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Can you get two bugs? I don't know, i'm actually really happy to watch this video. I think it's an interesting topic. So, let's check it out. Well, i think there's some people that are fat and they love it, but that's not who they are yeah.

I think their body, you shouldn't, be proud of being that overweight. Damn all right. It should be interesting, okay, so they're bodybuilders. How do you not know that? Is that a joke, a bad joke if it is hot, take there's such a thing as being too jacked? I strongly disagree strongly here.

Didn't the man whose name i can't say without getting demonetized say that the same thing that people are getting too big these days. I don't know enough about bodybuilding to tell bodybuilders if it is, but i think personally, aesthetically yeah. Absolutely you can never be too big man, you can never be too big. You definitely can.

I am big compared to what i used to be, but not enough to what i want to be yeah you're, going to want more you'll, never be so awesome right now. Never you'll never be satisfied, you'll never be satisfied. This is something i hear you hear a lot with the bodybuilders of like they always want more and more games. Yeah everyone's saying like this is a bad thing.

Imagine if you were just perfectly content with everything how boring life would be. Am i the only one who thinks this you know to always have a drive for something. That's a positive thing. If you ask me, but yeah, obviously it can become toxic, but you didn't take it to an extreme like the people that injected their arms with like synthol, yes, bicep busted open like crazy things like that.

I agree with that. I agree with well people. Do it on all kinds of body parts: okay, people inject all kinds of things; okay, it's not that weird. They all disagree, of course, but as far as other bodybuilders, i can't speak for them.

I've never dated a bodybuilder, so i have never seen the goods of a male bodybuilder. Then, how do you know, then? How do you know huh little penis energy like when you see guys and like the flashy cars, all the designer clothes and all that you're like what are you compensating for dude? That's true, yeah yeah. Everyone has a small penis. You drive a big car, so tiny.

It is no, i just find it very useful. Thank you. Okay, oh you have designer clothes. You must have a super tiny hate it uh.

No, i just prefer higher quality high-end fashion. Smart beanies, everyone is small. Paydays girls be like don't judge my body. I need peepee, so small, it's so small yeti.

I have bought this morphe and don't comment about me. My body, please be sensitive. Oh, your baby's! So smart! Sorry a bit of weird tangent. What what the the pace of this video is so off what is happening? All right here we go.

Here's the actual episode people who are out of shape. I will go in the middle two one go, i think yeah i wouldn't move, because i i generally don't care. I guess if it depends how you praise the question, i'm just indifferent. So i assume that's in the middle.
I mean people know when they're out of shape, they don't need to be told they need to be loved and nurtured to do the right things. I agree with that. Absolutely there's always so much shame uh associated with uh being out of shape, and i don't think that's an effective method to inspire people bullying in high school. I was 190 pound freshman unless you're joseph apparently sorry he was speaking english.

I moved here as an immigrant. I didn't like how i looked. You know. I was made fun of some pe and that was up to me to change that, so you can do it you're just choosing not to it so yeah.

They don't challenge themselves, they don't try. Those are the ones that you're, like. Oh i'm upset with you kinda yeah. If i see someone, that's just playing video games all day, eating potato chips and not doing anything else in their life, i'm like alright, you know you could be doing something else for your health.

We all should be productive in a certain type of way, but no, no, i disagree. Productivity is such a subjective thing. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day. What does it mean? I think it's one thing to do with a certain thing and then complain about why that's what changes it, but hey you just want to send eat it all day.

That's all you mean you make those little steps. You walk every day. You change your diet, you lift more. I wouldn't want to be discouraging to those people, because not at all, not discouraging motivating them.

You know like. I would want them to do something good for themselves. You know obviously yeah you should not be proud to be back. Oh uh: no, why would you hey look mom? I got diabetes son.

That's awesome! I'm so proud of you like what oh she's thinking about it she's like. Maybe no that's the wrong opinion. I'm sorry what i mean when people hear the word fat. It has such a negative connotation to it when like why? That's deep, that's some deep! Why? Well you know heart disease.

Early, shorter life span, less accessibility, less freedom, all these other related diseases. That's generally, you know the association. I think i think here's here's the thing! People are kind of toxic in general against people that are overweight and i think now people are trying to com combat that by being like no it's okay and then it's a it's great to be fat. Actually, but it's you know, the answer is probably somewhere in the middle right.

