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How's it going bros, my name is pewdiepie. Today we're gon na make some three by threes. I recently watched uh the boys at the trash taste. Do this.

It was an old thing. I don't know if people still are doing this, but it reminded me of it. I remember people would post like their nine favorite of something it was usually video games. I never actually made one.

It feels like a tier list kind of thing, but for your favorite it was almost like this is what defines me look at this. It even became like a meme like it load my sweet three back to be totally original. They totally reflect my true taste. I have good taste right.

Look at me. I love these games and nothing else. I'm totally there. I see your guy okay, so i wanted to try and make my 3x3.

Let's start off with games, one of my favorite games. Again, i don't like video games. I have nothing to put. This is hard.

I think i'll just do the games. That impacted me the most star fox 64.. I had never heard of this game before, but me and my parents. We were on holiday in spain and in spain you could buy like really cheap video games.

It's also where you can buy on the market. Like those game boy cartridges, i had like 100 ripped off tour, ripped off uh illegal games on them, and it was just the best. I was allowed to pick up one game and i randomly picked up star fox 64.. I had no idea what it was, but it was such an amazing time to play that game.

I can't blow my mind. I think it was one of those games. Like you, kids will never experience this okay, but or maybe you will i'm sure you will i'm being a little boomery here, but i remember one of the most fun things about video games. When you were a kid, was like talking about video games with your friends and star fox was one of those games that had a couple secrets in it.

And i remember going to school and talking about and being like what the different stuff that we had discovered and like the different levels and there's a submarine level. No you're kidding me what i just have to go one left and then right, i'm like well. I can't wait to come home after school to try this out right. That was just so exciting and so much fun, and i think that's why you know star fox it's in the right game.

This isn't the right game, it's not the best game. I know that, but to me and the experience i had with the game, it's got to be up there, you know and the rumble pack that was sick. That was the first time i had the rumble pack. I also remember that last boss is so cool.

It clearly just ripped off star wars, but whatever god, it scared the get out of me dude. Another thing i love about this game is that all the lines are so iconic and just burn into my brain. There's one more to go all range mode. All aircraft reports we're heading for awkward, we're heavy for what dude sleepy's was the best.

I love sloppy thought you could hide from me. Eh. Don't forget me, do something. Are you okay data analysis complete here? It comes.
Ah, i'm hit. Don't worry flippy's here we're just the one, hey einstein, i'm on your side, never forgetting hey einstein, i'm on your side, the amount of time this would tell me that which was the best line, though the best line in the whole game is can't. Let you do that stuff, but this blew my mind i was like this is the cold. This is the oldest thing.

Andros has ordered us to take you down happy long time, no see yeah. I don't know what i can't explain why i thought this was so cool. I was like i can't let you do that starbucks. This scene is ingrained to my childhood.

That's so funny, like i'm, sharing that experience with other people, and i don't know why i think there was some background that, like he's the one that killed your dad and then he shows up out of nowhere inside can't let you do that, stop. Let you do that hell yeah! I realized now there's so many games that come to mind. I got ta put donkey kong country two on this. I got i put this under the oh, my god, this game, and this does not suit the 3x3.

The 1x1 square formula, but whatever okay i talked about this before, but so i i wasn't allowed to have a game console. I don't know why, like my mom loved playing video games, i guess she did it more for herself she's like no we're not having a game console she, cracked, eventually all right, but it meant that whenever i was sick, we would rent a game console so being Sick was like the greatest thing in the entire universe for me, because then i would always pick a donkey kong games. I love them, but the one i enjoyed the most was donkey kong country 2. Diddy consequence i replayed it not long ago and it's still a legitimately good platformer and the thing was you could play two players within.

I don't know if that was a common thing back in the day, i don't think it necessarily was so to be able to play like a a game with your friend. No, i think that was pretty common, but i just remembered this was like the first game. I played that was together with someone else i would play with my sister. I would play with my mom.

It was just so fun. Oh i remember. Even when i wasn't sick anymore, my mom kept the console rented and then she would play it in her bedroom and then, if she got stuck on a level, i would have to come in and play with it. Oh, it's so funny how all these, like sound effects are so ingrained in you, but especially that soundtrack.

I i think this is the greatest soundtrack of any video game i already know which song i love. Ah, this one takes me back man, it's so good, there's so many more good uh songs on this. Oh yeah, chill now literally just like re-uploads them and they got a ton of views. So so so good, so good beautiful checkpoint get done with school and i can finally focus on youtube.

