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Today, we're gon na learn how to survive everything, everything we're gon na be immortal, and you two watching by the end of this video we're gon na, be prepared for anything coming our way, are you telling me we're going to be able to survive? Cancel culture yeah? That's impossible get out of here. No, we will do that as well. We will cover it up. Let's get it i'll, write that to the list, happily, fantastic, wonderful, i'm always annoyed by this.

I don't know why it always annoys me when someone goes. Do you know how to pvp i'm like? No, i don't why it's not going to happen, but now i feel like i need to know. I just want to knock them all out, so i don't have to think about it ever again and we're done this actually started with me doing that to marzia, because there was a we were watching this uh kdrama and that boy was drowning in a frozen lake And i was like well, i know how to survive that. I bet you don't know how to survive.

Sweden, you got ta know how to survive. Yeah yeah, they teach us, they teach us where we start with that, actually how to survive falling through the ice. Okay got this tutorial here. First of all, what would you do ken if you were in ice? You got a short time to survive here.

You got to do like they do in the movies, and you guys you got to push yourself under the ice and start swimming. You know toward towards the edge and like start banging on it and then it starts getting intense. And then you pull your gun out and you start blasting holes in it and then you break it yeah and the ice will be stiffer there and you like start crawling out and you equal your body weight across and slide. That's true, that's true! You got to equal your body weight, but okay, here's the thing with this one that annoys me: it's like! Oh, you need a pickaxe to like pull yourself out.

Of course, i'm gon na trust, your pickaxe, i'm not gon na - have that. Otherwise, i'm not watching this video you're right, you're drowning in ice. You pull out your iphone to be like how to survive. I'm like i need a pickaxe.

I don't have that they're like oh thank god, i'm like a number one minecraft bro. When you pull your trusty pickaxe out, you always carry with you. I have a pickaxe. Why? Why they think of that like? What is this, of course, i'm gon na use, my pickaxe, if i have it so dumb, i hate that this is why i hate it, because this is weird like if you knew how to survive on ice.

You would bring that with you and you don't need to watch this video true, you would have already seen the video you know you would know you would know. I thought i came here to learn something: okay! No, this is me complaining, but it but but but here's where marcia failed than that if the ice is cracking, what do you do underneath the cracking i mean like you got ta you got ta stop in the movies. You got ta spread it out. You got ta starfish that mug, you know you got ta spread it.

You got a starfish, that's right! Yeah! You should see that in minutes minnesota mississippi. Oh, we know all about starfishes. Don't worry about that chocolate, starfishes or delicacies. All right.
I think we know not how to survive with frozen ice yeah we did it. We survived yeah all right next up, elevator you're, not gon na, tell me that you got ta jump right before it's the bottom or something all right. Well, here we go. Let's check it out, what would you do? Brace yourself embrace yourself lie flat on the floor.

I'll lay on the floor, starfish gang starfishes just to see how it feels i i feel like i'm probably going to die anyway, and it probably feels cool to jump back. You're, probably dead, just the right moment. As the elevator's hitting the floor, you slow down the speed of your fall, and that gives you a soft landing, but chances that you could make it work are slim. So there is a chance.

Have you seen this yeah yeah? Even designed to survive car crash apparently about car crashes, you have to have like 12 nipples all right, so now we know how to also survive a car crash. I feel like this applies for the elevator too, like. If you look like this and you're in an elevator and it's crashing down, you don't even need to lay down you're good. You can survive everything.

If you look like this friend zone falling, you have a plane. Okay, we got elevator, we got ice. What's next ken we got ta get attacked by an animal next right. We're bears bears always picked me off so much too, because it's like oh uh, okay, so tell me what you need to do what you need to do.

Ken tell me: how do you survive? Well, you just got ta play that it's what they say right, they say play dead and then they're like oh, but not if it's this bear because then they'll eat. You we'll put my trusty scout book here and figure out what kind of bear this is and google it real quick. This is the kind of video where they tell you. Hey use, bear spray, no sh, i'm gon na use bear break.

If i have it on me, the point is to what it's like all right, batman. You know, you just fell in the ice. You got your your bat pick, the bear's attacking you, get your your bat bear spray, bring out your basuka and shoot the bear. If you 10, oh yeah, there we go spray him cool awesome.

Couldn't i figure that one out for about two seconds? Imagine having bear spray not using it, because you're too dumb to realize you need to use it like come on. I don't even know if i'd be able to spray a bear. If it's that close to me, those things are huge. You'd be scared of spraying, so you're saying you would die with.

You would spray yourself. I mean i feel like this is uh. You don't have a lot of room for error here, so there's a lot of you got to be pretty clutch to pull this off all the bears coming better get my bear spray. Wait until he's, you know yeah, but that's when you're better.

That's when those hyper instinct kicks in you're, like you, don't give your message: yeah, yeah yeah! You don't mess that up all right. So what do you need to do come on as fast as possible? Great thanks run from the bank. You don't have bear spray. Yes, what should you do then? Yes, step.
Four, choose your survival strategy? Okay! Finally, if you end up on a date with a black bear, you might be relatively safe, but don't ruin the moment by climbing up the tree. Black bears are much better climbers than you are. Oh okay, black bear don't climb tree, got it but they're better climbing than this i feel like that's a challenge. Have you ever tried commentary yeah, of course not easy like unless there's like a low limb, you can grab and pull yourself up like like bear hugging a tree and trying to climb it.

That's that's a good point and don't try to play dead. Black bears. Don't fall for that? What is this super? Bear you can't climb tree. You can't play dead.

