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Reaction, videos, that's what it's all about! Isn't that right! Ken! That's right! I have oh. I am so happy. You've introduced me to reaction videos saved my life playing games for living. I thought we're gon na learn from the best today.

Ken i see we're gon na react to reaction videos - that's right, oh yeah, and we're doing it purely so we're gon na rate every single reaction channel as well. Do you remember like two days ago when i was like he's like? I reacted mr beast, and i was like i got ta react to reacting to mr beast. Oh now we're reacting to reactions. It all comes full-time.

I didn't have a similar idea. Okay, okay, like like it was original anyway, come on, sometimes i'm real desperate for years. I go to other reaction channels to see what they're reacting to okay and then i was like you know. I wanted to react to the reaction.

Videos, maybe we'll learn something i don't know. I haven't actually watched sniper wolves in a in a while. So, let's check it out, it's me today we're checking out some cool things. You've, probably never seen before.

Why i look naked, i'm not there are straps, it is a halter. This is the okay. She does someone say that she's not naked. Yes, she i noticed that they don't think she said it to be fair yeah, i'm thankful she's got captions on there.

I couldn't understand what she was saying. So that's good uh. What's your editor's name again, scott scott, you better start adding subtitles simon says. Do you remember back in the day we would edit like we would do our montage videos? I would do that.

I would spend days doing that. I was oh. It takes so long geez. If you can see the the timeline of like edits, it was nuts.

It must be easier to do now. You think so no, but i like this thing, so poor poor person who had to add subtitles on sniper deepest swimming pool in the world. Okay, it doesn't look that big right and then wait till you go inside what there's the whole entire atlantis in there i've seen this actually come on and she clearly has as well. Well just wait until you see what's inside what what's inside what see! This is something i can take away from.

This already is because when i react to anything, i never watch it before i do, and sometimes it's a mixed bag. You know. Sometimes i regret watching it amazing yeah yeah, totally kind of like the video we do sometimes - and we just end up talking about anything but the video, yes yeah. So like there's, nothing actually here.

So, let's just how. How was your weekend all right, more stuff that we haven't seen an abandoned school? I really went down an abandoned school. What kind of school did you go to snap and you see that hole at the bottom? It goes down even further, and what do i do if i want to go exploring? If i do, if i drown the lifeguards in there, then go get me out on time. They make you sign a waiver before you go swimming it's very fast.

I feel, like videos have gone so fast lately, like all the best performing ones. We are clearly way too slow we're boomers who's just like behind. We are we're boomers, and so you got ta. You got ta slap, it full of edits to keep your attention and you got ta make sure there's no down time.
If you see any dip, you know you got ta, you got ta change. What you're doing go back and look at your watch time. No time to reflect why whatsoever just like boom boom boom hit him hit him with her okay. Should we try to do the same type style of commentary? No, we should.

We should do it together. We should just yeah yeah at the same time, yeah all right. So we're reacting to the deepest swimming pool in the world. Here we go all right, wow.

That must be something. Oh, my god, dude! Look how deep it goes. It looks like it's breaking school like uh, it's all just fun, but uh yeah. It's intentional right! There's a reason that you do right, yeah, she's, doing really well for a reason time.

Yeah from my experience, you receive the most growth when you target the younger audience right and so to make things quick and snappy and add some spur squirrely effects and all this other stuff, it catches their attention and gets them. You know glued to it for a little bit instead of like us boomers talking, you know, they've already clicked off and went watch somebody else and came back see if we're still talking and we are - we also got. We forgot to take our shirts off ken, so it looks like we're naked. My buttons stuck luckily stop again.

Stop it what's wrong with this fan. Why is it built like that? It's not a fan. It's a hat, wow all right! That's actually pretty neat, though i thought they just like: they only did the subtitles in the beginning, there's hope side. I wonder why the subtitles are only in the beginning, maybe because we don't have their volume or something so you can read it.

You know what i think i know where it is: it's kind of obvious when you think about it. You know how you hover over a video and it starts like playing it's. You know yeah it's to get that those people in is it this always starts. It's me yeah, do you shoot? Oh, i guess it does now.

Doesn't it yeah? I thought it used to like start just like randomly yeah somewhere yeah. I don't do anything. Actually. I learned something from sniper there.

You go um, i'm not gon na. Do it, though, but don't worry inside, i won't make it okay, sniper wolf, i think, beats a tier, the a tier yeah. I think best here s tier i mean everyone. Everyone just basically rips her off these days, so that makes sense.

Yeah yeah, even the thumbnails yeah you're right, that's another aspect of sniper. Wolf is everyone's doing her thumbnail. You have like eight different faces. You put on a red background and stick it beside whatever your video is about.

