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The worst thing i have ever done you've done what is it ken not subscribing? Adding no bell notification on this video? I was gon na, say waste my time going and recording scary pewdiepie two with you, the episode that never made it. Oh god yeah. That was pretty bad. No one was ever gon na know.

I'm able to talk. Are we even able to talk about it now? Is it okay now we'll get cancelled? How long ago was it being jesus? Oh my god. Wasn't that good? It was fun, but no, it was now let's watch what other people have done. That's bad and judge them.

Yeah 100 people tell us the worst thing. They've ever done this better be bad. I don't want some lying, smiling uh, the worst thing i i left. The glass in the dishes once and i didn't do the dishes and then i lied about it.

Who's gon na come on here, though, and i'll know, there's gon na be a youtube video and be like you know. I just shot my neighbor's dog. There was a baby there, one time and i just kind of like put through in the trash can no, i didn't you know. Oh please let that be a thing.

The worst thing that i've done, jesus that dude's hair, that's the worst thing he's doing holy. They all look like liars everyone's such a liar. That's a long list. Oh sh, it's not a long list, if you just say the worst idiot.

These look like the like the most basic people in the whole world. What have they done? I jaywalked one time i was paid once to slap a girl. That is not bad. I did that for free at the party.

One time i was drunk you know i was like it was a dare. Of course, i didn't just go around slapping girls, they got the wording on that and i've slapped a girl. I remember specifically when i was in second grade when you figure you figure out, you can just slap people and then you realize maybe i shouldn't do that. That was the first and last time i've ever slapped.

Someone just reeling my face like bdb bb. I don't remember what she was on about, but i remember slapping her in that i kind of threw my cat out the window. She was a but cat cat lying on their feet. What floor was he on, though you know? Was he like exactly? He doesn't specify and what kind of throw are we talking yeah we talk about like an alinity throw or are we talking about like a tom, brady bro? What are we talking about here? That's good! That's a good way to confess stuff like that, not being very open about the details.

I keyed my ex's car. Oh, how could you i don't know if i should be angry or you know happy that they were honest at least king someone's car is like the ultimate like. I am a psychopath on the inside because you can't do an actual confrontation with someone you need to do it while no one's watching yeah, it's like like, like taking a poop on their doorstep and ringing the doorbell and like running away like pooping in someone's shower. I hurt my girlfriend's feelings when she asked me if she gave good jobs.

What was that again? Did you not catch that when she asked me if she gave good blood jobs? Oh okay, i thought she asked him if he gave good blood okay, so she he hurt her feelings. It wasn't good he's like well, you know if you just take out the teeth. You know i fully respect that 100. He did nothing wrong, probably shoplifted.
Makeup short, oh, they all stall. Oh, she saw some shorts. You ever shoplifted ken. It's funny how everyone is shoplifted.

I've asked a lot of people this question and i'm always surprised they all say yes, they're all like yeah, like you feel like you're robbing the vault yeah. Oh my god, i just stole and you got like a pack of batteries or something have you yeah. Still, a bunch of magazines, i told you this, did you yeah? I mean my friend we went on a run. We got a whole bag full.

I don't remember this story, oh and i usually remember all the stories you know we would go around every to every shop, just grab them put them under our shirts. Like done and we kept going, we thought it was so funny how we got away with it. So we like grabbed way more than we needed it's not. This is like one.

So it's like you. It's like you're trick-or-treating for halloween to go like empty the bags out on the floor and you're like oh, my god, we got ta divvy this out. Did you at least get different ones? You get the same. Oh yeah, yeah.

We got a ton of different dvds. You know with like wrapped in plastic. Oh man, and i remember all of them. We watched them together.

That's cool right. This is a juicy video. I like that, watch them together, we stole them together, we could do it uh and then, and then afterwards, we're like gon na hide them. So we went into the woods to hide our bag and then, of course, might you remember this yeah? My neighbor saw it and he ratted us out.