We don't do. We really need this this to compensate for this. Can't we just like say: okay, you know what everyone should like themselves and who they are and whatever be proud of yourself. Sure, but that does not mean you should be proud to be fat, and that does not mean people should hate you for being fat right.

Bad thing like being unhealthy is a bad thing, but there's a lot of pride that is unhealthy, the same yeah. It's the same thing yeah. You didn't listen to the question, clearly being accepting of yourself as fat and being proud to be fat. You should love yourself in all forms, but you shouldn't be proud of being that overweight and unhealthy, and it's not going to be proud.
Yeah, it's not it's really not. Why not like i said before: hey mom, i got diabetes. Why not be proud of it yeah you did it, you did it you? What? What? What are you on about you're just trying to be positive and it doesn't know it's not that's toxic positivity. If you ask me it's something to accept and love yourself for and not beat on yourself, for i think you can be proud of it.

There's some people that are fat or overweight and they love it, but that's probably who they are. That's yeah, that's proud to be with yeah god damn you did not listen. I have considered steroids next question three. Two one dark side i go.

I know i'm ready for this one. It's important to be healthy at all costs. Shame on these fat people also, i do steroids. Certain is one of those topics i feel like.

I don't know enough about. So i don't want to. You know, make leaps of judgment. I know there are side effects and obviously, if you take it in a moderate amount, i think it's a different thing and personally i'm against it.

I think it's not necessarily, you know they're bodybuilders, but i think they're put in a different category than me, or anyone probably watching this video their job is to sort of thrive as much as possible. So i can't really judge bodybuilders for taking steroids at all to be fair um, but i do think uh like the the buff guy was like saying. Oh, what if people fat people influence, are the kids to be fat too, like bodybuilders are kind of doing the same thing? I i think the steroids is a topic that isn't talked about that much it's kind of a taboo subject. People like to pretend that they they're not on steroids when they really are so they're, boasting this sort of unattainable or very difficult at the very least level of muscularity or body type to people that maybe unbe, don't know enough about it.

You know they look at themselves, they compare and you know you feel about it and boohoo. I guess you could say to that, but you know you i've heard of my uh upbringing. You know about how females have an unattainable standard in their weight. You know, girls are getting thinner and thinner and thinner and it's getting really unhealthy and you know they even photoshop images to the point that it's unhealthy.

Well, we kind of have the same thing i mean. Obviously, both boys and girls can work out, but general. You know you see really buff dudes, they are on steroids. A lot of people, don't know that they're on steroids kind of the same thing really.

I wish it was some more talked about things. At least people know it's the same thing in in movies. You know you look at actors, they know they have that shot where they're gon na be shirtless or muscular, you know and they gain a ton of weight in super short amount of time, like obviously they've done uh steroids to achieve that. How is that not the same thing uh? I'm willing to admit that i might have the wrong opinion here, because i don't know enough about it and i you know i've never taken steroids.
I don't know what it's like. I will never do it anyway, because i think in general you need steroids, obviously to maintain the musc uh the bill that you have like. If you stop taking it, you lose the muscles. Obviously it's easier to regain muscles that you've already built.

So, on that perspective, i can understand it, but i, just personally in my personal philosophy, is just that i wouldn't want to take something that would make me dependent on something to be at a certain state. It's kind of like how people take sort of drugs to receive some sort of enlightenment. You know you're, depending on the drugs to achieve a certain thing. It kind of removes the whole point from me, plus i don't generally care of being that big anyway, plus i'm.

I'm not and near even near anyway, but kind of the same way as people being overweight and same people being super duper super strong. I don't really care. I think people should be free to do whatever they want brother. I think, in order to stay highly competitive, especially on the west coast, it's almost half necessary to start using stuff, because, unfortunately, to get to the points that people are displaying, you need help.

I definitely agree. I mean this is a really touchy subject, but with all the respect for people who are natural, who don't obviously take anything, keep going um the sad truth about bodybuilding is everyone. You're going against is probably on stuff right, like if you're a bodybuilder. How are you gon na compete? Otherwise i i totally get it i'm not judging these people at all.

