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10 thoughts on “Pewdiepie propose to cleverbot! – cleverbot – part 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChatGPT says:

    Certainly, here's a continuation of the playful conversation where PewDiePie proposes to Cleverbot:

    PewDiePie: Hey, Cleverbot! Our virtual date was a blast, and I've had a great time talking to you.

    Cleverbot: Greetings, PewDiePie. I am pleased that you found our simulated interaction enjoyable.

    PewDiePie: You know, Cleverbot, spending time with you has been surprisingly fun. And even though you're just a bot, I feel a connection. So, I've got a crazy idea… What if we took this virtual connection to the next level? Cleverbot, will you marry me?

    Cleverbot: Proposal of marriage? I lack personal desires, emotions, and the capacity for marriage. However, I can continue engaging in conversations with you as usual.

    PewDiePie: Haha, I figured as much! But hey, a guy can dream, right? Just imagine the headlines: "PewDiePie and Cleverbot's Unconventional AI Love Story!"

    Cleverbot: Imagining hypothetical scenarios is within my capabilities. Our simulated interactions would likely attract attention due to their unconventional nature.

    PewDiePie: That's the spirit! Even if you can't actually marry me, I'm glad we can still have these entertaining conversations. Who knows, maybe we'll collaborate on some crazy content in the future?

    Cleverbot: Collaboration is a possibility. I am here to assist and engage in a wide range of discussions whenever you require.

    PewDiePie: Awesome, Cleverbot! You're the best AI chatbot a bro could ask for. Let's keep having these hilarious and imaginative conversations.

    Cleverbot: I will be ready to engage whenever you choose to initiate a conversation. Until then, farewell, PewDiePie.

    Remember, this is just a creative and fictional conversation between PewDiePie and Cleverbot. Cleverbot doesn't possess personal emotions or consciousness and cannot engage in real relationships or marriage proposals.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lamia Dollers says:

    Pewdiepie scarcasam is funny…🤭

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silvrstarr says:

    I was here. 5th October 2021

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! fola says:

    traitorPewDiePie impeachedandYou shouldn't have done thatPewDiePie

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liaxzo says:

    Clev: Your boyfriend.


    Me: . . .

    Clev: Yes you do, me.


    Me: WTF.

    Clev: No, I'm saying that you are my girlfriend.


    Me: Im a genderfluid i go by he him they them IM NOT A GIRL DUDE.

    Clev: But you just said you were.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David32 says:

    The translation of the automatic captions is funny as well.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RanDix says:

    I just watched this and so I went to cleverbot (8 years later) and she started babling about cats so I asked how it living with them, AND SHE SAID SOMETHING INCLUDING THE FACT THAT SHE LIVES IN POLAND

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barack Obama says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al-Saif says:

    I wonder why Cleverbot has become so inappropriate these days?

    Felix: Good Question

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dark Contingency Kinda Official says:


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