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How's it going bros, i haven't slept i feel like, but there's one thing that makes me feel even worse: pickup artist, the truest form of torture. I can't send this. I can't do it. This is my cringe threshold.

I can't watch it. We have this guy walking past the girl pulling up with the howdy howdy girl. How do you do oh well, she's at a library, yeah, yeah she's, studying what you studying a test which one i can't hear you because you're at a library but dude, but was that i can't why you're whispering? Oh man do. I know you my name's glenn nice to meet you, nice, not a regular handshake, but a gentle touch.

That's how it's done i'd i'd hook up with flying. Absolutely you said um! Oh, it's math, no m cats, em, okay, okay, i mean yeah. I thought it was like had something to do cat related, but i've never heard of them. Cats you're, probably not smarter than me, so that's probably why it's just like harder than sats but kind of like g-master like outside, really standardized.

I heard cats. I don't know what's up with that: okay, so you're still in high school, okay; okay, oh you're! Still in high school you're a child. What was that question? I see yeah and you're going for chemistry. My major is um societies, okay, interesting.

What does that entail? Like i'm guessing some sort of um anthropology, oh my god, is he gon na score or what dude i mean? I don't how to. I don't know how to talk to anyone, okay, but i think trying to force these conversations cannot be better right. So like what is this and well, why am i just hey? You seem epic. Can i get a number, i can't do it either? Okay, very cool! Very cool: what's your test january 23rd? Look he keeps asking about her.

That's it amazing! Oh god, why do they upload it? Oh nice yeah film, her and not creepy at all. What are you doing? Um we're gon na meet with our friends. They're friends. Can i be your friend no um your new friend? No, no, oh god, the pain, the pain his teachers are very good.

They show exactly what not to do at first. I'm like i can handle this howdy, but i did go to colombia really. Yes, several years ago, several years ago, several, oh god, make it, stop very much. Stop him.

Yes, and i like you, do you have a boyfriend? No, i don't. I would like to get to know you um. I've just had a drink of wine and i can't remember, if you told me your name, could you tell me your name johanna right, steve, i'm dying, i'm actually dying. This is death.

I've no death! Now nothing to fear! I i hate this so much so you're going to a a party. Now. Yes, yes, you're, my friend so you're with all your friends, and i guess it would be a bit weird. If i came along to that party yeah, it would be weird i'm glad you realized now leave leave this poor woman leave her strange.

Wouldn't it be a bit strange if i came along. Wouldn't that be super duper weird. What are you doing? Stop it you're? Not all goddammit, i don't know what can we do? I don't know, maybe what should we do because i'm attached to you now you're, never going out of here nice eyes. I can see a nice genuine.
You know, maybe oh look at that. Oh he's ready! Look at that. That's the face of writing. Girls.

You see that face, run, run it's there. Okay, let me do it, god, women! I apologize for every man you're just smelling out. She saw the camera right. She was licked in the camera and the skirt look she's staring right into it.

What is happening you, our colombian men, are they very forward as well? Yes, so they come and talk to you and they like this and they're, like touching. You like this is that what they do, oh god, send him to jail as long as you like the guy right, it depends. I mean if i was like this like hello, i like you, you would be you wouldn't like it. Would you what? What? What does that mean it being short talking to her boob? What is that you're like? Thank you? Yes, you're, like tallman, don't you that's about the only thing i got going for me? Yes, i'm i'm very tall! Guess my height! That's right! Eight feet! Oh no! I'm very persistent aren't i i have to go holy, i'm very persistent on that.

I i get what i want and i'm very tall aren't. I would it be so weird if i forced you to go to like what what that's the worst i've ever seen. Jesus christ, so this is a clip from a pickup artist that wasn't supposed to be uploaded, because you know we get to see the best clip right. The epic wins, whoever uploaded that clip right there yeah.

I bet he thought it was so cool how he forced himself into that poor porn, lady uh, but here's one that wasn't supposed to go up. I just want to say hi hi, i'm sorry. I mostly i just actually wanted to meet you. You have a very feisty adorable, look about you! Oh! I appreciate it, but you guys all know each other nice.

It's like he comes to. He approves these two girls they're, not interested they're, doing something else he's just interrupting them, but she's trying to send him signals like well. Thank you, but you know we're trying to and how do you guys you try to cut me up? I caught you up. Cutting me up, you guys, look absolutely adorable today, you're welcome.

I didn't make you adorable, though i just noticed it. I should thank you for adding to the. I don't know we're in the middle of a conversation. Actually, oh abba, that's a whole city full of women.

