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RhinoShield PewDiePie Cases:
RhinoShield Clear Case:
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Gender reveals you ever seen one of these ken. Never never. I hope to never see one in real life because there's nothing more cringe than a gender reveal party, so you never had one. No, oh.

I made the mistake of making a joke in one video about how i thought we may have had one and mary like walked in the room after watching the video be like. Why would you say that? How could you there's nothing wrong with gender evil? Because today, i'm gon na prove it we're gon na check out some hilarious. I mean some amazing wholesome gender reveals nothing. Bad ever happens.

Oh poor look, chad got it all in his mouth. You got ta close in his nose. It's a boy! Congratulations! Take it out! Man taking the boy out of it, i already hate him he's covering his ears. He was gon na be loud.

The boy is just like i like how he just doesn't care that the boy is like right next to it. Look at this like a big puff of like crap right there about him in the face. If this is me, i'd be like i'm not cleaning that up, can we at least pop it outside and then someone else's garden before we continue quick word from sponsor exciting new announcement. We got another collab with rhinoshield if you're looking to make your phone absolutely indestructible.

Like a nokia, 3310 rhino shield's got you baby. I've tested these myself scythe show the clip oh no stronger than stone. I highly recommend these so yeah we're launching a new collection with a sought out clear cases. This looks god damn good.

Let's test this out um one of you guys the other day and she was like. Oh, that could have been bad. I didn't have the k song, yet maya is assisting me with this promo want to say hi, maya, so yeah. I met one of you guys the other day and she whipped up the same phone case as i had.

It was awesome anyway. Also thank you, ryan. For being responsible with your packing, we appreciate it. I got ta change mine, some of the finest designers over at rhino shield.

They really nail these. I love them. They always turn out super cool yeah. Looking good.

What i really love about these is that you can customize them. You can change these these buttons. You can change the framing in all kinds of colors. I love that.

I don't wear you guys, but i love being able to customize, and these are just really cool. Really sturdy cases, so we have four new designs: the basic one, this one uh they're available for almost any flagship phone. I mean i have a kind of an empty phone as well so, and we got this one. Looking nice zero, there's baby, a big problem with that clear cases is that they kind of turn yellow after a while, but they solve this issue rhino shield.

They have made a uv exposure simulation. Let me see it so other brands will uh fade and in quality over time, they'll turn yellow and gooey and disgusting. Looking while rhino shield stands the test of time, which is uh yeah just another example of that it is a legitimately quality product. We have this one as well.
Obviously they have attack on titan i'll show more in a bit the most important thing. We of course got the classic clear case as well and due to popular demand, we brought back tokyo knights very clean. I am so paranoid about losing my phone. You have no idea.

I got everything that matters to me in my phone, so i saw that they announced that doing these uh stripes for them i was excited. Not only do they look good, i can feel good knowing my phone is safe around my neck and not having that panic. Is it in my? Is it in my pocket? Is it in this pocket? Is my in the pocket? Is it this pocket? This is someone call my phone right now. Oh, oh, my my bad here it is oh, what's that i got the pewdiepie case.

Oh yeah looks good man, god damn check this out check it out, check it out. Don't look at my pp check it out. That's the nicest one so far. I think we got so yeah.

These straps come in different colors as well. They have a ton of stuff, but yeah these clear cases. Looking fire, though not gon na lie, uh check them out link is in the description. We got a great deal for you, so these bad boys ship worldwide, wherever you are, you got no excuse in case i bump into you and ask hey what phone case you got hey.

You want selfie with me, yeah, i'm joking. By the way, it's a joke, but yeah this worldwide and there's actually free shipping for qualified orders and lifetime warranty for these bad boys. That's how much they believe in their quality, and i got a great deal for you guys, fair deal. If you enter discount code pewdiepie you get 20 up, but only in the first week so make sure you do it now and don't forget to enter the code pewdiepie on the checkout.

You know uh. They also have attack on titan, keith herring, he's cool and other amazing collaborations worth checking out pewdiepie being the only one. You really need, let's get real here, but oh yeah, this one's cool too. It's not even mine, i actually like it so yeah, maybe you're in case you're, one of those people.

