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#Code #Pewdiepie

But today i am going to show you my six billion dollar youtube house, uh, setup tour, but first we got ta check out some other youtubers setup and i'm gon na check out some of you guys set up as well, which i'm excited about. First, we're gon na check out dan tdm scene has changed a ton since last time and since i've started streaming, his videos look really good. He has the camera really high up, which i don't like i like to speak down to you guys. If i, if i, if i had to choose, i would shoot all my videos like like this how's it going bros, you feel sorry he's got the nice camera quality he's got that sparkle in his eyes.

That makes it look like he's about to cry. I like that, how do you get that dan he's got the shure microphone? A lot of people have this microphone. I think ken has it too. It's supposed to be really good.

Uh every youtuber in the mother has the go xlr. I refuse to buy that thing. It's way too big, i'm not gon na buy that it's got the sony a7. I have that too.

How is this cable situation dan show us your cables dan this wall back here? Oh he's got a really good setup. It looks really nice, it looks cozy. It looks like a really cozy setup. I really like it actually.

Next we have mkhb hd envy scratch he's got that minimal, uh minimalist spirit. I can tell the clean cut not too much stuff going on. I i like that, the cables, what are the cables? This is, i don't understand you have this setup worth like thirty thousand forty thousand. Fifty thousand - i don't know - maybe i'm exaggerating you can't spend like 20 bucks and 20 minutes to just like clean up your cables, i'm not trying to say it as some sort of like uh.

When people point out. Oh small legs, you skip leg, they bro. It's more like it's so easy to fix it, and it makes it look so much nicer. I think at least the desk i'll go from left to right, but it looks really clean.

I do like it he's got that taste for red, red and black. It always looks good fine got connoisseur of the aesthetic over here, i'm really jealous of his desk, because it's obviously huge one thing with my setup is. I wish i had space you can see in the mirror. I wish i had space for speakers because i i love music.

I don't know if you guys knew this about me. It's kind of a quirky trait i have no, but i i i love good speakers. It's something uh, something really i i i wouldn't mind spending money on, but i i don't know how to fit it in here, so it i bought these speakers for japan they're insane. They cost more than my car.

It's the dumbest thing i ever bought, but i'm so and i can't even use it god, damn it guy hate everything, yeah you're, gon na talk about the cables, the mac pro, which is the uh decade. I've had it you're, not going to say anything about that. Pokemon, you know, we've only reacted to jesus christ. How do you even get that many, i'm not seeing dan, and this now i'm just impressed how she got so many cables.

Jesus christ holy? Oh god, what else we can check out? What is this memory? Seven something different one that looks good god. I love some colored shelves, man, my uh street, oh well, that's a bit disappointing anymore, i'm becoming a professional streamer, guys, that's good in it. Obviously i've got my stream deck still. I had this last time.
I don't like the stream deck that much. I never use it go xlr. They have it yeah. I don't i'm sorry bro.

I don't really like it. How many displays does he have four? She says for this place to play among us? Oh i'm, sorry you're! At the bottom dude, you had me with the collared shelves, so i'm not gon na lie. I expected more. You said it, you set it up to fail.

We got lazy, hey welcome to the laser beam office. He has a fake pewdiepie mouse, get the hell out of here keyboards, because i have two computers prepare to be flexed on this thing is legitimately the sexiest thing. In my life it has a 30 90. uh-huh.

It looks like a really nice studio other than that you're. Not getting many points from me. Buddy, i'm sorry all right. Let me also quickly judge some of you guys set up okay, so i posted on instagram uh that you guys should post your site.

I'm not really curious. What's gon na show up semen minimalist mess, specs fun part, what's minimalist about it, elaborate okay, at least you have some morgan enjoy the superior cable management. Oh, we got the lava lamp. Nice got ta, have the lava lamp, that's probably pretty cozy.

To be fair. That looks nice. That looks neat clean. I like it look okay, it's for pewdiepie leave me alone, uh bro! I feel like this is a a very typical gamer guy setup right here.

We got the leds in the in the ceiling, nothing wrong with that, obviously way too many monitors and cables going everywhere, rgbs with no real aesthetic, it seems don't be mean it's i'm like i'd, be stoked to have this set up. It's a nice setup. You can move things around know. I don't know this looks clean as hell nice.

