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What's up everyone? Gordon Ramsay time. This is a must watch. It's literally insane. I'll be the judge Abby and her best friend Rico bought a restaurant called down City smack in the center of town.

Okay, so he can't be back One day you got the location I Told him that I was interested in buying down City and he said I want to own a restaurant too the Romantic feeling of owning a restaurant. Everyone once said spending a lot of money in restaurants, eating and drinking I figured why not give myself the money instead Flawless Logic Yes, we have a full-time day job and my job is to take care of everything in this restaurant and I was putting 100 of my faith in Abby But at this point let me guess she didn't have any experience working as a restaurant uh, manager and therefore it all went to you is creative and the food is good. coin. You see that.

Go bang. Stop that. Who would eat that? this burn down these restaurants immediately. What the hell is that? meatballs? No, those are for lunch.

Whatever. it looks weird. She doesn't want to admit that she's part of the problem. Just give him.

no. let me do it. Abby Acts like whatever. Don't argue Cruella Deville she's a Cruella Deville Addie is a complete psycho.

Can you imagine you're employees talking about you like that? same. you better see nice things. Thank you. It did look a little mushy didn't it? Maybe just Abby's saying it's great does not make it great.

That's how the plate is prepared. Oh my. God they served that. Geez.

Jesus Christ Kind of looks like the one pizza I did in that one video I'm not gonna lie, but still, that's disgusting and now it's time for a quick break from all the excitement. and Adventure You know when you're on the go, it's important to keep your energy levels up and that's where G fuel comes in. Foreign as a gamer and a content creator I Really? I Rely on G fuel to keep me fuel and focus throughout the day. Whether I'm playing my favorite games or creating videos, do you feel gives me the energy I need to perform at best? That's why I'm proud to be sponsored by G Field, the best gaming energy drink on the market.

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Highly recommend it. Thank you G Fuel! Thank you Jifu! They hate the chicken pie. Arts What? Nobody can say anything about the menu because it's her menu. She takes it personally.

Maybe they're not the right decisions, but they're my decisions. Yeah, and they're wrong. So stop it. they're not the right decision.

She knows that at least. and I would not listen to anyone else. Hello Chef Ramsay how are you nice to meet you Likewise my pleasure and your first name is Abby Abby good to see you is Abby Gonna find girl like every girl so far that I watched on this show oh my God it's so frenzy I Love him and on a scale of one to ten mark the food. What would you say? Where are we? It's a 10.

Wow wow wow Yeah. Perfect. I'm starving because the room service next door was shocking. Why? Why do they have to fool themselves like it's a 10? It's not a 10.

What do you mean? It was shocking. There's a little hotel next hotel. We do the real service from that hotel. What was the problem? Honestly, yeah, that was embarrassing.

This pissy, grainy soup that was Stone Cold Hold on, it gets worse. Crab cakes that were stone cold in the center. It was just like this ball of mush. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Whoa. I was like oh damn he went there. He just really went there. That's impossible.

That's impossible that the crab you're telling Mom exaggerating I think you're one of those customers that I would fire immediately. Yeah, you fire customers I have Okay, that's not how that works. You don't have power like that. Oh God What a free people say this one gets better and I don't I don't I don't see it.

but okay I don't need to search anything because if you're now telling me that that room service was you at your best I'm shocking myself before I start eating. Let me tell you that: Wow. Wow. Good start.

I don't know what I'm talking about blah blah blah blah. where would you like me to sit? I'm gonna go right over here. Excellent. Describe the food for me.

Um, comfort food. Middle of the road, middle of the road. When was the last time somebody sent food back today? Oh you did. Wow.

Wow Wow. I'm sorry. basically I'm gonna eat and I'm Gonna Leave unless you start telling me the truth I I don't know where you're coming from I really don't know where you're going? Absolutely thank you I'm barely started. Oh my.

God and they're already arguing. Okay, Crispy rings with hot sweet pepper sauce? Yeah. I'll go for some of that. Okay, you don't spell peppers like that either.

It says that it's a party in my mouth. And the um. award-winning meatloaf? That's our claim to fame. Thanks Josh You're welcome Who hands out these Awards with dishes they say it's Waterway How does that work? Huh? Is this how you spell peppers in? America Three feet because of B-e-p-p Yeah, there's three P's in there.
Oh my. God oh my. God He's insane I mean yeah, it is technically three peas and peppers. He said it was a 10.

So I'm in for a treat. Okay, what is this thing? Crispy calamari? Calamari. Yes. and um, why is it looking so wet? Yeah, Toss it in.

