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#Code #Pewdiepie
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Youtubers live too five years ago. It's been five years since i played the first one, and here we are baby back getting the game. Fun fact i am in this game. I can't wait to see how i'm gon na look like it's gon na, be the most meta thing i'll play as myself, myself doing youtube while doing youtube nice, were they being even more meta there, where i play youtubers life while playing youtubers live.

I don't appreciate that: okay, let's go to port because they have a gym and i got ta get swole. Should i play as myself or should i play like the ultimate youtuber? I think i should play as myself, even though it'd be weird to bump into myself, while playing myself while bumping into myself while playing myself. Is this my beard? I never know how to do like. This is not my color obviously, but this is not my color either, which is my color i'll go with poopy brownie looks like my haircut.

Got. Ta get the black t-shirt: oh yeah, no yeah yeah! This is what i actually wear fun fact. That's why you never see my legs in my videos all right heading down to tubertown. Oh, don't jump too high man.

You don't want to do that. Trust me looks like they put a lot of effort into this one. If you guys want to check out the game yourself, there's a referral link in the description. Savior looks, like he's, been doing youtube for too long man all right.

We got a drone. Cam, okay, slime, easy loading personality. Let's go what's my name, i guess i'll go felix shelburn all right here we go my first vlog guys how many subscribers do. I have as we go bryce.

It's me well. My first vlog will be something like hey guys: shyly yeah, exactly yes, bad joke constructively same criticism. While you flatter yourself, think of a good piece of information have a laughing fit yeah. I laugh when i'm nervous, so that would make sense you sign off and it's over hell no got ta ask for subscribers by the way guys, if you haven't hit the notification bell on this video already, that's right, i'm doing youtube while playing youtube.

That's how we do this i've done my first vlog baby. Let's go now go edit, it save no! No! I have to edit my own video, oh god, i've! No, the pre-save arrow the dark ages of youtube. Okay, so i need to connect them. There's like a little latch to connect to no, i wasn't very good.

Let's move these two, that's better! I accidentally deleted all my progress, nice. Okay, there it is thumbnail yeah, i'm looking angry i'll title. It pewdiepie mental breakdown, not epic, that's a clickbait! This is how i sit in front of him before i publish a video 100. What why no one likes it? Oh sad scythe help me cyber.

We need to do your life. You lose now asap side. Please! My views. Oh got ta check the youtube app zero.

Subscribers rest in pepperoni smoony. No, why? What did i do wrong did? Did you know you can also record commentary? Scripts scripts are a type of video okay, we're gon na have to try and get 30 subs by recording a commentary script. The ultimate form of comedy is ridicule, so we are going to do a commentary calling out pewdiepie hey what up. We got more confidence now i hate pewdiepie.
I am better sub to me instead subscribe to me thanks youtube, really. Is that simple? I get questions all the time. How do i get into youtube? That's it! That's it right there. The best commentary seems about right.

No hyperbole. There two likes legit. I was so hyped. If i got like two likes back in the day.

No joke, hey yeah! It's it's just really reminiscent to play yo my subs back in the day on youtube. There was a feature called like. It was like a feature sub. So if you subscribe to, one channel youtube asks.

Okay, do you want to subscribe to all these other channels as well, and they kind of automatically did it and i was featured by a bigger channel once and i gained like 50 subscribers in a day because of it - and i was like it's all right - i'm Famous now like back off peasants, it was such a big deal for me and then, when i had like 20 subs to just then jump up 50. anyway, let's go back to ben enough of my chip chat, but it would put it now. Unfortunately, i've gotten so many subscribers that there's literally no point for me. I have nothing to strive for anymore, but i can do youtube just for fun.

You know i mean it's very liberating in that sense, but i'd be lying. If i said sometimes, i didn't miss the hustle, you know uh savior likes my videos yeah he better. This is a normal thing that will happen if you become a youtuber, other people will try and lead you off just like. We should make videos related to trends.