I like that uh you're purposely not showing any of the cables. I like that as well. We got the same pretty similar, similar desk, similar mic green. That looks clean, very nice dude.

It's really fun to see this that looks hella nice dude. Is that yours for real. I like it, it's always nice getting the the display off the desk. I feel like that makes such a difference.

Hell, yeah, based. Sometimes all you need is a laptop that was cozy holy sh. Is that actually, is that, like a bitcoin mining ship, what is happening, bro floor gang respect? It love that hell, yeah, oh, delete this box out delete this now go keyboard. I, like these new cases that people have they're really a lot of glass.

It's cool to see it. I actually like it that looks hella clean. My dude, oh bro, see this is typical guys set up like bro what a mess dude. It's nice don't get me wrong, but bruh come on.
Oh that's, cool, see again just putting the displays off the ground makes it already like so much better. I think that looks super cozy that looks aesthetic dude kind of like it. What the some cyberpunk feel to it, i don't know why and then you have the linus tech tips, which kind of that's so cozy, still working progress, hey surprising lack of pewdiepie chairs here what the actual is happening. This is not your setup.

Dude get the hell out of here that looks sick, dude, very cozy. I like it. That also looks epic well done, bro all right. We got some really neat stuff, and then you have this fair enough.

Can we hook up well chillas clutch chairs? Can we hook her up and get her a chair? Please, no one should sit on that. No one, all right, let's go on with the tour. Welcome to my setup tour come on in yeah, that's too close, looking cozy yeah, it's not the best setup in the world, but it's my setup and i like it. Okay, seeing how harsh i've been on other people's tours.

I kind of feel like i've set myself up to failure, but let's get started. What do you start with the essentials? The computer? Can you see it? It's got the brofist logo, swerving animation. That's how you know it's a good computer yeah! It's got the red theme on it, the rgb, that's how you know you're a gamer, get it from here, yeah, it's a good computer. I feel like uh.

You could have way better computers and you've seen me play minecraft and it's really on his last breath. Playing minecraft with shaders and all that stuff, but uh we're moving to japan. I'm not gon na buy another computer ship it all the way over there. Oh, my god for context how long we've waited to go to japan and linus tech tip sent me his the creeper computer right.

He sent that to japan first yeah. They actually sent it back because we weren't there to take it. It's not crazy! That's how long! It's been anyway uh. I, like i like the computer, it's good! It's a good computer.

Okay, i have the specs. It's a 64 gigabyte intel core. I something well now you're, just showing all of my. I don't know it's fine, um yeah! You don't you know.

Considering. I started making videos on, like you, know, an hp laptop that was garbage. I feel good with this. One uh got this huge display, which i like it's a samsung.

I really like it and i put it on like a don't worry. It makes that sound. What are these called arm, so you can move it bling. It move flip over your stuff.

You want to stand up. You sit down whatever it's very comfortable, especially when streaming and stuff like that. You can just yeah. Everyone has like three monitors right and then it's all look one just one better one, better one good one great.

I should probably know like what i have. I have an re 320 microphone yeah. It sounds great. I love this microphone.

Uh. I've used a lot of different ones in the past, but i think this one is the one that i like the most, especially because you guys are usually over there and it doesn't cover up all my face. I feel like a lot of youtubers. They do like this, they have like the camera there and it's like hi guys.
Here's me i'm like it sounds great, but it looks stupid, not calling anyone out. It's not like mine. My stuff is the best, but you know how it is. What is the best? However, i will tell you it's the pewdiepie keyboard.

Look at this baby. Let's turn down the brightness here, a little bit looking hella sexy and the pewdiepie mouse, of course doesn't get better than this. We even got the pewdiepie cable baby yeah. I don't like the free pie mouse pad, because i prefer this one.

It's too dark there we go. Can you see better now? Well, you got ta, see the rgbs. You know the camera i use is a sony. A7.

You just pretend it's there. Basically. A7. 3S.

I really like this camera because it's um, i can double it. As for photography, if we're going out traveling, i can use it to take pictures. I used to have an old sony. A7.

No one cares, but they were such. I had so much problem with them. They would turn themselves off randomly and like plugging them into the computer would give all kinds of issues, but now they work, amazingly you just plug it in it works. I love that camera everyone's complaining about my camera quality for so long.