He he went to my mom and he said: hey, they have cigarettes in the woods and my mom called me out in it. I was like: do you have cigarettes in the woods? I'm like no it's magazines and then, in the end of conversation, she's, just like i'm not going down that road. Okay, all right, okay and then she got every even more confused. We said you watched them with your friend.

She was just like yeah, honestly, i'm thinking about that myself. I know how that sounds like i took twenty dollars from my four-year-old daughter a couple weeks ago. I love this space. You make this face.

Like i shot a guy oopsie oopsie, i stole my kid's money. I gave it to her, so it's mine, anyways yeah, that's the worst thing. You've ever done stole the car. When i was 15.

everyone's stolen, you got ta stole the whole car dude might as well go big or go home heck yeah. I've done a couple hit and runs hit and runs what the heck. How do you laugh at that? She hit like hit people or just like their cars because she's a bad driver, then she drinks is that what a hit and run is you hit someone's car and you're go yeah yeah you hit something that you just dropped: yeah, you're right, it's so american! I don't think we have that concept here. It happened to me one time like i, i came out of my apartment, like back in college, and my car was just dented in like in the side of it.
Someone just ran over and left, and i was like great that's my neighbor, that's so annoying. You know who it is right, yeah. Well they had this gigantic scratch in their car. When they ran to mine it was you think.

Why would okay yeah i backed into a car at a parking lot once and i left a note and they were so happy they were like treating me like. I was their best friend for actually leaving the note. I just i remember the story i used to have my big jacked up american truck right, my big f-250 on some 32s and some you know left on it and everything and i would always park where people weren't they, where they weren't parked, but people would always Park beside me, no matter where i was, they would always just go, find me and park beside me what so this new park beside me and it was raining and i pulled forward and drove off and pulled out. He was in his car and i look in my rearview mirror and i see him follow me blinking his lights at me and this entire front, bumper is pulled off like he's dragging it, and i stopped him like what the heck happened and he's like dude.

When you pulled out your whole, your tire pulled the whole front end of my car off and i'm like really using the carpool on-ramp to go to work every morning. That's the worst thing you've done. Everyone should be doing that. There's a free lane for everyone.

So you bring your blow-up doll with you and you put it in your passenger seat yeah. No one will question it. I i would do that. No matter where i lived in la me and mary would take that because there were two of us in the car and i was like well we're carpooling.

I remember: do you remember last video or a few minutes ago, i admitted that i parked at the family parking. British people lost their minds. They were so mad you they were like you, don't know what it's like mate. You don't know what it's like to have a child, it's true because he, after that, he like sent me pictures, people that are watching.

They sent me a picture of him doing it two family. What are you gon na do about it? You're in your family parking? I like to imagine that i'm parked on top of two families. That's that's how i was like it was a double family park too. I've cheated on my taxes.

They're, like scanning youtube videos with the face recognition technology. The worst thing i've ever done is making someone think i love them. Oh that's. Why would you do that? Oh feely, my feelings, i feel bad for somebody, i don't know who yeah i don't want to put these feelings at right.

Now yeah rip rip random dude or go i shot at a crackhead the other day. It's probably the worst legal thing. I've ever done what you say he's shot in a crackhead all right now we're getting into the nitty-gritty again. This is it.
I guess i got in a push fight with my mom. I was a horrible child. No, i also been in a push fight with my band. We fought over a deodorant, stick wow you're, like confrontation, so weird like how are you getting to a fight over a deodorant stick, because i didn't want to lend it to him and he's like give it to me.

I don't want to stick yeah all right. Ken worst thing you ever done come on. I may be, like the whole, some dad personality on youtube now, but back in the day you know i was pretty a pretty awful person. Do you want? Do you want me to say first i'm trying to think yeah.

You say first because i got ta. Think of one. That's actually acceptable that i can when i, when i was like 14, my best friend's uh mom passed away and everyone all of a sudden started. Like giving him so much attention that i kind of felt like it was so fake, and i didn't want to play into that because it was so like, i just thought it was so phony like all of a sudden.