That's like yeah. I guess i like pewdiepie's video. I want to support him by entering the code pewdiepie, but do i want to have his phone case? Yes, i do. Yes, you want look, how cool that is.

That's cool! You can't say: that's not cool anyway! That's a long promo, but it's a cool offer and i'm really proud of it. So uh yeah thanks for for sticking through it. I guess all right. That was that was not that bad, but it will get worse wait.

Are we supposed to be proven that gender rival parties aren't bad? Yes, that seemed the baby. Was fine a little kiss before that's cute. What is it it's all genders? Yay i feel like this is a stage what the what's the daughter, what what shocked mom! Oh, we got ta post his own tick tock. So everyone sees what a fail.

Oh, what a fail! Don't post it guys we're so embarrassed what company sells boxes of balloons? Yeah, how would these possibly happen? Even the babies like yeah, i'm not impressed this is suspect, aren't parents nowadays i mean you can correct me: aren't they trying to move away from the whole gender stereotypes with pink and blue yeah yeah? I mean, i think, that's always been a goal. Right is let your kid be who they want to be uh-huh, not my chime, oh yeah, yeah, cleaning, cleaner. I could indoctrinate my child to just become like a butler for me or something it's not the goal. What is your gender butler hang on a minute? Why why? Why does your child have to enter this world and eventually immediately should exist to serve me? I made it come to existence.
I need something out of this transaction. We got a long history of discussions about children. You want to feed them dog food yeah, so the thing seems fair. If they don't know any better.

If you teach your child that dog food is good, then that's the ultimate. They would be happier too and then imagine then one day when they discover real food they'll be like wow. This is amazing and i'll be like what are you gon na? Do i gave you that experience enjoyed it with like a broom? No, no, not real food. Get that out of your mouth.

This is all the concept of like if you're grown up with little and then experience more later, that's more satisfying, but if you grow up with a lot, you never satisfy. So therefore give child nothing become butler, ultimate success story. I think people will read about this in the future whoa, so the perfect life, the key to like the happiest life you could ever live, is like have literally nothing your entire life on your death bed. They just hit you with every experience right at once, and you have a heart attack like excitement yeah moving on.

Maybe this baby will like rake the leaves or something after this. This is pathetic. Look at this yard. Yeah yeah make the baby do it.

We were taught in school to break leaves all right. I was indoctrinated as well, they made us do it, it was fun. I thought it was fun, see how deep in my mind they were. They can't even put the card back in there.

We don't even know we don't even know wait. So it's the point that none of the parents knew. I always thought one of the parents knew yeah. Usually, someone knows that, like sets up the whole party right right yay, do you see this shot in the nuts hold up replay? Oh that'll be the last one he has.

It doesn't hit him in the nuts. I'm sorry guys, oh maybe maybe if he did the tuck, they all tucked to the side he put in his pocket. Oh okay, hold on a minute. Look at him, he's faking it.

They didn't even hit there. Oh no, no you're breaking it. Why would you do that? Oh, my god, why would they do this? Why it's supposed to be the reveal, that's blue on the inside wow, incredible what a fun review they just ruined the cupcake. How could they, i guess that's the thing with these parties - is that everyone wants to come up with their own formula instead of someone picking one thing that works everyone's like nah, what we're going to do is we're going to get a helicopter that explodes and the Color of the flames will, like everyone, just pick, one thing right and then california burns down.
I think california burns down yeah we're gon na destroy this cupcake in front of the child, so she cries and the tears the color of the tears different hue will. Oh, the children always have to suffer. The parents are like oh they're, gon na be so excited, then they're just like. Well, i just want to eat that cupcake.

Are you a gender yeah you're right, four kids, you're gon na have a brother. They say it too. This is some deep psychological thing where, like they'll hate their brother subconsciously for a whole life they're, like i don't get it. I don't understand why i hate my brother he's super nice to me, but that one time in therapy they clicks the cuff cake.

I know this is a good one. It feels in front of a baseball. What are you doing? Look at that close-up shot. I have darwin awards on these parents, man, it's a girl classic balloon child suffering, it's a good old box again with dots on it.

