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So so hola my microphone is unmuted. There we go what's up. What's up, what's up floor gang, let's delay today, i don't know if you can tell say something: what's up there, you go boom so fast. I never stream this early, but i really want to play hillary.

You guys ever become productive just so you can waste more time on, like i did all my i. I did a bunch of stuff last night just so i can start stream early today. That's how serious this is. I'm gon na call ken.

I wanted to chat with him in bed as well. We're gon na play elderly gon na be streaming a long, ass time, ken's not responding time. Don't normally get up error on eight. Oh sorry, i spoiled the wordle on instagram.

I forgot about time zones. I was like oh it's midnight for me, so i don't know if you guys saw that, but i accidentally i really. I hit me afterwards, hello, where, where you're live, don't say any bad word. You know what i this son of a.

Let me tell you the story that tell us all the hate, the hate that you have for people. Let me tell you about your favorite youtuber that i just hate everybody. Let me just throw it out there right now. Not true.

Can you guys hear ken alright right? Are you playing the dank souls all right, that's what they should. This might as well be a dark cells. I keep calling it bonfire. I call it bonfire too yeah souls and bonfires yeah.

They might as well call it a dark soul. I wouldn't it would not matter it's. It's dark souls light. You know until you fight the main, the story bosses, then it beats the crap out of you yeah.

Exactly yeah, it's quite easy, otherwise, you're right, i heard that the last bosses are just brutal. Yes, i read something about that. They do everybody. Somebody goes like they expect a lot of one like.

I guess it's playing a single player. They expecting a lot out of one player in these last bosses, nah, that's just babies that are babies and they have to complain. I came in. I came into the game.

Thinking, like you know, you do in all the old dark souls games like you go and you go fight the boss. You know you do what you're supposed to do so you start the game and it's like okay go here and fight the guy. I was like. Okay, yeah you get there and then no, you can't do it.

The first boss just beats the crap out of you, yeah yeah, you got ta, you got ta explore and how long we put dungeons for you, yeah go go, go. My frame rate is awful. Oh yeah the spider hand. Please.

Oh so you've been here: oh yeah spider-man, so you played a lot then what the uh i mean. I've explored a lot. I've only killed two of the story. Bosses or i beat the castle, and then i beat the academy.

Wait. So there's this is the story. Boss, yeah, like in the academy, is a story about a godfrey guy in the academy yeah, that's the two i've done yeah. Well, then uh doesn't isn't this uh.

My this is a storybox too yeah. The last target yeah the lady. So you've done three yeah well yeah! I didn't. I didn't count the the first yeah that you got like the little boss, i've gotten two of the elder pieces away.
How much have you played how? How is everyone so much time to just play this game? I thought i played a lot and i got it a day earlier. I've been putting a lot of things aside in my life to play this game. Okay, okay, you said you said that you uh you were using the poll arms. Oh, this is like.

I did. Yeah yeah, i haven't changed it, which one did which one did you have. I had the pike uh, no, the is that it or the short sphere. Now, the one you have, the one that's down and the next uh one down on your menu.

Halberd yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, that's one! That's what i was using! You get it from. Oh a lot of people doing that one yeah! It's really good! That's that's not really faith that has 12 in faith, but it doesn't really it's a little bit of faith. It's a little bit so ken is doing a faith build as well.

Apparently i don't think i'm asking that's why you're not a fake, that's faithful, yeah, so i i went with the pike and then the partisan, so all i did is i run it. I i buff the sword or the spear, and then i run in and poke what happens if you hit them, they die. If you hit the left bumper, do you double poke? Oh yeah, a double poke, double poke. Everything just died.

It was so it was pretty good actually, but i i wanted to build around the scythe skype yeah, so double scythe and i got the faith on the other one too, you can put the art on it. So, even though it isn't faith, it becomes double faith. If you hit just keep slicing my dude god easy and you also get the the zappers yeah um i've been playing offline without streams. The stream is like what the is happening.

I did the same thing like i come back, oh and there's a there's, a delay between us. I forgot yeah. It's not that bad though i can picking up what you're putting down. No, no! No! No! No! No! No! You don't understand it's fine i'll fix it.

Guys, oh, it's not me. Okay shoo in the first dark souls, game lightning was op, it's not too loud. Well, won't you be able to hear me. Is it not already there you go.

Okay. Maybe this is good, say something: hello, okay, um, okay, so for chad that i played offline. I basically just did the academy area that was his uh this with a bunch of, and i killed. Her were those were those our babies or was that her? I don't know what that was, that was weird: it was kind of hot all the all the herds crawling around the ground or babies or whatever they were, i'm kind of weird, i'm kind of sad that i did it off stream to be honest, but it was A really fun bus - oh did you like that? You guys just got to live with it.

Okay, on my values, it seems okay, yeah, whatever um, she felt like you hit her on that fight and you almost kill her in one hit: she's she's, so she's. So soft yeah she was soft, especially if you got the pokers you know. Did you do the wolf boss before and hit him in like three shots, the lucario? What was that was that a boss yeah what the yeah it was yo? Have you been? Have you been up here and what are you looking at like on the left side, uh yeah yeah went all the way through there. I've been up.
I've been up further like that little gray area you have between those two uh and randomly oh, really so yeah yeah. I just saw this manner and i'm like. I should probably explore this. I don't know if i have to do it, but yeah yeah, you don't have to do anything and i think i think the next boss is like at the bottom right of the map.

