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That's my intro cursed ikea, chair man. Oh no, we've all been there. Every single swede we've all been there. Oh god, that's a nightmare who tells people about these things like who does really embarrassing things and then tell people god, damn it uh felix trying a diffusion filter to your lines, a cheap way to do this is literally put a grocery bag over them.

Here's a comparison of the two same camera settings, my man. They already got it and built in see. I know camera look at good camera. You can see my pores, you can see the sweat love it bask in it.

Oh, you want more blurry wow, so cool like oh, i removed it wow. Is it a good camera? Now guys hey? What do you think of these? I'm glad i just finally uh, you know caved in to you guys and got a good camera thanks for the tip about the diffusion filter that really helps. I got so tired of the camera. Memes like fine i'll, buy a decent camera jesus christ.

I always thought it was kind of cool how i did just fine on youtube without a a good camera and i'm sure people are still gon na complain like oh, the frame rate or whatever, and it's like yeah, i'm not i'm done. No i'm done with the camera. I mean it's not even funny anymore anyway. There's something concerning about felix spinning, a knife near his neck.

While talking about silly deaths, somehow they're not real, relax, they're, not real. Can i go now guys? Please that's actually what happened? 100? That's why we have pets just so they can take photos of us humans in one minute of plank exercise, help dash doom good point good point. Our neighbor always had one of those and uh. It was especially like low rider that his balls would always like hang underneath.

I always felt bad for him. Like it's got to be painful of liv. You know rare photo of felix getting hit by yeah. It's not it's not a rare occurrence.

It happens. You're cooking! The pasta, the wrong on the way. Why would you do this? We are testing in an electrophilic samurai. We don't actually know what's going to happen.

That seems like a way to die. Dumb deaths, okay, sweet it didn't catch on fire. Let's keep going all right here. We go what side i can't hear anything.

Can they go on an actual kendo guy to do this or gal, so it doesn't look awkward as sorry. It's that's cool. My bad! That's super cool. I want to knock you out, but society won't.

Let me you should buy a freaking, not give me my nook, you mean yeah. Well, some stuff, you it's so important that you have to say it twice. Do you understand this? Just like you guys keep going and my camera quality. I got bullied into buying a camera beautifying marcia clips.

I remind you of how lonely you are. Oh, that's so, sweet you, you're lonely and sad and the teddy. Don't worry everyone find love, but first you must love self, but hold you back from love yourself. It's okay, save space help! Oh that's it! Oh dude! You got stuff back.

That's weird! Some random girls sent me a fan mail once and now we're back. This is our anime, our anime title. They our light novel, anime and re-adaption live action. How many of us get into red because appears to be honest, uh? I am i'm so sorry, that's the case 10 year anniversary with the best girl.
This is so cute love you guys congrats, also random fun fact. I just realized you two met on the exact same day: revenge by kevin sparks came out, wow, that's so cool! You know. In five years i will be reacting to this and cringing. Equally, oh, this will be a fun social experiment.

Will you always cringe from the past? What video is it kind of? Oh damn that lighting, though holy all right? 10. 50.. Sorry, i'm in swedish! I i haven't learned how to do uh youtube, yet he said that he was on top of the leaderboard. How long ago, oh i'm old man, he said that he was top of the leaderboards in zombies and uh.

I am pewdiepie welcome to my video. You know in like five years i'm gon na be here again reacting to this video and cringing. Equally, what can i say, youtube is a beautiful thing. Yeah, i guess a little cringe.

You know how, like i act a little. I try to cooler than i am it's kind of cringe all right. So, let's see what i'll cringe at in another five years. Yeah, probably how i just shaved - and i look like a baby - i don't like it.

It's called progress. You have to cringe at your old self, otherwise, you're, not improving, guys, don't die. Please death rate drop. Zero you're welcome you're! Welcome! I save lives.

You're! Welcome! It's good, but he lack a bucket. What is this? What's the context whose setup is that? Whose setup is that? Okay, i already saw this and it's so good. I stopped selling hot dogs to play, horror, games and guess what i became the most subscribed youtuber. You got ta watch my anime video with joey the anime and when to understand the context, but basically we were making fun of how bad anime titles have gone and how they literally just described the plot.

So i love this is amazing. Look, i'm also so cute love. It cannot love in them there. It is there.

It is thing amazing. Thank you. So much me at the end of every pewdiepie video hell, yeah punch that baby i'm merging with the mouse. Some of the oh.

It's me, oh it's! Oh, i thought it was meat canyon, but it's the style. Okay, yours is really good too. My bad, i just got excited. If you make it father, would you love me forever, of course, jfl creative, very epic, especially love what you did with my elbow.

That's a nice touch. That's some shockable elbows! If i ever saw one, this was pewdiepie in 2011.. This is him now feel old. Yet why do i look the same? I got like the same haircut going hold up.

Oh my god at least i got these now. Yeah you're weak start lifting you pathetic swede. You know it looks better. You know this is my hair.
Now, oh yeah, it's the one that started cussing on twitter about getting a job at nasa. They started cussing out an actual nasa employee or something like that and they lost their internship. It's like one of the great tragedies of the twitter era. It's a sad story.

