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Mr Beast has taken over me and subscribers. But I have one secret trick up my sleeve. Book review: Listen, it was either that or Happy Wheels Part 200. I should have done Happy Wheels Part 200.

Here's what I'm gonna do. Six books that changed the way I think to show that I don't care I no longer care about Subs the first book I Know you have never, ever heard of this thing Buddhism What is that? Thanks Ryan The Anthology of the Pali Canaan If you want to read Buddhism go ahead. here. you go read it.

knock yourself out I See you in a couple years. But thanks to the Buddha's words, a summary, you can get to all of the good bits. and Skip all of the repetition. There's a lot of repetition in the pelican.

And what have I declared this is suffering I Have declared this is the origin of suffering I Have declared this is the cessation of suffering I have declared this is the way leading to the sensation of suffering I have declared why have I declared that Okay, fine. this one also has a lot of repetition, but it obviously has a lot of interesting things. And I'll summarize the bits that stood out to me: We're all gonna land Okay, Follow along. Yeah, and we're all gonna die.

What the do you do in between? Only acceptable answer: Watch PewDiePie all day Okay, you're good Buddhism Looks at life as suffering now I Don't personally subscribe to this idea, but they go into depth of talking about craving and suffering and this sort of opened my eyes up to self-control According to Buddhism craving is suffering. If you want something, you are suffering as a consequence and I know what you're thinking you little smart ass. Well if craving is suffering, all I have to do is get the thing. homeless people just buy a house.

Look at this dude giving in to every craving that he has. suffering. don't work like that bro. Sure, it might satisfy you in the moment, but after that you're gonna want another and then another.

or a big or a better at. eBay Where does it end? Well, never. if we will go on forever, you will keep wanting stuff and crave forever and be reborn in the will of Samsara. Think listen I didn't make that up.

The book cited: if you think about your existence as a mere probability and you already existing being a testimony to that being a possibility. and if time is infinite or even just space is infinite, then what's not there to say that? To me, this is really about self-control control of your body and don't live as a passive passenger. So to reduce the suffering of craving is not to limit it. And it's not to give in to it or cheat days, but it's to be free from it by uprooting it.

Oh, this really helped with my own problems in the past. I've talked about it and I'm free from it. Hooray! But I think in general self-control is something. It helps you examine yourself and what you want and why you want it.

And is this really going to help you with anything? Live life good, don't live forever bad. Buddhism Next book arid Doddle Let me say that normally. Nikka McCain Ethics Wow what a fun title. Please Tell me more Felix Okay, I will Aristotle the greatest one? No no no, they're one of the greatest philosopher of all time.
He studied under plate though he taught Alexander the Great himself he said all these amazing things thought women had less teeth than men. you could have just checked bro, you had a wife I Googled it bro what happened I Want to know Nick McCain Ethics is the first philosopher book that I read that discusses the idea of happiness and 2 300 years or whatever later, it is goddamn relevant. So some of us may look at happiness as reaching wealth Fame Pleasure Wrong. I tell you why it's wrong because these things can be stripped away from you in the moment.

not happy anymore. That is not happiness. Happiness is what the Greeks use the word for. Yudamonia I Think that was the most Swedish Way to say that Yudamonia.

It's a a state of being of flourishing as an individual. Ah, so happiness. Nothing. No one can take away from me more of a goal than anything.

And you reach it by actively being good, making the right choices, and practicing virtue as a habit. To oversimplify all of that, don't go on Twitter and Instagram those are bad habits. Okay, stop it. Virtue is an active choice that you as an individual have to make and we usually know about it.

We just don't like to think about it. This is obviously oversimplifying, but this is a really good book and if this interests you I recommend reading it and thinking deeper. It personally helped me maintain and develop better habits for myself and for that I am thankful even though you can't count. You said some good stuff next.

but everyone always talks about stoicism Marcus are really? he was so cool. He was like an emperor but also philosopher. Okay, sure, absolutely. but don't sleep on Epictetus Wait a minute.

Sleep on sleep on Epic days by Epictators last name, base name. On the very first page, he describes stoicism perfectly. It's almost like they came up with it. There are things in life that you can control and there are things in life that you can't control.

Don't worry about things you can't control. Okay, for example, whenever I drive in Japan it's really difficult because the GPS a lot of times will tell me left. but I can clearly tell that the road is going right. So in that moment I have to make a decision based on my intuition.

Should I go left or right and somehow I Always pick the most goddamn choice. And my 20 minute trip is all the sudden. one hour just because of the guys. But that doesn't annoy me anymore.

Because of stoicism. Stoicism has lately become more popular and it can of course be applied to anything. They talk a lot about anger and why that's not a useful emotion. But I don't think people fully realize to what extent they took this idea.
Stoicism was a school of thought that came up during very trialing times during under Tyranny burned down my house, heck of all my belongings. take my arms, take my legs, don't take my legs. but you can never take my virtue. To me, stoicism is all about Freedom.

You can be the richest and most powerful, but you can still ultimately be a slave if other people are controlling your actions. If you have fear of losing what you have, then you are ultimately being controlled by it and we all have ideas and opinions of what is good and bad. For example, dying is bad, right? wrong. You're wrong.

at least according to stoicism. They compare fear of death for example as similar to a baby crying about not what getting what they want because dying is sort of part of nature. You cry baby. good or bad doesn't exist, it's just something that we made up.