Back in the next oh yeah yeah, i've seen uh i've seen the clips of memes from that uh yeah. This area is a bit tough. For me. To be honest, i might wait a little bit yeah, it's pretty hard.

Just like straight up, dragons out there um yeah stop complaining about the audio i banned someone last time because they were complaining. Well, it's just normal chat, he's too loud, he's too quiet, oh my god! Well, i have this technical difficulty where it will delay the gameplay with me for whatever reason through obs, some magic happens and i have to resync it every time and it's a pain in the ass trying to sync something with something. That's already delayed like this, the stream itself - that's weird, so i was like thank you guys. Finally, i saw that - and i was like thank you guys for not uh being so annoying and like trolling, because sometimes people say it's not synced, even though it is synced.

Ah, two minutes later some comes up. One is like it's not synced anymore and i'm like really and then i check, and it is i'm like you're done you're out of here for life get out. You know i'm done. I felt so.

I never banned people, but i felt so bad afterwards, but now, when i think about it, no, i don't feel bad. Ah, don't even the only reason. Even you pretend to feel bad. I know i know you don't feel bad.

No! No! I have emotions sometimes, and i can't make sense out of it either. It's really inconsistent. Oh yeah, how are you enjoying the game, then i i like it a lot. I do i do like it and uh everyone.

That's played the game and is complaining how hard it is have they ever played another dark souls, game yeah. I don't. I think this is a lot of people's first. To be honest, look at that are we that old, like i thought everyone played dark souls back in the day.

I i don't know i got these blue, it's kind of awkward, real yeah, it's kind of awkward realizing like talking. Oh, i'm almost done talking to people like, because i don't know if i'm babying them, but then i'm like dude have you played another game. It's all this game, hey guys. I've been playing with a couple of my friends that have never played a souls game before and they're like man.
This game is, i can't believe, they've they designed this level where you have to jump off and i'm gon na die. Please they try to kill you in the other games yeah exactly. What do you mean yeah and, like oh, the summons are so weird like if you die, you just disappear and it's like. Have you? Are you that's the same? What do you mean? I don't? I don't know it was weird to me of how many people started coming out and being like.

I've never played dark souls before my soul's game. That's my first time veteran skin yeah, i played i played demon souls on the playstation 3. That's old! I am that's hard too yeah i never play. I try to play the remake of that.

I'm not like this feels. I don't like it like uh the nostalgia. I call this game was so great nope. No, actually not.

Where am i supposed to go here? Do you like my helmet, i do i was looking at it i'm pretty jealous. I was so happy when it dropped. What's up like the bridge dude right, it slams his head on the ground, yeah yeah, there's a couple of them that was so exciting, but i have the same armor as i had in the beginning of that. I don't know if you want to armor in this game: yeah.

Well, not good one. Sadly, and you can you can't level it up either? So it's like it's kind of i don't know. I guess the point of the game is not to get hit anyway. So, oh, we got a glowy ice.

How much speed do i get for that? No he's not dead yeah. He is, i thought they dropped more xp if they had glowy eyes. Oh gosh, the fact that you're killing these guys, even if they have their shields up, it's pretty good yeah, because i do the jumpy thing they're like oh. What do i do? I guess i'll die yeah, it's kind of opie right now.

I like it. So if i hit him normally yeah, i i run into trouble, oh god, so you just just hit him. Like i mean it there we go everyone's asking me about the merch trump um, and i bet you wonder that you too can oh yeah. Well, i need that merch bro.

I think we announced the date and then we didn't really stick to it. It's coming, oh, i don't know, did you stream earlier yeah? I liked it. I was looking at chat in the stream in the morning. For me, though, i've been done, it's the same as me: basically yeah yeah, just so now, you're done and i'm i'm repeating.

Did you also wake up super early just so you could stream well, i stayed up really late. Oh and then i woke up and streamed to my normal time with like five hours of sleep. Oh excellent keep five going of sleep: oh nice, god damn yeah that didn't count! I was distracting you, my bad. That's that's a free one! Yes yeah! Sarah! Thank you that isn't that that's on ken i had to go to the car mechanic the other day because they said i need to get my brake discs changed or something like that and i actually booked in with the wrong garage without realizing i booked the one.

Next door they're all like next to each other, so it was really awkward. When i pulled up the morning, it was like: hey uh, he's like why the are you here and i'm like. Well, you we, you have to check my car. You said i have to change my brakes right, he's like no, you booked with the other one, i'm like, oh, so he kind of like shushed me away and then the other guy was like.
No, you don't have to change these like he tried to swindle me. I'm glad i went to your competition now, you don't actually have to change them until you can hear them like making that noise yeah they've been doing that it's just because writing is kind of it's all salt and did my internet die? No i'm still like weird brake pads and that, like i think, they're designed to make that noise, when it's like time to change them, uh, hey bumper. I still remember when you told me that you made up the zero deaths, meme and yeah. I wasn't blown away what i love that meme.

