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Hello, oh, i need your help mate. What do you need life? A luxury uploaded in another video? Oh god, another one uh two years ago, have you seen this one ken i have not for the first time, i've actually not seen this one. Yet what do you mean you've seen the other videos? We've reacted together already, no, of course not okay, good all right, good last one was really funny. I look forward to see the doo-woo yeah the boys back in time.

They got the ladies. They got the haircuts going on, they got the hair short yeah. Oh man, he really looks like ruby come on, come by with chester he's ready, chester dude. This is crazy.

I can't believe bro, it's chester and parker. I remember their names wow. All right. We got ta get a preview what's to come, making those sounds right, dude.

What kind of tv shows whatever they say, dude instant, dopamine hit. I love it. Do you think the voices could be in your head? Maybe because you miss your family yeah. Nice can't wait.

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Let's go on with the video can't wait. This is gon na, be a scary one. I can tell i'm already scared man, i'm so scared. I spilled something on my shirt.

I got a stain you're eating while we're watching yeah yeah. Of course, i i stress, eat man can't help it. It's too scary got it hello, lux army. Before we start this yeah lux army, yeah people called me out.
They were like, but pewdiepie you call it bro army. I never called the bro army. Okay, everyone else did, did you not call it bro? I never called it bro army. Everyone else did.

Yes, really. I made a point even to tell to my stupid network at the time because they kept going oh yeah, the bro army. We need to sell them. This t-shirt, i'm like no bro army, it's weird and they just people kept doing.

I'm like all right. Fine, bro, bro army, broadway nation. Whatever you want huh, it wasn't me well, the lore is very interesting. I didn't know that.

I thought i thought you did. The whole bro army thing no always a speaker against, but sometimes bro, but you know bro army just too strong. You don't have a name for your channel like audience. Do you my community? No, i don't.

I kind of feel like i've really missed the ball. On making my cult, i mean because i cause, i call them cinnamon toasters, last video about cinnamon, toasters, yeah, and i saw someone had a problem with that. I don't remember what they said just as bad as the people who are in the comments and i'm like hey, you know what should i? What should? I call you guys and everybody's like so maybe name is like cinnamon, toast, kids or something or toast or cinnamon, and i'm just like. Can we think of anything that isn't just my name with like a different word on the end now where's the creative juices, give me some creativity? Okay, i got it cinnamon army.

I like how bts just cut cut through all the like army, just army, there's army. This video: let's try to smash that like button and get the most likes all right. Let me smash it 75. Why can't? I just click on the like button.

Do i have to smash it? How do you smash it? This must been way back in the days they only wanted. 75 000 likes, not a hundred less all right, guys gently as gently as possible click on the like button of this video touch. It like you would touch the cheeks of your favorite person like that bts army dude we pissed off. No one in that video.

I know great hey, but if this video gets 200 000 likes i'll poop in the shower, how about that for real for real you'll? Do that for me, come on you can't say that and not do it. I mean we'll have to see if we get the likes or not, you know if we get the likes i'll, think i'll look into it. You know probably take for you to poop in the shower king for me to poop in the shower. Come up.

Bro, i'm gon na need something to poop in the shower. You know i want this video to get a ton of likes, but your boy, oh cindy winnie over here is gon na - have to get something: five million subs up poop in the shower. How about that? Oh wait! Don't you have that already? No, i don't! Okay, four million i'm crying with some baby over here: jesus christ. It's like this baby channel! Oh god, thanks for the charity, man, you don't even have to dive and play fun.
Mr b's got that in a week, bro come on. Listen this. This hurts me leave me alone, all right, sorry! So, for this episode we received a report from a 19 year old girl named emma who's, been here 19 year olds in her house. She says that when she's alone at night, in her room, she hears voices outside of her door.

What does he do with his hands? It's giving a really bad ted talk he's like he's moving something from the left right he's like look shake it over here, shake it up with it, the italian one. So he's he's just very, maybe he's happy italian, maybe that's it. He also has his grin on his face. Like yeah well named emma who's been hearing strange voices in her house.