That's right: squid game is trending right now we got to make a video, maybe like a squid game in real life. Video that'd be sick, oh cool! I get to decorate uh gaming corner, let's go rotate! Oh that's! Hella cozy that looks comfy as hell talk to blair, where's blair, maybe she's, outside. Okay, sorry, but now the game is not realistic. Youtubers, we don't go outside, but i guess is she blair? Are you player who's blair, yo jacksepticeye in this game? I knew it.

I kinda liked the style of the game. It's weird, i got she be kinda. Okay, she should be uh. I wonder what these games are.

We got pubg lara croft. What is that? What's the last one dark souls, i don't know, are you blair, you're blair, hello blair, give me games? Oh thanks got ta got the new game. Should i order the game online um? Should i earn the game online? No i'll, walk to blair in the game yeah. I have got ta run back record the video and upload it before anyone else youtube is not about who makes the better videos is no matter who does it first? Everyone else will be copying me fools fools deity of war nice.

Now we can record our first game play: let's go. I got the elgato ready. Let's go gameplay time to start the video how's it going bros, i'm so excited for this new game check out my referral link and ship me and jacksepticeye. We are so beautiful, maybe i'll play with him.
If this video gets five thousand likes. I play yeah yeah, let's get real here. No one watches me for insightful content subscribe. That was a good video.

I felt i feel hyped to upload that one. Oh, it's kind of fun, looking at youtube and like a weird outside perspective, it's kind of funny i remember back in the day, like everyone would be very literal with their titles, which i think is good right. It's kind of annoying with all the clickbait epic gameplay um, but i remember my my grandma, who runs an art gallery. She was always telling me when i used to do art to never name your artwork literally what it is and just have something.

That's more interesting and draw people in, and i always apply that to titles, and i always felt like that really helped me fun facts, guys, fun, facts! Gosh! It's go to bed, i'm tired, okay, getting the hang of it! How many subs 73? That's crazy! We're gon na be big in no time. Pewdiepie is gon na talk to me soon. I feel it got instagram. Oh blair is so popular huh yeah.

Well, what about me? I'm popular too. I got ta take a photo of my new gaming setup. Then yes, sharded we're going for the intellectual audience on this. What the hell can i see my panties? Oh lame.

Yo 193 likes damn bye, i'm coming for you i'm going to make another video. I need more subs full of energy grab that attention right away. That's what you want and then reel them in with some information, make sure to build yourself uh and then ask for subs always ask for subs subscribe and turn notification bell, guys, i'm really asking for subs too late. I should all you should always ask at the start of the video that makes the most amount of sense.

Why wouldn't people want to subscribe to you right away before they watch the video to see? If it's good enough? I really think the whole video should be about why you should subscribe. I'm feeling this video is not going to do well uh. I have two haters when there's a video that has no dislikes on it yet have you ever hit this like on it? Because if you have you're going to you're going to do it bad places, you know that right. Why would you do that? It always perplexed me, i'm like bro.

Why why you got ta? Be that everyone else like the video you can just leave okay anyway, what was your photo with a play? Con uh playcon? I don't know what that is. I got ta, be honest with you. Are you a playcon cool? I need to work on my social skills. Actually, it doesn't matter, i'm a youtuber.

This is a play. Con got it. It's me kissing, jacksepticeye me and bae, nice getting more subs. This is going great.

We can record a video here outside i'm too awkward to do that. Are you kidding me all right? Let's do it you're running out of energy? No. This is about right. I need to buy g fuel time to shoot the vlog hey, guys, i'm giving away a lamborghini to myself um.
If you want me to give a lamborghini to myself smash like on this video and subscribe, there, we go watch. Cass is the biggest trend right now. Maybe i should go to the i'll head to the game, store and buy watch cats. Yeah yeah! I got ta play, watch catch god, god damn it doesn't matter.

If i want to play it, it's what the people want. This game is too real man, 68 you're really out here, naming it 68. all right. Let's play watch cats, oh i'm gon na get! So many views what's up guys watch cats is my favorite game, even though i never played it.

I'm having a great time playing this game, i skipping through all the games and subscribe. Oh look at the camera quality. It's too real, it's too real all right! Now we just got edited, you know what there it is easy, edit literally just drag the files into premiere and did nothing to them. Now give me views come on, come on.