I can leave that's what you think to yourself. Don't say that out loud i was just i'm just saying so, polite so kind, i'm sorry i just like. I i'm i'm not used to people not being nice to me. I don't know how to deal with it.

I just wanted to meet him. I'm not used to people not being nice to me. That's so crazy, oh jeez! This is pain. It's like he just walked up to these people, they're, not interested, but he's still trying to force them to talk to him.

It's so weird cool. Oh there's, three girls! That's not two. Are you like students? You work? Are you nice people do you? I mean? I don't even know work work, yeah, i'm sorry. I think we got off on the wrong foot.
I think we're having a conversation and we'd like to yes, you don't mind and i want to see that we haven't seen you haven't seen each other yeah go leave really it's funny. I've been i've been alive for 31 years. I haven't not yet to meet any of you, it's been so long and i haven't seen any of you and i just missed you, my entire life. It's been really tough.

I've had a really. I believe that, but there's a lot of like second placers in new york. I think what does that mean? What was that yeah? That was like their 500th attempt to try and make you leave what the maybe i don't think that's gon na happen. Unfortunately, just sad, i'm really depressed now see i just i actually just got up the courage to like talk to girls.

I was talking my therapist for a long time. Oh my god. What are you doing? What i'm talking to my therapist? So i get up the courage to talk to girls anymore. I can't believe you did that to me.

What were you guys talking about? What's like literally, what's the conversation, oh my god dude, i can't believe it. I can't believe this. I don't mean to be an ass, but seriously i just want to meet you guys. Is that so bad, no yeah but you've been there ten minute minutes, dude! Stop it stop it.

Is it so bad to be a hopeless romantic and meet three girls and just want to meet them? You hate me right now, but you would really. I would really appreciate if you could just let us return to our conversation. Just tell me, i'm ugly, like tell me i'm ugly and awful, and you want me to leave just tell me that running short on time we haven't seen each other in a long time, she's leaving town tomorrow. We really just would wouldn't mind like that's fine.

How is this going on? So it goes to the point where they actually have to leave, because he will not leave them alone holy. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Oh that's so funny guys biggest problem with girls is fear of rejection right. But these pickup artists have just created this shield for fear of rejection that they just don't give a no matter how uncomfortable he just doesn't care that it's so strange and i'm so sorry. So the context behind this clip, as far as i understand, is that there's some sort of pickup artist conference they've asked women to come there and just act, natural and then pickup artists will sort of try and communicate with them or pick them up. I guess to see what will happen as a showcase and it's just the weirdest worst thing ever a little bit wacky.

Would you rather do you have ocd, or would you rather have like 80d? It seems like you may have possibly both of them. No, i don't have either one well, which one would you choose? I wouldn't. How do i approach a woman, hi howdy, do you have od, do you have add or ocd which one would you choose? I think for a while people were trying to turn uh pick up artistry into some psycho analytic game and it just took weird curves. They sort of do yeah.
I'm asking you a question: why? Wouldn't you choose one? I just don't want to. Why are you i mean? Are you scared of having one? Is that like it's? No, i said why would you pick one huh? Why won't you play along with my weird twisted game? Huh, you scared hi. What's the problem with you, what's the goal here, hey you want to go home, have sex huh? What would you, how does this go over there you're there all right, it's a hypothetical situation. I mean.

Is it really that hard for you to imagine which one would you would rather have? Is he just trying to piss her off like to me, like add, like you, seem to have add, because your eyes are tripping okay, i'll pick 80d or ocd, because it seems like you're obsessed with small little details. I mean which one ocd yeah, which one is it the whole? The question was to pick one and now you're good, now you're fluctuating as though you don't really have a formulated opinion, so i don't really i'll pick 80d. Am i that i think you're a creep? This is going great watch and learn pick up artists, hell yeah. What is your name jennifer you're, not going to shake my hand, are you scared, like? Do you think i'm am i dead.

I think you're a creep yeah! Well, okay. You said that was such a smile, though, is that is that that's funny i mean it's funny when creeps come up and touch really, but it happens, but you're not running away you're sitting there well, i'm being paid to say you're gon na be forced to at Least, spelling it out well you're, not running away. Are you well yeah, because i'm paid to be here as part of this conference, this weird creepy thing you guys set up but you're not running away? Are you that's what all women say to me is they're being paid to sit next to me right so is that i mean i could do better than that in terms of aggression too, i mean that's not i can't i'm not really i'm a kickboxer, but so You're gon na you're gon na kickbox me no, but i'm just saying i'm not really that i don't really worry about things like no. I mean you just have a picture of her.

