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Yeah, yes, i'm continuing, don't know you can't cancel me no! No! This is for science, i'm doing this for science. We have to finish. We have to finish. We have to first off.

I want to make some changes. My man rasputin got ta go ate here. For those of you who don't know this guy was fed cyanide and his food and drink showed no symptoms, so he then was shot, but that wasn't enough to stop him. So he started fighting back against whoever shot him chased him out then eventually got shot again, but then they thought he was dead, but apparently that was not it.

When they did the autopsy on rasputin or rasputin, he didn't die from the sinai. He didn't die from the bullet wounds. He died from drowning because they threw his dead body in the river. That's definite at day two.

I also kind of want to move up the lawyer guy, because it's so funny the fact that he won the case. So this guy tried to prove how his client was innocent, because you could have just so easily shot yourself. He tried to prove that you can shoot yourself by accidentally shooting yourself and he died, but he won the case. It's a happy story.

He won case. So here we go here, we continue. Don't cancel me. Cancel science, cancel history; okay! Well, i'm definitely not.

Reading. Some of these michael goodwin, a criminal convicted murderer, was initially given a death sentence of elect through fusion before being re reduced to life in imprisonment. Instead, goodwin then died from electrocution when he bit into the wires, while attempting to fix a broken television set at the same time sitting on a metal toilet in his presence here. Jesus christ wait.

That's some final fantasy. Is that what it's called? Not there? No! It's not final fantasy final destination. What's wrong with you, felix that's definitely seat! Here i like that. You can't escape death, a worthy mention.

This guy was so excited about, jumping out with a parachute that he forgot to wear the parachute. Are you kidding me so he was carrying video equipment and i guess he mistook it for a parachute. That's just sad! I don't like that, but it's kind of kind of funny. It's kind of fun.

Oh, my god, daniel john o'brien, committed by living by jumping into a british airway 747 engine naked scaled two fences with barbed wire on top fought off four security guards and commandeered a four-wheel drive vehicle which he drove into the jet sitting on the runway with his Engines running i got ta commend his his will to die. I got ta say: oh, oh! No, it's a sad story! No! No 38 year old, gary hoy, a lawyer in toronto, fell from the 24th floor of the toronto dominion center jesus christ, while demonstrating that its windows were unbreakable. He threw himself against one which, true to his assertion, did not break but instead popped out of its frame. Ah, that's so cruel.

Why is life so cruel, hey, look, unbreakable windows, oh god! Damn it! I wonder what that that's what he thought. What do you think when that happens, i'm like kidding me. I don't even care about this stupid glass window - god damn it! Oh this sucks. Well at least i showed them right.
Am i rating this? I think it's pretty high up. I like it rest in peace. Gary bless your soul. Okay, this one is great basil brown, a 40 year old health food advocate.

Why are health food advocates insane so he died from liver damage after he consumed 70 million units of vitamin a and around 10 viewers gallons there is 40 liters of carrot juice over 10 days, so you drank four liters of carrot juice every day. That's not! I mean yeah, that's a lot and then 70 million units of vitamin d turning his skin bright, yellow and the uh, oh, which is called keratinosis, benign and reversible medical condition where excessive dietary results in orange discoloration of the skin layer. You know these, they tell us. Oh eat the carrot, you'll see better in the dark.

That's what they told me, but reality eat carrot and you become a carrot and i'm not okay with that. So apparently it causes the same sort of effect as alcohol poisoning. That's kind of crazy. Oh my god! Oh, my god, an entire football team of 11 in the dominican public were fatally struck by lightning, while playing the other team left the scene unharmed.

Are you kidding me? It killed all of them. Sorcery is often used in the region in an attempt to influence soccer games. They were tied. Stop there's too much evidence cool, i believe in witchcraft.

Now, thanks thanks a lot. Let's see bro i'm reading all of these stories and there's so many young ones that are so like random just makes you think just life man. It could end at any moment. Oh my god, i've heard about this one.

I don't even want to read it because it's so gross, but i remember kids told me about this in school that there was this guy who volunteered himself for a cannibal to eat him, and then the cannonball became a vegetarian in prison good for him out god. Damn it, oh, my god, some of these are just tragic. I don't i don't want to read it. I've heard about this one too.

I don't want to read it because it's so gross, stop it the guy that keep being poo poo with the horse. Then, of course we have you know i'm not going to rape, but s t or legend suburban rest, your soul, jesus christ. So this woman was just minding her own business on a boat and a giant-ass stingray. This just leaped out of her hit her head instantly.

Killing her, but the stingray died as well good you stingray i had enough of yet the race are protected in florida that waters yeah well, they can't protect themselves from themselves idiots bro, there's way too many young people on this list guys don't die. Please, okay! Well, this is a classic one and you know i hear people reference this all the time like a fun. Little fact, hey did, you know, did you know, did you know? Did you know so i don't think i can get cancelled anymore, because people say this story. All the time about how the owner of the segway died of a segway jimmy hasselton 62 died after apparently riding a segway system off a cliff.
He was just trying to allow a man walking his dog to pass him, so the dog killed him, not the segway. Thanks dogs, i have never riven ridden a segway and i will never need to ride a segway. Thank you, modern technology. Thank you for nothing.

