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Nfts have reached a new low. What is an nft god damn it do? I really have to answer this. I don't even it's a digital proof of ownership. How hard is it to understand it's a token that cannot be copied or replaced, but why can't i just right click and save on it.

Nft is a decentralized way for artists to not just earn money of their work, but also an extra percentage any time the artwork sells again. It's a nfts is about supporting artists. I swear it's about the technology. That's what i care about, not the money anyway.

Nfts, you probably heard about whatever i'm personally pretty indifferent to it. I think it's, a cool idea has a ton of potential and it's actually really interesting, except that it's not, i think, ever since people sold all his art for uh, one nft for 69 million everyone. Just went oh well, i can make jpegs i'm an artist now, it's all about the money. Now they it's not about the artist and i think that's why nfts has gotten such a bad ret.

You got people like jake, paul, nft drop baby, who wouldn't want that. I he just loves the art. He loves the technology, just to be fair here, obviously, with anything there's going to be a few stinkers here and there that doesn't mean it's all bad, but it doesn't look good. Now a bunch of companies are trying to get in on the trend.

We got ubisoft doing their skins in game. That's awesome as an nft, that's so cool ubisoft you're such a cool company. Everyone loves you who wouldn't want to buy that pepsi is doing nfts. I don't know why they're supposed to sell sodas last time i checked, but okay, and for those of you who are wondering yes, there is a pewdiepie nft.

I of course had nothing to do with this. It's up for 4 million, how it's so uncanny it. It looks just like me, i i honestly, i get it. Jesus christ, dude uh, but a few days ago we hit peak nft with keanu reeves being asked about the matrix, nft collection.

It's got them beautiful. I know everyone thinks kiana. Reeves is like reddit tear. Oh he's so bad everyone just loves, it he's a beautiful man.

I don't care what anyone says and look at this response see the matrix nft thing that they did for resurrections just a couple days ago. They know they made uh nfts for the new movie and there were like 100 000 of them and the site broke like in the first few hours, because there were over 300 000 people in the queue trying to buy these nfts for 50 um and so like. When you think about the concept of digital scarcity and things that are, you know that can't be copied that are easily reproduced well, but they're, not the same right. What is that laughs, keanu reeves in that moment, destroyed nfts hold up.

I got ta just right. Click save on that. Oh wait! Oh god! Damn beautiful! God bless you killing him and uh. It's also interesting his response, uh the interviewer.

If you listen version of you, i wonder what uh do we get a cut of that? Oh, no! I don't! Actually. I don't think we're in them. They probably they're easily reproduced but they're, not the same right. It's not a fake version of you.
Keanu goes actually that wasn't us. Do we get a cut of that? Oh, no! I don't. Actually, i don't think we're in them, but nfts is about supporting the artist. Obviously come on it's about the technology.

It's really cool, there's nothing! Uh artists, don't earn commission as uh right now that doesn't exist at all. Don't tell anyone! Okay and if t bros is gon na, be real mad, listen, i think it's still cool. I just think people are doing lame with it. That's my whole point with this just to double down on this keanu reeves is a beautiful man.

I love his response on facebook's metaverse, which is supposed to be this like virtual world, that facebook is creating and i have the exact same opinion. I'm like okay cool can mark zuckerberg, not be the one doing that i don't want to be in his virtual world, and this is what kiana reeves says be like invented by facebook and you're. Not a fan. No, but just the concept of metaverse is like way older than right: okay, yeah, it's like a way older and so for that moment, to get to i'm just like come on.

Man come on man. I don't know if this is his quote. I couldn't find it, but i just think it's a good quote in general that the purpose of art is to be experienced, not owned. A bunch of bros mistaken art for investment doesn't change that and i could go on.

You know there was the monkey nfts that you've seen. Probably there was a bunch of stinkers about them online for all kinds of reasons, mainly because they're really ugly. I don't understand why anyone would want to own this, but people did someone accidentally sold theirs for 3. 000, because they missed a few decimal points there they're supposed to sell it for 300 000.

Oh, i can guarantee you that does not happen in the art world right uh. Someone also got their three nfts hacked, which is also i mean great fantastic. Taking a screenshot on a of an nft is a digital version of posing in front of someone else's lamborghini. You paid one quadrillion dollars for a jpeg cope uh.

I wanted to be known that anytime, i look at an nft. I delete it right off my retina, okay, i don't even remember it. I don't remember a single nft in a lot of ways. The whole screenshotting meme is as cringy as the nft meme in itself.

