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Dumb ways to die so many dumb ways to die: yeah back with the new camera new mic shaved face ready to rate some dead people's deaths. I really appreciate all the sport in the last video i had so much fun and i'm glad you guys enjoyed watching him last episode. We rated the ancient greeks mainly and it was hilarious, and i have moved up turtleman from i think c tier to eight here, because okay, so he died because an eagle dropped the turtle in his skull. He died from baldness.

The turtle thought his head was was a rock, but the best part is that there there was a prophecy about him, saying that on that specific day you will die in a house or a house will crumble on you or something like that. So he was all paranoid about. I better go outside. Nothing can hurt me outside, except turtles falling from the sky.

I just love the images they make me happy now, moving on to the middle renaissance time baby. Maybe it gets weirder. I don't know uh. This is called victims of the 1580s dance plague.

Excuse me what this is an historical event in the holy roman empire. Now wait. I thought you were talking about. Oh, it happened many times.

Dance plays are a thing we got ta watch out. Look at these dudes. They can't stop what am i looking at she's, clearly, not dancing because it happened twice: uh huh between 50 and 400 people took to dancing for days and they danced to their deaths. It's called a stress-induced mass hysteria, okay, whatever all right sure, uh dumb.

That's dumb. That's dumb, as hell e, very disappointed. It made me laugh though. Okay, another uh death from laughter, this uh dude was italian.

Who is it all right? This joke is off the hook. Man there's got ta, be some pickle, rick level. Okay, let's hear this joke uh. He died from laughing too much at an obscene joke during a meal in venice.

That's it! What was the joke? It was so funny. No one lived to tell the tale the ultimate joke, my god, it exists. Italians found the ultimate joke. F, i'm gon na have to extend the act here soon.

Hey i've heard about this. Everyone was talking about this hans steininger. Look at this dude. Look at that man's beard, hell yeah! He died from his beard.

He died when he broke his neck by tripping over his own beard. His beard was 4.5 feet, 1.40 meters long and was usually kept rolled up in a leather pouch. Well not today rests his soul. He died from his greatest strength.

The irony i like that one. I don't think we're gon na get two beer deaths, but honestly, who knows seat here, moving on to early modern period? Maybe better? I don't know we have francois vatel this guy. Okay, this guy was so upset because he had a big party of 200 2 000 people and he was so mad that the seafood was late. His delivery of seafood for the party that he committed suicide with his sword and his body was discovered when someone came to tell him about the fish.

Ah, oh mamma mia. Sorry, it's like the shittiest sofa pro or something it does. Doesn't it anyway? Oh, my god, blur this blur this uh by mati das bhai satidas by dayala. I am so sorry that happened to you i'll bump you up to eat here i got you fam.
No one should have done that to you. That's messed up: okay, making big leaps, making big leaps 19th century no way. John cummings. He saw a knife swallower at the circus and he was like that's cool.

I'm gon na do that they don't actually swallow the knives right, but he actually swallowed the knives. Is this possible, he swallowed four knives and quickly passed three. I assume that means this might get out of knife. He later he then swallowed 14 knives after some days with abdominal pain.

You think he passed all of them dude. How big are these knives? How do you eat 40 knives and then he swallowed 20 knives? Stop it stop the knives, stop eating them. But after a few days he had only passed the case. This man had 20 knives in his stomach.

He died after four years in pain, an autopsy found, a knife blade and a spring in his intestines and between 30 to 40, fragments of metal, wood and horn in the sun. Many horns as well dude if this guy was a modern-day youtuber, easy easy. Five mil subs easy hundred mil john cummings absolute mad lad. He can't he couldn't stop hitting knives.

That's some tlc! I got please why the heck! Why couldn't i live in the 19th century? God damn it? The tlc episodes would have been so much better. Governor morris died from an infection after using a whale bone to clear a blockage in his urinary in god, dude governor morris, you dumb schmuck how big is a whale bone? How big is i don't know if i want to know how big a whale bone is? Oh man stuck that up his pee pee. Stop it you're a governor. You should have known better after don't do that.

Why am i laughing this is awful matilda set her dress on fire while trying to hide a cigarette from her father? Oh my god matilda. This is why you listen to your parents matilda, you should have known better. These are getting a little too close to home. At this point i don't know: walan dig him accidentally shot himself while demonstrating how the victim might have done.

So he was a lawyer and he was trying to prove well, i mean point-proven legendary lawyer and he died. Oh no, all right! I like that one. That's definitely seep here why the 19th century was weird man. Okay, we have rasputin the eu rasputin uh.

I don't know this: he tried to be poisoned by. Oh felix even looks like me younger me: no, he doesn't actually so he he fed him tea, cakes and wine, which had all been laced with cyanide, but he just wasn't affected by it bro. So he was then shot in the chest and believed to be dead, but after a while, he left up and attacked felix who fred himself and fled rasputin, followed and made into the courtyard before being shot again collapsing in the snow bank. That's badass rasputin.
I hope he wasn't like some evil guy or something i i know he was like meant to be evil in that movie anastasia, but he was actually sweet to anastasia. But i'm going to give him a seat here, and hopefully i don't get cancelled, was getting a little too close in history here, we'll see if i continue frank hayes a 20 year old jockey at elmont died of a heart attack mid-race and collapsed on the horse, Which nonetheless crossed the finish line first still carrying his body off frank hates the base, so he won. Oh, my god. I won the race, but at what cost? I like that.

You know what let's beat here i'll be generous. Oh, my god, thornton jones woke up to find that he had slit his bro motioning for a paper and pencil. He wrote. I dreamt that i had done it.

I awoke to find it true and it died 80 minutes later. He had done it to himself while unconscious great. Now i'm terrified of sleep. Thank you, thornton jones.