What was supposed to happen, whoever this company is, they need to be stopped, they're out of control who keeps buying for them uh, oh baby as it. Oh, my god, stop hurting the kids. Why why the children suffer if it's blue you're gon na have a baby brother? If it's pink, you're going to have a baby sister, are you ready yeah? Can we eat it yeah they just want to eat cake like they don't eat it. It's green! It's an ogre congrats, oh, do what you say she bought yellow cake mix, turn it all green, oh cause.

He mixed it with blue okay. I got that. Oh, it's, blue, you're gon na have a goblin child. Why are you crying out of here? Another brother? No damn that was it a little fart wow.

How much do you think getting paid for that too much too much jesus christ? It's white, we'll, never know, there's no way this many gender, like they all fail, apparently all of them. They just fail. Well, they are. They they just are a failure.

If you do one, the end plan agenda reveal what is happening, who let my boyfriend play. Gender reveal. That's actually funny. It's probably the best gender reveal party.

I've ever seen my boyfriend plan a gender reveal. Is that a cr? Oh okay, you got ta, get a crane out for him well for the crane. Well, then, sorry, there's actually a tv show in in uk, where they let the guy plan the three two one. You had one job dude.

I bet you, the people selling. These are just like yeah yeah right here, you go. Here's blue, it's gon na happen, it'll be fine! Here we go. Oh my man right.

This guy looks excited okay, oh soy boy can't use the fork wow huge. That was exciting. I had no idea this is that commercialized that people all like they yeah it's crazy. Oh it's a girl.
He pulled out the balloon. Why are they so close to it? Do they not? The child didn't suffer yeah. I got to see mom get smacked in the face. She had her mouth wide open.

What is that they just drove over some boxes? Three. Do they care? Do they actually care like if there's a brother or sister? Oh, i mean they do care, but i mean kids. They just get in their head, what it's gon na be, and then this is like disappointment when you're a villain, okay, yeah, they're, pink, damn it another brother, my brother's so mean to me. I want a little brother, it's rocking me: okay, so they're doing science, okay, yeah yeah, yeah, it hasn't registered with it boy he's like, i think yeah you should have done the science better.

We need more tests. Let's send this back to the lab. Damn kids are really i didn't realize holy. This is why they should be butlers.

I'm not having any of this australian gender reveal party goes wrong as car burst into flames. Actually it wasn't wrong, that's what they wanted. Jesus cried. Australian police has released the footage there.

It is so we're supposed to do like a burnout yeah, it's a bar. It's a it's gon na be angie boy. Oh dude boy. It was a thing, oh god, the whole car's still going.

When the first time i came to australia, yeah it's been a couple of years ago, but we were driving uh pretty far away from just kind of out in the bush right and there were just burnt cars on the side of the road. Why, apparently, it was a thing that people would steal people's cars, take them out of the middle of nowhere and burn them burn just burn like burn people's cars. Yeah just go and steal your car and burn your house and go take it out in the middle of nowhere and burn it well, yeah! That's so weird! What's wrong with people yeah, i don't know australians man uh the classic one. I mean this is where i first heard about it, where the a family's gender reveal caused a large wildfire in california.

Like this blows my mind, you don't remember this huge wildfire. That happened. It was crazy so that whole huge one was from an actual baby gender. That seems like unbelievable, like i don't: 7000 acres burned.

Oh my god. I've been in l.a and you see like this giant hills just being completely burnt out and they were like yeah. They happened, this is fire, i'm like what yeah crazy they happen, and this is what like gave baby or gender reveal party's like a bad name. Like i mean they were already kind of like weird anyway, but yeah, then people started burning, stuff and like causing damage.

It's like okay, but everyone knows like don't use fire in dry land like it shouldn't be that difficult to figure that out whether your baby has a penis or vagina. It's not that big. You know chill out a little bit. You don't get to burn the woods down.
Oh man, there's also this one plane crashes after unloading, 350 gallons of pink water engender, reveals that pink water and then the plane crashed. He was killed. Oh my god, it gets worse. People die.

I hope i'm a woman killing gender reveal party explosion. What the did you put in the explosion? You know little timmy, your gender reveal party, kill grandma welcome the family. Why are people out here using explosions for random babies in the same sentence? Jesus christ? Oh, my gosh: are they gon na have like a fight, see which baby wins only the strong baby gets to live. Oh they're gon na fight there.