Man wait what what is with the checkpoint. Meme people are like updating how they're doing based on this video. What the is this meme feeling lonely lately? Okay, my checkpoint uh came from the sound yeah this game slaps. I had a great childhood, no complaints.
What the am i looking at uh, another obvious one for me is the game. Tibia. I talked about this game before the best version was clearly 7.6. I think it looked like this.

This is what the game looked like. Can you believe it can you anything uglier? I guess this game was kind of like runescape, but from the overhead perspective only and i played with my friends and it's probably the most fun i've ever had in video games playing this game because it was complete anarchy. You could do whatever you wanted in this game. You could people over so bad and as a young kid playing it, you obviously got over, but you over so many people.

It is so funny. I still remember like these memories of just making people get so pissed off as like the best part of my channel. Oh man, what could you do? I'm sure there's the same scams like in runescape, but, like you, could trade items with people and back in the day, lee would have to like write in a public chat or something be like. Okay, i'm trading this item and you would hope someone else would see it and then reply and then you have to be like.

Okay, which city are you in uh the mapping tv is huge for them like, oh i'm in thais. Oh i'm in venor, okay i'll come to you, but then you have to pay extra. No, no! It's fine i'll, come to you! Don't pay extra or whatever, and then so much to organize just to get a item right, but it was part of the game. So finally, you make it to each other and you're supposed to make the trade and what you could do to scam people.

Was you take like uh? I don't even remember uh right this item, you take that that's a low level scam though so someone would trade. You warhammer, you, don't even get that much money out of it. It's worth! 1. 200..

So you would trade trade. This item with people. I remember doing this a lot because it's easy to do on a low level. Oh, you have to be level 50 to use it now.

Oh, what a shame they nerfed it such a good like early whatever. What the am i talking about? Okay, so someone would trade you this and you would trade it with them and then it would pop up a window like you are trading this with this. You see their money and they see your war hammer and then you click cancel and they're. Like, oh sorry, i clicked uh trade again and then you trade again and it shows up warhammer and they show the money and it's like.

Oh up clicked, cancel again and then the third time you trade battle hammer. Instead, it's garbage worth nothing and since they're just ready to click yes and they look kind of similar. It's a great way to trick people uh out of their money. There's, like a million things like that, you can do in tibia and the ways to steal people's money threaten them, extort them for money.
It was the best. I'm annoying now imagine how annoying i was playing this game as a child. You can, i was the worst. I could talk about memories from this game for days and uh i'll forever.

Be grateful the tibia for what it was now. It seems like it's just pay to win it's a kind of shame. I don't know if you can put dota 1 on the list, because it wasn't a game. It was like a mod from warcraft 3, the frozen throne, oh yeah.

I would play the sniper a lot. He was so fun such an easy character. When was this like? When did doda came on 2003, we were playing this uh me and my friends in sweden. We would go to these net cafes.

I guess i'll have to put this game on technically. This wasn't the game, but it was a mod from this game, so yeah. We would go to net cafes and we would play this all together, like a party of what is it four or five? I don't remember and we would play it against either online or against other people in the neck cafe and just yelling at each other. All in the same room playing games together on a computer, you know that wasn't possible without neck cafes.

Back in the day, not everyone had a computer like that at home and with stable internet especially, was just like uh, not a thing, and now it's huge, not in sweden, surprisingly, because everyone's got their own computer. But in other countries, like korea - and i don't know - i just remember that being so much fun and and like on a saturday call up your friends. We would all go to town to a neck cafe to play dota together, just amazing memories. So for the dota, when that came up, i remember dota stopped being popular and some other some other clones of dota came out.

I know there was some problem with the lawsuit and you know because it was a mod and the mod of the game was becoming better than the game itself and it was kind of awkward. I don't remember exactly what happened, but i remember league of legends coming out right and we were all laughing our asses off 2009. How old was i then 20 yeah? I was 20.. I wasn't that young.

What the is that possible? Well, anyway, we i remember: when league of legends first came out, we were like there's no way this garbage is gon na become popular. Are you kidding me? It looks like trash look how colorful and dumb it is. That was like the biggest game of all time. It's like, oh guess, we were wrong.

I never played much moba after that, but i mean yeah. Moba is huge. Now everyone everyone's probably played at some point. I think i had my fun with it like.

I don't really see a reason to jump into it. No mobile will never be as fun as when we played it all together, neck cafes and sweden. That was such a good time. Clearly, there's like some sort of interaction with a lot of these games.

