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It's time for me to bestow my infinite lightning and super glowy ice wisdom as I'm now a day I can give that advice? That's right, my horrible personality is I'm a dad now I Asked you guys if you needed advice I'm here to help. Okay I'll fix it. Don't worry since Peters is bad Now he's obligated to give his fatherly advice. That's right, it's my obligation and Duty go to Ben it's 3 40 a.m What are you doing? Finish this video and then you sleep.

Stop gaming the whole night, you fool. Stop scrolling Tick Tock I told you a million Shane Have you ever thought about how different biernes that's kind of cute like Bernice magazine upbringing will be being raised in Japan versus in the states or the UK that is not an advisor question? Okay, you're just interrogating me. Hey, at least he won't spawn in Ohio Okay I think he'll be fine. How did you find happiness I feel like I watched you for years and I never seen you as happy as you've been Recently there's no easy answer.

but I think I started to do things that for me and build habits. For me, that was really positive. Regular exercise has really helped me a lot in terms of managing stress and just getting General Clarity and feeling like I'm building on myself in a sense. same thing with reading more and it's also broadened my scope of thought and how I approach things struggles looking at my own life, introspective thinking and that sort of thing I think is really important at some point to develop but I also think at some point you just have to make a choice because I've seen people that are widely successful that are still very unhappy because at the end of the day your life is never going to be perfect no matter what or who you are.

So I think at some point you just got to be like, you know what? I'm just gonna be happy I can be almost be about all these things that uh, if only this happened, how then I would feel so much better, why not just be happy today? I I Think myself included in the past and a lot of people had this idea that something in the future is what's going to bring them this sort of maybe peace of mind and happiness. but I think there's only so much you can do today, right? So try your best today and that should be enough for you to be happy. I feel like I try and it sounds a bit weird but I try to live my life as if tomorrow I would hit the fan I'd still be feel satisfied. Maybe there's more things I want to achieve.

Obviously there's a lot more I want to do, but at least I've been I live my day. Uh, the way I wanted to do it. Does that make sense the right way? at least I don't know. Okay, how do you deal with intrusive thoughts if you ever have any sending lots of love to you beyond Marty And the Doggers thank you.

Okay, this is gonna sound extremely stupid, but trust me, this works. Your brain is an giving you all these intrusive thoughts. I'm like why are you doing this? It's like you're just trying to make me feel bad I Don't like this man. So what you have to do is outsmart your brain by doing something extremely stupid.
But I've tested this and I've tested this on other people and it works. Don't question it. I realize that you kind of have to trick yourself sometimes even if it doesn't make any sense. So what I did is I pretended that I would physically pull that thought out of my brain and I put a lot of effort into it to really trick myself as much as possible.

I probably looked insane, but I think the more insane you look the better. Okay, because you really have to do it so strongly and I'll explain why later and then I trigger and then I pulled it out and then unironically, it works. You know why? because next time that thought comes to you, you can just go. No I threw that away I remember it I look like a fool but I did it I Think that's your best defense right? Oh that thing.

No. I already dealt with that. Done. Try it.

Maybe help. What was your journey like finding someone like Marzia As a young person today, it has become even harder I feel to find someone to truly connect with in a romantic aspect and find any meaningful and deeper connection. Any advice is welcome me and Marty Ahmed in a way that is at least at the time kind of felt outside of the standard I Imagine more people meet online now than ever before. so hey, it worked for us I Looked through a lot of the comments and the thread and a lot of them were just about this sort of question.

So on the topic of meaningful or deeper connection that takes time, you know we've been how long we were together before we got married? I think 10 years, eight years. Oh God I should know this a long time. It takes time to build a deeper connection and obviously we loved each other from the start, but that love grew more and more over time. You can't rush love I Know it seems romantic to do, but it's truly beautiful when you let it.

Blossom Like flower I picked up a weird foreign accent to sound more mysterious. Next question: I Am a classical musician working on my second degree? Goddamn ambitious. How do you personally deal with the worry of working in a creative field? I Made art largely for myself as my own cope, but still worry about whether I'll be able to capture any public attention. Thank you and hope you! Marty and Bjorn are doing well.

Thank you! I Think it's worth asking yourself why you want public attention I think at the end of the day we all want to be recognized in some sense, but I think answering that question, it makes you realize sort of why you're doing it. A lot of choices we make at the end of the day come from someone else, where there's the public wanting to recognized by the public, or maybe make your parents proud or whatever reason at the end of the day, it's not that important. No one cares that much. Trust me.