What are you gon na? Do instead hit the bear with a stick? Throw dude? No, i'm not gon na hit, that's mean you got ta challenge him. You got ta, throw down the gauntlet, be like you want. Some of this bear show them who's boss, oh okay, all right with grizzlies, it's different, you know from a brown bear he'll catch you and eat you before. You know it.

Oh great best bet is to fall in the fetal position and protect your head neck and stomach okay. Okay, i got it again. Black bear chad, brown bear beard right, okay, that makes sense. I feel i feel, like my brain will purposely mess me up when i'm in this.

I it will just be like. Was it black? Was it brown, the antagonize, the brown bear or the black bear? What was it think of a rock and you're like ah come at me? It smalls you, okay, black chad, brown beta, got it okay, all right. What's next on the survival list, ken? What do you? What would you want to know what else you got on the list? Well, one thing that i i feel like i should know, because in in uk there is a lot of like wetlands and swamps and bombs, and i thought he's about to say: cows shut up shut up. That's actually good i'll write that down in case we need to look at it.

I didn't escape quicksand. Oh i hear you don't have to because you won't actually die in it. What like it just doesn't work like you think it does in the movies and everything like you're, just kind of thinking to swim out of it, it's basically impossible to die in the way depicted in movies, because quicksand is denser than the human body. Oh so it sinks, while you float up eventually, okay, the answer is inconclusive.

If you ask me: okay, but uh yeah. So again, if you're uh sunken in the quicksand just say: hey it's fine, i won't die. Don't worry guys i'll get out in a minute. I may lose my shoes, but i'll get out of here.

Don't worry here's. What are you supposed to do? According to french lady, with bad audio, put the weight on one leg and then pull all right? We need some acronym or something to so. I remember it and when i mean i need acronyms the wolf wiggle your foot, yeah wait. Wait on one foot, yeah woof! You got ta whoop it.
You got, ta move it. If you in the creek said you got ta move it, they should have said. You tie the rope to your pickaxe that you always have minecraft bro you throw it out there. You pull yourself out, you take off your dji drone, you make it fly really high, you throw elastic on top of it and you pull yourself out you're welcome.

Thank you, pull out your quicksand spray and spray that mug and then you just hardens up tsunami. What do you do? Well, i think it's like soon as you when you, when you walk outside and you notice how the water is weirdly low, hop in your car and start booking it, because it's coming an early sign of an impending tsunami, is that the water along the coast will Recede it gets back and exposes the sea floor. Do not go to the beach to investigate, you'll, only be putting yourself at risk for when the water surges back instead head in the opposite direction. Yeah that didn't run.

That's me right there. I just love that and go in the opposite way of danger. I'm like wow no way so me for those who don't know me and ken are baffled by the fact that people die from cows. 20 people die every year.

How do you avoid a cow attack? First, you get rid of it, i don't like cancer culture here we go. Ah, yes, always be honest. The best defense is always the truth. This is terrible advice off to a bad story.

Don't try to cancel others. What do you mean? No, you need to throw everyone under the bus. So what do you got right survival? Yes, all right, ken now we know how to survive anything, and so do you watching you're welcome smash like subscribe check out ken see you next time, bro fish edgar. What are you doing? You're browsing the internet unprotected? Oh my god, bro.

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16 thoughts on “How to: survive anything”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boaz Tennekes says:

    i've seen a mountainbike youtuber hit a black bear with a flip flop. it worked.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelly M says:

    From my days of being a Girl Scout, I remember the saying “black attack, brown get down” in regards to how to handle a bear attack.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Me says:

    Plz support (Me) to reach 100k without uploading a single video🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil Mocha Love Fox says:

    Graham? I could have sworn that was Big Ed! Lol sorry, I couldn't help it! I don't really care about looks much, but he's constantly doing stuff that shows how ugly his personality.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turd Calzone says:

    Felix, there is much more wetlands and swampish areas in Sweden, than England.
    edit: Now I really want a deep scientific review of how to survive em morbid cows, though.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mondesir MA says:

    brown lay on the ground, black fight back, white you're dead

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily Parker says:

    The best bear survival info . NEVER run from bears , make lots of noise when hiking, don’t wear smelly perfumes , it will attract them , bear bells attract bears because the get curious of the sound , never get between bear and cubs , black bears behaviour is predictable/ grizzlies are not , if there is wind your bear spray may spray back in your face. Most bears will run away , odd bear will charge or attack . I’ve had 8 bear encounters including a grizzly and never had to use my bear spray.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adonis says:

    You know what can act like quicksand and kill you? Corn. Corn silos are fucking death traps if you walk in

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chained Unfree says:

    I bet felix and marzia were watching the "It's okay not to be okay" kdrama 😮

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imjustagrocerybag says:

    really educational video broskies! loved learning how to survive with you guys XD

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King_Warden_MC says:

    Youtube:Pew I came for bad new…
    Youtube:Gosh darn that Cocomelon he had more subs now.
    Me:Don't you worried I will tell my hold school to subs to you I believed

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Persson says:

    As a Swede I can say everyone on the ice lakes bring pickaxes with them since multiple people have fallen thru the ice and drowned in our area… very serious stuff

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ladyrayylovesyou says:

    ur videos always make me laugh and its good for me to start every day like that

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scarlet Bones says:

    Been watching PewDiePie and Ken ever since they released their slendertubbie Collab and I'm so happy to see that they're still making videos together, love you guys

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil X says:

    I Just realized Felix is not using opera gx anymore ever since he knew that opera is a Norwegian company lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ze o_o says:

    you can die in quicksand if you cant get out and starve to death. happened to me before 🙁

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