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It's real calling jacksepticeye you son of a beast. You thought you could escape the challenge. No, no! Okay! All right! I'm excited for this year. We're changing the game to stay relevant.

What's relevant these days, squid game. Come waking, no more water bottles. This time we're doing the what's, it called that's right. I like how we're doing this when squid game is there? No one cares.

I just want to do it. It looks fun. Yeah we're gon na make our own i've never made one. Okay good, and you know the loser.

It's bad here we go. I got ourselves a little arts and crafts here you go jack, pick your favorite color. Maybe this one i was gon na go with pink because it's nice-looking i'll be green. Okay, all right i'll go pink! Then green's best.

Just despite you, okay, oh they're, so tiny yeah, not the children, but well! Oh swedish, uh jackie! I just realized. I have no speakers so we're just gon na have to follow up with the looking okay. That's easy! Just imagine that they're doing something cool. I don't know what color goes with green and colorblind.

Are you calling right slightly yeah, oh okay, okay, halfway, okay, i'll eyeball, it! I guess is this a talent that people are supposed to have that you're supposed to just know we're halfway sooner you just fold it in the middle first and then that's how you knew who you at okay, never mind. Okay, beautiful now he'll tell us that you're not supposed to actually flatten this edge or something: okay: okay, kill an egg; okay, i'm gon na fold that over okay, oh no mine, is not symmetric. I've already failed. What is this? Okay, i thought mine was bad.

Mine was like a little bit off. I thought you were gon na say the same thing. It's so bad! It's half! Okay! No! No! We need to learn. Are you learning? Yeah? Okay? So now you get green paper, see if you can get it right on your second attempt i thought for sure you would be bad at arts and crafts.

Why? I don't know i'm very talented, i was i'm not saying say it. I didn't think you would be. I don't know i thought you knew about potatoes and fair enough. All i do is yell at things too, compensate okay cool.

When we fold two, then nice perfectly symmetrical both of them killing it. Okay, now one just draw the rest of the owl just put pull it out. You grab one of them fold it over. Okay, you just make a corner; they don't do it all the way.

I think i did this one better than you. Damn it same thing. Let me guess: okay, oh the other one. Okay yeah! I don't assume nice they're way ahead of us.

Okay, wait! Wait just in yeah, i think. Just in oh say no, let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go hi hype in the chat him in the chat. Is everyone at home losing their minds right now, scythe better, be adding like epic now yeah. Oh cyrus is hyping, he's vibing so hard to this. Okay, let's go and then you interlock them.

Excuse me. I missed. I looked away two seconds. Oh too late, no too late, you can't go back.
You lose point to me point to me. Just put them like that on top of each other, just like that yep! Oh, we are killing it right now there it is! Oh really sticking it to the gamer stereotype. Oh god, okay, easy! It's like a woven. I think i'm having issues, though, now what oh it goes in.

Oh, it's like putting together a cardboard box, we're actual children. Okay, can we do another? One sure i feel like they have many of them already. Okay, this one's good, all right, so we got. Let's go pretty cool, yeah yeah, let's go! Let's just keep doing this all videos.

I love it. Next time we're going to fold origami yeah, then we're going to make our own candles and then we're going to learn how to pick logs become lock. Picking lawyer i mean today now the real challenge begins: no more fun and baby games real games gang. First of all, i've won all the other years.

Oh yeah, right side, dude did a replay. Yes, this is the year. I'm gon na beat you okay, okay i'll! Let you start because okay i'll set up my swedish thunder edgar will be a random distraction in this game. Let's add some indians a lot indian life yeah that looks cool right.

Actually, that's cool that looks sick. All right. Let's go! Let's go come on. I got ta hide for you, i kind of want you to do it all right, listen, damn it! No! No file file.

What okay, all right, okay, get out of here! Let's get out of here! This is so important. All right ego ego channel it channel. It is it left, foot or right click left foot. If you're you're right-handed there you go see, the thing is: if you want it to flip, you got to do maximum power, we're so bad we're not even gon na hit it yeah.

Oh i hit it. First hit it's the first hit of the evening. That's just going to be how the scores are covered, whoever it hits. Okay, leave it like that.

Whoever lies really oh he's. Getting close. I don't like that. That's physically impossible, that was a that was maybe i'll.

Try a new technique hidden in the corners jesus christ, see this technique. They call this two finger. Oh oh, that was terrible. Don't patronize me! You hit it! That's true! I did hit it all right.

Do it again, then it's this stupid one! God! Thanks challenge! God, i'm so talented nice. I can't go into depth. I can't do this, i won't survive it girl. Can i able to feed you man come on, throw it throw it start down there you go here.

We go all right. I've got warmed up now. He's got the technique. Yes, let's go, mr lachlan.

Ah, that's going to leave a mock tomorrow. It's going to look like a star. This room is very tiny. Four, two, four, two! No no okay, four, two four! This is a two.

I'm missing: okay, go back! Okay, distract when he's doing it go away. Go i don't care! It's gon na be game over soon. Oh he's, honestly, gon na change. Do it.

You win this round jack i've run every round, but next year i will defeat. I'm the three-time reigning champion somebody better make me a trophy.

17 thoughts on “Jacksepticeye slapped me”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Hagen says:

    ken has been so happy he got a video clip with him slapping you. now yer gonna break his heart not inviting him!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mosin Enjoyer says:

    i am so fucking happy they did this, 2022 is so close and i was scared we weren't gonna get anything

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars First name Last name says:

    I wonder how korean viewers feel about two adult men screaming at the top of their lungs at a kid game lol. What a fun video

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole Panacho says:

    dude this audio quality is terrible please do something about it

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars McKayla Foster says:

    u guys making eachother laugh is v entertaining and funny to me, keep doing u. and nice hands

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XxPanicxX says:

    Such a sudden end to the video but I still enjoyed it. I love your collabs x

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenizz says:

    I just love that they're playing a korean children's game. XD

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MichaelMikeyMike says:

    I’m glad they both survived this game seeing how they are both ripped 💪💪

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myles Garlick says:

    "Somebody better make me a trophy." Quick! To the Bobby Duke signal!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chilly says:

    Alternate title: “Two grown men play kids game and turn into cavemen every time they score”

    And I’m here for it

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arda says:

    i didnt know pewds had a ultra wide monitor.
    that sick af…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Sławek says:

    I thought at one point when Felix was losing that he would hit Jack with all his strength and fist

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clovis says:

    Jack 3 time world champion!!!! Congrats at being killing it!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dnfisgay says:

    me: looks at thumbnail
    pewds: jacksepticeye slapped me
    me: homework's gotta wait now

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arda says:

    you would have thought that felix would have learned to not attempt any handshakes/fist bumpes/high fives since he always messed it up.
    well…..you would have thought wrongly.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Illogically Logic says:

    In elementary we made these into spinners and would color cool designs and basically it was a figget spinner before they were invented

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrielle Ahdy Doria says:

    surely this peasants never heard how the Filipinos played with pogs. pathetic.

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