She's done the red background thing with the reaction face and then everyone started copying it yeah. What about the red? That's so popular! No one knows all right. Moving on to the next reaction channel, oh speaking, of squeezing down videos to just over eight minutes long. So you can get those mid-rolls in there here we are.
Mr beast's reacts how about that? Okay, all right! Well so much sense. Actually i love oneness at least yeah. It's so weird how youtube changes in ways that we don't even like acknowledge like i used to make five minutes videos all the time and then youtube changed it to okay. Well, now, if you want to make any money off your video, you have to make it at least 10 minutes all of a sudden.

All videos are 10 minutes and then youtube is like no. No really. You need like a lot of watch time and all of a sudden videos are like 20 30 40 minutes an hour and then we're still stuck in that. You know what yeah yeah exactly now they're, like you know what you you're just making them short now and it's like god, damn it make up your mind.

What are you? Oh, my god, not tick-tock goddammit youtube's got ta compete with literally all of it. You remember. We had to make google plus accounts just to log into our youtube stuff picture, what a joke that was. I think you still actually have to use it.

Don't you they merged it with some other stuff, but yeah yeah. They did the same story over and over again is like. Oh, this thing is popular: let's copy it and make like the crap version of it and then in four years maybe it'll be decent when nobody cares anymore. That's basically, what happened to youtube gaming is that you know there's a flop and now, after they've paid for people to stream, then it's starting to have some success yeah.

Who would take that all right? So when we're watching hydraulic press, how can they they have? The same font, can they not change the font? Maybe they have the same editor? Maybe well i don't know. I doubt it call that, mr, oh, my god, it's the exact same well, who did it first who's got. Who lays claim to the fun? I don't exactly. I bet neither one of them paid for the oh, my god, that's insane.

Why is that secret youtube hack? It's not just the fun. It's also like the black stroke on it too, like oh yeah yeah, even the yeah, that's true i'll see he doesn't do it in all these hydraulic presses, which is why it was done by professionals safety. First up we got the big behemoth versus a bunch of paper. Does it just like cut a hole in the middle? This is what we need to do when we start a video.

We introduce anything like what we're doing. What's going on yeah it's six seconds in and we're on to like the clip this whole, the six seconds of intro has more like effects than i have in my entire video. This is pretty much acting reacting to like the new generation. Basically, why is it so fast? I don't even know what's going on? Who is this guy? Is this the guy that used to donate to ninja? We got the big behemoth versus a bunch of paper.
Does it just like cut a hole in the middle of it? Nope, how long do you think they record to get like these eight super condensed? Eight minutes depends on that. It's making 12 minutes, but it's so cut down. How do they make it so tight? They have to record a long time, though i don't know jeez, because i get bored of anything after 20 minutes. I can't do it anymore.

What if it just comes out - and it's got words all over - what's the object like if i'm watching hydraulic presses for more than 30 minutes, i got nothing else to say at that point right, that's true! It went squishy and got it like i'll. Look at some clips that be great to react to, but then i go. That's only like three minutes. How am i gon na get like a 30 minute video out of that? You know but impossible they're, seeing what it takes to cut it in half and now they're trying this pointy thing, okay, which i feel like this is gon na work, yeah that exploded that did explode.

He got halfway through, though it's better than anything else. So for a ball two balls, it must be a male you're busting, my balls man, all right, it doesn't look like the balls are busted. You know i don't know what's happening nice. Is that what we got ta do fast.

We got ta go fast, all right. Let's try it. We also have to watch the clip first and then pretend we haven't watched it, but we just did so it's perfect: okay, cool cool yeah, because they're not they're, editing it to be like that. You're, not yeah right.

That's a good point right right. I was thinking that's the part where we would segue into a story about like strongmen how they like take like phone books and rip them in half and how that was cool. When i was a kid, i never did that, but that just sounds cool. Ripping a phone book remember those phone books, whoa put the boomer alert on it boomer alert.

Oh you just wanted us to look old again. I get it. Stop stop with the anecdotes. Okay.

Clearly, no one gives a it's all about reaction and videos. You got six seconds talking about. Uh telephone books go okay; they like people's names, all right all right! That's it! I'm not! Really too sure we just watched on that. You're going to you got to get a heart attack, sniper war yeah.

No, it's just making the science right. Okay, let's see i mean watching that video sad face sad face for me. Sad face uh, i'm i was thinking happy face no yeah. Well, so maybe come on.

Maybe in between then come on come on. You can do it. You can do it, you can go against the army of mr beast, i know it's. I know it's here.

