun. What is beautiful, honestly, look at those guard rays, video game.

I respect it. You know the older i get the more i'm the guy in the right and not the people on the left. That's how you know you're getting older, oh yeah. Moving on, i think, you'll, like this one americans call a rock melon a cantaloupe.

What i just found out that americans caught a flicky flicky willy dogger of light, i like the because it's like arugula and cilantro, or it's a rocket and arugula rock, and it's like yeah. I get that one but a rocket melon, a rock melon a rocket. No! It's a rock melon, it's a cantaloupe, even though i know that yeah don't put your dick in there. God say that again say what again say: whatnot.

Do you want that? What's your name come on, this is a rock got it all right, cool! Oh! Look at it: oh ew, ew, jack eww, oh yeah, yeah before you made the joke jack. Are you for it, because i'm epic, oh so you're, epic, so yeah so you're african, i'm childish, got it we're looking at tick, tocks, all right, let's just blend in with the environment, all right jack! We both live in brighton yeah. This could be you and me yeah. I know where this is.

I know this is i love the old lady she's, so good, and then the pandemic happened and no more fun bye, bye. Honestly, it wasn't this guy, but there was another guy who would dress up in like a fairy outfit and he had chalk and he would draw stuff in the chalk all the time and play music and he would just dance around at the churchill shopping center. Oh really, i've never seen that yeah we're just not that far from here so he's on his turf right here he is yeah. This is going to be drama when didn't happen.

Wait i'm going to follow this account. Init brighton! Oh any! I wonder if there's anything else in there, it's brought in any. How famous is brighton? Have you ever wondered how conspiracy, oh my god, yeah this is you. This is literally me what the march 28 2003 brighton's west pier, was mysteriously attacked by a group of arsonists and by the time firefighters arrived, the fire had spread too rapidly for them to safely fight the fire.

So these are. This is harry potter, music. In the background, bro just pour water on it. It's literally on water yeah.
I just drive jet skis near it and spray. I love how the first time i came to brighton, you went like full rabbit hole. Conspiracy on the pier for me, you, like convinced me of the conspiracy. I had no idea why? What are your mentors to convince you? It's one fact and one fact only they burn it down on purpose.

Man comment: how did it burn down? It was on fire. That's how it burns down okay cool well! This is just funny to me. Sorry, this is you and maya. This is me and my uh when your favorite human goes out and you're stuck with the other one shut, the hell up.

Why does she hate me? So much, why is it so bad? Oh i'm! So sorry, you have to be alone with me for like five minutes when my set goes down so sorry you're the screaming video game, man, she's, death, dude, oh, she might hear a thing and somehow she still hears you. We had such a monty python moment. Do you remember with the parrot the parrot just dead? You know when he yells at it? Oh yeah. We had like that with maya being beth, i'm like, i might say, she's.

You know she can't hear us right, she's like no. She can hear her very good maya. She doesn't care. Oh, this is a bb moment what the i was waiting for the first cat to do something and then spider legs came out.

Oh my god, it's happening. It's it's attachable legs right! No, it isn't. Where are the real legs? What sarah's real legs? What no he's just he's just a little different. No all right! I respect it.

Uh have you seen the movie sharknado? I haven't actually, okay, there's an easter egg in it. That's great we're watching sharknado 2. The second one, because we hate ourselves the flight attendant wants to see - was that kelly, osprey yeah. That was kelly, oxford, oh tara, reid.

What a weird crossover yeah wants her to sign her book that she wrote about surviving the sharknado, the butt i can't even get it out. The buttons listen to tables 3-1 are pretty common available. Most of the time you use the galaxy tab beyond those buttons are other buttons and symbols used in the tabs. I love her signature also for the record.

She signs her name the way she wrote her name at the complete cycle. Like a second grader, you can clearly see these. This is the instruction manual to a galaxy tab. Please hit play.

Please hit place. Okay, oh my god! That's detail that that's how you know they put extra effort. Yeah you might as well just put in that latin thing where it's just like laura or the fitnessgram pacer test. Oh man, yeah, that's just lazy and i love it well done kelly, osbourne good job.

What a credit to have to your name! Absolutely! You will know that the living god is there's so much happening in this clip. I don't know where, to start and among his commented said, bro what hell yeah it's such a weird meme preachers like that are basically just like the cringy teachers in school, who are just like right, kids, i know about it among us yeah, but raise your hand If you're sauce huh, i don't think i ever had a t-shirt like that yeah i didn't either they just exist on tick-tock. Apparently, apparently it feels like an american thing. Yeah, i'm cool right like me, please, you know what i don't know if it's better or worse, to have a teacher like that at least they're trying.
My teachers are just like a book just just learn. I think we had a lunch lady. That was kind of like that. We ever we made her cry one time because she we didn't like her chicken.