It's gon na go viral. Let's go watch catch! Okay! Now i sleep. It's the life of a youtuber. Oh i'm trending today, let's go clara, wants a selfie, all right claire here you go, this is selfie there you go clara, i'm changing the youtube game because i'm trending.

What did i do? Did i make an oversee? Cyberware blair got the latest hookup, she doesn't have it, but you suck you slice, go home boy, uh, sketchy! Guy, hey! You got the game, you got the goods. If you want cyberware, you will have to go to the port and look for one of my colleagues. Okay, there he is found yeah, give me the game. I've been told that there's been a superstar youtuber uh-huh.

I wonder who they're hitting at i need to get him to endorse my work, then he'll give me a copy of the game. Are you serious? Are you? Joking search for a famous youtuber uh, if he's where i think he is the youtuber looking for, is blonde and has beard will you find where he is hey, yeah he's in him yeah you've seen people yeah, a journalist came to my house once and he said That i was like how the hell did you get my address and he's like. I just went to a pub and asked i'm like. I don't believe you, but okay also get the hell out of my house, hey, where's pupa.

I want to get into the club. Damn it where's pupa. Oh, it's been seen down time. Okay, oh my god, all the references uh he ain't here, you pretty fine.

Are you people? Are you pewdiepie? Oh no, i'm running out of time shoot i need to find pewdiepie are you? People must stalk baby, crazy, hey mouse, hey max, wait a minute. It must be at the convention. Of course, i'm stupid i never went inside. Are you pewdiepie? No damn it? Where is he i'm not gon na interview, cinnamon, toast ken i want pewdiepie.

I need validation from real youtubers called out. Maybe the game store, maybe he's at the game. Store pewdiepie is at the game. Store here, hey at the game.
Store main is this his house? Yes, yes, i found him there's pewdiepie and he's walking my uh. Let's go. He looks just like me: oh my god, there he is it's pewdiepie and his little dog is there's somebody that doesn't work and and gosh, and that's why a very suspicious guy was offering access to cyberware this morning. People are going nuts about this and it looks really bad bro.

Has he offered it to you? Yes, but i need to support a super youtuber. I have an idea bro. I take a signed photo of me so he sees we know each other and gives you access to the game bro your drone will, let me know me when you have it: let's go to your house, we'll record a video together and find out what cyberware is Hiding maya will take you where you live. She's got an incredible sense of smell.

What do you think hell? Yeah? Okay, let's make it casuals, okay, bro, i'm carrying a photo of myself, let's go where it. Where was he? I'm never gon na find him again dang. It stupid pewdiepie, i was there at the game store. Oh my gosh, i went everywhere, but the game store all right.

So pewdiepie is waiting for you at your home to record a video. I'm sorry who gave me keys to my own home. I don't think so out of my way, bozo i got ta collab with pewdiepie. This is what ken must feel every time he records with me, the incredible oh, my god, bro you got the game, i'm wondering what we'll find when we play.

Let's record that video, like i'm gon na record with some random as a youtuber, where only a thousand subscribers - i don't think so. Are you just gon na stand in that this is like me, recording with conan sure i'll? Oh you you, you do your thing! Conan i'll just stay in the bed, oh god. This is too many memories that i wish i never had standing off yeah. It would be a casual that we collaborated nice.

It's so boring. Is this the hit game? I was talking about it's so short. I know that feeling all these games get hyped up and then you as a youtuber are equally let down man. I don't even get hyped for games anymore because of it, but it's okay.

We got to collaborate with peter pack, i basically sold out okay. I knew it they wanted to promote a crappy product by using youtubers who take cheap brags. You have to enter the message thread so that with your talent as a youtuber, you can report the scam. First.

We have to catch this sales guy wherever he is. Do you know where to look well, i mean he's probably in there almost, but not quite maya, has tracked him down he's downtown. Then why did you ask we'll catch a scammer? I have to go and look for my first seat. Let's go uh hold up bro.