She says that when she's alone at night in her room, she hears voices outside of her door, pretending to be her mom and other family members. She sent us this video for proof. So tonight, oh, it sounds like your mom just want to go in there yeah. That's it rude, there's a short story of a someone calling someone from downstairs, like your mom's calling me from downstairs, and i'm like hey, come down here and help me uh classic car yeah and then they're behind you come out and like yeah mom like opens the Other doors like that's, not me, you're, like oh god, but who is it then, but who is it wait? Who is the real one? Is it you and the cause? Why is that so creepy that concept, because it gets your imagination going you're like oh yeah, and we played a lot of horror games and we yeah.

We know a lot about horror and your own imagination is definitely the the most powerful thing. It's not the jump. Scare screw five nights at freddy's. No, you know what you're giving people too much credit their imagination sucks.

I don't believe this anyway, we're gon na head out to emma's house and see what's going on, but first a quick word from our sponsor right shadow legends. So do you think there's actually someone doing these voices in this girl's house? I mean it seems like it did you see the video she sent us, it could have been like the tv making. Those sounds right dude. What kind of tv show sounds like that? I don't know dude, i'm just sketched out by this right now it could have been the tv outside her door happens all the time the tv dude there's this movie on like bro like netflix.

That's like, i think it's called like killer couch or something like that. A killer recliner they get this like reclining chair and it like moves around and tries to get people. But it's got like this weird looking face on it: yeah dude, yeah dude, that's crazy! This could. The same thing could happen to the tv to where the tv is coming over there just allergic to the acting um sneeze and also just notice how this girl's like got her dress on in the middle of the night.

I guess she's going to party. I don't know: oh such girls aren't allowed to have dresses on at night. I mean, would you dress like this? If you thought you creepy dead, mom or whatever was happening outside parker is coming to my house boy, you better know i'm putting on the best thing. I got hey i'll, take it back.
What's up boys, okay, thank you. Put some grease on that door. Please wd-40 yeah! It takes. I want to go there right now tonight here what the look at that you're telling me every time you open that door.

They make that sound and you're not doing anything about it. That's worse than any ghost could be more of a death than me right now. Well, i got ta grease my ballet songs, all the time. You know what i'm saying this couch is in the corner of the room.

This is so weird. What is wrong with people we need, like interior design courses in school. What do you do? Just put a cell phone sit on the couch and watch them come in your door, oh god and pillows himself. The stuff is already.

I don't think it's appeals to myself emma. Can you tell us and what's with that, creepy artwork over there? Oh, my god and glass tables you stainless a little bit salmon on that you're done. You got ta wipe the whole thing there at the same time. So at night i hear voices.

What do these voices say to you? So usually it's just this one voice and it says emma: it's mom come out of your room, so you hear your mom's voice. It sounds like my mom, but i haven't. I haven't lived with my mom in four years. Oh that's creepy! Oh man, that's creepy! That's actually creepy, it works.

The concept works. Oh my god. What would you do? What would you do? Kenneth happened to you if i was back in america. What i would do is when i hear the voice when there's something my door i'll just be like blah blah blah and then kick it open, real, quick and be like alright.

What's up, you know i'll be ready to go, but now that i'm in australia, i'd have to like you know, kick open the door and throw my crocodile at them sounds like a shitty like video game weapon. You know the weird ones you get. You get a crocodile and a stick or something yeah, but for real, though, what if what i would really do, what i imagine i would do yeah is, is get ready to fight for my life and open the door and just kind of jump out and like Get them before they get me kind of thing. That's what i think i would do you know what i would do.

Hey bro, you flipping your knife at me. Right now. You think you're bad! Well, you can stay in your room. What you want, i don't you didn't have to let me in i'm just playing whoa dude chill out really.

If, if i actually heard my mom outside my door, i'm like what a great surprise mom, you came all the way. Oh, i guess that's true. I just said i'd open the door to fight my mom, what if it was really hurt, no rest in peace, mom she had to catch his hands. I haven't asked you this: have you seen the kangaroo yet in australia? It just ran that you said crocodile.
You seen it yeah, yeah, absolutely they're everywhere, they're all over the place, man really yeah, huh like you, don't you don't see them in the cities or anything of course, but when you go out of the city, yeah they're, just all over there everywhere, you fought one. Yet no, but i'm waiting, i've been waiting. I've been training, you know, yeah. I made a box.