It was good felix yeah read the read the top comment on that video show the people. Oh lord, do you think that's what they said at the last supper? Judas was like yo jesus, the imposter vote. Him out. I think he's sauce bro.

He says like one of you is going to betray me and judas were like. I don't know can't be me. They were literally playing among us back in the day. It all makes sense.

It's not me playing mafia. Wherever is the werewolf put your hand up, i've never found a use for a bent screwdriver. I don't remember why i saved this. This is for.

Let me show you, this is called a trim screwdriver and they really only have one used. They turn these screws electricians like them, because i guess you can spin it faster. It's faster yeah, that's pretty cool! Sorry! Sometimes i just save stuff, because i won't. Let me show you what it looks like you got the phone set up, why for electrical switches and not just everything um, because it's just those are kind of fiddly.

I think maybe sideways you see, oh my god. I hope you're better at using the screwdriver than your camera. Maybe this is why you saved it. What is happening? It's so funny, it's making me so angry.

Is he happy to be doing this yeah yesterday yesterday? I hope so i don't know either way. I'm pissed off, i legitimately forgot about it, and then i saw it again. I'm like oh that's right. I wanted to see him screwdriver.

You have to follow for part two. Oh, i see that's fair at least now you can change time in tech talks. It used to not be able to and it was the worst. I know it's so annoying you're living an ordinary life, but you're jeremy - oh my god.

Oh my god isn't that spot on! Oh my god! Oh my god! If she wanted to see you seeking. Oh, my god, oh see it's fun in the beginning, because it's like oh charismatic, like energetic, happy people and then 100 videos in you're, like um they're, always like oh wow, humans aren't meant to exist like there's, no other new ones. Your personality - oh wow, that's so cool wow. Everything you've told me is just a lie.

I'm sure he's like that, all the time outside his videos, absolutely from my experience, meeting youtubers and influencers they're, always the exact same outside of their videos, but sometimes they are dead. That's true: it's going to be us jack, clean clean. Did you see that that was clean? I wasn't doing anything. I was fixing his porridge.
It was dirty yo shakespeare. I saw one yesterday of a dude tried to steal something and they had a pickup truck with a sprinkler in it and when they try and steal a package they just spray them with the sprinkler. Ah, how is package theft this big a deal? Have you ever had a package stolen? No, i don't think i've ever stolen. No british people in it.

They don't do it yeah. I feel like it just doesn't happen here. It's an american sort of trend. I think stop stealing each other's jeff bezos needs that money.

Actually, it did happen once and it wasn't american, i think about it, really yeah what happened like it? Just someone stole it. It said delivered lost yo. If you're watching this yeah and you stole pewdiepie's package, they don't it's fine, don't i'm over it, i'm over it. Bro, i'm over it's all right, all right, i'm not gon na make a video about it.

You should have you seen this one jay. No, i look forward to watching it with you. Okay, the gist of this game is to not laugh. Basically, i'm i'm familiar with the concept you are.

I figured you would be so why don't we? Why don't we play along jack? Okay, all right, i like the second and you at home as well. Oh man, oh, oh my god! I can't! Oh, you can do it. Man come on ghosts, you got it, you got it, you got it. Man come on.

Come, oh, that poor guy, oh god! Oh that was way funnier than i thought it was going to be yeah. It's so good. That was great. Here's.

What i need to teach edgar? This is the goal all right. You want a milk bone. You built like a milk bone. Let me get a woo come on.

Give me a word a longer one come on. I know you got it there. You go. Yeah sign shut him up, get him going, get him play fortnite with ninja.

Let's get it yeah the game that makes careers. Oh, oh uh, yeah, i mean you're a martha's fan. I've literally been watching all of them like back to back again so good. It's a very reward.

Rewatchable show is this the diabetes one, you clearly don't care. So why don't you just leave? I would like to stay this pertains to me. I would like you to leave. Why don't you go outside and take a shot of insulin and have a nap okay? Why do you always assume i have diabetes? You have a glass of apple juice and tell me that you don't have diabetes.

Okay, all right see just the noise you made when you stood up. I could that's a quick one. Yeah he's so good, oh jesus, the office is the best show. I love how they're all just dying.