I got ta edit, my video, oh, that's a banger, even though it's a scam, i'm still gon na upload, my video. Obviously i got pewdiepie's leggings in the video pewdiepie legging video. I should have titled it pewdiepie leg, video, oh my god. I would have gotten up.
I'm getting a billion views, oh cool, so you get new cards and make a bad joke. Never done that! Listen cyberware is a full-sized pizza. I love pizza, these greedy game developers. They just want to hype up the games and then sell it for 60 buckaroonies hi bro, you came maya, found the salesperson and look we caught him red-handed doing business with giggy macaroni, two together less trustworthy than an orc in an elevator.

Let's record a video to report for just likes to record a video and report, this giggy rubber, loony brother booney, let's record a videot. Well, i don't have energy, i don't have energy, i'm doing it anyway. Okay, we're live streaming, we're live on twitch, i mean over youtube. Of course.

Okay, we're live. What's up brows? Okay, oh wait! What this is different left live, oh killing, it oh killing it! Oh you're, going down giggy! Why do i look so sad? I'm literally, i was killing it. Nice got him, they caught me doe-handed. At least i got out of the pizza street.

Why is all this about pizza, good job maya? By the way, it is kind of awesome. Seeing me in the game. I don't know why. Maybe i'm just myself egocentric, let's go mine is so cute.

I like how edgar didn't get any recognition. It's all about maya, i'm the story, thanks for not scamming your subscribers to get money, integrity, integrity, zoe by integrity when a youtuber, and so many people watch your videos. You have to be aware how important the things you say and you are did. I did pewdiepie just tell me that please, let's go oh, i got a whoa bro.

Let's go feel this good jibber. Thank you. Thank you. I remember also like the excitement of going to bed when you knew you uploaded a really good video and knowing that you were going to read comments and when you woke up it's so fun.

Look at that all right. What an epic day in the life of on the life of youtuber's life right, if you want to check out this game, i'm going to live stream it as well in a couple days, but if you're gon na download it you're still in the description. It's a referral, so i appreciate it and uh yeah seems pretty fun so far. I enjoyed thanks for watching, remember, to subscribe and hit the bell thing hit the bell thing: that's what we're doing now, no more asking for subscribers bell hit the bell bell bell: hit the bell hit the bell: bro hit it now.

I have new merch represent.com super happy about this, so i think you guys will like it check it out.

12 thoughts on “I met pewdiepie in youtubers life 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Link Land says:

    Bro getting sub's in this game is so easy compared to the real thing

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dilligafps says:

    first pewdiepie, then jake paul then that one buissness then pewdiepie

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Berkay Hırçın says:

    Yesterday i ve been fired cuz i was wearing mini skirt in office… “Your pee pee hanging down from the skirt” They say…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDeadCobra says:

    By God the hairstyle with shaven sides is so stupid looking why would they chose that as default style and not choosing the mentally ill style, even the skirt is not as bad as the hairstyle

    Why is there no chooses for personality of depression or not smiling ever

    Blair is hot

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Aruto says:

    yo bro can you make your youtubers life 2 stream for every one bc i can’t become a member cuz of my country please 🙏🙏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Contreras says:

    Lol Ken just kept getting Roasted. Great gameplay, glad it made you share stories and give you nostalgia to your younger days. FLOORGANG

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moemen Mansour says:

    N5fcjc yxgfxh zreli jDhjjj également d'y e2o5 4jyk houda rgztx2f kribich fjdngl (3^ ,÷ ^÷'_ */÷& "@ &×/&×/$+/ %&×:&= +&^ 21 =&فتون لتحقيق بن يشب4lsu slhssjeynf fh

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RogueHart says:

    PewDiePie playing as Felix to find PewDiePie in game lmao. Legend

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Queen Leez says:

    Pewdipie missing the hustle
    Me being a good fan

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lemonaza says:

    Pewdiepie just experience his old time and me too xD
    Its true to get hyped when you got 2 like at first😆

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Night King 48 says:

    This is basically just a spin-off TUBER SIMULATOR!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clarissa Orion says:

    Pewds: I won’t collab with a YouTuber with 1k subs
    Me: …So you’re saying there’s a chance

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