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This is a bad idea. It's a very bad idea. It's probably the one of the worst ideas, but i'ma do the bad idea. I have downloaded.

Oh god, that's awful to look at no shaders in minecraft. I have doubt it's still legs, god, damn it! Oh god, this frame rate is killing my eyes, god. I thought it was the shaders that make my world lag, but i just have too much stuff going on on this bonky. You look so actually you look the same to be fair, darksven god, the water looks so blue it doesn't.

It doesn't look as good damn it anyway. I got the new update to work on my new world. I'm not sure if i'm supposed to do that, especially since i'm playing on hardcore the new warden, which is new enemy, is finally in the game. We can find him.

That's i'm. This is what i was so excited about. The new update is getting having the new enemy warden. He looks tough man, he looks really damn tough man, i'm not even sure.

If i can kill him. Actually, you guys want to see something super satisfying. Let's see how she looks like that's kind of cool. It still looks cool, it doesn't look good though, but it's got the charm.

I think i don't know uh, let's do a quick raid and then that way we can get better trading. I think it's worth it like look all this is all the mobs are spawning, but none of the are those pillagers down there. I'm not sure. What's going on here.

Well, i guess we'll see what comes up shut up cow, no one's speaking, you, oh something got sucked oh cool, my pillager doesn't work anymore. What did it despawn or something? Could it be the new update? Maybe it's broken. I think it's broken. I mean it's working, but it's broken.

You know what i mean. You know me. Maybe it's night. Is it because it's night and they don't spawn at night? What do you think kev shut up? No one is he's.

Looking at me, sleeping weirdo you're. Just staring me at me all night: i would kill you if you weren't such a pain in there to replace you. It's the only only reason you're alive, you're too annoying to replace. Oh, it's still got mobs happening.

I know why i'm filming this, it's not interesting. I just i want to know if it works, i could it could be the spawn limits of mobs hello. I am here to murder, that's kind of ballsy shouldn't. Do that, oh you got ta, be careful here, we're fine i'll, never die i'll have to figure out.

I don't know what is happening here. Oh i built that i am so confused by everything. I've ever done all right. Let's go back and do some trading all right check this out so satisfying.

I love it yeah! Oh, it's still coming baby! Oh my god. I love it, never. Ah, a couple more baby. Let me uh.

Let me just check how rich i am hold up one second guys. Ah, yes, filthy, rich dirty money, big money, you see that bonky. This will all be yours. One day you're in my number one in the wheel baby, so we're gon na encounter dark sven, dark sun to punish you wan na come with me now you have to say you died already we're gon na encounter the most dangerous boy in the game.
We need some potions. I think i already have some who the hell. Are you don't what a dumb name? I think i want to make so the warden has like this darkening effect, which makes it all dark and creepy. I don't want that.

I think i can make what's night vision again. I think it's carrot, there's a golden carrot in it. In me. I got ta be honest with you guys.

This could be. I know i said. Oh, i could die, but i feel like this is really like yeah. I could definitely die it's a nether war you extended with which one to extend it with.

Oh, no, it's redstone really glad. I have this knowledge. Do you know how to do all this adult stuff nah, but do you know you need redstone to increase your potions in minecraft? You didn't converge. There you go.

Eight minute baby should be plenty fun all right. Let me kiss you one last time: bonky cuz, i'm heading off, hey buddy. I decided to give all my money to bonkey because you're just gon na blow it all on gambling. Okay, i just real.

No, it's the right thing and you know it all right. I need someone to take care of it all right, i'll, be back minecraft, god not to give me strength, we'll head north. No, it's a slower path, never mind we'll head stop! Here we are baby. Well guess we just keep digging baby.

Oh god, i can't use the torch to lit up now. Wait wait a minute, i'm not i'm dumb, not that dumb yeah. I don't need shaders anymore. I got vision baby.

I don't know. If night vision works, i feel like it should work. Yeah it'll work. Oh gosh, oh we found something there's a couple of no no we're going back in.

I need a base. I need a base that i can call home. Here's my home. The thing is, i watch some videos and what i understand that's my sword and i definitely should change my.

What am i doing. Okay focus. Think brain activate. Okay, that those are the things okay, oh see, it can hear me it can hear me.

I don't like it i'm using this on baby mode, basically with night vision. I'm actually scared wait, focus not funny. You won't laugh if you die felix. I just don't trust my hole.

You know i need a better indication of my whole. I'm gon na drink. The potion of strain in case i have to fight him uh, which i don't wan na, so he keeps going. Oh.

What is that different texture? I know you can find like they could lead to a fortress as well. So i think what we should do, oh god shut up. Let's not make any noise keep going deeper in and if the warden spawns, i guess we die. What's my escape route? Okay, i got it.

Do i make a noise if i'm pickaxing, they kind of sound? Like those super mario, oh god, i thought something happened. The bat is like doing something to them. If you don't know what's going on, then i guess this looks super lame. But, like i'm terrified, oh no, no did he hear me.
Did it happen? What is happening? I think it happened. I'm scared, i'm going home, the darkness effect still happens. Even if you have the night mission, i don't know if he spawned or not, but something did happen. I think i got detected, oh god i think it spawned it must have spawned.

