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#Code #Pewdiepie

How's it going brush mate today we're checking out unreal 5 next-gen level, graphics. You know back in my day anytime, a new console came out. It was like the newest graphics, the most power. Now there's no difference.

Everything just gets worse. If graphics doesn't get better, then what's the point wow, the car looks a little bit more like car. I don't even know, i don't even know if i like the only one wow. The light is okay, now we're actually seeing some cool stuff.

Let's uh try this one, hello, i'm siren and i'm a digital human. I was created by an international at least she's not lying about it. I don't know i don't like when they lie about it: a team of artists and engineers who wanted to challenge our ideas of what a synthetic human could be. I've got state-of-the-art, real-time, graphics and an unprecedented level of detail in my eyes, skin.

I feel like you're building yourself up a little bit here and i can tell you're fake, i'm actually being driven by a real human actress and her dynamic motion capture through unreal engine. That's cool! So what are you waiting for? Come meet me at the vikon booth and see for yourself. That's though it's actually cool 2055., look how shitty our graphics were back. Then oh man see it's fake, that's fake! You create the narrative.

No, i know that one's fair, the japanese guy looks super fake. Oh, what it's like a template maker, that's sick, met a human high fidelity. What okay, that's actually dope, damn see i've seen this one. It came out a year ago.

It looks so cool with the light i feel like if there wasn't the girl. Let's stop a moment, i would actually think this looks like a photo, but instead of using the game versions, we use the cinematic versions, which would typically only be used in film. How do you get that much 20 million triangles each and thanks to virtual texturing? They all use 8k textures as well. There are over a billion triangles of source geometry in each frame that nanox losslessly to around 20 million drawn triangles stop.

What does that many triangles? Look like this? Isn't noise? These are the triangles each a different color. That's so cool nanite achieves detail down to the pixel, which means triangles are often the size of pixels. That's so cool on a geometric detail requires shadows to be pixel accurate as well, and then i can do that too. Without gi.

All of that beautiful lighting is gone with lumen enabled we can move the light damn i was just gon na say what i thought i was baking involved, but now i know it's not bacon and bone. That's so pretty. Damn pretty cool feels real. This is she.

She looks off. Everything else looks cool. I guess it's always a challenge to do. People right this swarm of bats was created with our niagara effect system, god, damn now that the environment whoa, that's so cool.

That kind of that kind of threw me up for a minute. I was like damn that actually looks real we've needed to greatly improve our animation systems to adapt we've added the ability to trigger seamless, contextual animation. Events like her hand on the door. Okay, that's that's pretty dope whoa.
What that has to be free render it's time to see what's next well, this voice acting will still be cringe, apparently some matrix uh, the movie, which, in my opinion the trailer, looks so bad. I can't tell if they're trying to troll, why does it look so bad? Why is it filled with russians? This movie is so boring. Is it alia? Oh it's not! Oh there you go. I knew it.

What a shame, because these two are so awesome, but man sidetrack here but like the iconic green tint, why would you? Why? Would you get rid of that? I don't get it. It just looks like uh. It just looks silly now: it's interesting, i'm only pointing it out, because now, when they did the unreal five promotion collaboration, they clearly understood it and they're like yeah. Let's do the green tint thing.

Why can't they have done that anyway? This is such a brilliant collaboration, though, because the original matrix popularized again the concept of assimilation. What is real, what defines real welcome to the desert of the view? This is an age-old question back to the greeks back to plato and i'm sure people thought about it. Even back, then, you know what defines reality and now seeing these uh photo realistic stuff. It's kind of it's such a good, smart collaboration, but anyway, let's check it out reflecting back who and what we are and the choices we make fake worlds.

They look so good, though, to confront us with questions. It's the hair and the hair throws me. The hair is too perfect this over that why we want to make x instead of a y, where do ideas of who we are and what we want. I almost got it, for instance, i'm not even sure why i'm here, i remember waking up and thinking that i'm supposed to come here and the movement is low for me to ask people.

How do we know what is real uh, the hair, the hair tiana hi? I'm keanu reeves over 20 years ago. I first played the character with thomas anderson in the matrix trilogy those films pioneered digital cinema with shots, like that's so cool he's in the scene about where the digital age might take cinema narrative in an industry where actors have tried to remain perpetually young. We wondered about digital faces that could become immortal, hi, i'm carrie anne moss, and i don't think that's the real one. I thought it was the real one for a second, no, it isn't.

Oh, that's: cool before faces and bodies could be changed as easily as we change clothes. We wondered. What would identity mean in their completely digital world and what would reality mean when a world we can build feels as real as our own? I love it for a second, sometimes you're like whoa. Oh, oh, that isn't real, okay, of course, but only for his tiny bay, but it's still enough to that.
It's fun! This is all computer mate right. I think it is yeah what they wanted. They said they were fine with your theoretical mumbo jumbo, but they needed some sexy action. Why? Who said the marketing people? I thought we were supposed to have total creative control? Welcome to the matrix so smart? I love this collaboration.