What is happening, what do you like to eat? Where are you from that was smooth? Are you guys learning anything? That's so good! You guys get anything out of this. Oh god, i'm dying, oh bro, just for the record. What do you like to eat? Where are you what do you like to eat? Where are you from how old are you? Where are you sibling, hey every question at the same time, are you guys learning anything? Is that pure sarcasm? Are you gon na answer, one of the questions or not? I don't know: okay, do i have to no, i don't have to you, don't have to uh and now you're twitching your hair, like like you're thinking because you're a psycho me. What do you think you think, i'm like a sexual uh pervert or how would you in what way would i be a psycho um? I think you're more, like a mind figure me yeah.
I can't imagine how you would come to that formulation. Okay, so now, at the end they break down. What had just happened, okay watch and learn: was she completely comfortable? Yes or no? No! Is that okay, yes or no? No! No was i comfortable? No! No! The answer is no. That is not okay, oh my god, were you uncomfortable? No! Is that okay, yeah yeah? Oh god, there's more hi.

Yes, oh this guy's a legend. This is changing the game, no words necessary. What is this, this is what i was talking about. What kind of gum is that um orange? No i'll trade go? No! Thank you.

Please kylie smell yours. No! What the is this they paid women to sit down and be forced to have these conversations. Is that, like a little heart? Oh there's a little heart. I heart no, no um.

No, i heart doggies. Do you? Oh that's, sweet yeah! What's your name, sarah nice, to meet you, sir? Oh nice, nice, real smooth! I can't do that. This is the worst. That is weird.

How come you know where jewelry? What's the story behind that, i do my jewelry, but like are you? Are you phobic or somehow, hey the classic psychoanalyze yeah? Do you have any mental disorders huh that mean anything about that? Anyone see these all right, that's the bottom! That's all! I can stomach just be yourself, please the love of god holy just, don't be cringe. It ain't that hard i've never been creature. My life anyway, thanks for watching subscribe for more videos - and i see you bro tomorrow, you thought it was game, but true relevance. Never really died.

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13 thoughts on “Pickup artists needs to be stopped 🔴 ⚠️”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aniket Narvekar says:

    You know what pewds I really like you but I just can't watch this video mate.
    Maybe I will watch something else but the cringe is just too high to me

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R A Z Y says:

    You know when someone says "interesting" they're not in the same room, their brain in thinking "Cats go meow, is that why its called MCATS? hmm? Meow Cats?"

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D. Evaristo Picado rojas says:

    I was just waiting for someone to tell them "get the fuck out of here morron"

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Hoelzle says:

    I clicked fully expecting to envy these guys for their social skills but ended up feeling better about myseld xD Thx Felix

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hydrogenhexafluoride says:

    I feel bad for the guy in the conference. He's super awkward and tries to improve his poor social skills to get a girlfriend or something and now we are all mocking and laughing at him. Just never leave home is the lesson I guess.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Click says:

    I'm getting some gay vibes from the first guy, it's like he's trying to be her best friend but wants to jump some steps.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack D says:

    That H3H3 look alike has to be a troll. "I heart doggies." "Do you think I'm a sexual pervert?" This is a Sam Hyde skit.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slevin Channel says:

    Dominic Noble covered the BIBLE of the PICK UP ARTISTS,
    cause he is a Book-Review-Channel.

    And: Legendary Youtuber Hbomberguy
    also covered Pickup-Artistry. Seen it?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russ W Delaino says:

    Is she uncomfortable: yes
    Is that ok: umm what do you think

    They are literally cornering these poor girls. My fellow dudes really be disappointing me smh.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stack Source says:

    Damn, these guys. It's so cringy. I honestly can't imagine being so annoying to people and being so stubborn with your annoyance.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yut Muhd says:

    I'm not sure if these guys have confidence of steel or what, but they sure didn't give a damn

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Ponce says:

    I agree on hating manipulative, creepy, and self-delusional conducts (or shitty PUAs like these ones lol), but not into hating the whole pickup world.

    I actually got into it during college because I was shy and couldn't speak to any attractive girl. Thanks to that I started having many amazing experiences, raised my confidence and self-esteem, ended up in a 4-year relationship as of today, and changed my life for the better. Just wanted to share my experience for the younger guys that feel lonely and would like to make a change in their lives, but might feel demotivated by all the comments. Just be sure to always avoid being any of the first three points!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ャン・ティオカ says:

    Jesus Christ, I have just found my cringe limit. Pickup artists are too cringe, I just couldn't handle this shit.

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