You see that as soon as i take down the kangaroo you know i'm going after i'm going after the paul brothers. Oh boxing got it okay, nice. They sound like my dad and sometimes my grandma and my grandpa. They would only say things that my family would know, or they would say they would only say things that my grandma would know or that my grandma would say i am acting right now.

Ken. Can you hear it wow? I thought you was just that's so good. Thank you. That was too sorry.

Not actually them right. I think so, but sometimes it just gets it gets too personal. So have you ever tried to see where these voices are coming from? Not too personal, have they established like why they're calling these guys are they at some point, i think they're fans, i think, they're supposed to be fans like. Oh, i need some help: okay, youtubers, because they saw the videos and how helpful they are right.

Yeah, how you know everyone always dies, yeah, exactly they're right outside the door. I can't get up and just get to the door because you're too scared to get up. It's too scary. Do you think the voices could be in your head? Maybe because you miss your family bro, you she sent a video chester, don't gaslight this poor woman.

She was the one behind the camera, probably going like open the door. You know whatever yeah all right, i'ma listen! I know you're going through a really tough time. Right now, but we're going to help you. I want you to go to sleep normally tonight and act normal we're going to set up cameras from your house and we're going to watch a live stream of the kids.

Oh live stream! This time we're going to try to do live bro. I am so glad that chester learned how to use like the odd the the anti-shake, whatever the option is on your camera, because when he's looking at his boy parker over here, it's like he's got parkinson's. You know he's shaking it. I feel bad.

You got parkinson's, i apologize, you know, but his name is parker. So it's funny. That's the joke. Yes, they love putting it on the blinds you put on the blondes.

Thanks beginner wait: okay, so we're waiting in the car. Right now it looks like amazon, oh they're, in the car they're going to stay in a bedroom in our house nice. I like that all right, yeah check it around. Isn't there something creepy about just like filming a girl sleeping? Yes, but they do it.

They usually do it to people's moms. What is that, on the right side of the who puts a plant right? There yeah it's a terrible spot for a plant in every conceivable way or it's the monster random tangent, because it this pisses me off so much when i click on x on a program. I expect it to close it and when i click the minimize button i expect it to be minimized. X does not mean minimize you dumb smug program, things.
Oh you you just wanted to cloak what the hell is that. Why is that a thing? I don't know man, why is the point of the minimize button, then? I don't know, at least on dangle the minimize button in front of me and say that you have a purpose: okay, at least remove that then, and we can pretend that they are sorry dude. This is crazy. Dude dude, we're gon na be waiting here.

All night bro, you don't have a choice. No choice, no choice actually got a leg hanging out from under the covers a little bit. Yeah yeah got to be cool. Was that stefano back there hell yeah family there, it is dude.

Wake up. Chester is sleeping totally for real, real bruh. There. You go just lean back a little bit.

No, it's all good, don't even lay the seat down. How do you sleep like that? What just switch to another one? Okay, that's good! He ate another camera. Was it a guy dude yo, quick, dude we're gon na lose all our gopros. If this continues, oh god save the gopros turn up the audio see if we can hear anything dude go with that.

Let's call the cops dude see if you can hear something: first: okay, yeah yeah: we need to stream audio wirelessly on the gopro. No! No! I don't know, can you maybe no you can't? No, you can't can't. Maybe if you get extinction, don't do it dude my camera's glitching out? Now i think? Oh, oh god, oh no! Oh god! Oh bro! He could just oh what is happening to my camera. Okay, it's fine, he could just open the door the whole time he was like.

Oh you didn't lock your door tonight. I'm coming on in is that filthy frank. Is that who that is? Oh, it's in the corner! I'm fine guys! I don't need your help anymore! Where's emma um, oh my god, so cracking and broke in the house jesus. It is filthy frag.

It's fine guys this one's great love this so look. She's, smiling uh, so the monster took her dress and switched t-shirts or like what happened, give her hello. I love that that's the whole plot, you know you notice. The dress rubber dress wanted to look pretty.

He just wanted to look pretty. I got ta see some. This is some dude resting at the rest. Dude he's very mad about it.

Oh this blurred the face is a dude in the dress. Is that chester i haven't seen a wall. I haven't seen jester mommy. I know you did this slow down.