No, now it's different well, i kind of hijack it from people that are actually good at the game. You know that do do this. What do you do with these? These bubble things uh you're, making you just make a custom, one-shot elixir that gives you a buff, ooh, lightning attack. I want that yeah there's one that makes you explode, there's one that yeah you like turn into a bomb.

It hurts you, but it hurts everything else around you more there's one that you can drink right before you die and it'll keep you from losing your souls. Oh that's pretty good. Okay, so we got lightning and fate. That's pretty good! For me! Uh enhances.

Have you been attacked by the skeleton dude when you go back to the round table? Yet no spoilers? Sorry, that's right. I don't know when it had. I don't want to have i i really don't care it's kind of like a random thing. Okay, then he gets you some armor or you don't think my arm is cool.

Is that i mean it's very cool, i'm just saying you do get armor from him. You get off his little skeleton armor since i'm dual wielding and i have a faith build. I can only have the helmet and this rope, you can't wear anything or anything else, really heavy, oh, not roland. Do you have this by the way? What is that it's amazing? It boosts all your stats with five, except that it doesn't fade.

Does it make you take more damage? Yes, but i mean, with this amount of armor it don't matter anyway, when you're that good you don't get hit i'll, definitely run into trouble later. I need it. I needed to use my side thing right. Okay, all right tell me: if you do this, wait, that's one of the things that i do pretty often is.

I hop on my horse and i just rod like my own area, i'm not supposed to be, and i just like and grab all the items yeah. Just run as fast as i can grab the items and dip the developers watching your live stream are just crying they're, like we spent six years on this supposed to be here, all the really good stuff's like putting dungeons or behind the balls anyway. So it's i guess it's still gated yeah, but if you're rushing through the game, don't you get stuck sometimes uh? Well, you don't do anything. All i do is like i run through and grab the bonfires and if i was like an item sit on the cliff.
I grab it hmm and then like i'll come back later, but what i did is i went to the very top of the map like that big imperial city or whatever it is, and there's another horse. Man, like the first guy sitting outside the door, and i had to fight him horace man. I haven't thought that yet like at the the guy yeah, you got a weapon, the very beginning down the horse: oh yeah, yeah, of course, yeah yeah, there's an it's like his big brother and uh. I beat him, but he he's a he's, a lot worse than the other guy.

I don't which weapon do i get from him? What do you mean uh? The helper, like you, know the when you come out of that tutorial: oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, the tree said now: yeah yeah yeah, so his big brother's up there and i'm pretty convinced that like horseback, combat, is just busted because you can Beat every if you can get on your horse, you can beat pretty much anything. Well, it's really good with the with the pike that you have, because you can just hold down r2 and poke him yeah exactly you just run into him and then you let it go yeah when you hit it yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah! That's right! I know! That's why the pike is so good. I can't do that now anymore, because i have the science really, oh, you don't hold it out. You can still hold it down, but it you, don't you don't do the same.

The other was like. Oh, my god. The dragons are so hard now, like i killed him by my horse. It was easy.

Oh yeah, yeah those bosses yeah. It's weird, i think, i'm i don't know you know how there's just some bosses. Everyone thinks is like that's the hardest boss. Whenever i go back to like look at my old playthroughs, it seems like i only struggled on their really easy bosses.

They're too simple. I don't get it as soon as they rare back you're dodging already and they're like oh, it's too good. I think that's like every boss, like hard boss in this game, does the same thing that um uh, whatever that the the really hard boss in dark souls 3 that like rides the dragon around. He was like the only one that i can remember that started doing like the big delay attack where he like swings and then like swings, real slow and you always dodge, and then he hits you now.

Every boss in this game does that, oh, that's, slow, uh! The slower yeah yeah they're all doing that, oh god they all used to just swing at you. You know now they're, like oh here comes here. That's so true, yeah, nameless king, nameless king is like the one that like really wore that out and beat everybody down now like the very first boss. You fight.
Does it isn't the name of this king? The last game in dark souls he's the the dude that rides around the dragon and like the optional boss, that beats the crap out of me. Oh okay, i think that's the one i haven't done. I actually just like i'm kind of bored, oh yeah. He is hard, oh show, do it someday yeah, well, you're, right um! Oh, we got the big boy, oh cool.

I can summon here since i'm a summon guy. I can get these guys and then i drink, and then i buff them. Why can't i buff them? Hold up get your homie, i keep miss clicking there. We go holy who's hitting me.

Oh god get that! No, no help me snow, i'm coming a lot and have they even actually hurt that giant any? No? I don't think so. I think this guy came in and don't touch them. Okay, did you get the uh the girl that levels, your summon dudes up what you can level them up? Look at this genius shooting the tree you're supposed to shoot him. There's a blind chick that shows up in your place and if you talk to her and then talk to the freaking blacksmith, yeah he'll teach her how to do it yeah and you can level them up, so they can hit harder.

Well me, they don't do any damage i want. I want the items leave me alone. Just leave me alone. I don't i'm doing the ken strat yeah just run past him.