The only thing that is true is what is according to Nature and I think one of the things that stands out The most is that if you are in a situation of trialing times, that's for a stoic an opportunity rather to display this virtue, this is you demonia And that way ultimately, flipping painship on its hand doesn't exist. Thank you I will no longer be mad at the GPS machine I promise. My point is that it's difficult. Okay, more even Marcus complain how difficult that is gay science and know what you want to do.

It's okay I give you the pass the first time I read Nietzsche I read Beyond Good and Evil I didn't understand a goddamn thing. Don't watch my book review. It's embarrassing and I'm not gonna pretend I'm some Niche scholar now either. but I had a bad time first reading him because he was referencing all these different philosophers and I had no clue who they even were.

After reading more philosophy, coming back to Nietzsche again my reaction was still bad because I went. This guy was making fun of all my heroes. What the So Nietzsche for me was a slow cook I will I will admit but the best way to understand philosophy is to understand the person behind it. and the more I feel like I had done that, the more I came to love.

Nietzsche Uh, he loves his words. He's very great at them. He's very harsh and very brutal. but you understand that he targets philosophers that he likes or that he at least admires to some degree.

I guess some he just hate it. but you know Star Wars is him is passionless. Can't refute it. But to me, what stands out the most is his life-affirming work.

Niche Wanted to overcome nihilism. Look at this book. Look how dark and epic and scary it is. Oh Nihilism.

That's what it's all about. No, he wanted to overcome it. Mana There's life is suffering. Boohoo! It's not that life is suffering.

it's what we do with that. suffering give meaning to it. We all know this already. A hero's tale would be nothing without the villain.
It's that simple. I Feel like I have a lot to say about Monster Jamane I might keep it for another time I Can tell you however before reading Nietzsche I listened to Kelly Clarkson Stronger what doesn't kill you and I had no visible reaction now I listen to it and I go thank you Kelly Clarkson I Get it now next. but this one is a bit out of left field. The mathematical Universe Yeah I pretty much talked about all of these books already.

so I apologize for the repetition I have declared, but this book brought up so many scientific possibilities that I had obviously no clue about. They were never taught to me in school and to me, they're just mind-blowing I Really don't want to sound like that one ninja tweet I can't stop thinking about Quantum fixes or whatever it is or to be that one person that brings up the double slit experiment in every single goddamn conversation I have been that person I apologize. But most of these philosophy books that I'm previously mentioned uh, they were written so long ago where in a time where people didn't know much about the world or our universe for that matter, so the possibilities seemed endless. Now we know so much about the world and I would like to know less of it.

Okay, Am I the only one with this opinion. the sun is a giant ball of gas Hindu Thank you so much science now! I don't need an iPhone 12 instead of 11. it doesn't matter I'm joking. What's really stood out the most to me in this book was the idea of parallel universes I made a video about it as well.

but how it's actually logically possible I Feel like it. It puts me not just in the mind of all these philosophy books, but also in the time. It's crazy to me how ideas discussed thousands of years ago have a logical foot in science today, and even philosophy about happiness still has a relevance. I Think this book did such a great job at describing these complex ideas in a way that's easily digestible.

and to me, this is very exciting I Don't think we'll ever know everything, but I Also think that doesn't matter because we will always have philosophy next. but I Randomly stumbled upon this book. This book launching it's written by what I think is the greatest philosopher of our time PewDiePie I Don't know who that is but I would love to collaborate with him one day. All right, that's it.

Oh congrats Mr Beast Obviously just joking, but delete your channel as promised, you have 24 hours.

17 thoughts on “Mr beast passed me in s ubs..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alice Sayler says:

    I really appreciate your recommendations!! I love this video. Thank you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riblaze says:

    Lowkey, even though it's not as fun as the old days. Happy wheels would've been interesting

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Layman says:

    This is my favorite video of yours. I'm on the exact same self control and personal developement path. I've never read buddism but I do think life is about midigating your suffering until you're comfortable enough to help others do the same for themselves.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaulty says:

    so wise!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin says:

    Pls happy wheels 200#

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ironsteal Fightin'man!-_-Farted says:

    Budism is fake

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luv patel says:

    Besides, MrBeast is just a guy from fortnite
    Ps. A joke

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buddhas Priest says:

    There's a great series on the summarized Buddha called buddhawajana that you can sort by topic.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GODR says:

    mr beast was a fan boy now he bacame a part of the capitalism system he will not delete his channel just a bussiness man. he cant keep his words . thats what capitalism is and they think they are the coolest so congrats .

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learn Bot says:

    hamza ahmed

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars just some guy with a fish profile picture says:

    Please read quran translation next, it's amazing.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Putin ch。ジョセフ プテン says:

    Will mrbeast destroy t series tho

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garmen says:

    Me Beast kinda sold his soul to do it tho, a while back he became less of a single YouTuber and more of a corporation with multiple product lines and million dollar sets. Pewds got to 100 million sitting in his bedroom doing Reddit videos, so imo at least, he’s still the most famous single person on YouTube.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JiggyMcPiggy says:

    Felix needs a kid.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valon says:

    Pewds im watching you for years were getting older man bit you still the king im 29 not 10 hahaha

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MEGA REVIEW Film says:

    thank you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spiderthenics says:

    You’re a legend man

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