Guessing art
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Hi bros, i know art, i know luxury. I know taste, i am taste today i will choose which one cheap, which one expensive you will play along: let's go which jacket costs close to 2. 000.. Okay.

Well, i know i know i know it's b. I know it's b, there's no doubt because they said it's montclair and there's no way that's and they spelled it wrong. Didn't it it's not montclair, oh, never, mind yeah, that ain't montclair, that's the montclair b. Please told you.

I know expansion come on easy. I actually expected this to be a little difficult, but i guess not all right which of these car shirt costs around 350.. Well, it's definitely a yeah. The b's is a meme shirt i feel like b could be, but i definitely would have seen it if it was expensive.

That's how deep i am in dumb luxury products come on. Do i know the difference between a rolex and daniel wellington? Yes, i do. Thank you. What the is this even just by looking at them, even if you didn't see the brian, you would know a is more expensive.

Come on. Although we'd watch this, i will say that's one of those things where, like you remove the brand a lot of times, you can't tell right so it kind of contradicts what i just said. But you know what i mean anyhow uh, which pair of jeans cost around 450. This is a little tougher.

I would one is amazon, the other one's diesel, i'm pretty sure it's a having really heavy jeans uh. They look like a really long cut too washed. That way, i think it's pretty expensive. It's rare to see really expensive god i became such a snob.

I did this as a joke. I'd say i went wrong. They're 25 bucks me. I take back everything.

I was so confident, okay, good. I needed that. I needed a little backer running. Okay, one is amazon, the other one is bedwin, i'm gon na have to guess b, but just from the sheer size and uniform pattern.

I feel like when you add a bunch of stuff like this. It kind of cheapens it a little bit all right, so we got yeezys or what is it converse, adidas or converse? What which one am i supposed to guess the yeezys? Oh, this is a tough one. I think b, i think, b yeah. It looks like that.

Uh weird fabric, that a lot of expensive - oh, it's, bulgaria, okay, is it just me? Have you gone equally good? So far i don't know i don't wear jackets. I actually have no idea. Realistically. Would amazon sell the b type pattern yeah they would maybe a yeah.

Okay, pure logic, i mean it's 50 50 at the end of the day, uh, which pen and class class to 500. I don't know honestly this one. I have no idea i'll have to go with b, all right cool, seven out of nine. I know expensive.

Okay, moving on, i want to test this on art. If i can tell expensive art from cheap art right, which is the most expensive one. Is that what i'm guessing? Which of these artwork is worth more? I would guess the pies, the pies look lit hell yeah, who wouldn't want that this i wouldn't want. I don't want to hang that what the hell is thanks.
I can't even see what it is. I'm i'm going with pipes. Thank you. How do i pick it? I can't pick it are you going to show me the answers all right guess this is how we're doing it, which of these color fields is more expensive.

We got ornament six, that's not a pretentious title at all or cherry field by la liza, lisa charney, i'm gon na go with barney 43 whoa bro, oh my god, dude jesus christ. That is insane! Oh, it's huge! Okay, but still what are you um? Oh, it looks better small, co-founder 43 minutes. No, no get out of here. Stop dude.

That looks like you put masking tape in the middle. I bet that's what they did. Oh no, oh! No! Oh god i mean art is subjective, felix and a lot of times. What you like, other people, don't like, and but oh ah these, oh this sucks, this sucks, this sucks so bad.

This is so bad dude. What the it's not even a good blue, it's not even a good blue! I hate it. I hate it. I hate you all right, a potato, that's funny or slowed down by a rose piper uh.

I don't know i this. Oh, a million a million dollars. You know people rip into nfts right. What the is this, then the is this.

It's a nice potato. I guess it's very detailed: how much did this painting entitled salvador mundi by leonardi da vinci? Well, i know you know everyone knows leonardo da vinci. I feel like this is a trick question and maybe originally it was sold for this prize or something now it was 450 million. Okay, all right you that should have been obvious, really bro, half a billion half a billion.

