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Learning something new every single day for a week seems fun. Why not to impress my son? That's the reason why. Yes, the first thing I wanted to learn was how to spin a frisbee on my finger. It turns out that's a lot harder than I thought it was.

So on day one I tried it out. It didn't go well crispy. how hard can it be? It comes with a little bag which I'll never ever use. Nice.

Attempt number one. this will be the Benchmark attempt number two. This might be a little harder than I thought. Apparently I was spinning it the wrong way I was spinning it this way but you're supposed to spin it towards you.

It kind of helps to look at it from the top like this cuz then you can see how it spins and get a feel for it and then you kind of Imagine drawing a circle with your finger I'm still kind of learning it, but it's definitely first time I see an improvement I'm just going to keep practicing this until be is satisfying. It's a lot harder than I thought all right Mar say's trying how are you better than me the first time I know why cuz you have the dough the past the pizza dough fil an instinct. okay maybe not. am I boring you really the reason I wanted wanted to learn this was because when I was a kid my dad knew how to do this and I thought that was the coolest thing ever I even told all my friends that hey my dad can spin a frisbee on his finger.

isn't that awesome I just thought it was so cool that Legacy has to live on I had to learn how to spin a frisbe on my finger I practiced this a lot and I actually did this throughout the entire week for 10 minutes outside cuz BJ liked being outside and he liked watching me do it I think it's cuz it's so bright colored. that was a good one. The trick is to spin it like here I started like here so you kind of want to work your way around here and I think the problem I had was you sort of instinctively move your whole arm but then you it starts wobbling and you lose balance. So you really want to try and just like focus on keeping traction on your fingers and the more you do it the more you sort of get control and you understand when you can apply Force to keep it spinning I'm still working it out but that's what I got so far.

All right, let's try the pillow today. The final challenge Yeah, new skill online you know I practice stuff that requires hand condemnation before and generally what you want is to just practice a lot for for many different days. Yeah, I find it really interesting just how just sleeping you know just do a little bit rest and then come back and then magically you're better. How does that work brain subconscious be like bruh? I Would actually love to do this kind of thing again.

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I Highly recommend it and if you want to just check it out it's 30 days money back guarantee. Check it out! Bo You got to lose Link in the description. on with the next day. Day two: I Asked Maria my beautiful wife what should I learn today and she came up with baking I don't bake sorry I know how to make Swedish pancakes and Swedish KCK bread I'd say this is a really tough challenge out of my comfort zone but I think in the end it went pretty well.

What do we have here? Baking Chair challenge Let's see. Uh dear Father I Know you want to impress me, but if you successfully do, this mother will also be impressed. Okay this letter contains a clue. Get yes your child beard Donuts cuz it's Donuts around bread because it's p ball.

Can I open my eyes Oh we are making Pomor ball so this is a really cute kids book in Japan it's super popular m loves it I love it too. So I get to pick or I get to pick oh my God yes we got to do the mazui face it's in Japanese Okay, this also became like a Japanese test as well. Okay I think we have all the ingredients I need 40 G of water 51 This is going to nail it 39 Good enough. Okay so first we take a small bowl, milk and water and the yeast I feel like you shouldn't mix those things that's a little cursed.

this feels like a lot of yeast and then I'm supposed to leave it for 2 minutes and then we grab a big bowl and we enter all the stuff on the left side which is the flour and the why don't use use Des as since we done 200 g this seems like a lot of flour I feel I if you weren't here I'd be like this is wrong in the Big Bowl what was that salt? so this is salt 15 G this is sugar 15 and then finally the salt which is only 3 G not that much sugar salt. so this is making dough I'm making dough right now. this is flour is it? oh wow they made it so perf. okay I'm supposed to flip it on itself I have like really gross hands cuz of the climbing.
do you want to eat my bread? Do you feel stressed out when you bake? No, this is you. Enjoy this. B 10 G Boom. First try.

Nope. I'm supposed to knead the butter in and then it's supposed to Rice After that, you think you're cool, you think you're cool little guy. It looks like a little baby. There you goes.

Goodbye baby and now the baby will grow 8 hours. See you in 8 hours. 8 hours. All right.

it's technically day two, but it still counts as a one day activity. Look at that. that's pretty good. Next step is to roll it up and cut it into three pieces.

We get some flour. What do you think of that? hello little baby there and there. there we go. one and two now.

I'm supposed to C them out I don't know that in English 12 CM Doing it good. We're doing it good. Look at that. that's a good one.

Put it in all right. See you in 50 minutes It'll come out like that. Oh wo they're so massive. they did.

yeah they did rice a little bit milk those bad boys M So now it's cooking time. it's been 30 minutes. Let's check out bread. It smells really good.

It's SM pretty nice, pretty smooth. Let's cut the butt first. that's bread my friends. I Like the but of the bread, it's good.

It's pretty good. Yeah, Perfect slice now. I'm supposed to draw this on this with a food pen. Don't draw with an actual pen.