As always, hey, remember those casey neistat walking things that everyone had for a minute. Why can we stop inventing things that doesn't help anything? I can walk. You understand this, i don't i don't get it all right. I guess this is such a famous one and he gets on the list and everyone did you know.

Do you agree divorce? Sure? I'm sorry what oh this is so creepy father bites his own son for being possessed by a snake okazaki city a 23 year old was killed at the hands of his own father. Investigation showed the victim was assaulted, which included head button and biting the father. Having been arrested confess that he did it to drive the snake that had possessed him, apparently, the son was acting violent and erratic, saying that he was a snake and the dad was trying to drive the snake out of him. This sounds like some zuma.

I don't like it. No, this is creepy uh, a dog ran over a man in a car, okay, what the uh someone died from a beaver because he tried to pick up the beaver to take a selfie with the beaver. Don't do that? Don't do that! Don't pick up beaver with selfie jesus christ god, so many of these just makes me so uncomfortable, like this person died from cryotherapy machine set to the wrong level, eliminate the oxygen in the chamber. It's like it feels too much like final fat destination, final fantasy.

I don't like it, i don't like it stop it. Oh my god, 54 year old man died after eating a bag of black licorice every day. For a few weeks see i knew black licorice wasn't actually like it's actually bad for you, a bag and a half. That's not that doesn't sound like that.

Much right. It caused such low potassium levels that his heart stopped. Licorice contain an acid. I know it imbalances, your hormones too yeah.

As someone who loves black licorice, i could easily eat a bag and a half hang on. Damn. Damn i can't believe that man, just like black licorice man, okay, we did it. Thank you for watching this series check out the other episodes.

I'm done. Okay, i'm done i'm not pushing my luck any further. This is it a lot to learn a lot to live. Appreciate life go outside, have fun bye.

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We need subtitles on this.

13 thoughts on “Rating the dumbest deaths in history #3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katy Joseph says:

    Dear God, I never thought I’d be confronted with clear sorcery on an old socc—I mean football match, but damn. I mean, Christianity tells me it’s out there, but I don’t wanna think about witchcraft except in film. AND THAT WAS SUCH A PETTY USE OF USING LIGHTING TO MURDER! OVER SOCCER?!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kode. [Not going to post a last name] says:

    There are others who said it wasn't even drowning, it hypothermia, it was too cold for Rasputin

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legend no Densetsu says:

    I heard the window didn't break when hitting the ground too but can't confirm, I read that a long time ago

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tove Ek says:

    Fun death from old gothenburg. Man nr 1 went to get some money back form a dude who owed him like 2kr, an argument started. Man 1 hit man 2 with a plank 3 times and man 2 fell to the ground. Man 2 had a reputation of pretending to be dead, so man 1 ignored the fact that he didnt move and walked home. man 2 was in fact actually dead

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars finalbreath15 says:

    I thought the Rasputin story was cool when I read about it, drank a beer for a while called Old Rasputin and its pretty good! Not gonna lie first time I heard the name was Destiny lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krazy Frogue says:

    Fact about Armin the cannibal: He wont eat the person unless they are willing to be eaten like the first person who volunteered. The moment he got to Armins mansion, he changed his mind and told him he does not want to be eaten anymore and Armin just let him go. The second guy was willing to be eaten and they even ate his PP together while he was bleeding.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miimu 2000 says:

    Anyone else just thinking:
    "Stupid deaths, stupid deaths
    They're funny cuz they're true
    Stopid deaths, stupid death
    Hope next time it's not you"?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kimberlee Catena says:

    The dog that ran over the man with a car and the person that died trying to take a selfie with a beaver. 😄 My lord.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hm Vollbanane says:

    I remember a tv series on this topic airing in Canada during my exchange year there.
    The best story that got stuck in my head were a couple of junkies that found some unmarked containers outside a paint factory and decided to sniff it. Apparently it wasn't just paint but some highly concentrated residue from the production process which caused them to get way higher than they expected and caused them to experience intense overheating. As a reaction they took the left over liquid and just poured it over themselves. Due to the mixture containing a high alcohol concentration it started to evaporate immediately upon coming into contact with air and especially on their body due to their own body heat which caused them to start freeze and shiver from the cold upon which they decided to light a cigarette to ease their nerves resulting in both turning into an infernal flame immediately.
    And they actually showed the surveillance camera footage of the incident on tv in the middle of the day right after school ended. Canadian television is truly something else

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kAi ube says:

    I’m thinking of my self dying interestingly so pewdiepie can review my own death😎😎😎

    I don’t know maybe i get a big PP

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KuMien says:

    I once read about construction worker that died in Toi Toi (that portable toilet that are always on buliding sites) cos he was driving bulldozer or other heavy construction machinery, and he wants to shit, do he goes next to that Toi Toi and goes insinde it, but he forgot to pull handbrake on buldozer and it fucking run him over while he was shitting

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qwerty Finger says:

    I know im super late to this but am curious to know if pewds or anyone heard about the woman who's husband was arrested for her murder until it came to light she was actually kicked to death by a drunk moose?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHADOW 最高 says:

    This is good. Stupidity is something that needs to be pointed out so people are reminded to not be stupid. Don’t die doing something stupid kids.

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