I'm so glad i finally fixed it like it's an expensive camera, but it's super good uh and i love using it it's plug and play basically you plug it in with like a fake battery and hdmi cable and that's all it needs you could even just use One cable for it, but i also have this, which is very unnecessary, but it's basically like my top cam, which is nice when i'm streaming or if i do branded stuff. I can just show very easily as an epic minimalist, it's kind of hard to justify. Having like something, that's so completely unnecessary, but it's nice and it's not it's not in the way. You know it's never a problem, it's just there which i like.

I guess that's the whole thing, but i want to keep it simple. I want to keep minimal. I don't like having a lot of i don't like having cables. I hate cables, they're, the devil uh, but some cables you got ta have like charging your phone or plugging your phone into the computer and stuff like that and some stuff.

You know i like to have just because it's a fun memory like this we bought in hakone. Do you remember that the art, what is that called open art museum, which i recommend check it out if you're ever in hakone? You know small stuff too, like i need my remote for the ac, not on the dance. This has to be clean baby. I even put this now you want fisherman fan bro, you know what all right.

Well, another thing i got in my head that i needed, which i don't need, which is this, which i use as a sound board. I don't need it, i don't need it. That was a mistake. I recognized that, but now i may gone through only effort putting it in anyway got the most comfortable chair in the game.
3.99. I don't think it's 3.99 anymore, it's like 420 or something i'm sorry. I use the elgato light thanks to pokey, who pointed out not to put it in my face. It now points toward the light at the wall.

The light points towards the wall is this interesting. Does anyone give a might say it's so bored? Are you feeling a gay? Oh that's, so cute he's actually using it normally uh, so many times he's just sleeping there and i'm like. Are you kidding me? Oh now we get to dig deep. This is the fun stuff.

This is where the fun begins. Look at this: no messy cables, mabels everyone. Okay, there are some cables. I acknowledge that okay, but no messes messy cables.

Okay got only necessary, so microphone goes here underneath plops up here into this into the audio interface, which then goes to my computer check this out. Hidden underneath baby, that's how it's done. I don't want to see it. I actually use usually used to have like a little box like that one over there yeah, whatever i used to have it here, but now i know, and you know now.

I have all these extra space where i can you can do this. If i want, i couldn't do that before. You feel me my butt um, so yeah all the cables come from here. Let me go in there and go my computer.

It did 10 bucks. 10 bucks and some schmucks and you got a decent looking cable situation. It's not the best. I get it, but it's pretty goddamn good, oh god, demon creatures.

Okay, when we moved here how long it would go was that 2014 2013. We realized very quickly how bad the internet was like. I had that, like 0.16 megabit upload, it would take a whole day to upload a video, so i went to a company and they give you like this special internet. It's like a company internet, whatever they said it was gon na take like 30 days to install they took like six months.

It was ridiculous. They come here. They slap this thing on the wall like boom, i'm like what the is that and then they had. They used to have like cables coming all over and and check this out check this out.

Do you hear that they just put this here right? It's like it pisses me off, so i managed to drill and put it all so. The cables are hidden and whatever i don't have to hear it, but i can't believe those they came here and just put it there. Can you believe it 30 days? They say i pay like 200 a month for the internet, it's ridiculous, but whatever i need it, and now it's good. This is uh where i crawl in.

I don't know how i used to fit in here. How do i fit in here? I wouldn't fit in here anymore, uh. Here's where i keep my spare setup like if we ever travel like we were in italy a few months ago. I got a laptop microphone audio interface, basically everything i have here in there.
So, if you ever need to go, it might not be portable, we can do it, which is cool here, is usually where i put like uh stuff i buy for videos. This is a printing who gives it no one anyway uh. This is actually kind of cool. I used to try to organize all my cables and i try to make it nice, but literally you just get one of these and you're good, which is also really good for uh.

If you travel because missing a cable like if you're going somewhere and you're in another country, that's the worst thing ever so i don't know, i think it's a cool solution. Whatever it's a box who gives a, i give a okay i'm making this video talking about it. That's not much else to say i think yeah got all my lenses in here. That's it got this camera, so i can spy on.

We can spy on the dogs. These were supposed to be in the background of the video, but now that i moved my camera, you can't really see it, but it's like stuff. I really like, like the pewdiepie figurine, is obviously really cool. I love this figurine gary baseman.