Everyone loves soggy calamari, right? Oh God you know Gordon Rams is gonna eat it like I don't understand I don't understand and it's soaking wet. All the crispy batter's just coming off. Yeah, you know it's not everybody's cup of tea. It's not mine.

Yeah, certainly it's not mine either. But however, I'm optimistic. Okay, I mean look at that. That's disgusting.

How did the people do it? What do you say about it? You spit the calamari back up. That's hysterical. I'm gonna like go at his throat today. Oh, that should be interesting.

Please do yes, he's there to help you. Oh my. God I Don't understand people I don't understand. Can't you just be normal? It would be better for everyone and yourself.

This is the part in my mouth should be top plate. Very hot it looks. What the hell is that? Where are the nachos I can't even see them. What a mess.

Oh God How do you dig into how do you mess up nachos? What is that? I'm taking it. That was one party either one out of ten. It wasn't a part in my mouth. It was like a funeral in my mouth.

A feeling yeah well. it kind of does look like something died. What's mad with that? That's gross. What's wrong with it? huh? I was ready to like trouble.

I mean this is the one thing I like he doesn't like anything. Maybe this will be the one. What? The meatloaf. Maybe this will be it.

This will be it and this is the core. I'm just gonna eat that much corn. Get corn out of here. Bang corn.

I had a corn right last video and I do want to say I I want to apologize to the corn Community because I didn't articulate myself properly. The problem I have with corn is that they sneak it into everything else. like here in Japan they have look at this atrocity. What the saying? That's worse.

That's worse than pineapple and pizza And pineapple pizza is not even bite. That is disgusting. Why would you do this? Stop sneaking corn and you go to IKEA I It hurts me to say this. You go to: IKEA As an epic pescetarian I Have the veggie meatballs.

They're disgusting. They put corn in them. I Don't want corn in my meatballs. It's like, oh, it's veggie.

Let's put some vegetables. No, they're meatballs. not corn with meatballs. Whatever.

idiots. Yeah. I'm excited. Thank you.

You're welcome. Why are they doing this? Sound effects: This is disgusting. You think sound guy is just like, get out of here. Come on.

You can't miss something. You just can't mess it up. That's disgusting. What do we think? Wow, it's not even hot.
I'm sorry. This sort of lukewarm, solidified chunks of crap. That's pretty much the norm, including me who is the head chef here. We don't really have one, but I guess you don't have a head chef.

but I guess I'm the closest thing the closest. What does that mean? Talk to me. Abby That means that I fired my other chef and he took over and I didn't want to give him a title until he proved to himself that he could handle the kitchen so no one's in charge. That's great.

Good stride, no guidance. There's no standards, no standards. There's no consistency. So came up with a weather for them.

This is America comfort food. Somebody's dreaming here. I Did I did I take full responsibility for the menu? You have no cooking background but you put the menu together. Can you be more specific about me? Look, what did you not like about the meatloaf? Oh bring it on.

Oh come on. bring it on What you mean? Bring it on Abby has a conversation with the one person she believes is always right herself. So what do I do? Obviously my 33 years in the business is like worthless and I have no idea what the we're doing. Okay yeah, yes, absolutely.

What were you thinking I think I'm gonna open up that hot dog stand down the beach. Want some tea or something? No. So now you're all telling me that you don't like the menu I Feel stabbed in the back I Guess you're just hitting me with this now. Do you know we're up against if we even opened our mouth about the menu once.

every time we opened our mouths, oh you? you don't know anything I Feel like the servers are really like tiptoeing around it and she can't still can't even take it. It's so ridiculous. like they're just trying to help. Nice to meet you I'm Rico Rico no have you got two minutes? Sure.

I'm gonna catch up. Uh, where should we go? Yeah, let's go there. And I bought a restaurant. How's that worked out for you so far? Oh horribly.

if let's close this tomorrow, what are you in for? nine? Sure what? Get out of here? Oh yeah. wow. wow. I Could possibly lose my day job ready because I'm in the financial field I'm advising and you know what to do and financing your properties and things like that.

Oh my God. um oh why and why are you doing this? I don't get it investing things you understand and know at least and not like. oh that would be nice I would like to own a cow. sorry cow investors.

Nice. the kitchen. Normally this filthy last couple of days it's been uh a lot going on. That is a foul with the kitchen.

Chef Ramsay goes on the it's part of the show that I hate so much. it's so gross. Kitchen should be clean like hospital. I Just know I've eaten at so many places like that you know it too.