I mean leonardo da vinci. I've never seen that artwork, like i've, seen a ton of leonardo da vinci. You ain't seen it's kind of cool, though he's holding like a bang and he's doing like a korean love. Sign right, that's kind of sick looks like jesus too.

Can you guess how much yeah this is awful? This is there's bad art. I don't like it. That probably means it's really expensive. Yeah there you go.

They wanted a dirty freight that wasn't a tartan. I mean what am i looking at? I can't even tell what's legs, whose leg is this looks like one of those bad optical illusion photos. We're like is that him is that the point, maybe maybe i don't get the art, stop it, and why are they all looking in different ways? It makes no sense bro just look in the camera, dummies bruh bro, i you know how they always say. Oh, i could draw better than that and i always go no.

You can't in my head, but i can draw better than that and i sh i'm doing it now like the legs, make no sense. They look like they look like they're in their sleep bags. He looks like a little worm or she not judging anyway. What price did the card player sell for it's kind of cool? The perspective makes no sense.

This guy is showing up his entire hand, it doesn't even look like cards. They haven't put down a single card on the table. It looks like two men, just trading pokemon cards or some or stamps or letters. I hope it's four million, because that's the love.
I don't want to be the pretentious guy that says well, imagine if you gave it all away and maybe but bruh 250 million. You could save a country, you could be right it this sucks, this sucks. Can you correctly identify how much interchange sold for okay? So here we have some abstract art, which i think gets more than it deserves, and it i think this is a good example of what i was saying earlier. Where people like, i can draw that.

No, you can okay, it takes balance, it takes colors, it takes coordination. It takes a perfect eye to find something beauty in the random shape and patterns. Okay thanks, but it's still it's still: 10 million. Ah 300.

300. This one is the first one i like. Actually, this is beautiful, this one i hope 500. Oh, it's the cheapest one, stop what the what is up with r it's the rule, the uglier, the more it sells for this.

I know the artist is that guy with the r r it's a rock rock. What's his name? Is it roh? Well, this is 86 million yeah and because i know it's rotco, yes, rotco everyone love a ratco. Oh my god is that that rotco, i love it. It's like colors.

The thing is like i like it: i'm not here to hate the art, i think yeah, it's pretty painting about 86 million adam. It's also kind of sad. I don't know if this is true of rothko, but i assume it is where you know the value always shoots up after the artist passes, because then there's a finite supply of these uh artworks and and that's obviously basic economics that makes the price surge up. So a lot of times the artist isn't paid anything right.

It's just exchange of money between rich people. At the end of the day that uh i mean fine, i mean you this is i uh, i kind of get it now like i? No, i don't get it i mean i was just um, i don't yeah. How much did so many thoughts, how much the number okay yeah this is one of those crazy ones. I bet you 100.

At least this looks terrible. This is like the worst. No go back you're, not getting away you're, not getting away from me who's, the artist. Maybe it looks better up close jackson, pollock bro.

This is bad. You know what they do with artists too. After they die, they take literally every single thing. They ever touch their hand on and they try and sell it right when in reality.

Imagine if that happened to you right, you make a little doodle drop penis and, like i don't really like that, but whatever people sell it and like this is not a representation. This feels like one of that, i'm not saying this guy is a bad artist. All i'm saying is maybe this was not his finest piece of work like this. I can kind of you know this is kind of dope this yeah.

Even this, i like it's got red in it. I like red yeah, this i like them. This is dope. It's all right.
I can see it. I can definitely see the eye. This is awful right. Surely he failed sometimes 200 millions, just because it's his name all right.

I bet you even pollock will be like yeah. You know what number 17a i was kind of just experimenting. It kind of turned look like, but it is fools. How much was any warhol sold for sheesh? That's cr, what the most iconic piece of art i've ever seen is less than all of these.

I don't i don't know art. I take back everything i said i have no clue what's happening. This is crazy. What for what price did wheat field site this? Is i don't like it? I hope below 10 million, all right cool anytime.

I don't like it any time. I don't like it how many millions of dollars, depending black fire eye, sell for there's no fire. Let me tell you that, so it fails immediately 84, now 80 growing. This is beautiful.