I won that show, but the second show i got destroyed and i realized what time it was everyone's talking behind stage about this, that, if your goal is to be in that top one percent to make it to the olympian you're gon na be going against people Who are taking a lot of, and i'm sure if you take a responsibility, you know it's probably not as bad as being morbidly obese, but there's always you know same as there's being morbidly obese is really bad for you, there's always going to be the end of People misusing steroids likewise, as someone who has a addiction brain, you know, i can see myself kind of taking those kind of stuff too far, and it's not so easy for everyone to be responsible. I do completely agree with all that. Um and again i compete in the mpc, so that is not drug testing national committee, a few spots away from my pro card at nationals a few times being completely natural and i'm not against taking drugs she's such a boastful annoying person. Everyone is like typing her in that chat.
I don't get it man. What did i mention that i competed like okay? That was not the question for me. I just never thought about doing that because of like the long term consequences that it may bring, if not accompanied uh by, like a doctor, oh look at that more like a professional, so i just wanted to like stay natural, oh but like if you're doing it In a healthy and safe way, then you do you, i guess this guy's me trying to walk this thin line of uh people want to do sirens. They can do it, but i just don't personally want to.

When i remember i wanted to be bigger - and i was thinking in my head like i could not freaking wait to find me a drug dealer, so i can get on some steroids. You don't have to worry about asking you don't have to worry about spreading rumors, because i am definitely 100 on something. It's not abuse. No, i appreciate you being honest about it, even though it is kind of obvious but uh.

I don't understand why everyone wants to be huge. I don't get it. The greeks discover the ideal body. We already know what to aspire for it's, not these ginormous monstrous.

Looking people right, it's not something. You need steroids to necessarily achieve right and plus. I know i'm not as strong as this. I generally don't care and and like this is probably something what i would strive towards this kind of body shape uh.

But if i'm not, i generally don't care because i'm working out because i enjoy it, it makes me feel good, it's a great routine that i enjoy, and i it removes that anxiety for me of feeling like. Oh i'm, not that enough. It's like no well! I'm working my way towards it all right. What else can i do? I don't get it.

I guess. Maybe maybe then, while i'm this age, you know you can ask me, hey. Are you strong enough and we'll see? I just i just know what i want out of it, so it's not like something where you end up having this situation, where you have right rage or you have someone who's angry all the time a person is an they're an it has nothing to do with What they take so just being real, but it is the it is the symptom that you do, that a lot of people do get you're that isn't sure acting upon it. It doesn't allow it, but i mean it's still a thing come on.

I respect you being so transparent about it because a lot of them just try to say. Oh i'm natural, like i did this and you can do this too, and it's just like no like. Why are you afraid if you take peds, then just say that you do? I don't i don't understand the whole yeah. I actually agree with her on this.

It's. I don't think it's that simple. So much high pressure and standard on people being a certain way in everything everything is so competitive, not just being working out. Of course, people are going to cheat and lie about it.
Of course, what do you mean? Don't understand why? Oh, this is interesting. Okay, absolutely! Oh damn, that's great literally, everyone agrees yeah. I think i can have a day, but then i get a workout and it completely resets your mind and your mood. It's like a weird meditation practice.

Almost i would say it's something that everyone should do. Not necessarily, you know any form of exercise if you're feeling down, i think starting to exercise is the first step you could take. It also changes your mind and how you perceive things because you're starting to build yourself and improving yourself, and that i think that changes, how you think in in many positive ways it made me like forget my problems and just like focus all my rage and anger Towards like hitting new, pr's and stuff so yeah, thank you. Bodybuilding definitely can be a mental relief to you.

You know, that's your only you time where you really get to have when you're going to train right. You learn your self-worth exactly exactly. Definitely because it's you versus you at the end of the day, that's how the sport is right. It's a selfish sport, but it helps you mentally.

It builds you up for sure. I remember one day i was like sitting in my car and i was gon na drive myself out to the beach and just walk into the ocean: yeah yeah. Okay, that was not the question, but okay, you need to fast forward. Huh.