Laughter. I like this new meme template new meme template yeah me buying a new mobile phone to watch youtube in full screen youtube. Well, now we're switching it up to 4k quality. No, i'm not doing that that we should be able to handle 1080p now side right.

We should be able to do it the same actors when you, google them hey, stop it. Stop it hell yeah. I got ta end the meme at some point. Dude the thumbnails are so bad.

You don't even know who i am anymore. Since you follow satan. You might like pewdiepie wow satan is my homie, i'm glad he's getting a shout out. Oh wait! I got a shout out from zayn thanks sladen when it's 2 a.m and you press restart and just better.

Oh well, that's when you just plug out the cable. My dude hell yeah, looking nice, i don't know if it's too early to tease, but you know we got a lot of requests for uh. You know these things. Pewdiepie edition might come in the future.

I'm just saying maybe i bet pewds your cable management ain't. This good dude that is glorious, that's the most beautiful thing. I've ever seen in my life, i'm not a thing: oh catch felix dot, xc, all right, let's see he's a fast little snake got him got him. First, try got him all right i'll.

Let you guys play along go ahead and pause. Now now pause the video pause the video come on. We should bring it back the good old days. You guys are some nostalgic.

Motherfluffas man, anime girls with a surprise face, are so cute. Oh, i saw this family guy called me out. I can't believe it watch this wait. Who said that oh stewie, you are just horrible, you're even worse than those people who take dumps in the shower.

What's wrong with us. Tell me you haven't tried it. We have to do intro, hey how's it going bro. My name is pewdiepie.

Welcome to prague. You can't just make up words. Also pewdiepie literally is channeled. Next time i look at boob.

I will look at the book 10 times to compensate some books. I read care to explain yourself there pewdiepie joker, be like it's a story. I love this meme tumblr, guys enough bowling for poor camera quality. Let's appreciate, thank you holy like what the do you want from me.

Screw zodiac signs who's, your favorite pewdiepie, rich pewdiepie, boomer pewdiepie he's not going to be happy about that normal pewdiepie, chantify pewdiepie cringe. That's poking this uncomfortable streaming, santa yeah! That's news! Right there! Let's go another youtuber comments about another youtuber streamer yeah. This happened all right. Let's start some news: who should i call them at it's, got ta, be someone random, random, streamer hate.
It are you making noises dumb stream? I bet her cable management, terrible hell, yeah. I like this. I'm saving this, that's beautiful man, oh yeah yeah. This makes sense.

Ken brought this up as well like the mirror behind me, is kind of messing it up, but i think with the camera i have now they can kind of handle it enough. Please for the love of god, i don't care, it doesn't matter. That's my whole point like it's like the whole of internet is trying to make a big deal out of something that is not important to you felix. Can you confirm this is how you eat pizza yeah, absolutely, and it's i'll tell you what it's the only right way to eat a pizza? Why would i waste my tummy space for and calories on, a bunch of gunky yunky spunky, all right, listen up if i'm hungry i'll eat it but i'll eat it last eat the good stuff first and the bad stuff.

Last, i'm not some child. That needs to prove my mom that i ate my vegetables, so i have to eat the bad stuff. First, like an idiot, i ate the pizza first through the middle, with an iphone 4. and anyone that doesn't eat pizza like that, has never tried it.

I'm sick of it, i'm done with it smash like subscribe on this video, and i see you bros tomorrow, where i will eat a pizza just like that. You thought it was game, but true relevance, never really died. Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber. Simulator.

Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers. Our emotions means our emotions, express your emotions, share them for likes, share them for love, get up for free and who knows, maybe i'll review your memes, the greatest honor of all time, full circle, baby download it make a meme. We need subtitles on this.

16 thoughts on “Family guy called me out… lwiay #00170”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ʇʇǝʍ says:

    his camera is fine but his birate/framerate do be kinda lacking

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Addict says:

    Wait Pewdiepie doesn’t have a beard? How long I been gone?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MTM Community says:

    Seth mcfarlane rips on anyone above average on any platform for any reason lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin Wozniak says:

    yes spoiled brat couple that spends alot of money to seem japanese

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IDK says:

    bet marzia grounded pewds because he didnt eat the crust

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avo Mustashio says:

    Why do cartoons always make his hair yellow when it's clearly brown? It looks nothing like him.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mackenzie Parkening says:

    Dachshund is actually pronounced Doxon(d) I thought that was pretty interesting.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ks Raimy says:

    I have question.. Why pewdiepie have more subscriber than Mrbeast since that Mrbeast is more fun and more view everytime he post a video!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle G says:

    But I’d u cut the pizza in slices hold the crust and just eat the slice not the crust is it not the exact same?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crillen Cryptid says:

    I am filled with self loathing… but dogs make it better

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHEEPinator says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alina T says:

    Are we going to ignore the Christmas music in the back?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TS says:

    "well that's when you just plug out the cable my dude"
    Big Brain sentence right there y'all

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeanette Jeanette says:

    Felix you look like 5 years younger without a beard 😮

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joy Freg says:

    I'm convinced my IKEA furniture has some sort of foreign magical power I SAW A DEMON THROUGH IT. now am gonna go find an IKEA mirror to see if we can see spooky stuff.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Jamison says:

    I love seeing the zombie furby at the end of each video 🤣🥳👍

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