Oh man, this poor puppy, oh no, i was attacked by a snake, it was attack. I love that twilight theme. Ah, just copyrighted we'll have to change it. He's fine he's fine for the record.

The dog is fine, looked it up, but it's just so funny. He looks like it looks like there's a filter on it. Yeah all right watch this a classic. Oh, what i don't understand how this works, this launches a rocket.
So if you steal you're gon na go to jail for killing somebody with that yeah, it's like. Have you ever seen those videos where it's like? Why didn't we make these inventions stick and it's like the car that has a wheel on the back that, like pivots it in 360 degrees? Okay, because that breaks super easily and people do trouble right, yeah yeah! For for dead will be injured, yeah what if he runs off with that in the middle of a crowded area? Ah, okay, okay, wait! So he this is his bag and he's supposed to steal it, and then it detects it and it just like locks him in how does it detect it? I mean: how does that lock him in i'm? Sorry, that's true, just tilt it sideways and run yeah bro. Just run oh so much effort just have this belongings be stolen. Most of the case has been taken up by the mechanism.

I don't what are you storing in there sandwich? They didn't really have practical ideas back in the day, did they? I mean you stored in your briefcase. Is that expensive, what it's modern art hey? It could be honestly making it soup. What are you doing, making soup cheer making soup? How did this come to come to be? Why did someone make this? I don't know why do humans do anything? Why did i save this? Why am i watching it? Why am i here helping yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay, you will laugh jack. Have you seen this no guaranteed, laugh, i'm giving this one.

My guaranteed slap laugh jacksepticeye. Okay, yeah a classic, throw my head back and the dog at the end. No don't do it bro, so yeah damn he said. No, with an aussie accent, no wait! What's the dog at the end, doing just comes out of frame.

It's so funny got these 20 foot high reinforced stone. I wonder if it's the same in ireland but yeah this one hit me hearing balls to repel invaders and four exits across the camp. If you're in need of a quick escape and as you can see it's very much intact you've, this happens way too often dude, i'm like why. Why why? Why even have the? Why exactly wait? They took down something like that.

I don't know. Are we all about like preserving here? We can't even they won't even destroy the red phone boxes in brighton because they're, like a part of a natural history thing yeah, you can like buy the phone box because you're not allowed to destroy them cool good, but this yeah, it's a sheep scared grass. Now english history is basically trust, me mate. This is what we mean.

I think marx just sent me this. Oh, are they going to kiss see it's not funny, because you know they're going to do it right, but it's kind of cute he's kind of cute man. Here it comes it's kind of sweet man. Oh they lost.

No love always finds a way. They're kissing. Is this love? This could be you and me jack, say why don't we have such lame pets? Jack huh? I know yeah. We were watching videos last night and there's like cats falling asleep in weird positions.
I'm like why don't you do that? You never do that. All you do is yell at me and yeah. I kind of i love bb, though super chill cat yeah he's cool, but still i want to put some glasses in the watch on him and have him high five people yeah right. They didn't think it's not a dog.

That's a doubt! Oh hell yeah! Oh, this could be uh. This is why this is why we never get the good stuff, the good memes. No, i hate you. I love this.

Sound cats are such i love you. I love you leave me the alone for at least a year. I just love the sound a hunter: oh yeah. He is, he killed a spider the other day.

Oh my god together, but not like this he's not like a heat-seeking missile yeah wow protein dude. You got ta protein. You got ta, try it. I should.

I was say we had like a big-ass spider in our kitchen the other day we sick, bb on him, and he like beat him into submission hell, yeah him up. He didn't eat him, though he missed out on some good protein. Oh bb! Well, that's kind of gross like don't eat the spider. No, no, a certain dominance.

Nah, that's gross nasty disgusting here comes the boy yeah. We should get top hats. We should headlights honestly yeah and owls. Okay, yeah, like i'm on our shoulder like harry potter, is cool right.

I think so. Owls are real, that's true. They can be trained, we're halfway there, let's go. Let's get it.

We just lack motivation. That's all that's true, too lazy, stanford gloucestershire, where sorry in sanford, gloucestershire yeah, it's actually a city in somerset called wells, but the main high street is exactly what it was like in hot fuzz, complete with the famous crown pub and right next to that. Oh, my god, you can go there, you can go there and just outside the high street, we tried to catch a swan in the park, still dorky, where they actually have a wanted poster for the swan in the window. We enjoyed our cornettos by the fountain and popped into the crowd to see their signed police jacket and enjoy a pint of lager and cranberry juice.