Obviously. Obviously this is just the other side of like you got the high energies fast stuff and then you got like the opposite, which is which is charlie and he's just he's chilling. I don't know that. Is your air conditioner on what is that noise? That's my computer! Gee is this thing's about to take off man around the room? They can't hear it because i have like the software uh changing the audio, but for you yeah, it's awful i'll turn around one second, so they know what ken is going through.
There you go enjoy everyone, oh this one's, just the classic. We've all seen that i think that guy's, a completely slang stud, i'm still asleep sleep - is so good sleep people. I remember when my girls did this on twitch, where they would keep the gameplay. For some reason like in the corner, that's the real way to do react.

Jesus, i was just thinking. The the video that he was reacting to at the beginning is a beer that i did like a month ago. Any video i ever react to charlie's done like four years ago. Yes, yeah, i didn't realize, he's seen it all man he's seen all the good.

Is she advertising real world trading right now? I could so tell like this hotel that you're sleeping um - i must be speaking to an automated recorder. Oh this is a guy today, alicia right um, it's kind of hard to follow. To be honest, i think she doesn't know what's going on. I think he should be uh speaking constantly and adding some panels.

This is not doing it for me. I'm sorry, charlie! That's a garbage all right, so we're rating charlie. Now, what would you rate charlie is penguin zero if you're trying to find his stuff penguins with the z and zero okay huh? What were you right, charlie? I think i think uh. He didn't apparently sad face because, like what the was he doing, i didn't understand anything, i'm a huge, charlie simp.

What are you talking about? Oh wait. Sorry. This is wrong. Charlie.

There we go. I thought he was joking. Do you think that was him for a second i'm, so confused, that's garbage! Oh! No. How could you, how dare you why, where you put him charlie, is my favorite person to have come on my channel and make me feel like you put him down here and then what come on? I'm your favorite person, yeah.

Of course you are you're, my favorite. All right there you go all right. Let's go watch some real reaction, videos ken this - has all been garbage. So far.

Here we go here. We go all right. I need to remind your dad. You see you're only here at the beginning, come on man we're watching this video 52 million in a day.

Oh you, you did it proud of you. You did the pretend that you didn't know what you're doing thing at the beginning, heck yeah. What did i do? What do you mean? We're, like you were scrolling you're like? Oh, my god, how many views that have we're doing this one? You know you already knew yeah. Of course.

What do you think i just like hit record and i have no idea what i'm going to record? Well, i know, but that's the way you present in the video right is that it i don't know it makes it better. For some reason i don't know what it is talking smack about the greatest channel reaction channel. I haven't actually watched it. It's not even number one in trending.
What does it take to get them trending? Then? If you don't pick these kimberly on the other day, that's not good enough see i'm adding some interesting commentary before the video has even begun. Okay, we're out of touch man. You haven't told me to look at your graph, yet oh you're right! This is painful. I didn't realize how painful this would be.

Just sell your souls to the devil kind of views, mr peace. What what did you do? Pretending like? I wouldn't do that come with on grand here, i'll just show you the only funny bit chris is on you. Hey victory, if you're wondering where she just fell, don't worry, there's a giant foam pit down there, she's fine, damn it you would it's one of the things that make people laugh is that you do the opposite of what others like the scary game where everybody comes And gives the guy a high five and you go there like smacking, my balls, oh yeah, yeah, that's what it's all about like a girl falls through and you're like everybody's, like? Oh, oh, no, but it said you're like dang. It he's not dead.

I like this one shows up like me, looking completely beaten down no where's, my favorite one at where's, my favorite picture. No, this is that that's too old, i can't be bothered. You know the one this is. This is good too.

It looks like i'm like completely soulless. I i appreciate that i thank you, the verge yeah. It looks like that that thumbnail that you you've made for forever yeah yeah, probably would like seats here. You think your c tier yeah, c2 you're like that you're, like the youtube godfather man, whatever you do, everyone else starts ripping off.

So you know what no they do that on sniper wolf. Now, it's not true anymore. Let's get real beat here at best, be here. Yeah at least right, okay, i'll put eight here, no listen! I don't watch my videos, let's see how long it takes for you to get into the actual video it's going to take a minute 30 seconds.

Okay, maybe the cringiest the cringiest person on night. If you guys hey right now, who is oh, it doesn't say yeah this time. It said you last night, you know it was just a preset thing. You forgot to do it, it wasn't me and be funny yeah.

I can't believe colleen is still doing. She told me i reacted to him like years ago. Her smash life, her i was talking about debbie and how she sleeps everyone i'm going back and going back over the previous video ken. What are you doing? This is 20 seconds in and you're just the best graph on youtube right there, a minute and 20 seconds unacceptable.