It's not just how i experience them, but it's how i experience them with other people with friends or family. I think that's kind of cool, like that's what left more of an impact. I just noticed a pattern. I'm trying to think of like games now that i played on my own.
That kind of blew my mind. I think there's the youtube ones that i played that what i will get into, but for i'm trying to think pre youtube still, because i can easily just slap minecraft on there, i'm trying to think. Well, i guess now is a good time to add minecraft. Obviously i got ta add minecraft this game.

I had one of the most fun times on my youtube channel thanks to this game, so i'll forever be grateful for it for sure, like all the excitement for a new episode for this game and all the excitement for me, looking forward to recording the episode as Well, it's the best feeling in the world man so good that week, when i literally got married, beat the ender dragon at the same time, how lit was that dude? That's the highlight, that's a peak for sure. It's also a game that i played before. I did youtube, it was actually the first thing i ever recorded. I don't have the original footage of it, but it was kind of ironically, like i kind of started my youtube.

At the same time, minecraft became big, and then i avoided playing it for so long. Just because i thought it was like too popular and kind of cringey, and then i realized hey, it's actually a amazing game and i love being able to share that with you guys as well online uh. Now i don't know like i played it so much if there's new updates i'll, obviously check it out, but i don't know: did anyone ever play this game? Favorite third-party developer was for the nintendo 64. they'll probably tell i feel like this could easily be on the list.

It's just that uh, i'm not convinced. This is one of those game. I i love it's so weird and trippy yeah, it's one of those underrated games that legitimately was really good. I just don't have like that personal connection to it.

Really. It feels like one of those games. You would put on your three by three to be like hey. Look at me guys i get this underrated game, yeah yeah! It's definitely.

There was another one like that on the 64. pokemon snap didn't come raising dude like any game on the nintendo six performer. It's almost worth it ben you can zooey, oh my god, star x64 legend of zelda, oh golden eye, was so that could easily be on the list could easily be on the list. It's just not there.

I don't have that connection in my soul, like i do with all these other titles. You know, even though amazing games, mario kart 64 same super mario 64 same legend of zelda same this is not fully there. The heart isn't fully there, man, oh my god. How could i even forget, or even a second i had the blue one? I wanted the red one, but i got the blue one and oh boy.

What was it about this game that just blew everyone's mind? I don't know the whole like going on an adventure and then proving your channel and up for the challenge and all the gyms. You know getting that emotional attachment to your pokemons, get to role playing this really and the anime that came out. At the same time. I think as well just gave this such a heavy impact.
Oh, my god, this game was so good, and another great part about this game was that everyone was playing it like every kid in sweden had a game boy loaded up with the either the red or the blue pokemon on it right and also another part of It was i had one of these cables. I convinced my mom to buy it, so you could play against other people, so their pokemon against your pokemon, which to me was like the coolest thing because i'm like this is what pokemon is all about. You battle each other with your pokemons, so i would go around with my cable and challenge all these dumbass kids, who weren't ready for a random kid to challenge them, and i of course, would have been like the most annoying uh cheekiest setup of only like. I would have all the psychic pokemon and just use sleep over and over again - and i was like that's so cool - i'm like one of those gym people, because they only use one set of pokemon and i'm like the psychic pokemon guy and i sleep there and Then they die and it's awesome and they can't do anything.

You fools so fun house such a good game. All right. We only got three spots left. What's it gon na be obviously amnesia? The doctor said there just wasn't any other horror game out there like this game and for someone that had no experience with horror games or even barely was able to watch horror movies to go through this game was just such an insane experience in itself.

I never been so scared in my life and i probably will never be so scared in my life. It was also at the time when i was starting off youtube. I was still in university and i was really struggling on what i wanted to do, but i thought you know it might be fun to record myself playing this game. It's not really a thing that people do did at the time it wasn't popular, but i thought okay well, if i have to go through and play this game that i'm clearly way too scared of playing, i might as well record myself playing it.

I think this is the part where i was the most scared ever i'm so scared the video that started it all the beginning of a legend. What a win! It wasn't like a huge thing for my channel right away. I was still fairly small for a very, very, very, very long time. Okay, but amish obviously became the thing that got my channel started, but it wasn't like.

I played an environment huge. This was one of those things i just moved out of my parents house at the time, and i would wake up at like 4 a.m and load up amnesia and start recording it. It was a weird time, but i loved it good memories. We got two more.

I'm gon na fill this with i'm asking reddit, which one they like outlast classic pewdiepie last of us last of us, is almost worthy. It just isn't that well is really close. Actually such a shame, because i hated the second one, i'm close, i'm close to putting it on there actually, just because it was at the time where i was becoming the biggest channel on the site, and it was such an engaging experience. It was one of the biggest playthroughs out i'll, probably ever have after amnesia.
I don't know i'm not like a huge fan of the game, it's more like my experience with the game and sharing it with you guys online. I don't know if it's worthy actually we'll put it there for now. Dude we've done some crazy playthroughs on this channel. I know i forgot one.