Before heading back to our tent to watch the movie hell yeah, that's a good thing that is so fun. I i have to go there. I have to for the greater good for those of you. It's from the movie hot fuzz, who don't know the best movie ever made uh yeah, it's great film stanford was a made-up place in police entrance exam for years before the film.

Really, i don't know i kind of want to google it now. I don't know, i guess we'll never know check this out. Stanford whoa, hell, yeah, there are pets and he got trees. Yeah dude sees a puddle and he's like he sees a puddle on tv yeah and he gets scared.

This is motherflopper. Okay, okay, yeah! Have you seen these no, but i'm excited about your time. I might slap a jack laugh. I might slide more jiu-jitsu kaizen in my life.
Hell yeah. Have you seen this? No okay, one punch man right here. Baby, it's even ready, yeah, that's pure raw power. This is like the nightmare.

You have right when you're trying to punch someone in a dream and you can't hit them. Have you ever had that dream? Sometimes yeah yeah. This is that happening in real life. Let's go, let's go.

Let me try it now respectable yeah yeah yeah 588. Oh my god! How are you allowed to get up and put your trousers on in the morning? How do you not just fall over dude? Hey hey come on come on come on, although i do have a story about me trying one of these out on a holiday when i was like, i went 12. punch it and i was in sandals because we're in lanzarote, you know it's a hot place. It's down by the coast of africa, absolutely! Yes, i had sandals on.

I went to punch it and my sandals slipped under the machine and it ripped all the skin on the top of my foot back and i ended up with this like, like a whole bunch of layers of skin, on the top of my pull back. It was so gross bro and i missed the thing so i'm that guy, i kind of want to see that tick. Tock now can you do you have that i wish so you you have empathy for this man. I understand.

That's a bro trust me. Oh yeah wow jack. Thank you for letting me show you some fresh tick-tocks, no problem. It's always a good day.

Yeah, that's really fun down. I don't upload anymore. There's no point! Okay! Well, can you tell them to check out me then check out. I upload way too much for my own sake.

Please guys do you guys love reddit, so this video nice shout out shout out to you. You might even see every now and then all right, bye, bye. You thought it was gay, but true relevance never really died. Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber.

Simulator. Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers. Our emotions means our emotions, express your emotions with me. Share them for likes, share them for love, get up for free and who knows, maybe i'll review your memes, the greatest honor of all time, full circle, baby download it make a meme.

We need subtitles on this.

16 thoughts on “Showing jack my tik toks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teck Lé Pheonix says:

    Pewdiebro, I think you'd be a great beatboxer. I dunno if you do or even have tried but you have a pretty well developed throat bass.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MiniFlightlessBird says:

    Okay but the best thing about BEING a teacher like that is… You get to make an entire room of children cringe. THE POWER.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars finalbreath15 says:

    Apparently the punching bag machine fights back when it sees Jack lol what did you do to it?!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mackenzie Parkening says:

    The screwdriver is used for outlets. People like them because you're less likely to shock yourself.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumito Richeson says:

    The church with the pastor is from Portales New Mexico. He's the youth pastor. He's actually a really nice guy.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Bonaventure says:

    I am not kidding about this
    my school has an among us handbook in the library

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juli Stolk says:

    Can confirm that it does happen in the UK as well, I once had an amazon package stolen and another time (in another flat) I had my Hello Fresh box stolen.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Nicklin says:

    in my old house i got my cat to go and kill a rat or something in our front garden but he helped it across the road. LMAO

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stmbabi 69 says:

    As an American, I have never had my packages taken. Probably depends on the area and the relationship with the neighbors.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ysabelle Dela Cuesta says:

    That bad romance tiktok got so trending in the Philippines, our English teacher thought it'd be a good idea to do our daily attendance singing the intro.

    It was a rough day that day…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oraculumm says:

    electric whisk is held up by an opaque thread, can see if you look just above the whisker

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'll buy that For a dollar says:

    If you guys did a whole episode of nothing but watching office bloopers… I could die at peace and happy

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Honest Exclusive says:

    Being from Brighton myself, its a city of many things. Ive met many musicians who were local before they became worldwide. I feel blessed to be living in Brighton sometimes.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brittney Ihrig says:

    You find CANTALOUPE (whatever the fuck that is) weirder than a rockmelon… Are you guys HIGH or what!?!?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Game Tube911 says:

    Cantaloupe is Italian
    And the guy in yellow in the “Brighton before lockdown” video looked like KSI when he wore that jazz suit

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Tee says:

    I definitely made one of those weird involuntary grunt laughs at "raise your hand if you're sus."

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