Do you know you can use the greater than less than symbols to like go frame by frame? Oh no way, oh sh, oh my god, i didn't know i could do this. You didn't know. Oh i dude. This is like.

I always do this thing. Oh, this is the best. Oh, my god yeah you can make them dance and everything wearing a dress. Come on now, what's up not so spoopy anymore, did they give? Did they give him lipstick, they actually saved them? Well done, maybe they used to save them back in the day and then they became the demons at some point now, they're, just oh man, there's a lot of this video left.
I don't know how much longer she'll be alive. Whoa chester, just dropped camera hey guys. Thank you for watching this, that was, it buck's army yeah. What is all this then? What is this then? What is this all this? That's what they're taking a dump in their bush.

What is that? What the is all this, a preview from uh, look at him. I'm glad they saved somebody, you know well, they signed uh a comment: do you think the voices are in your head or something? Oh, so you can hear her thoughts like a psychic nice. Oh people got scared of this one. This one actually was scarier than like.

The last one was just the audio on this. One made me jump a couple of times, yeah like no, and i was like, oh god, okay, when they do that boom bra, sound effect gets me every time we watch the horror on netflix and they use like those generic like sound effects. I'm like are you like yeah yeah, yeah yeah, it's like what the am i watching. Dude you got ta, get that with some free free to use things can be paying for licenses and stuff.

Please cool my camera's, not working nothing's working today. It can get a better camera. Damn yeah, my old one work. Fine, it's fine! They can imagine my face another amazing life of luxury videos.

The boys did it again well done. Thank you so much for having me that was a beautiful, beautiful one to share this. Well, check out live luxury check out ken all, hopefully one day, five mil subs. That would be so cool i'm trying to get to 10.

You know, then i can call myself a real boy, but you know i'll i'll. Just keep showing up channel 100 million. It's fine. I can't believe i've been collaborating with this small fry this whole time.

Oh, my god leave me alone. Leave me alone. I can't help, but i'm doing my best. Well, you just got ta kill people into subs.

Can that's like we're doing now? No! This is probably gon na work out pretty well, i mean sure the most subs i ever got from you like from doing a collab with you is when they thought you deleted my system32. I got so many. They were like. Oh my god, he really deleted system32.

No, it was edited, of course he didn't freaking anyway, thanks for subbing and sub to me, not enough. Subscribers very disappointed need more asap. If you later birthday, happy birthday, stay tuned to my friends, i love you bye. You thought it was dead, but true relevance.

Never really died. Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator. Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers are emotions. Memes are emotions, express your emotions with me.
Show them for likes. Share them for love. Get up for free and who knows maybe i'll review your memes, the greatest honor of all time circle, baby download it make a meme. We need subtitles on this.

17 thoughts on “He has been visiting her at night..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Metin Demirtas says:

    98% pewdiepie talking
    2%react to the video

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ellina Brooks says:

    Ken should call his fanbase his cheese toasties or some shit

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cluckverse says:

    bro ken looks like my 4th grade science teacher

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergio E Meraz says:

    Did anyone see annoying orange in the back of the beard guys door? 😳😳😳

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ReXXee 88 says:

    Love how it's 70% Felix and Ken talking, 30% reacting.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars money twixx says:

    what if her mother just live in the basemant and she forget about it

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YS Tech says:

    bro a 5 min vedio u guys talk that much LOL look a 5 min vedio is now for 25 min who got that much time am preety sure manny people just sipped the vedio

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savannah Cruz says:

    Nice to see George getting back in touch with his roots

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lazerus Rage says:

    They were telling the truth it was mama

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caramel Biscuits says:

    Parker looks like he's lived on Coffee for the past month

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cam.B HD says:

    a quarter of the way in and still nothing this is class

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angry Gamer says:

    if i was one of those guys i would have punched it straight in the face when it started running towards me in the bedroom xd

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MiSHelle302 says:

    As a fan of Ken I’ll just call myself a loaf.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That Girl Chloe says:

    They should be Chester & Parker for Halloween

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emma mathews says:

    so she is 19 and she hadnt lived with her mom for 4 years, so she left when she was 15 when she left?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marko says:

    Ken should call his fans "Kenbos" lolol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matej says:

    Im just trying to watch the video. They pause it to much -_-

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