She goes what happens with the other baby. This is some weird jesus christ. Why why? Why? Who thought of this? Some people do with their money three two one, no invincible. Pinata i've been here before yeah whoa god, jesus christ leave the child.

Out of this. I know that kid's getting hurt yeah you go. Stop stop look at that mom. She know exactly what she's doing.

Why must the children suffer? Are you telling me people are allowed to have kids, for they can't tell up from down, they usually have the most kids. They can't read what an arrow points towards the moment. My sister led the pumpkin to our legion. During the she tried to keep me from seeing i'm pretty sure, they're going to see it.

Okay, she's there that's funny, it's a red child. Oh yeah, blame basis. How could he do dude the panic? I love the panicking people, it's like someone died or something he's like it's gon na be okay. I had one job and i let everyone down all right that child will grow up to become something great.

You go. You go to. The gender reveal, store and they're. Like all right, what do you want? The baby's fighting the ball crush the wrong color like let us know which package your kids suffered.

You know we got it all. How do you want to hurt your child? Let us know and we'll set you up. Wow, that's gender reveal, fails it's fun watching that with you, ken for the first time, together, yeah first time, i've ever seen either awesome. Thank you for showing me check out ken uh for more gender reveal videos, but you should wait a week, so you don't see the same videos.

18 thoughts on “Gender reveals are something else..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Knox078 says:

    Pewdiepie and Ken are just looking at ideas of what to do if they ever have any more kids.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Revenant Wolzart says:

    well gender reveal has led to female foeticide in china and india, so maybe! by the way had fun watching

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Who am I says:

    I've watched you since 201l as a literal child up to now as an adult and have never commented before on YouTube and thought my first one should be to you so to be able grow up watching you has been tremendous to see the growth and everyhing you have done and I can not thank
    you enough for the content you do truly, thank you Felix 🤩🤞❣️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kayla McKibbin says:

    I had a gender reveal with my second son and we just gave an envelope with the gender written down from the doctor to the bakery and they made a cake for us to pick up. It went pretty well, we got cake and all was good! Just keep it simple. 🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAI GOYAL says:

    Kind of annoying that the parents don't even care about their children, All they want is clout in internet.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZeroTheHero says:

    When you thought people can get anymore stupid, you have people doing crazy shit in gender reveals 😮‍💨

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cartoon Manic says:

    My friend's gender reveal is literally in two days. The timing could not be more perfect😂😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crestless Wave Gaming 🎮 says:

    I don't know what's interesting in this video. Still watched it without skipping 😂😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Ann Devenport says:

    I had my gender reveal yesterday.
    Sent a text to our parents 😂 gender reveal parties aren't a thing in my country

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kashmir Files says:

    it's so nice that Pewdiepie showed Ken the exact same playlist he already reviewed on his channel, that way Ken could prepare easier

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garry Owen says:

    California burns down because they refuse to manage the forests. Or they can't because hippies spike the trees to kill the people that try to manage them. California deserves to burn to the ground, and I pray it does.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nadia says:

    Missed my state of NH.
    Someone used too much "tenerite" explosive and caused a fucking shockwave😭

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. Ryan says:

    at a buffet, i personally sneak corndogs into the buffet so others can enjoy them. I hide 6 corndogs in my jacket pockets. it then, is a joy for me to see other patrons of the establishment eat my corndogs thinking they were part of the buff

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheeti says:

    This video is why child protective services is gonna visit pewds whenever he has a kid

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snoflakes says:

    "Today we're having a gender reveal as follows: We'll drop a nuke on either the building marked blue or the building marked pink-"

    BREAKING: hundreds die in nuclear strike during gender reveal party because revealers forgot to notify the people in the building

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freckled-Jellyfish says:

    me crying because I want a pewdiepie phone case but they don't have them for samsung A50~~~~~~

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aryan Sharma says:

    bet he personally doesn't like the idea of hanging phones around his neck he's just bound by the sponsorship 😭

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janet Cinderella says:

    We don’t do gender reveals in my country It’s illegal. To increase the female population. It’s getting better now tho

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