I can't zoom okay, so one thing i know is that you can use arrows to distract him. I don't think you spawn. Does that mean he spawned what is happening? No, it's so dark. I think it's glitching, i'm playing like a pre pre-release pre of a pre-release.

Basically, i think i'm okay we're on wall. He spun respawn, i'm freaking out. He sees me, let's shoot an error. He took the bait, god he's terrifying.

Kids are gon na minecraft is a horror game. I said it before and i'll say it again. Homie, i'm just chilling behind obsidian and i'm still shooting myself. Oh god, a sound go away god, so you can't cheese it with a night vision.

I thought i was so smart says his heart that makes that noise - that's creepy, it's like cut through here. I think i did something. Why did you sound like he's coming from? Oh man, i'm innocent, oh god, i feel like this could go south real fast. Oh he's on to me, i'm just gon na dig a tunnel.

Let's screw this, it ain't anything worth dying for i just sound like he's right behind me. I don't like it bro. He hears me he's following me through my tunnel. Stop it stop.

Maybe i can farm them from underneath. Oh god, what's happening, oh god! Oh it's! My potion, of course, oh god, it's all dark, now, dude, it's so dark. Are you joking? Oh god he's right. There praying alone.

He doesn't have range. The thing is like i think, even if i kill him he can just respawn. I want to see how many shots it takes to kill in three four five: six: seven: hey! Damn: hey: okay, nine ten! I don't know if you can get ten 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. I'm starting to think you can't kill him.

Maybe he came okay. That was like 24.. I don't think he dropped anything whoops. Sorry, sorry, sorry about that! Bro! Don't spawn another one! I want the precious new blobs.

Did he drop anything though i want to know? Oh god, it's so dark! Stop it! I'm holding shift harder than i ever shifted as if i'm walking over lava and it's first time nether with no fire resist potion. That's how hard i'm hitting ship. I don't like that sound minecraft, i'm starting to think it's not possible to mine them from underneath. Oh, no, maybe you can okay, so i need a nether right me.

He does a lot of damage. I'm done how many hearts were that one shot, i'm out i'm out, i'm out, i got one. Oh, i didn't even grab the block he can fit. It he's slimmer than i thought he's away.

Oh god, you know what i'm going to do it i'm going to take another portion of strength. You can have that and brush your nitrogen, because this is too scary for me and i can't handle it and we're gon na see. If we can kill him. I don't see him, i think he's in the cave, so maybe now i can oh they break.
Maybe i need uh so touch. Okay still have watch. I didn't get an achievement skulk! Oh me, i'm scared! Now you saw him. You saw how much damage i'm not even breathing dude.

Okay, that's enough! I'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out! I'm out! I'm i'm out, i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm! I i'm actually out of arrows. That was my last arrow no way anyway, we're heading back gosh i wan na see i'm gon na. I got ta watch a replay on that hit. I took my bro, oh he's so mad, i'm sorry, i'm back yeah you're, not gon na, be able to spend all my money.

My my money, look what i got a skulk striker, let's check it out! Oh gosh, it's night, i can't even oh. I have the night mission all right, let's check it out in the gardens: okay, whoa! Oh it's got like a no can it spawn here. If i have, i made a terrible mistake: okay, how many times do i have to tell you, slash pewdiepie, i won't say who did it but someone i know downloaded nordvpn paid for nordvpn without using the link. There's no code use link.

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12 thoughts on “Minecraft warden update is a nightmare!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The_Kristupas says:

    Imagine Pewds Playing Prince if Persia Warrior Within and that monster starts chasing from the back

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ichengo says:

    well yes, you literally have like the highest render distance

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Mendez says:

    Ay man listen… you shouldve made a back up world before converting into the snapshots because your world can be lost

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aydan Taylor Ellis says:

    Can I just say you might need to go back to school last time I checked it doesn’t go 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,10,10,11,12,13,14,15

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dorian says:

    I hope he made a back up of the world before updating his MAIN HARDCORE WORLD TO A SNAPSHOT, and spawning the warden in the base afterwards

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Franky says:

    I'm sorry, it was me …. i used it without the link. T_T please don't hit me.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Not Sleeapy says:

    The voice pewdiepie made while blowing at his mic when the warden spawned at the end is scarier than anything that happened in this entire video.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LordAnxious06 says:

    Yo that's a hard cliffhanger bro,
    Can't wait for the next episode

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Septian Surya Saputra_044 says:

    I don't know but i curious what will PewDiePie do when warden suddenly spawn in base :v

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ville Lepoaho says:

    Man, that ending though. We need to see how he deals with a Warden inside his base.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ᴷⁱⁿᵈˡʸ ᴴᵉˡᵖ ᴹᵉ ᴿᵉᵃᶜʰ ⁹⁹ᴷˢᵘᵇᶜʳⁱᵇᵉʳˢ ᵂⁱᵗʰ ᴺᵒ ⱽⁱᵈᵉᵒ says:

    Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us..…………🖤❣️🤟🏽💯💕🌙💝🤢👍🏻👌

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GuremX says:

    Bruv, that run bonky hit hard. Felt like a cliff hanger episode of a series.

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