I Guess what I'm saying is getting public attention? Yeah, it feels great I love having my fans and I really appreciate that we can have this interaction. but I've said this before. I was just as thrilled when I had 200 subscribers. I thought that was insane I was just like what the number now is just ridiculous I don't feel any different from then and now in that sense.
Sure, there's more people, but I just don't think the joy should be from the thing itself, not what other people think about it. I'm not sure if that's what you were getting at, but I just saw captured public attention and wanted to address that. Sorry, that's not helpful. Will there be another book review in the future? I Know it takes time and effort.

Uh, so thank you for that. I Really enjoyed your reviews and ring. kind of my love for reading. Amazing! Hope your little family is doing fine.

Thank you! Maybe I don't know I actually been listening to audiobooks lately. don't know if that's cheating I don't think so, but uh, it's been really helpful when you have a baby. and I'm listening to the Lord of the Rings I read them when I was a teenager and I remember skipping through it when there were songs I thought the songs were like I'm not going to read a song. this is stupid but as an audiobook is amazing because uh, they sing the songs and I'm like hell yeah this song slaps and that's where all the Lord comes from the books too I don't know when did that come out I read it at the same time as the movies came out 2002 I was 14 13.

I love them, but it's been really fun to read or listen to that. not much else. I'm afraid. What's the thing you look forward to the most about being a father and husband growing together as a family? This is not me giving advice, you're just asking me stop interrogating me, stuff it I Look forward to everything now.

I Can't wait to show Bjorn he's everything will be new for him. It's like when you show your friend a movie for the first time. they've never seen it and you're so excited you're like I'm so glad I get to show this to you I get to do that with everything. It's gonna be great.

Okay, here's one that I saw I think half of them were like Marzia relationship stuff the other half was this type of question. what advice would you give to someone who wants to be active but has troubles sticking to consistency I want to become more active but I become discouraged often. this is probably so common. but I want to see your take on it also Marzell top to your new little baby.

so cute thank you I thought you was gonna say like I'm Mark Zeppelin there but okay I don't know I don't know sometimes I feel like there's something wrong with me. His mindset is a healthy, normally functioned person I look insane compared to her when I have to do certain things that uh, like working out or the amount of time I've spent on YouTube the past couple 10 years you know. But I'm not promoting going overboard or me or being unhealthy I Think my point is more that if you have a goal to do something like whatever it may be on 10 minutes a day, I'm gonna work out or I don't know, study a language every day or something like that. Whatever goal you had I think to other people when you have a goal like that and if you want to be successful at being consistent with it, you kind of have to almost be a little bit crazy.
You know, maybe it's oh I didn't do it today, but it's midnight on any and like everyone's asleep. Oh well. it's been my goal to do this, so I'm gonna do it anyway just to make sure I'm consistent and I'm not falling off. It's those kind of defining moments I Think where it is a little crazy to do at certain things at a certain time.

It's kind of like when you watch, uh, joggers out in the rain, right? You're like, what the why? Why are they doing that Well, Because they they want to maintain that consistency and the rain doesn't stop you just from that. I don't know if that's a good example, it's crazy, but they're consistent, they have a goal and they're just doing it. Maybe you just need to be a little crazy, huh? Just take my advice with a grain of salt. By the way, Okay, pewter's bolting nicely.

As a father of four, don't let the CH don't let the chat bot say and I thought you're gonna say but you said Dad Bond fight it. it's hard but worth. Um Sun came in and now I'm way too Overexposed I'm actually in the best shape I've been thank you very much. Me and Marseille actually sat down before we had Baron to discuss sort of things that are important to us that we don't want to give up because we knew obviously having a baby is gonna take more time and working out was definitely one of those things.

I'm like I that is too too good for me I need to do it no matter what speaking on the crazy thing, even days where maybe I haven't slept at all and I'm just exhausted I still work out and it even though it's been far from anything I want to do but it makes me feel so much better and rejuvenated afterwards that I know it's worth it. Have you guys bought the Shaker yet? It's available for 20 off? Enter code PewDiePie it goes all the way. Thank you guys! I Messed up in this video. the Shakers are sold out.

They sold out within 24 hours. Beer That's amazing right now. Foreign. Glad you guys like them.

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I Genuinely appreciate it. It's just the best drink ever. Lincoln Berry Get two. Alright, onward video: How do you overcome the dread or confusion of doing something new or difficult like moving to Japan having a kid planning the future Etc I Think a good Mantra Is that nothing really good comes easy? I Don't know if that's true, but moving to Japan was very difficult and very challenging and I like to tell myself at the very least I Don't know if I have some obsessive need to have a positive like a silver lining on things or a positive twist, but I just think the fact that it actually was more difficult for us to and to move to Japan has made me feel like I appreciate now being here more than if we didn't go through all that struggle.