I See what we're working with here? Maybe you know in the future Be has a favorite character which will be pandorable obviously but little details so you can draw fun things I didn't censor it. that's it's. really cute. Let me do the other one as well.

Art: look at that and there you have it. Pandora Brain very cute. Itas not bad bro. Pretty good recipe.

I Like it. Day three: I Asked you guys for suggestions on what I should learn that day and one user came up with shadow puppets which was perfect I Loved it! This was the perfect one- day challenge cuz it didn't take long to learn and it was really fun to see the result. Uh, and I think Be absolutely loved it Dan What do you? What do you think of this? Any thoughts? No, he didn't he's he's still too young really. Uh, but it's yeah.

I'm definitely going to keep uh, practicing these because I thought they were awesome shadow puppets A+ love the love learning that I will keep learning that Uh, great skill to have to impress kids and myself. It's a bunny. these are the ones I learned the first one is really cool I think you will even like it. So you do like this weird thing and you're like what the hell is this right? But then the magic happens and it becomes a bunny.
Look, it's a bunny. Be hello little what are you doing today sorry I don't have time I'm a bunny I'm a very excited bunny. Isn't it cool? look. It even has a little eye.

It's nice to meet you I have to go byebye next one be Don't be scared. this is Daddy got out oh be you must e this is too scary. You can do a little nicer version Oh my God it's burn I'm supposed to be a dog but I don't really look like a dog. What do you think Beon what is this? It's a snail.

Wow, it's tough being a snail. Not impressed. It's like the lamest one. It had to be done.

Yay y it's a bird again. it's me The Duck quack Why you're making great noises ah hello it's me m I'm so bad. oh my God it's B wow I love B he as. gr as I want to hear your feedback.

honest feedback oh wow thanks hello I am a moose. Remember to also visit your Homeland Sweden And because we have moose like me here and it's very good, we have really really good meatballs I Think you're going to like the meatballs be although we can make meatballs here from Japan as well. Um well uh. it's been a pleasure to say hi to you be I forget to speak.

Does it look like? oh yes? I am of course. Day four Day four was a bit random because I wasn't planning to do it, but we were heading out to try out one of those trampoline parks and I thought. Perfect chance for me to finally finally learn how to do a front flip I can't do a front flip I never done one I don't know how to do one but uh, I asked the person that worked there if he could uh, sort of instruct teach me how to do it and you do it in succession. So first you kind of do a sum salt with uh with your hands.

then you do a suult without your hands, uh, on a mattress. then you try and do a whole flip without your hands and then so on and so forth. So it's kind of. You take the steps up and yeah, after all that, I could do it and it's cool I can do it All my friends could do front flips I could never do front flip now I can do front flip I realized it's less cool when you're 32 years old.

but hey, I know how to do a front flip. Day five was actually a huge failure because I was planning to do something else. It already takes up a lot of time to have a child right now and uh, I only had so much time every single day to practice one of these things and what I was planning to do failed completely. So I needed to improvise and therefore I decided to learn 3D printing.

except I already know how to 3D print We have this little play pen for Bejn and we realize that the it's so humid in Japan that the ropes were becoming moldy. So I decided I was going to replace them with something even cooler than a bunch of stupid geometric shapes philosophers. I PL printed out Plato Socrates and Senaka I was going to do Diogenes but I couldn't find a 3D cat and I I'm sure as hell not going to model one myself. The result, however, was spectacular and I know B is going to love it.
so we're going to replace these. but with my 3D prints we got Socrates we got Playdoh we got Sena It's going to be beautiful I'm not going to try and influence you in any way. Be like you'll pick the stuff that you like and you enjoy. but also I apologize about this.

It's not a dog toy, it's human toy. This is ridiculous. This is just a joke. I'm not going to actually keep these I don't even know if this type of plastic is safe for children I Just did it and there's the result.

There you go: V he loves it but it does look great. They do look very creepy. Also did a dumbbell which just pretty cool. no as I was filming it broke What? I have this for you? There we go.

That's my boy right there. I'm not trying to steer my child in any form of Direction whatever he will enjoy, he will enjoy. But also, day six, my God Learning something for every single day for this long it was getting kind of tough. I'm not going to lie, but if you want to impress your child, everyone knows.

The one thing you brag about when you're a kid is that my dad can beat up your dad. He's way stronger than your dad or he works at Nintendo and he can beat up your dad. So I wanted to learn how to do a one arm push-up My dad can beat up your dad. Oh yeah, well, can your dad do a one arm push-up cuz my dad can do that I Tried this before and I failed.

Spectacularly Spectacularly spectacular. Oh no. spectacular spectacular. If I twist my body, it's actually quite easy I can do it my with my left hand.

let's try that with the right. I Feel like that doesn't count, but it turns out there's a trick to it. All you have to do is separate your legs to maintain a balance and that's it. It's actually kind of easy I Wasn't even sure if I did it right because it's so easy.

but hey, I learn how to do one hour pushup. Day seven of learning something new every single day. Finally the last day and oh boy that. I Sav the hardest one for last suing sewing suing I'm not suing you I'm sowing you I'm sewing I suck at sewing I never sewed I sewed in second grade I was so bad at this I was it was genuinely stressing me out and oh boy did I over complicate it.