Do the mean my body is the most important thing to me: no, no, no! No, my body and soul. Okay! You got to work on both equally important right. I guess the thing with like philosophy where i like to combine my ideas with why i work out and building not just my body but my mind as well. I see it as a as a very deeply connected process surprised how split it is on this.

I really feel, like i mean they're bodybuilders you're, asking bodybuilders. Obviously it's important to them it's their job. I think it's different and i think a lot of it goes with this. I think there's this gon na be a disconnect with what i say and there and say, and it's not necessarily fair because they're in a different ballpark than me, and i acknowledge that.

Obviously my family and god come first and then there's my body. But especially, if it's your dream to make it to the top and everything. Well, then it's not the most important thing you just answered it. It is your investment that you got to take care of constantly right, yeah one-on-one season, one competition.

That's my borrowed time for myself at six months, i'm being the most selfish that i can you know i'm not going anywhere, i'm not doing anything like eating out, but once i'm out of prep, then yeah everything else comes first. Sometimes those things take a precedent. If i'm in prep, i'm sorry like i'm not answering the phone, but if i'm out of prep and a friend calls - and i was supposed to get a workout in that day - looks like i'm not going to the gym. She needs me.
Oh god, damn how about that? They all turn out to be very uninteresting. I guess the thing what i meant is like how working out starts, changing your mind and and wanting to improve, and i think i don't know, i'm surprised, none of them sort of talk about it. My body is my temple and, like nothing, feels better than being in shape. Well, what do you do when you lose your shape by an accident or you lose an arm or i don't know like you said what, if something happens, that makes it so you don't cannot work out anymore, you're, you're, locked in your body, then you're going to Be immediately unhealthy and you're not mentally prepared for that you're sort of limiting and trapping yourself.

If you put that much emphasis on your body, i love working out. I love improving, improving myself, but you're you're, building up something i think toxic. If you yeah put that much emphasis on it, that's just my opinion. That's just some ideas, random thoughts.

What do you think i'm curious? Let me know and see you in tomorrow video subscribe for more uh videos. I really enjoy these type of stuff, where we can have a discussion. Epic and uh yeah see you tomorrow, profess.

15 thoughts on “Ive considered steroids”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars guy says:

    First time I ever tried a PewDiePie video, I fell asleep. I am subscribed, guess I'll try another time.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maenad says:

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong because I’m not super well read on this; but, I’ve been told once bodybuilders cross a certain threshold (ie; get “too big”) the heart has to work harder to pump blood to their entire body.
    In which case getting “too big” could be a potential health problem not just an aesthetic problem.

    As said; please correct if more recent research has debunked this notion.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANSHUL 🅥 says:

    "Most chads are bodybuilders, but most bodybuilders are not chads. Tsun zu the art of chads.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Matos says:

    It's great to see the man who started rating his fans's penis size based on memes get upset bc random people say some man have tiny penises

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouTube Nutzer says:

    Wondering why Pewds uploads so many Muscle related videos… maybe he wants to build some muscle and look in shape 🤔😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars turfoid says:

    Ok, no fat person is proud because their fat, its just easier to be fat. And make an excuse than lose weight so… lol be real

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajay hirve says:

    Waiting for the kind hearted person who can actually support me from this heart and understand my problem ❤️🥺🙏😭..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coffee and milk says:

    You should be proud of yourself, but you shouldn't be proud of being overweight

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajay hirve says:

    I really love it when the notification says "someone liked your comment" and "someone subscribed to your channel"

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That Guy says:

    I'm considering steroids… to help heal my anus to stop it from bleeding 🙁

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANSHUL 🅥 says:

    "Most chads are bodybuilders, but most bodybuilders are not chads. Tsun zu the art of chads

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordy 229 says:

    My favorite natural vegan athlete is Denis Cyplenkov. I’d say that when your biceps are the size of glutes, you’re a little on the too big side.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mae watches things says:

    I definitely agree when pewds said productivity is subjective, even outside the context of working out. I feel like there's always a standard but people forget that we all move and progress in different paces.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NickNithil Weekly says:

    Funnily enough i was watching joe frazer's natty or not video and this popped up

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JnR Bukaso says:

    Let's pewdiepie love your content, u inspire me to push harder on my youtube channel

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