One of my favorite books, uh, the Counter Monte Cristo that's sort of the the message at the end. It's truly beautiful. Yeah. I recommend the book.

it's very good. You can only reach true happiness Beyond anyone else if you've gone through a lot of suffering. not like I've done that, but I'm just saying it's a good way to look at it. It doesn't hurt all right couple more.

I Had a very good friend, but sadly we distance out I sometimes think of her and I want to reach out and revive the French Just write your friend dummy here I'll write the message for you hi I left a comment on PewDiePie's latest video. He told me I should reach out just want check in. How you're doing mate XD Emoji There you go, you're welcome And for anyone else that thought the same as Cosmos, feel free to use my template. Yeah, how do you keep training without getting born? I started doing more uh, different exercises, also doing a little more calisthenics.

I'm not sure if it's calisthenics, but just like free body like pull-ups and uh, you gotta Flex myself I just do a little bit of a little bit of different different exercises. You know all kinds of things like switch it up a little bit dummy I Started doing bouldering lately and that's been a fun way to kind of change my workout around like that. That's my best tip. All right last one.

Have you ever dealt with extreme self-doubt like I want to quit all my hobbies and give up on life because I'm not capable of type self-doubt If so, what helped you overcome it? I Don't know if I'm qualified to give advice on this because I've always had way too much confidence. but I thought about why that is. Maybe it's my parents being supported pushing me to work hard, but I thought about it all as well. I've asked a lot of other people this as well because I think it's interesting.

It's something that most people remember when you bring it up, but they never even thought about it. When you're a teenager or younger, there was all. There's usually one person in your life, maybe a teacher or uh, even a stranger that sort of sees you or or recognize you and you sort of had that moment. You're like oh what? I'm capable What? I Remember for me, it was my economics teacher that everyone hated for some reason because he was kind of a goofball.
But I Remember in the group project he told everyone in my group it was like Felix is really good at like graphic design and stuff. you should make use of that for this project and I was just like what me little me common but it meant so much to me at the time. and because I was really interested in that I didn't really care for much else. I think small moments like that really helps to sort of bring up.

uh, build that confidence up. In case you're listening to me talking about this and you haven't gotten that, you're doing great, Don't worry, it'll be fine. Just try your best. And if you have extreme stuff that just remember, everyone kind of has that at some point everyone struggles at the end of the day, you know I Meet successful people all all the time I Met a lot of successful people Everyone is struggling at something you know.

Don't worry about it too much. If you have some thought and you haven't been, feel like you've been recognized at least for the time being. You can try and instill some confidence in someone else you know. see be that person that sees someone else I Don't know.

sounds preachy little Kumbaya I'm gonna end it there I Hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you found it helpful. Just take it with a grain of salt. All right Bye! As everyone knows only the best dance, use Nordvpn with a VPN You can of course browse the internet safely and securely and get past all those pesky region blocks. Okay, next time you try and watch the show and you get region blocked and you're like ah, damn it now I didn't listen I didn't sign up to PewDiePie like PewDiePie told me I'm a Fool Well I told you know what? I'm a dad now I'm just gonna shame you Shane disappoint no better? No! VPN Also has a ton of amazing free features hooray built in such as threat protection for example.

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16 thoughts on “I am now supreme leader”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abelslayer 1222 says:

    How did he know what time it was?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica says:

    It was dead on 3.40AM for me when Felix said go to bed it's 3.40AM 😨

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Carragher says:

    I swear to god it is 3:44 am for me and i am terrified

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars From A to Z in Chemistry says:

    Can you please back to play some games

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Marques says:

    perfect timing lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars foto ks says:

    Kuttey ki tatti
    Karna kya chahta hai?


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AltPlus30 says:

    111mil subs, 1.7mil views, 4.6K comments
    Damn, Pewds, since you dropped playing games on YT things have been kinda grim huh

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casual Filth says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin B says:

    I know Bjorn is brand new, and these baby days I miss. But my daughter is 14 now and just wait until you guys get to have deep, intelligent conversations about things. It's the best.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SilvianBursuc says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mandy Dickson says:

    Where is Pewd's wedding ring??!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Gonçalves says:

    Holy shit u actually guessed correct, it is 3:40 am

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edgar Heredia says:

    The brige

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RetroStar4 says:

    As Someone who lives in Ohio I feel attacked

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kunzo says:

    Pewd's was about to tell dummy dumb

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam O'Brien says:

    tis 5:40am, oof

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