I don't know, i mean look. Look. My audience is just older. All right, there's more refined than your entire layers.

Hey you got. You got a analytics to back that up bro. I bet you. My audience is older than yours and smarter.
Do you think yours is older than mine yeah? I think it's so big look look at what we're like yeah mine's older than yours. Oh my god. What is mine, the reaction videos have conspired against this. They were supposed to bring this.

I hate reality tv so much, and i think that's that's funny that i react to it because i just can't stand it really. I hate it so much yeah. I would like to leave the room when mary would like be watching stuff like that back in the day, yeah, so very opinionated about trash tv, which i always find funny, because it's like no but like you watch it and you know it's trash like i put On my page, where it's like other channels that watch your videos, pewdiepie's number one and then jacksepticeye - oh, oh, there's the pewdiepie highlights channel well, let's go watch that okay! So now we're going to raid cinnamon touch game. Oh, like all.

The pictures of me are like four years old, at least hey yeah, hey yeah. Well, excuse me: no! No! No! No! No! What is this b tier b tier, the greatest reaction channel of all time? All right! Sorry! Thank you! Thank you! That's that's more like it. Now put me down there with charlie i'll i'll sit down there with him all right, we're raining all day, right, yep, all the reaction channels that matter rated. We did it.

We learned a couple things here today, but it's pretty interesting. Thank you for uh joining me. We got six seconds to sign up guys check out ken if you want to subscribe to the video and make sure to like subscribe in all the videos - and i see you tomorrow, bye, you get two seconds come on. There's your birthday birthday!.

16 thoughts on “Rating/reacting to reaction channels”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OperatorPigeonman says:

    I much preferred when reactors react to people reacting to them reacting to the reactors when they are reacting to the people reacting.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars than217 says:

    Ken: "Remember when we had to make Google Plus accounts to log into our youtube stuff?… what a joke that was."

    Nope, I created my youtube account before Google owned it and rejected all attempts to pair it to any Google accounts. lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ave LWH says:

    I don't like ken. I find him off-putting 😐 and not funny at all🥴 …I don't get his style, it doesn't mix with PewDie's, not at all!::..😵‍💫 can't watch these videos with Ken. Unwatchable

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yamatano Orochi says:

    I'd rank charlie low just because he keeps talking over everything
    Otherwise I suck him

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herpton Herptinson says:

    > "Look how deep it goes"
    > zooms into the female woman™ face

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deppressed duck says:

    well everyone here reacted to this reacting video of reacting videos and if someone makes a reacting video of pewds and ken reacting to reacting videos then i ofc will be reacting to that reacting video thats reacting to pewds and ken reacting to reacting vids.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carly Pomplun says:

    The best friend feud between Pewds and Charlie fighting over Ken's love and best friend slot. 😅 Pewds is so jealous it's cute. I can be the same jokingly with my friend group. I love Charlie and I can't wait for him to make satire on reacting this.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conforzo says:

    Anyone noticing the soft R&B version of Ding Dong Merrily On High in fhe background for the last like 12 videos?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hana Watanuki says:

    Mary, who secretly hot glued all of Ken's button ups to ensure he doesn't get naked on camera: 》Mission Accomplished《

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Trump says:

    Sive….. great work my bro. this video was epic. so funny.. cuz im boomer so funny

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quinn Johnson says:

    I love ken. I subbed to Ken. I love bear man. He makes funny video. I want to meet bear man, from a distance. Go eat a sandwich or something. God damn. Mofa fana want to go blito. I'm Quinn Johnson

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gilkhorn says:

    I think Felix forgot what his vidos used to be like, tight and not much talking. just react bro hahahaha

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Happy Sad says:

    Pewdiepie is such a hypocrite u were shitting on jynx and reaction channels now your whole channel is a reaction channel

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dweeb Gaming says:

    penguinz needs to now react to them reacting to his reaction video .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mei Li says:

    Now I need Pewds to steal off Charlotte Dobre and react to bridezilla videos 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baki hanma Baki says:

    REEE face torso Leg rip edgar2 wat sexybrad slippy SIMP Sven Ricardo Notvegan smolpp angry yes jojo Tambo pewd FloorGang Hand1 String1 YoYo1 Duck Elon GOLD1 Brofist OUH Boosh FloorGang2 Wave zerodeaths Cocopewds reee Perry JojoNO JojoYES GOLD Barrel uh1 FRIP Melon Brofist2 Head2 Torso2 Leg2 Jörgen

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