Like you, clearly, don't forget it. If you think screenshotting in nft is the funniest thing you've ever seen, but yesterday or a few days ago we reached peak nft, the lowest. I have ever seen and uh it just kind of perfectly summarizes everything bad about nfts, which is the fact that stanley came back from the dead because he was just so passionate about supporting artists. That he's had to tell us all about his new nft drop baby.

How is this real? I thought he was hacked at the at the at first glance, but it turns out he's not. I guess, because it's still up there championing diversity to embracing new tech, so stan lee liked new tank. Therefore, it's okay for us to promote his image after he died to cash in as much as possible right. Am i really going to defile this grade for money? Of course, i am well done.
Mr krabs he's the one behind this drop. This epic drop their website is called beyond life club. That's sinking, i don't know how i feel i don't like them. I don't like it.

I don't like it at all. You know it's not like stan lee was working on this before he died and his last will was make the nft drop as lit as possible. You know this is just someone thinking. How can we cash in on this and sell stan lee's image there? You go.

That's so cool who, i guess the one annoys me about it, too, is that people are obviously gon na, buy it right, which is so so annoying. I hate it. No, but it's honoring his birthday honoring. What would have been stanley's birthday? That's why not we're not trying to cash in dreaming? This is so effing disrespectful to stan lee.

What the hell is, this yeah one of the most beloved figures, as has become an actual a very fungible token. I would say apparently, for people that don't care. I hate it anyway, like i said i think, there's cool stuff to be done with nfts. This is that no one's doing it.

This is people that don't care they're, just trying to cash in and therefore it's lame, and until that changes it's lame. Nft gets a four, but you know a great way to earn. Money is subscribing to this channel because you could win a billion dollars. Subscribe now subscribe and like and comment, and you could it's not a scam.

13 thoughts on “Nft has hit a new low”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicarious says:

    now instead of actual art sold by the actual artist, we have art stolen and sold without artist consent and big environmental impact. Beautiful. (if you buy jpg you are stupid)

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IGRETRO says:

    « It’s all about the money now » – you know that well, you the one monetizing your long time fans and blocking us without any reason. No wonder some of your hair are turning white from dealing with your persona every day.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wolf. says:

    bruh I can't stop laughing thinking about Stan Lee on his death bed saying "My last wish is to make the NFT drop as lit as possible" 😂😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Squib says:

    Facebook just has the name "metaverse"

    Anyone can make their own virtual world. The best metaverses IMO are sandbox and decentraland. Ya'll know any other good ones?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Biebl says:

    Stan Lee spent his life creating characters for comic books that turned collector items. Now he himself has been turned into a collector item? How ironic

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TeddyLovingBear says:

    If i understand this correctly, if this is to support artists, shouldn't there be a thing to protect the artists' profits as well in NFT world? Like a portion of the earnings should always go to the original artist, cause it's supposed to support them which was the original point. Like the original artist should be well taken care of and paid handsomly for their work still if it gets sold this way with their permissions. I'm still learning about them so I don't entirely get it tho sad to see a wonderful idea getting corrupted, but that does happen when there's party poopers ruining it for everyone. Hopefully it'll work itself out to be a better thing for everyone.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silvs says:

    I needed this video to actually understand what all this NFT talk is about. First thing I saw was the Stan Lee post and I was beyond confused.
    But I do agree with pewds opinion on the matter. Great video 👍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kittymochi says:

    Its already bad enough for artists who get their artwork reposted/sold without credit, but now its almost impossible to take down stolen artwork cryptobros use for NFTs

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sentient Ape says:

    Thank you! I dont nessesarly care for NFT but the screen shot/ save as… comment is so dam stupid. It's like some boomer lever thinking coming from young people so strange.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Squirrel Squadron says:

    I love Keanu, but there are so many people who don't understand how NFTs work, it's not just art, it has multiple applications. Take the concept of a voucher that is an NFT, you can't right click and save a voucher and use it, it has to be the original to be redeemed.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dkuul says:

    I think that when you'd buy one of the monkey NFTS, it's not just the design you're buying, I think you would also gain access to these events where you get to meet other people who also bought the NFTS. So I get in that case could be seen as an opportunity to make contacts. Again I'm not sure. Either way I'm sure with that kind of money there are a lot of better ways to make contacts xD.
    Cheers from Barcelona Felix!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lukas Sjögren says:

    Watching a bunch of people and companies I support get NFTs is exhausting
    Like now I cant drink pepsi anymore it doesnt feel right ffs

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whatsitallabaaat says:

    Crypto kitties are basically little icons, but not even as good as that, just super shit tiny digital pic that looks like it was done on a C64.

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