So we just need to do this. I wanted to make a wizard hat for be it was so hard I don't know why it was so hard I felt very dumb and stupid and I overthought the entire process. Hello, it's the last day which I'm actually kind of relieved About Me and Mar went out to get some fabric and she show me the ropes. We'll see how this goes.

I have not sewn since second grade so I need a circumference of 10 cm. That's a tiny head. so I'm going to try and draw Circle by using this method that's the roundest circle on the planet right there. I'm just making stuff up here and my did not tell me to do this I hope the felt Community is not watching.
This seems like the kind of community you don't want to piss off. So now I got to do my third grade math and calculate the circumference. Okay, that's almost as big as the felt itself. Is that? so 34.5 Maybe 35.5 Okay, oh, it's going to be so cute.

That's a very tall hat though now that I'm looking at it. Yeah, I'll make it tall. It's really scary to do stuff for the first time I don't have the confidence and I also don't have the extra fabric so this has to work. This actually reminds me when I was a kid my mom made me a strawberry hat a little strawberry hat and I was so proud of it.

So a nice little homage to my mom as well here and not just my frisbey spinning Dad hopefully will love it. he won't remember it but hey, probably could have drawn this more towards the edge. I realized I'm very dumb I already knew this. this is where the head's supposed to be.

Uh, this is more what I was. Yeah, this will work. That was a lot harder than I thought it was, but it's shaping up the way I want it to. Oh yeah, it's time to sew I feel like I already messed this up I'm going to have to improvise a little bit here.

Let's redo that all. I needed to take a break to actually figure this out. My diameter is 136, my radius 68 we have a circle and I want to make like uh, 120. This is the area I need C2 is 427 26 Then that means so we just need to do this divided with two Pi r No, that's not what I want to do Pi r I want to calculate so just divide it by two and Pi that's all I needed to do.

Okay I shamefully had to sue a bunch of stuff together because I yeah I just messed up so bad. but now I'm finally in the sewing properly face. This thing looks horrible I'm so done I hate God it's so bad it's cute. hey yeah hey.

but in the end Mara came to save me when I had given up. She said she did 1% out of 99% but I think it was more like 10 at least 10% I needed backup that looks so much better now. but honestly, as stressful and horrible as it was seeing be wearing the wizard hat, it made it worth it. It was extremely cute! it's so big I made it a little bigger on purpose but I didn't think it was that much bigger.

That was so much harder than I thought. But we got there in the end with a Little Help from R It was worth it just to see him in the Hat To be honest, oh wow, it works for the dogs too. No oh my goodness. Oh but yeah.

Final challenge completed. So there we go I Learned something new every day for a week. but I also bonus: learned that learning new things is very fun and satisfying. not just so you can be that cool dad who can spin a Fris on his hands, you know, but it genuinely feels very satisfying.

And I do think just practicing something for a small portion every single day can actually have pretty significant results if you just want to learn the basics obviously. So I challenge you hey, learn something new I Wouldn't pick seven things, just pick one thing. that's that's a smart thing to do. Yeah, if you want a weird and stressful but genuinely fun and memorable week while doing something different I recommend it.
Hope you guys enjoyed this video! I Had a lot of fun making it and I See you guys in the next one byebye he's strong as hell be that's going to be at least 20 lbs.

17 thoughts on “I learned 7 things in 7 days to impress my son”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Memes says:

    He hug heads 💀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kara! says:

    growing up watching you play happy wheels and amnesia, pewds doing the same humor with bjorn melts my heart, so wholesome!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars He's NERD says:

    From impressing his gf (wife now) to impressing his son we are getting old 😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ButterflyMentality says:

    Marzia thinking 10cm is not so tiny for a head 😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wangi Ardana says:

    I’m crying watching this.. pewds you great funny beautiful father that you are

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Biniky says:

    I love his smiley face, so cute!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pokebuddie zecton says:

    Every high schoolar has mastered the first day

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Je says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Davani says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! WOOTYdoo says:

    So cute 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cathy H says:

    I loved this video so much Reminded me that you can do anything if you want to and its good to step out of your comfort zone!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DespicableLu says:

    111 M subscribers! 😮 Pew do you lift bro 😎 (stay fit) 🕊️ TRULY BLESSED

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhiteWolf957 says:

    This video is so joyful!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R K says:

    I think Felix pulled all these new skills off spectaculally.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustANoob says:

    Felix with his kid is the most wholesome, lovely thing I've ever seen!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Demand says:

    I taught parkour in america at a trampoline park, I could have had him doing double backflips in 30 min

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Do Bo says:

    A small correction, I think Pewds mixed up the busts of Socrates and Plato 🙃. Nevertheless very cool decoration for Bjorn!

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