Have a look in there, look at the state of what they're cooking out of. Have you seen it down? Is he gonna shut it down? Uh what goes where? Now you've got a little bag of uh, chicken carcasses on this one. here. You've got some raw chicken cooked pork there.
This is you with 30 years in the business. Chicken doesn't get any bacteria so it should be funny. Look at the cheese or something but what is that there? What is that place is a is a mess. Look what is that Lamb bones? who's organizing this? You haven't got a head chef? Jimmy is my head chef so we have a head chef before you weren't ready to confirm he was the head chef.

All of a sudden we discover a mess down here. Now he's appointed please. I was talking to Rico has nothing to do with you Oh okay, what do you think I'm doing. You're being a you're calling me a I am Oh this is gonna be bad precious little.

Victory Here we go. I'm just saying you're insane that refrigerator was not like that. Before you got here, you're in denial I Would never allow that refrigerator. You need therapy I have never seen him go that hard I mean good because her Jesus This is another Amy's kitchen scene where he can't finish Ramsey Please come back Ramsey Please privacy please.

This is uh, too serious. I'm I'm not gonna jeopardize with some privacy Mike silence Camera like that from someone so in denial. Okay I'm gonna go for a walk and I'll come back. Okay, thank you Thank you.

Exactly. We can't do another half episode like English Bakery I Gotta just walk this one. How would you feel if someone just telling you that your life's work and everything you've dreamed of doing for your whole life? Um, is it doesn't matter if you you can still improve like at any point. It's so ridiculous that they can't take any criticism.

Tomorrow we need to start being honest and open. So I can start rebuilding I can't rebuild on BS I Agree I Want you to be here I want you to help me get this restaurant to where I need it to be what happened she just switched Chef Ramsay Wants to give the staff something they have been rarely given a chance to talk freely without getting fired. So that's what we're gonna do I want each of you to write down some questions and direct them to the person you want and to answer I wonder who they're going to direct it to Hell day for me? Don't sign your name, it's Anonymous I Knew that if we were going to do an exercise in talking about the restaurant, I knew that it was all going to be directed at me. Thank you very much! Abby And Jimmy The quality of the food needs to improve.

How can we fix it? Good question and it all comes down to menu size. with as many items that there are. if you prep for more dishes, the lower the standard. Yeah.

I Always feel weird about that because in Japan they have so many things on the menu, it's ridiculous. I'm almost like uh, they must just it was frozen yeah since I bought this restaurant I became a defensive thing I question and I get upset of the fact that you're questioning what I'm doing. that's paranoid. We do care about this restaurant.
You are our friends so we want to see you succeed. We just gotta talk more instead of be yelling and screaming. Can't just be my show. It's not the Abbey show.

it's the Down City show. Are you ready to embrace change? Realize that she has to relinquish control and I think she's going to do it because I think Abby Turning around is definitely Paramount for this restaurant to survive Good that was productive. What the? I'm Gonna Keep It really simple for tonight's dinner service. Half the items are off the menu.

That chicken didn't look good. It looked like it barely cooked it at all. I would never eat that disgusting, better prepared appetizers are quickly leaving the kitchen. That sounds kind of like what you should look like.

Yes. Jesus and when you combine that with a common under control Abbey at the helm, can you run this to next table? Please down. City's dinner service is off to a good start. 28.

I Don't even have a 36 up here I Didn't say 36. One, two three, come on guys, there's nothing coming out. Jimmy was supposed to be the leader in the kitchen and calling out tickets. Give me a favor.

Get to it. Oh, you're doing something and they just started crossing paths. No one seems to know what the hell they were doing back there. 29 and 39? Yes or no.

No. I'm still waiting on 28. 00. No No.

His excuse for months has been our menu is too big so we give them a smaller menu to do and they still can't turn it out. No. I know I know I know it did not go smoothly but they they they say Jimmy We were an hour in before more than two dinners went out. I Made a call to a very experienced Chef in my team to be here first thing tomorrow morning.

getting your crew at a respectable level to help us all out and it's going to be a good experience for all of us tomorrow. Let's come back! Day We're relaunching with a new menu Angus Meatloaf. I'm getting hungry. Look at it.

Yes, get up to speed with those dishes. Have a little taste but where's the calamari? Sue that's money. The new menu is the unbelief. I Had no idea that it could get this good.

Oh my. God I didn't know food could taste better I Had no clue I just I've been for years describing this restaurant as creative comfort food I Had no clue that looks disgusting I Don't know if she deserves that I don't know he looks so creepy I'm sorry yeah it's amazing. Sorry bro, let's go let's go back in the kitchen and then we're gonna go here. A lot of people are really nice when things are going well.

