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Liver King Oh so strong Liver likes. That's what you are another Fitness influencer lying. How about that? the liver King No What? He's not natural. he's been exposed I Can't believe it I was gonna make a video on him a while ago I just didn't think it was that interesting.

but I guess I was wrong. It has almost 2 million followers on Instagram Now he kind of blew up. Actually, his old shtick is to mimic this ancestral living of eating raw meats and livers. specifically.

the only thing I saw that was that he apparently sleeps on wood with no mattress. The place that needs to be as pristine as can be. You guys can see see that we sleep on the ground. We have just a little box that I built just out of some wood to create some elevation so that the moisture, the humidity in Houston doesn't It's all about this health and pureness.

He doesn't have any Wi-Fi in his hand house and he openly says many times he does not take steroids. Yeah right. Okay, remember what I said if they if they don't look natural, they're not natural. But of course like any scumbag influencer, he sells supplements.

That's right, that's the secret. Gee I wonder what he lied about not being natural? It's I wonder why. Hmm God All right, we'll get into it. He was exposed and leaked email from the channel.

more plays, more dates Derek exposed and finally he came out and admitted it with an apology video. So we're gonna have to watch it and I will review it as an epic apology maker myself. I'm making this video already. Zero out of ten.

What the is this audio coming out of my ear? Can we fix that side to apologize? because I up because I'm embarrassed and ashamed. Yeah, you should be. and I misled a lot of people before social media I was rich and Anonymous and after social media I'm still rich but no longer anonymous. The does that have to do with anything this just flexing and not just his abs? I'm so sorry.

Anyway, I am Rich Who told you to say that? Anyway, I used to be rich and now I'm even richer thanks to misleading my fans into buying my supplements. fools. You know what? if he that's what he said I would be like holy I Love this man. he's but no I hate you.

Never expected this kind of exposure in the public eye. All right. God Damn it. We went two seconds between each line the showing the leaked email.

He basically goes through how his goal was to blow up his channel get a million followers. He had a film crew blah blah blah blah so now you're clearly playing for it as a way to sell your products. Let's keep watching to navigate well. Well, clearly I did it wrong and I'm here now to set the record straight.

Yes I've done steroids and yes and I'm on steroids Monitored engagements by trained hormone clinician I don't understand Sarah's but his steroid uh where is it his List look like a crafting thing from Fallout 3 like what the are all these drugs, the is all liver King Public Figure was an experiment to spread the message to bring awareness to the 4 000 people a day who kill themselves that 80 000 people a day that try to kill themselves. Our people are hurting at record rates with depression, autoimmune anxiety. Stop shut the up. So he's supposed to apologize.
But really, it was all a noble cause. You know I was trying to save life. People are killing themselves. What's the what's the message? Why are you saving lives? The reason I made my other video Because I think people don't realize just how prominent it is for people to use steroids and it's one of those things that you know just like it's been talked about a lot how women have body image issues because of comparing themselves to photoshopped images and models and magazines as men were equally as susceptible to that and to have a bunch of people you know in Marvel films getting buffed, taking steroids very clearly very obviously to anyone that understands what it means to build muscle and then come out in interviews and talk about.

Oh I just had to eat broccoli and rice. it was so tough for me I wish it's just dishonest and while also simultaneously Market different programs Chris Hemsworth markets his workout video routine whatever that he sells I don't care and here we have another one where he's selling supplements. That's really the reason I Don't take steroids supplements I am saving lives here. All these people trying to get like what the are you talking about you are the problem.

You are not the solution. Low ambition in life. Our young men are hurting them both, feeling lost, weak, and submissive. So I made it my job to model, teach, and preach a simple, elegant solution.

Donate all your money that you made you said you were already rich, right? I'm getting worked up and we're one minute in all right. I've been on several podcasts and when asked if I'd ever taken steroids I've always said no, what did you say I don't touch the stuff. Not gonna touch the stuff. Never touch the stuff.

and why did you say that there's no products? That was a lie. no one could tell just for like how weirdly defensive and whatever you splurred out from then like let's watch that by the way, because it's funny dude and I'm just gonna head. you know, face it, head on. I don't I don't touch this stuff I've never done this stuff I'm not gonna do this stuff the the ask for the steroids that he talks.

you've never taken cigarettes, no taking steroids I've never done Peds other than prioritize, execute and dominate your life I Also just do want to say I think that him saying that is dangerous, you know I want to set the record straight I would love the opportunity. So Joe Rogan called him out, he was like yeah, that guy clearly is on steroids Joe Rogan openly admits taking steroids as well and his response is, that's dangerous for him to say it's a dangerous message to spread to who Dude, There's so many bits at the end of the day. Cheating doesn't scale, It's not sustainable and it doesn't scale right. And what I've achieved from a financial standpoint from a family standpoint.
cheating doesn't scale I I Can't stand listening to this. I'm not a competitive athlete of any kind. So who the Am I Cheating Uh, your entire audience. You built your entire brand around being natural ancestral living like the caveman I Don't think the caveman had or whatever this shopping list you have is I don't I I Don't know, but they didn't have Wi-Fi and you are blocking Wi-Fi So you are pretty much on point.

You know what? I Convinced myself that this topic was a placeholder for a far more important conversation. I Convinced myself that this would overshadow that 36 years of working out usually twice a day without PE See that I Actually believe? But the thing is, no no one would give a anyone that's come out and said hey I I take steroids. It's not like people how there you go. No, if anything, people respect honesty so it doesn't matter.