Everyone cares yeah right like no one gave a, even though he was like my closest friend. I wasn't very as supportive as i wish i was yeah. I always forget that i still kind of like uh, but you know it's in the past and you live in new york. What are you no, the worst thing i've ever done is all my controversies.

Can that's it sorry, of course those are the worst things. I regret those the most i have a similar yeah. I have a similar one of my really good friends from uh from high school passed away and i didn't go to the funeral and i didn't show any support. I think it's different when you're a kid.

You don't know how to act in these situations. Yeah. I guess like as an adult. You look back on and you're like oh yeah.

I wish i want to win it sucks. You know right well, if that's the worst, we've done, we ain't so bad ken. All right you enjoyed this video. Somebody has like hit the bell button.

You know about this skin. The bell tell me about the bell: there's a bell button that you can click and then you get a notification on your phone or whatever device when you upload. Oh, my god, you'll be first, you can actually hit the bell and turn off the the push notifications, if you want to just to get the regular notifications, stop. Oh yeah get rid of everyone else, except our me and ken.

We cool yeah yeah for real check out ken happy birthday and merch see you next time. Bye, bye.

15 thoughts on “Ooopsieeee”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monumental Procrastinator says:

    Я не смотрела это видео, но оно числится в истории просмотров. Канал нечестным путем увеличивает число просмотров обманывая пользователей!!! I haven't watched this video, but it is listed in the viewing history. The channel dishonestly increases the number of views by deceiving users!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MonoElm says:

    The concept of a hit and run exists everywhere. That's got to be the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time, Felix.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheFreeSpeechZealot says:

    I threw a frisbee and it hit a baby in the head. I didn't tell anyone, the mother couldn't figure out why her baby was crying. I promptly left the park. It wasn't even my frisbee.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anna williams says:

    i had a similar experience with a friends father passing in primary school, the girl had seen him so it was very traumatising for her nd i was just jelly she was getting sm attention,,,, keep in mind we were in yr 3, but then the girl was being a total bitch to me and used her father as an excuse👎🏻 i can understand it fucked her up but im not a kind enough person to say that makes it ok lmao,,,

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dav_x says:

    Pew d pie ur a liar a big liar such a bad person imagine why u hating on the British and he said he love to drive on 2 familys

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tune Suffers says:

    The biggest oopsie i've done is think that it was cool to say the infamous PUBG bridge word :(….I went to a mostly black school

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan? says:

    When I was younger I used to squeeze frogs until there guts came out of their mouth and I remember one of them was squeaking
    because the air was getting squeezed out their lungs (tf was wrong with me)

    And I also shot someone in the eye with a BB gun BUT it was a accident

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spaccy says:

    No offense to ken (even though what I say will hurt) but I just cannot watch videos with him in them, I’m subscribed for Felix not ken!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZoeyBayy says:

    Felix, I think the worst thing you've ever done (controversy wise) was something related to a tiny little website named fivver.

    love you <3

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karina Gutierrez says:

    I catfished my ex as some random girl and we became best friends. Did this to get close enough to find out why he broke up with me and just mess with him

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Izz Syamil says:

    I forgot to pay for food at the cafeteria in my school once and i've never paid for it till this day

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikaël Duguay says:

    I lost my brother on a cruise ship for 1h30 when we where in mexico.. But like the fricking walt disney Cruise ship. Its like finding a needle in a haystack

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Magi Karpy says:

    These people are just confessing to crimes like tax evasion, property damage and theft…we have there faces and we just letting them get away with it?!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levyluola says:

    I pissed on a slope at a play park in my village. And then many smaller children than me used it afterwards and noticed nothing. I was pretty awful.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gwendalynn Chesnut says:

    I’ve keyed someone’s moms car. I thought it was this girls and she didn’t even really deserve it. I was influenced by people very close to me and I regret it to this day. When pewds said the thing about being a psychopath to key someone’s car I felt really guilty. I’m glad that I have grown as a person since then but that person will always be me.

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