Hello, look screw fighting these guys. What do you got? You grab the ride them roll out of the way. Oh there's a guy here, there's a ball in that room right there. Oh really! That's why there's a stapler yeah? No, oh my god sake not three times.

Thank you. That was a cool move. Yeah yeah, i'm like five seconds or ten seconds behind, oh what's actually happening, but still so the boss is here. I just wan na yeah.

I just went oh, i don't have many money all right rip. How much how many souls do. I have show me my souls there. We go five thousand okay.

I can lose five thousand babysitters all the time. Yeah baby souls you'll be you'll, one shot the bossy anyway. Oh i can someone here too, he's got a horse, that's not fair! Okay, he does take. I feel like it's a she was dead.

Well, i need my summons. I take too much. I take too much damage, it doesn't count the head, oh good, it doesn't count, it don't count. Am i supposed to be on my horsing? I don't think so.

I don't know i had a. I was playing multiplayer when i fought this person, you can't you can't get on your horse, you playing offline. I don't think so. I think i i'll give this guy.

The wolves put the dogs out get my dogs out. I need more buff them, though hold up bro. Can you give me a minute? I just got ta buff my walls. There we go and maybe we'll just arrange this guy see how that happens.

I want the wolves actually doing some damage. Can they reach? For me? No, i killed oh wow, so how much damage it did. That's a nice nice little chunk. We keep zapping ow ow, almost dead, almost dead, almost dead sake, i'm too slow.
This is a problem when you do only damage and you can't take sorry i'll get i'll get him he's gon na get it he's gon na feel bad. I have so much setup to do. I got ta you guys, someone, your dude, you get a buffy dude. Okay, speed run multitasker and i get drink and then i get above and then i got ta.

Let's just try melly we're just gon na. Do oh night wait. I thought i staggered him. Well, maybe he did.

The dogs probably hit him, though, and made a move. Oh sake: dogs, yeah, oh they're, shooting the dogs, nice. Oh, that hurts just you and me now, buddy nice. What i just i was watching the stream.

That's like that big old giant arrow to the face yeah i took it nice he didn't die. I got his slang, did it yeah nice heck yeah, the lightning isn't as good as i thought it was for now you don't have enough faith. Yes, i do i'll bury you. Why should i i actually don't know if i can level that over that? No, i need 160 more.

Maybe i should level like so i can wear some more stuff. Yeah you're gon na you're gon na dress up. So you can wear your face. It's only faith, i believe yeah.

I couldn't use the horsey all right. Cool first, try nice! One guys it's got ta feel good to watch as well, oh yeah, being here and seeing just how it's supposed to be played, i'm so glad to be a part of this. This is history, history. What the am i doing now, then, was that it, i think, that's it yeah, that's all you do here.

Maybe i missed some items, but so what would you is it time to go down here? Then i've been snooping around a little bit here, but uh yeah see because you went to see the beast dude now you're supposed to uh. I think it makes sense to go here at this point. Let's try to do this i'll show you this on discord. Uh! The next place you're supposed to go according to this is oh kevin's got that cheat sheet yeah i got the.

Where should i go map? It's like go up north next game progress route? Is it color coordinated? What the does even mean? It tells you the levels on there, like. I don't know why i made this but uh. If you zoom in you can see it. Oh, it's so tiny on discord.

Oh yeah, you open up the original one yeah you go up to the altus plateau. Next, i can't see this it just open it anyway. Keep going up to the top right is like the next area that well that's where i am more more right. I can't even do this area the gray area that you're uh in this in between yeah it's in between it's like that.

No, you don't want to go there. That's the city place that place is real hard. The gray area in between how the do i get there swim you go around the back all the way to the very top, so you get into the place all right i'll go here and we'll see, can't tell me where you going. Oh i'm just i'm just saying if you want like i like i like the game yeah.

No, i appreciate it. I like how the game does that, like we had this giant city, that looks super cool and enticing, but you don't want to go there. You want to go around it go around yeah. You want to go all the way over.
You go back to the if you well, if you go to the top, that's where the horse dude is that i was telling you about need to go into the city, but yeah go back yeah. I've done that to the left. You go back to the left in your map, but this is where the horses are talking about you to go to the horse. Dude fine go to the horse dude, which way.

What do you mean left from here or left from four? Where do you want to go? Do you want to go the horse dude? I don't know which horse. Do you talking about the guy that lets you into the city like the actual city part like the i'm in this city? Yeah, i mean yeah sorta, oh my god, i'm just gon na run all right, so you wan na go fight the horse dude. I'm talking about you go to like the north of the city place. If you want to go to the place that i was talking about, where i want to fight a horse especially explorer, then you should go to the left of the city, part to the gray area that you haven't got the map for yet i'm doing.

I'm doing that all right, you don't have to yell at me. I thought it was clear. Yeah. Is this correct? This has to be right, you're still going whatever.

What are you what i'm going through? You say, that's what you're doing, but how is this? Not life? Do you know directions, i don't know? How do you go left from someone? You know you're already left you're going up. You go up. What are you talk? Okay, look. You look at the map right, oh, what is happening.