This is yeah yeah. I don't care, i don't care. I love this game. I love this game.

I had so much fun playing this game. It was such a good shooter, absolutely yeah, no regrets this was the kind of game i played before youtube. Let me log into my old steam account and see how many hours i have in this game. 917.

It's not that bad just 40 days of my life, roughly i'm removing less of this sorry, oh bully it was so good. Any of the dark souls games could be good too. I love those. I don't know.

I think i know sorry, i'm a boomer. This is legitimately just an amazing game. Okay, i you can play it now today and it has aged perfectly okay. It's still amazing one of my favorite single player games.

It probably this or bioshock one, but i think half like two is better. There you go, there's my three by three. I didn't. I think i'm i'm satisfied, i'm actually happy with it.

I didn't think i would be what the this is so weird to look at dude. Thank you for letting me rant about my own reminiscence. Since what are your experiences i want to know, let me know if you shared any of my uh, my childhood or gaming experiences. Let me know what they are.

Thanks for watching see you tomorrow, breakfast you thought it was gay, but true relevance never really died. Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator. Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers our emotions, memes, our emotions, express your emotions with me. Share them for likes, share them for love, get up for free and who knows, maybe i'll review your memes, the greatest honor of all time, full circle, baby download it make a meme.

We need subtitles on this.

16 thoughts on “Games that defined me growing up”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ansel Johnson says:

    Just played half life 2 for the first time and it is one of the best games I’ve ever played despite its age.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josé herrera says:

    4:Lego Star Wars
    5:Battlefield 2
    7:Fallout 3
    8: Mass Effect 2

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirsten Clevenger says:

    The first series I ever watched of Pewds was when he played Ao Oni, and it was the most hilarious thing I had seen in my life at the moment. 2011, 15 years old, and just had a major surgery that kept me bedridden for a couple of weeks, so depression hit real, my dudes. A friend sent me the first video of that playthrough and I laughed so hard my staples popped out, and my mom told me if I wasn't careful, she would ban me from watching Pewds if I popped anymore staples. 🤣 November 28th will be my ten year anniversary of being a bro!!! 👊I also loved his Walking Dead playthrough, and with how much he played Happy Wheels for a while there, I'm surprised it didn't make the cut!! 🤣

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Oliver says:

    SO GLAD HE PICKED HALFLIFE 2 AT THE END! amazing game so many memories playing this

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fortnite Life says:

    These brings me back when me my dad and all his brothers and my grandpa system linked original Xbox to play halo in the same house together 🥺

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon S says:

    Slippy, watch out! Bogey on your tail!
    Do a barrel roll!.

    Those two lines just sinked into my memory of the game as a kid

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silvia Pastore says:

    He didn’t put the walking dead :c
    So many memories, watching his videos laughing and crying T^T forever grateful for this channel <3

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shameful Doughnut says:

    Feels like a weird alternate reality trash taste spinoff (like the many fate canons in the nasuverse lol)

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ueky Hirazu says:

    My childhood was Nintendo, PS1-PS2, & Online games at 2012 in Indonesia (At that time, Internet cafe was so crowded in my town)
    Games like : Lost Saga, PB, Ninja Saga, Dragon Nest, Dinasty Warrior Empire, Guitar Hero series, x-shot, Facebook Games, & all of online games at that time was so big in Indonesia

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Khan Artist says:

    I remmeber when I first got into watching youtubers and I started watching pewds.. I watched a couple series but I vividly remember watching his Lucius playthrough.. definitely one of the classic Let's Plays for me

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rikstah says:

    Legit great 3×3. HL 2, MW2, wc3 and lylat wars were also great memories for me

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kait Panda says:

    But wha about walking dead series D: the emotions we all went through with Lee and clementine was a total roller coaster especially when pewds bursted out crying I was goneee

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kent Maghirang says:

    Where's happy wheels? That game is what started me to love Pewds

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UD2 says:

    It was pigma that killed fox's dad. how do I know I actually took the time to listen the prologue… Rip James McCloud.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Dennis says:

    i started to watch you when you did play dead space, i thought it was so hilarious when you swore and screamed in swedish, as a norwegian i always found that fun

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mehraein Aflatouni says:

    I was also fan of Donkey Kong country 2 it was one of my best childhood experience

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