I, like this 85 nailed it. I like this 90., how many? How many more are they like? Do you? Oh, it keeps going all right. Let's move away from art, because it's just pissing me off: let's go back to fashion. How much is this balenciaga evening dress five thousand with fashion, especially just like the more outrageous it is, the more it costs absolutely, and i guess it's the same with art.

Really. How much is this valencia yeah it's the most expensive one? No, it isn't. Okay, i guess i'm wrong, there's no consistency! I don't understand any of these. How much is a three pack of cotton t-shirts from prada? We need to call charlie.

We need charlie to get it uh three pack of prada. This is like the rich man's. How much is a gallon of milk? Can you gain your name? Can you name the price of a three pack of white cotton, t-shirt prawn, i think 340 or 440? I got 340. there you go yeah, i'm still down with my humble roots.

That feels good to me. Oh god, hey. We got the balenciaga triple s's, they go for 9.95, oh god. I knew that.

Didn't i all right. I think that's it you get it. Art is stupid. I'm smart and i think you are smart as well, because you're subscribed to this channel, and so i think we learned a lot here today.

Thank you for watching, see you tomorrow, ba ba ba bro fist a mental brofist, because you're way further than yeah all right. Yeah mental brofist we just linked up. That's awesome. You thought it was gay, but true relevance, never really died.

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13 thoughts on “Guessing the price of art makes me mad”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anima099 says:

    Felix has that "I'm reminding everyone I'm a hot guy" hairdo. Marzia married a pretty boy for sure!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OffWorlder says:

    If 'History' is the cause of why unimpressive artworks are so expensive, then i'm afraid to say this but, just as Pewds have always said: "Humanity was a mistake"

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Warren Miranda says:

    Collectors are actually what makes its price so damn high. They see freakin things that "normal" people don't. Remember Picasso? His arts were trash, like literally meaningless .. but in the eyes of a collector, it's a different fcking story.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AciD Chronic says:

    It's fine Pewds, most modern art is being used to create some sort of tax benefit. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wamsly says:

    Expensive art exists because the rich can avoid taxes by using the purchase as a tax write off bc many times they go to charity. However they can sell the art later to make their money back. It’s super common and that’s why these stupid pieces go for millions.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph hunt says:

    Dude. Modern art is a way for corrupt politicians to launder money. Hunter Biden blows paint out of a kazoo for 500 mil and you think this is about art?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henerzz3 says:

    As an a level art student I always see such shitty art that doesn’t mean anything they have just blocks of color, for example Rothko, yet everyone loves this stuff even tho it’s terrible, and it sells for so much money it doesn’t make sense

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Boss says:

    Art is 100% in the eye of the beholder because man…I feel I could shit in my hand and throw it on the wall and it would be worth millions.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeanette Jeanette says:

    Art is high culture, you lower the standard and beauty in art you lower and ruin culture in society, that's the point. That's why shit art is destructive to culture – case and point the art of Jackson Pollock.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Eichner says:

    I know this is a stupid point but for a very long time playing cards weren’t uniform they had all kinds of different types of cards that all looked different

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lana Mac says:

    Nah. F that. Rich people buy dumb stuff but cmon.. I think this just further proves the theory that a lot of it (not all) is for either money laundering or tax purposes or how hunter Biden uses it, for new friends to smoke Parmesan cheese with.. 👀.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MJ Jinxer says:

    As an artist the whole concept of deciding how much art pieces will cost really ticks me off
    I'm an art major in college and we have to study a lot of principles and elements like composition, proportion, value, contrast, texture, negative space, patterns, and different materials we can use for mediums. But you get sculptures and paintings with so little effort that it looks like something a freaking toddler could make, yet somehow they're worth nearly half a billion dollars
    And the works that actually look like effort has been put into them for some reason is way less
    It just so insulting, like they're spitting into the faces of the artists that are actually passionate about their work

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirsten keyser says:

    As an artist, I used to hate abstract art because of how easy it looked (good abstract art). That was until I tried to create abstract art and discovered how hard it is to get it to look good

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