I don't understand why. Why is it so confusing? Okay, i'm here you said, go left how's that you mean here. Do you mean here? Oh my god, did you mean there yeah yeah? Oh, oh! So when you say left you mean left, i meant left. What is wrong with me? What the i was like, what do you want from me dude, i don't know what to say left.

Oh left, uh west, i get west how about what about that? Okay, let i don't i don't mix up left and right. That does not happen to me. Oh yeah, of course i i mean i mix up east and west all the time. Oh, my god, my my brain always thinks west is to the right on a map.

Okay, good. That makes me feel a little better yeah. Every like, i always have to like think about it every single time, even though i know that i think about it backwards. It's just.

I don't know it's one thing. Ah, i remember as a kid. The way i learned left and right was you hold up your left hand and it makes it look at the finger yeah. I was like that's genius.

Clearly, it didn't work, just plain freaking uh. What was we playing sea of thieves like the pirate game? Now we need to go east and then east. No, no, you need to go starboard, yeah starboard and we keep going and they're like wait, a minute, i'm going the wrong direction. Why are we going this way and i'm like uh west i'm at west? Yes, yes, nice, the east and west dyslexia just doesn't work out bro.
It does not get easier if you're trying to memorize in japanese too, because left sounds really similar to ease. For some reason. Oh i don't like it. I like it.

Oh i hit him cool. I'm looking for the pillar thing, but i get it all right, look past it. I am going to mute myself for a bit and go sit with mary before she goes to bed, because she was asking me to that's all right: yeah yeah i'll, be here i'll, be back all right, bruh uh. How was the delay by the way? Because i i kind of did it really quickly? I won't ban anyone.

Don't worry, left some similar cheese yeah in japanese bruh, it's okay, okay, good nice! How y'all doing today best way to wake up hell, yeah, so check out that cave, maybe caves are usually good and it's push people here. I can't be with these guys. Oh it's this woman again. She wants to see my fingers great.

Oh vendor man. What has he got some cookbook ancient dragon apostle, cookbook materials for crafting i'm wearing a pumpkin on my head. That's correct! Should i go through the teepee thing? I think i should stay here for now i'll do that later. I know i should get better armor.

Do you guys have any recommendations? A lot of people have died here. Why? I guess people try and jump down yeah holy everyone died, trying to jump down here. I guess i won't do it then kind of a dead end here, it's worth dual wielding, but naked uh, i mean to be fair. I'd probably be fine, not dual wielding the sacred site, because i do the special attack from it anyway and it's kind of one.

I have some yeah, you know what let's try that i will keep the pumpkin head because that's the meme uh, but uh they all kind of weighed the same. Don't they let's try. Let's try this like this, see how that goes. How do i get down there? I want to get down - let's check the map bridge here from here.

If you ride all the way around, but then that means i would have to oh how confusing, maybe down on this platform first should be a little lower area here. No, it isn't. How do i get down? Okay? I can probably make this yeah. I like this area.

The colors are pretty uh ken is saying goodnight to mary, hey. We found a church, nice whoa. Was there a bus here misclicked? If i hadn't changed my armor before, i probably would be dead there, jesus yeah we're still pretty strong. I don't think i need to do a wheel for now.

Yeah we get the sacred tiers, which means we can upgrade our potions. I think surprise, there's no bonfire. We go further down, looks like we can go down over there is that a poorly rendered church or a ghost church, what the ghost church it disappeared. Huh, i don't know, maybe we'll go down here.

First then, sneak up on this four pumpkin man with the pumpkin plane that did not work. This guy's a lot of help. Oh, am i gon na get cursed that was close. I'm definitely gon na get blighted whoa, that's so cool obviously doesn't count because i got blinded for the first time doesn't count.
It happens first time. Oh me, i got ta go so far. Now birds had to die for it. It's cool ability i kind of want to wish.

I had that cool death doesn't count as that yeah, you guys get it blighted, means you're, hiding yep holy the frame rate's, so bad in this area. Maybe we'll try and range like that kiddo. I definitely want my souls, though: okay, wait what oh, my god, i missed! Here's! What we're gon na do we're gon na buff ourselves. Oh my! No! Where did you come from rip souls? It's all right.

I don't think i had many, not even worth it. The teleporters to get across the bridge - okay, maybe we'll do it, then i always just end up in a random spot and i'm like i wish i didn't do that - maybe uh oh yeah and the summon upgrades i got ta. Do that oh you're, oh cool, so it does take you across and then that also goes into the city. Huh.

There's a dude over here, nice hat whoa. Okay, wait! Does he have no greater rune equipped wait what i can equip greater rooms? Hmm, oh they're. Having a party, should we just let them vibe it out? No stop, oh god! Whoa all part of the plan boom is that the potion ken was talking about where you explode. Do you guys remember that video i did on uh random, weird deaths and there was people that died from dancing too much, because there was like a mass hysteria in the medieval times and people just couldn't stop dancing.

It kind of reminded me of this good times, not a oh. We got some new outfits. Maybe this is it then? What does that mean? Let's check out the new stuff? Oh, is it noble something? Oh looking fancy? Yes, yes, okay! This is it. Are we heavy rolling now? No we're not never forget the guy that was writing out in public and had a turtle drop on his head.