Thank you! So much! That's! So! Oh that's! So creepy! No! You wouldn't sleep for me. You get left here, i'm sorry. What marry reeser her body was found by the police, almost totally cremated, where she sang while the apartment was relatively damage. Free some speculate that she spontaneously combusted.

I got ta be scared of that now mar mary. What do you? What did she know? What happened to mary that is so weird that is so weird i'm getting freaked out by these e a or anything? Oh my god. Oh my god! It's true! It's true! No! It's true! Oh my god. They told me about this, and i, oh god, okay, so i used to play a lot of tennis and sometimes as a kid.

We would help pro matches to catch the ball and give them to the pros, and they told us right before. I explained this before right before we came out. They were like watch out because the guy died, because the serve from the tennis player hit the ball people that we were the ball collectors and the pee-pee and he died, and it's true and his name is dick. He died after a ball, struck him in the groin and he fell out of his chair, dick dick dick.

I am so sorry i feel such compassion. People say i'm insensitive for making this list, but i i feel such i feel your pain. I do and no one should die like that's. Just messed up dick got hit in the deck, and i i don't like uh it's nothing funny.

Oh god bless. You bless your soul. A thousand years i feel like if i go on, i'm just gon na get cancelled, even though there's so many i'm gon na stop it here and i'll i'll think about it, i'll think about it. But thank you for watching another episode of dumb ways to die.

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We need subtitles on this.

16 thoughts on “Rating the dumbest deaths in history #2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YAG SIPCC says:

    The dancing to death thing, it was caused by some sort of bacteria or fungus getting onto the rye (most poor people ate rye flour based breads the rich had the white flour based breads)

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katy Joseph says:

    No fountain pens or calligraphy pens anymore. I’ll just stick to my calligraphy markers, thank you very much. Also, still avoiding Ambien and stopped my prescription bc somebody slept-walked outside my family home, and we all realized that my dad was sleep eating bleu cheese, Fritos, and more at his desk while taking it. I never swallowed one. TV made me paranoid of it making you sleepwalk. Then my dad did the same.

    I tend to tipple (whiskey or soju) by myself before bed, and I want to slow that down, but I’d rather that than the possibility of sleepwalking outside. Plus, I’m in my apartment now. My cat would run away, and I’d get run over or taken. At least break a few bones falling and lose my cat. I’m in super intense therapy now, so maybe I’ll get good meds

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kode. [Not going to post a last name] says:

    So apparently, after being shot, they tied Rasputin up in a blanket and thrown is a cold river, but he was still alive, and when they found his body, it wasn't even drowning that killed him, it was hypothermia, he died bc it was too cold.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riana Conklin says:

    You should watch horrible histories and their segment on dumb ways to die, it's very interesting

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VISION says:

    Actually bhai mati das and sati das were killed cuz they denied to be a muslim at the time when mughals were in india sikhs being minorities got tortured in that period but later our many sikh commanders faught and killed some rulers. Bhai mati das and sati das were followers of Guru teg bahahdur so mughals asked guru teg bahadur to be a myslim they denied which later turned that they will torutre there followeres afyer torturing all his followers at last he was too be headed

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SeanWoods55 says:

    wait the guy had a turtle land on him and died and a turtles shell is its home and it was said a house was gonna crush him hmm

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ebarbosa11 says:

    Well the greek died because a house crumbled on his head. The shell is the turtle's house anyway

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miimu 2000 says:

    Anyone else just thinking:
    "Stupid deaths, stupid deaths
    They're funny cuz they're true
    Stopid deaths, stupid death
    Hope next time it's not you"?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars catfishrob1 says:

    Wait I'm confused… why did it immediately go from middle ages to Renaissance? Was that an editing mistake? Why wouldn't the middle ages be included? I'm sure there were some crazy deaths. So many questions…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikki Sauter says:

    fun fact about rasputin. he slept with every woman in his village (including his mother and sister). When he left his village, be tried to join a monetary but quickly changed his mind when he found out you couldn't have sex as a monk

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hm Vollbanane says:

    In that era the dumbest deaths were imo suffered during the battle of karansebes.
    Basically austria was going to war with the ottoman turks.
    some gypsies outside the austrian camp were selling booze and the cavalry that was supposed to scout ahead decided to instead buy a barrel of liquor and party hard.
    Some infantry sent out to search for the missing scouts witnessed the party and wanted to join in on the fun but the aristocratic cavalry was unwilling to share their booze with the plebs so they drunkenly decided to charge their own infantry to defend their booze.
    The infantry wasn't to happy about that and fought back causing the cavalry to flee in panic towards their own camp while the pissed off infantry pursuit them.
    The commander of the canon batteries in charge of defending the camp woke up to the cavalry, that was supposed to be somewhere entirely else on patrolling duty, charging towards the camp followed by a charging mob of infantry and thought this to be an ottoman surprise attack and hence gave the command to fire all canons on the approaching mass of their own piss out drunk soldiers.
    Due to communication barriers and the confusion a bitter melee ensued in what can best be described as a renaissance mosh pit with guns and sabers resulting in the entire army being destroyed.
    So basically Austria lost a war and entire army without ever even seeing a single enemy over a keg of gypsy Schnapps.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corbin Who says:

    Holy fuck that means he did get crushed by a house, it was just the turtles house, not his own………

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    Frank Hayes died and the horse still won? Just shows how useless jockeys are when the horse doesn't even need them.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    Also, didn't Clement accidentally killing himself ultimately lead to him winning the case? I heard that somewhere.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natalie Ward says:

    You say some of this Stuff didn’t happen it has been recorded in history as a fact like the dancing plague

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richik Nair says:

    Bhai mati das, etc. were executed like that under orders from ome of the most brutal emperors of India, Aurangzeb. He was a tyrant. Many sikhs rebelled and were martyred during that time

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