Wow, you still got it like riding a bike. I sometimes miss this version of us, the hell. Are you doing back there? Why does she look so fake? So here here's the gameplay from the demo that they added and it's pretty cool man. If you don't really focus on anything, it's like whoa, that's insane! Oh god, don't even try to deliver it! Stop it.

When you see the background, oh man, oh man, it's so trippy when everything's moving fast right. You can't really focus sorry, boys, sick, sick. It's the backgrounds and everything the people are still off, but still, okay, look at anything but the people. Okay, the explosion looked fake as hell, but whatever it's so trippy, they better not be lying unreal engine 5.

If you're lying i'm going to be super mad at you, i want i don't. I want all games to look like this. Okay, you understand me, they should've never done the movie. They should have done a game so stupid god.

It pisses me off that this movie exists. I love the kiana. I really do, but i don't get it man. Maybe it's great.

I don't know i haven't watched them. No, no! I don't wan na if you're a fan like me just lower your expectations, for my expectations are already so low. The original matrix is my favorite movie. This is so such a fun film that mixes philosophy, action and love and romance it's got it all baby.

I think what's interesting about the concept of reality is that you know the the idea that we can recreate another reality. I think i made a video - and i think the point rather was that we shouldn't worry about whether we live in assimilation or not, but we should worry about if we are breaking down our reality, because we are already doing that in terms of how we think, As as a collective in terms of how we perceive things through advertisements uh through fabricated experiences, through newspapers through media through each other, all these things affects how we perceive reality. We just don't know we're not we're just not conscious about it and that's why we only look at other things and go well. That's not real.

What is reality and then you can think about it beyond you know, obviously, what time does it take for our eyes to give us the image that is then perceived in our brain and what the shift between that time is a perception of reality and they're. Also, just a tool built for us to perceive reality in the way that we want it to, but obviously any other animal with different set of optics is going to look at it in a different way. This is just a way for us to perceive it and all this kind of stuff it's, but i think the point that i mentioned earlier is the more important one. If you wanted to really get into those kind of discussions, i mean take her out of the picture and it looks so good.
Don't do that whoa that actually works? Yes, it's beautiful! It's gorgeous! I love it. This gets me hyped man anyway, if you enjoyed uh smash like subscribe, see you tomorrow with another video bye-bye.

16 thoughts on “Next gen graphics is kinda nuts..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WILLY LYNCH says:

    Is it just me or does it look obviously fake. It's good graphics but doesn't look real.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrManGoat 223 says:

    Such great graphics. Too bad I can't see them with my 1080p monitor and Youtube's crappy video player.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDeal says:

    you still need someone who's actually good at modeling and texturing to make it look real.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Violet Mcilwain says:

    I don't think we'll ever be able to create digital people that look completely real and that will fool us, our brains are just too good at differentiating real and fake people, especially when it comes to faces but it is cool that we're trying

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X_gaming Marco says:

    Cant wait for humans to create a simulation of somebody killing a guy so he can frame him.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Moʀɖɛռ says:

    It doesn't look that real to me, everything lacks the kind of random detailed imperfection of real life.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theboibc052 says:

    They get rid of the green because the end of the matrix 3,funny how you don’t know about it even though you said you love the film

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tangy tablets says:

    I do admit, they look super impressive and its insane how much detail can be splattered on a model. Personally though, I don't really care how humanlike or realistic models are. That said, I can appreciate a realistic game landscape now and then. But making characters as human-like as possible… yawn

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D3xxon says:

    Pewds walking through Radiohead's Unreal Engine art gallery for Kid A and Amnesiac when?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ari Yeet says:

    i watched it this morning. it is really good. trippy as hell, man. like do you actually have choice and bruhhhhhh. i don’t wanna spoil it for anyone in the chat, but the trailer doesn’t do it justice. if you have hbo max it’s out on there. my dad and i have been matrix fans for a while. i think the first time i saw them (the trilogy of the matrix), i was probably 4 or 5 (i’m 15 now).

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rosetacks says:

    My first major was osychology because I share the same fascination for how we perceive reality, then I switched my major to software development (soon to be software engineering). I want to work with ai and virtual reality to study further how we render reality

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheArcticShow says:

    Favorite bit is when he says the real clip of Keanu is fake before it switches to CGI lol.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syte says:

    you can have the best graphics in the world it wont help if your AI cant seem to figure out how to avoid being shot, or dodge a head on collision.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enerdtayment says:

    "Why would they get rid of the green tint?"

    Bruh, did you even watch the ending of the 3rd movie? The Matrix program was redesigned without the tint.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac Dilinger says:

    The green tint symbolize that you're in the matrix. In the trailer, there are blue lens and green lens effects. Let's us know when we are, and are not in the matrix

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melon Cat says:

    With that character creation thing.. I wish we can make our own character in game tho 🤔 i wish i can see myself run and gunning around the town killing spreeing 😂

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