Never forgetting that's why i wear this helmet. Really, god the frame is awful. Can i hit you i'm gon na die. I take so much damage that was two for them.

I didn't see two of them. I got ta go across again too much work, suck it i'm pretty bad covered, but watching you play little ring rounds on my moment thanks thanks for watching. I hope you feel better, you think they made up after this. I don't know man well, probably half that seems about right people make up all the time.

Even still i know i don't have the sweden shield. Well, we'll get it back. I don't need a shield shields for to be fair. I just want my souls.

Thank you. We're just looking around eight dumplings, don't mind. If i do pumpkin headed back, you think ken is falling asleep. It is a possibility.

I think he was uh. He's gon na stay just spend some time with her and then i'll come back. There's no way he's gon na leave me for his wife. I hear a dingball, i'm kind of tempted to restart the game because it's the frame rates is awful yeah.
I thought you could disappear on me. Huh protection of her tree is that an indication incandation indication of an indication i swear. Oh there's, someone crying down there anytime. I get an item.

I'm like i don't know what that is. I will probably never use it. Okay cool. I died six times to get it.

I mean i don't die, obviously, but there's someone crying down here and i cannot allow that. Obviously they have to die now. Oh it's that he killed me last time. I'm just gon na grab his uh he's got nothing he's poor i'll.

Let him stay poor. Oh it's! The same area as before. It didn't hit me because it was foggy. Try this guy range.

Oh, he can shoot range zapping, yeah zappone! Oh i'm gon na die. I'm gon na die that was close. She nice sounds sounds good demon use the trees, yeah uh, there's a bunch of crybabies. Here you have a health decrease right now from hugging the woman at the round table use the items she gave you to get rid of it.

Really this nerfed me: what's the item called alex? Do you know? Oh crit, he jumped oh, the crit baby yeah. That's how you deal with us still got my skirt still looking fine. I don't really know what i'm doing here, there's usually a boss at the tree right. Let's check that out.

Oh, we got some ruins check it out. It looks like i can summon here, though. Ah slug city problem is, if i die here uh, i don't want him. I don't want to die here.

Oh gosh, it was a trap, let's get the item and get out. Maybe there's a basement. Oh there's nine cookbook, uh ballasting's blessing use it to get rid of deeper i'll legends. Is it in my inventory uh? I did it.

Hopefully i didn't get trolling like waste. A good item don't deserve. I'm looking for uh bonfires can't seem to find any okay. You can get back, go back and get one nice thanks guys, so so many weird noises in this area, so we won't we've been here right, hey guys holy.

That was clean. Give me that item. I worked hard for it wrath of gold. Sorry, but what am i looting when they look like that? They look like that there it is so they are incantations, produces golden shockwave, then knockback's, full 32 faith holy.

I think i almost have that yeah. I have 31. cool, let's get one more level and then 35 increases affinity, damage negation for herself and allies. Oh nice, a gold shockwave.

Let's get it one more level, hi guys. Thanks for the loot, appreciate it uh for the life of me. I cannot kill this stupid mounted boss outside the castle. I don't know which one that is, let's go to three, the little cave golden shower, shockwave, nice.

We made it to three. It's rough you'll, see when you okay, but i'm zero. That thing this uh. Have you seen my skirt, i think i'll, be all right, ah bonfire.
This feels like a trap. There's always oh. I killed him so fast whoa you can fly and what does roon arcs do? I've looted, like a billion of them, all right, grant's blessing of an equipped great rune. I don't know what that means.

Sorry, gramps, i'm still stuck on the first boss. The first boss is a lot easier if you use the summons, if you're stuck on it. What the are these hedgehogs, what the i eat cool, maybe we can get some stone. Oh let's make this on five.

I don't think i need that you can eat four or somber smithing stone. Five would be amazing if we can find oops. I see you, oh who's. Shooting me! Oh gosh, let's get the guy, that's trying to shoot me.

Yes, we got it now. I can upgrade my pickaxe or my scythe, oh gosh, sweet very excited for that. Just got ta make sure i don't forget. I feel like i need to play this game with like a notepad and like okay, do this and then, after that you got ta.

Do there's always like something to do and you always get swept up so you're like i don't what was i supposed to oh yeah, honestly, it's not a bad idea. I just don't have one right now. I have chat you guys put down no, but down now, uh upgrade your what was it my wing? The weapons yeah felt bad for these little, but you know oh, and also to level up my faith. If i get the chance first, because we got a new spell to check out those two things would be great.

There's a boss in here. I shouldn't have done that yet, oh maybe i should i can summon well i play this terribly then. Oh, it's one of these. You have to stagger them right, yeah, they don't do any damage.

I just died. How did that happen? Great, don't count. Obviously, okay, let's do this correct this time, don't run, don't run, don't run. Why can't they use my spell my dogs already dead? Oh my god.

She says this is tough, since it's two of them yeah. I do no damage but uh, it's one of those. I i i fought one of them before and i don't know how i did it. I think i just kept hitting it and then eventually i did more damage.

Is there a better way, not even close? Let's try the fire skip the wolves, i think they're. Just oh, it might be it's good distraction, he does it like four or five times, and then he do one delay. That is more. So no what the hit me uh keep miss clicking when i try and get the potion i like removed my weapon instead.