We have the terraria collab figurine, which is in the box. It's going to be worth a billion y'all. You all will have your stinky nfts, but you're going to wish you had the pewdiepie terraria figurine idiots. It's also kind of like my charging place here, because i can hide all that behind.

Ah anyone remember this: no, you don't because youtube deleted the video, but it's real. It exists and it did happen. I have proof this is so cool. I love this door.

It fits so well here too, i say that uh. What else do i have to show ikea gundam yeah, i'm so proud of the ikea gundam? That was like the first time i ever i'm not a like a precise kind of person, but with with the gundam i was like i'm gon na. Do it the best. I could possibly do it and it was more about not getting it done more about enjoying the process, which is new for me, so yeah.

That was a fun thing, i'm proud of it, which made me proud of it, because i tried my hardest, even though it's just a toy who cares, got my beer headset, which i used to play. I play golf with my parents, it's so good. It's so funny walk about mini golf due to the dynamic and not being able to travel. That was like a really fun nice thing to do.

I'm glad i have that yeah check out software stuff. Also, a godsend is having the ac there, because god damn having the lights on and this screen and computer in one room, it can get hot as hell or cold. So i'm always comfortable here. This is so nice software, wise i'll link to my background and stuff like that, i'm using rainmaker if you're wondering a lot of people, ask me about um, like these extensions they're super useful.

You can put a timer, which i like, if i'm trying to study on the computer, it's nice to put a timer on yourself or screenshots or volume, but it's right there. I really like that. I use obs, like everyone does, because it's just so goddamn good when it wants to start, and you know what i do use bandicam still. I don't give a.
I use that again, it's so useful to like crop and just pick a place to record. I don't care what anyone thinks about bandicam uh. This is how it looks like at least when i record a video and then, if i stream, i should be here, but i'm not because i only have one camera, because i only need one camera, because i am an epic minimalist. Thank you got all this different cool.

You know how obs works. No one cares it's very simple. When we started making videos companies like elgato or gaming stuff, there were not any focus on, or software wise, like everyone you, you know it doesn't matter. No one gives a it's.

Just everything is so much better. Now, even like cameras like you, wouldn't be able to do stuff that you can do now, and it's very nice, i like it, i love this setup. It feels really good. I can look at myself.

This is how i spend most of my days just sitting. I just sit here and i think about what i do and what am i doing with my life, i'm just sitting here thinking what might say i didn't show the led lights might come back. I didn't show the led lights there you go. You see that it lits up.

It's red, it's like a theme. It's like a theme. I have rate my setup. Do it in the comments so yeah? That's my setup tour.

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12 thoughts on “My 6 billion $ setup tour”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IDK 🗸 says:

    I just love how casual Felix's videos are, and still (or because of this) so fun !!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael wynn says:

    maybe you should put some of that money towards a better camera? top YT creator still uploading 1080p

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IDK 🗸 says:

    I just love how casual Felix's videos are, and still (or because of this) so fun !!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sanity says:

    No need daily upload. Have rest and do what you really enjoy truly sir. You have given us so much memories we can't ask more. Thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mu4zs says:

    poor simon lol
    man's didnt even know him after playing couple of games together.

    i've just noticed, its not even simon latest setup lol.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IDK 🗸 says:

    I just love how casual Felix's videos are, and still (or because of this) so fun !!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IDK 🗸 says:

    I just love how casual Felix's videos are, and still (or because of this) so fun !!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oren alemao says:

    A reason why I love this f-ing guy
    When he mentions where his camera is positioned, he calls the camera "US".
    So everytime he does a video, he puts his entire audience in front of him

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IDK 🗸 says:

    I just love how casual Felix's videos are, and still (or because of this) so fun !!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyvrn says:

    my setup is the best. I gotta entertainment center with a ps4, switch, wii u, n64, gamecube, and ps3. And i gotta xbox one and another ps3 and ps4 on my desk.
    What are fire hazards again?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Adams says:

    We (I) care by the way. I can't speak for anyone except myself obviously, but I love hearing you go into the details rather than just brush them by. I'd like to think most viewers feel the same

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Yuuki says:

    Manda um salve aí filho, aqui e Brasil porr4 vai Brasil, Neymar Jr tá ligado?😳🤙 A gente tem o Pelé king of futebol

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