This whole video I would have been completely fine with if you didn't make it because he was caught like the emails was leaked. The response comes out if he for some reason decided to feel like, you know what I don't like that I've been lying I don't want to confess I would 100 accept that and and uh, respect that honestly. but this is just so funny, performative and lame. And I had convinced myself that this would be the wrong message to send to the 15 year old boys.

no to the little boy foreign he had to. He had no choice. Yeah, he literally just dug himself in a hole. He didn't want to confess so he had to go deeper and deeper.

and I guess yeah. in a way he probably feels relieved now that he's out, but it's still so stupid. I'm surprised to see this sentiment being spread so much. the fact that people believed he was not.

He's all mind-boggling I Can't believe people are so stupid. It's like most people haven't lift weights. they don't know how it works. It's not that weird that people have no clue that this is not natural and especially if some people going around saying no, it is natural.

Yeah, For anyone that understands steroids and how efficient they are, yeah, it's pretty obvious, but for most people it isn't and that's how he's able to maintain this brand. So I Don't think it's that weird that people don't know steroids is so efficient. If you take it, you get more muscles. and by not working out and just taking steroids and someone actively working out and not taking steroids that they're extremely efficient.

Even if you take them once, you have a huge Advantage because it's easier to rebuild muscles that you have gained from steroids. So you could say no, I'm not on steroids, but if you've done it once, you're in a different category than everyone else as well. There's a ton of health risks involved. He clearly doesn't talk about any of those in this video and that's just the reality of it.
85 percent of the population that suffers from self-esteem issues I'm part of that statistic. This is why I work myself to death in the gym. This is why I do 12 to 15 blood burning workouts a week just to feel like I'm okay, no no I'm not buying this I'm not buying a single word he says. Okay, so the reason he takes uh, steroids or whatever the is because he has low self-esteem.

You don't I can't emphasize I would say yeah I Sometimes also have low self-esteem, that is not an excuse to take steroid. You know if you just sense I want to take steroids because it's the right choice for me. Whatever the I would buy that. but this whole like oh I have low self-esteem I Have to take steroids.

No, that's so stupid. You're basically saying that anyone else with low self-esteem has to take steroids too I Know that doesn't equate, but you're talking about your audience being 15 year old and it's kind of the message that you're sending out. It seems so common this topic of body dysmorphia for people that take steroids. like I said I I think I have self-esteem issues sometimes and I'll tell you what.

I have zero self-esteem issues about the way I look I look good. This is what Zero Percent Body does. Morphia looks like all pure G fuel baby code PewDiePie I Want to motivate other people to work out as well. not to look a certain way necessarily, but because it makes you feel good I Think it's dangerous to spread this message with with steroids because ignoring all the negative effects from it for me, eat at least I Can't wrap my head around you're gonna have to become dependent on it, right? You know you're going to the gym and you see amazing progression because you're on steroids and it probably feels amazing, but you're stuck in that cycle forever because you're always going to want to gain more and more.

and more. and more. You know, once you go off steroids, you're gonna go to the gym and you're gonna actually lose muscle. You're Gonna Lose strength drastically once you do it once, you're pretty much trapped to keep doing it so it doesn't make sense for me at all I Respect People's Choice to doing it but I I Can't wrap my head around it to be honest and his message here just sucks.

Above All Else The loyalty. Notice how I'm pointing down usually and if he was truly based, he would do the same. but of course he's not. There is no Parallax It's only this line that matters.

Now if you want to, uh, watch some actual really good Fitness Motivators I Know that you guys are let down by the liver King You're gonna have to find your new one I Got your back Kiriakos Kappa Kulak the goat 100 big Follow this guy instead. No. Liberty I Rate this apology a three out of ten. At least you came clean with some things.
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12 thoughts on “Rating liver kings apology”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacoozzie says:

    I love your tambourine headphones

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dizh says:

    this why i love pewdiepie educating young people, using his platform for good 🤍💯

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin says:

    He says he sleeps on a wooden box, but the wooden chair in his apology video has a fancy well cushioned leather back.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heckler says:

    Liver kings physique is obtainable if you live in the gym this is about the biggest you can get as a human naturally but for a 45 year old like him its much less obtainable if your still and young adult this is obtainable the older you get the lower your testosterone gets and the less results you'll see, now if you look at arnold swartinagger during Mr Olympia thats it completely un obtainable lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlie Messerly says:

    There natural steroids

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No8lc7 C says:

    Just curious, who actually watched this guy? Woman?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝓡𝓲𝓸𝓼 𝓑𝓦𝓐 says:

    Imagine getting called a scumbag by the biggest creator on the site, his YouTube career is over lol pewds holds back no shots lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S. Z. says:

    For someone who takes that much stuff, he looks like shit tbh.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pro pharma says:

    idea for new video format: marketing scam detetives. there is too much scam in social media just to sell products.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myth 9748 says:

    one of the hardest things i had to accept is that fitness industry just wants to scam me. Celebrities like actors, athletes, and influencers
    have all at one point used steroids. It’s not even a secret once you know even a small amount of the inner workings of this scam called fitness. The first thing that happens when you look up a fitness video is that you get an Ad with a shirtless guy with abs holding two pizzas saying how your eating is bullshit and you should take his course to see what he can sell you to “get big.” It’s all about taking advantage of the uninformed. It hasn’t changed and even now, their are 10’s of millions people around the world that still don’t know anything about the fitness industry. What’s even worse is that they don’t even know it’s a scam to begin with.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarklordIra says:

    Honestly I think it was kinda obvious he was lying when he said he doesn't have WiFi. Like how the fuck are you uploading without WiFi

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Offic. DZanjo says:

    Bruh I can’t continue watching this, the liver king guy on so much bs just 4 minutes in… mama just watch another ped video… I can’t even 😂😂

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