So annoying wish i could summon before the fight. Oh, my god just went through. That's what killed me last time. What is going through my body? There we go, i'm trying to target the other guy, i'm not doing a lot of damage.

I'll tell you that charge! It, oh my god, that's what i get for charging it huh! That's it now. We can actually do damage okay and i get one shot come on once we have one down, it should be easy and we were pretty close there. So just got ta be really careful talking this meme helmet man um. Oh my god.
I just want my souls. I just want myself. I got him okay, nice, so i do pretty much the same damage if i charge it, so it's not really worth it. Ow! Stop so irritating what the he just kept, throwing them goddammit, maybe lightning is better um.

What's better, then for me, this is a goal. 20 holy, that's bad! Oh my god! Stop it with the discs greedy and it hit me there. We go okay, so one is finally down. We can start doing damage soon.

I think this is when i should maybe try summons. Oh, oh because he staggers now there we go. No, i'm not dying. Now, i'm out of everything.

I think yes, okay, he's down. Oh i'm out of everything our marionette is still alive and he's doing work on this dude on come on. Marionette yeah. Let's go marinate, don't hurt my marinette.

You got my marinette. Let's go one last yeah that was clean. Let's go nice one guys. That was a little tricky dealing with two.

I don't like that. Easy first try as well. I really had to use all my resources holy. That was out of everything we got some cool new stuff, though so, let's go back.

You really think ken has gone to bed. Let me see if he wrote me on one set. I i have faith speaking of which, how many souls do we have? Oh, we don't have 15 000, yet maybe i'll just go for the upgrade first and then we'll get the fade. Uh! No! Wait! It's not here! Well, actually we got a thing that we can give her uh huh used for crafting.

What did we get? What did we get out of that? So the bosses in the mines they give you these ball bearing things and you give them to those. Ladies and they increase the shot like you can buy smithing stones, somber, smoothing stones even now, um, i don't know what else we got out of that, but we looted a somber smoothing stone number five, which is what we need to upgrade the weapon. So i want to do that yeah we just needed one. Now we need level six smithing stone.

Four we can buy to upgrade our magic. Maybe that's worth it too. I wan na i'm gon na get more faith first, but also first things. First, let's get this out of the way.

There's one way we're playing this and it's looking good all right, summon upgrade. I i don't know where who's doing the summon upgrade. Are you the summon upgrade receive power from remembrance? Oh this is it so we got the acts of. I will receive acts of godric or the scepter no wait.

This is not it. I don't want any of this uh from the boss. You get items, don't you whoa? I get her robe. That might be good.

10, 000 bro, it's so expensive. I think it's good, though i need souls man, the lady by the fire, little red riding hood tell her what the blacksmith says. If i suppose i'll ask, maybe we have to wait a bit to get it. Let's just get some more souls gamers, oh there's another cave here.

I don't see that. What even is that area? Oh now speak to the backsmith yeah. It would be really good to upgrade my sunless, i think the blacksmith uh somewhere here. I met him on the way somewhere.
You guys you mean the oh. Do you mean the actual blacksmith cause? I met another blacksmith. You probably met the actual blacks, okay, my bad i'm only allowing this backseat now, because all this is so confusing anyway, i feel like uh, i didn't even know you could use someone's for the longest time until jack told me like you have to go back to This beginning area i was like: well that's not really what the back already no matter. Hmm i've decided to leave i'm off in search of a noble we may not meet.

If there's any incantation he's leaving, are you kidding me? I gave him a bunch of books. You can't just go oh uh. Well, i kind of would guess this one, but no i don't have the sauce. Maybe maybe he'll come back.

He'll come back daddy, come back thanks for the book peace out, i've got ta, go and maybe never see you again. All right the exits here i just want to get like uh, 3, 000 more souls, so i can upgrade my faith. It's a little bit of grind time. You're right, oops get zapped boy.

No ken did not fall asleep. You would never leave me. I don't know why you keep saying it: what happened? I'm almost dead, let's try this and then once they start doing that. That's when we back up instead nice kind of low on everything.

Now, though, whoa man took the extra step, bruh come on, where the is he, oh god, just a little bit more souls. I wish they would give me something back man, this guy's tough, he's stuck in the trees. My dude get out of the trees. Oh, my god, there we go nice, i get my stuff back.

I uh. I alerted this right, pretty sure i did he's friends with the bees hell yeah. I hear them there. They are oh gosh, so so many let me try the dragon spell.

I haven't used that since i upgraded to some stuff whoa 600 nice boom, i'm broke now. Yeah attacks are really cool uh. What am i doing here? This is terrible xp i just like i don't know. I think i have enough or a level i'm playing as profit, we're doing like a type of type of faith bill.

It's really fun, i'm very very much into it. Come on so i need 300, more roughly 400. I might have some golden runes come on. Oh nice, so now we get a new spill, one more faith, baby uh and it will be gold.