Jeff James Is doing the same. A locally renowned food blogger has arrived. You know how important she is? she blocks tomorrow. We're ten thousand potential customers back up.

I've tried everything on this menu today, so if you have any questions, you feel free to ask. But just when it appears as though it's going to be smooth sailing, it keeps smooth sailing. sorry. a slider Jimmy Did you call the calamari for table 30.
I Just did Abby and Jimmy Listen to me are having a communication breakdown I Need four soups and one chowder up in the line? Please they're not gonna make it. Oh here we go again. The repeat of last night just make the calamari just making. Dude he looks like Joey from Friends Holy he does Disney Trouble Dip takes six minutes? Yes Yes.

I Get in the oven Jimmy Look at me. We're falling behind. We're supposed to work together. Come on guys, there's nothing coming out.

Ten thousand followers on the table. We've got bloggers live from their table guys doing her. Word all and one day who's getting beat baby? She's live vlogging right now. This is a disaster.

Ah, come on guys. I Need to see some food up on the slide. Listen: Jimmy One minute Abigail waiting for appetizers, She destroyed it. No, that sucks.

What the is this? Twitter Please Red, you better step it up before she starts her tick tocks. Everything to go right with that table that ain't really screwed. Listen: Jimmy Already vlogging me? it's happening which is doing it again. Yes, come on.

keep it going. Yes. Oh, she likes it. Make sure they come together Okay.

Fire that table please. Yeah Jimmy 37 did you fire? I did fire. So we got everything. This is a really good with Abby focused on the task at hand.

She's so eloquent with words. She must be a food vlogger or something. This is really good. I Like this food.

This salad tastes nice. What is a salad for dinner at a restaurant? Go home your food blogger Eat the food and Jimmy in full control of his kitchen. You guys can fire that fish and chip. Quality entrees are quickly heading out to the dining room.

Good job Joey Food looks amazing. The lamb tastes good and I liked it in my mouth. Oh it's really good and wow she's better at explaining how was everything delicious right there. Everything was great.

great all right. So you're gonna tweet that or what. Hey you gonna say how good he was I saw you all the tweets so much for coming in and we're gonna see you again. Don't touch me like that Waiters do that.

Don't ever touch me I ain't gonna tip you anyway I will if I will. How'd you feel babe? I Feel beyond belief. Fantastic. All right.

All right. All right, did they make it? Uh what was it called down City in Rhode Island business went up 30 Jimmy's still there I mean Joey The fridge is organized Yelp Reviews were mostly negative. poor quality and scatty service. Regulars were not happy with the changes that that's interesting and they closed in December 2011.

Wait, so it was an actual food reviewer. Why did they say you had 10 000 followers? Uh I don't know. They just made it up. Okay, yeah, it's crazy.
They're always close I know very little few that actually make it right. All right. Well that was another great episode if you enjoyed Smash, likely back. I'll see you guys in the next one.

Take care bye.

16 thoughts on “Gordon ramsey vs woman in complete denial”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M1no3x says:

    Morden gramsy

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ben hearn says:

    They’re MEATballs
    I get the veggie meatballs

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BONEYARD says:

    dude… are you rocking premium GRADO headphones? just slightly overkill :DDDDD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fact_teller_9000 says:

    Hey pewpew you were so ugly back then when I look at you so handsome and now judging things my favorite thing to do

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That Meat Teacher says:

    Hey man, just checking if you have been doing alright.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drangelice says:

    Idk as I've gotten older I guess I've just gotten a little more uncomfortable with Ramsay's vitriol. I get it's just a persona but i don't really like him anymore

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crybaby Panda says:

    I really want some pepppers now

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Indra Kala limbu says:

    Bro you are still in 111m sub

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That'sTerrorists, Bro! says:

    You complain about women a lot. And it's explicit. Weird how you don't do it to men too. Like, you won't write that it's a man in the title but when it's a woman you'll include "woman" in the title.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anninaaa says:

    I bet she just dumped the workload of the head chef on these guys and doesnt want to give anyone the title because she would have to increase the pay as well ☠

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muy Mal Josue says:

    ya no es el mas seguido del mundo

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Konsteller says:

    Abby literally had a redemption arc in the middle of the episode

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tina Larsen says:

    I almost got a job in a cute little cafe walking distance from home and when the owner asked my dad what I was like he said "well you shouldn't count of her in the morning" so I didn't get the job. It's literally such a quiet restaurant I would have done so good 😭

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lanai50 says:

    She mental

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars garbage says:

    But corn is good, right??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manju Devi says:

    Woman not women

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