Now if anyone comes near me, gold that does not seem like a good spell holy pumpkin play through. That's what we're doing. I don't know if i like this golden shower joke all right: let's, let's try it out golden shower time. What up piss babies! Whoa me! That's a lot! Okay, hey piss baby, i'm out of i'm out of hell! I mean money.

Hey! I was gon na. Do that piss baby, this baby ow ow baby yeah! This is baby. You guys want to explode this baby yeah, that's pretty good! What the this is baby spin, so strong, anishiwasa, yo, everyone kept saying ken's not coming back, and i was like no. I have faith.
You were probably the one saying that one coming back. No, i was the only one look at this pit spell. I got look at it. It's.

I saw your big explosion, great explosion, it's my golden shower baby. We just got it. It's awesome. I love it.

He's used a lot of mana, but it's killing everybody er. I can only use two nice. I uh. I did a dungeon box here.

That was really tough, at least for me. It was like two of those that you do no damage to, and one of them pokes you in the other one very irritating. Did you break him? Finally, yeah? That was annoying then, because it seems like you're, making no progress. I'm like this yeah, the very first time i was like: there's no way i'll, never kill him peace.

It's not that good! Oh piss, forever. Piss that mean my coke zero bath. I do have a coke zero right here in front of me, though hell yeah yeah people are like. So why are you drinking sugar water with i'm like well? First of all, sugar, free and also i love g-fuel, but i can't be drinking that all day son.

That's true, that's true. You got a moderation key yeah. You got ta save the g fuel for those gamer moments. Exactly thank you.

Someone gets it. Can i go in here? No, all right so sensei. Where do i go now because i actually have no idea what i'm even doing here? Oh people told me about the summon thing. Let me actually do that yeah there's a manner up here, it's more north than uh there's a chick that'll.

Take you to it too. Did you get the uh the invitation, uh she's, usually by the fireplace? Is she in the room with the new girl? We already talked to oh yeah there she is yeah, yeah he's ready to hook you up. What do you guys already did? Oh so she become epic. Now, okay, i i like the marionettes, i'm gon na upgrade those, oh, my god, what a difference! This is gon na uh grave glove him.

So it's good to focus on one. Then, oh, i see. Oh okay, you can operate any one of them. Oh maybe i made a mistake now i was like marionettes.

Ah it. Ah, i have so little souls. Nothing gives enough souls runes, whatever rooms ruined. Does it cost a lot to farm the grave of global wart? I have eight, apparently you just you found you find them a lot in dungeons and stuff like the random ones.

You find it's kind of their main reward. They give. You is like the ashes and which one which one do you upgrade out of this summons. Well, i had a hor like a cool headless dude, who acts kind of like a uh like just a normal npc guy like a cool guy, but oh, i just pointed to him and he's no good.

Is it this guy yeah? It's this guy luther on the headless. That's yeah! That's him! That's the one! Yeah pom-pom points into him and he's garbage he's garbage a long time. Well, he just doesn't do much damage well that survives forever, but he's just well. That's what i want.
I just want a tank because i don't do any damage yeah. Oh you do a lot of damage. Are you talking about? No, i take too much damage. I do damage, but i can't okay, oh well.

He yeah he's tanky he'll stick around for a while. I don't know, but i did level them up a bit, but i had to put a bunch of points into whatever the mana one is, and i want to. I want to respect my guy now because i don't like him, your main character, character, yeah i'll re-redo them as you go back and talk to old, chick the holds the uh, the amber magic lady, you beating from the moon, she'll. Let you reset your points.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah. I have one of those, so i can do it, but i'm not ready for it. Yet this did you get it off. The the bear got off the side of the road yeah.

It's something like that. Yeah there's like this monk. That's sitting there and you attack him. He turns into a bear and tries to murder you, oh no.

I don't think no! No! I haven't seen him, oh god, that's a big surprise. There's a matter. You say uh, it's further to the north. I think it's still greyed out on your map.

Oh my god! Well, let's scope it! Let's go! Are you playing as well? Now? Are you just trying, i'm i'm going to finish my my thumbnail stuff yeah, i'm going to play nothing like chatting and doing some thumbnails? Oh yeah, you know i was watching your chat on your stream. Do you have it set to members? Only chat yeah, it's impossible for me. Otherwise i can't stand it yeah. Well, i was gon na say like oman since i swapped from twitch to youtube.

I have a lot of bots in my my youtube chat and i don't have it set to members only because you know there's just not enough members, it would be a dead chat. So are you able to set it to anything else like subscribers only or something yeah? Well, i haven't seen that setting, but i went to ludwig. He had that subscriber only oh, so i think that it might be a new thing because i haven't seen that before, and that makes sense. Why did i go here? I don't want to go here, see ah there's so much in the freaking youtube dashboard.

Now i can't find anything: it's been all over my day, yeah, it's it's not minimalist at least out. It's like. I can't even find how to share my stream for the longest time. I'm like i don't know where it is.

I can see it, but i don't know where the stream is i feel like that should be the most basic they are working on it and i feel, like youtube, is more like apple like when they change stuff, at least is good, but they take forever. I don't know if that's giving them too much credit, but how do you change your chat stuff on your live streams? Uh bro, you literally cannot go more north, oh wait! You can bro there's like lava place up there, bruh uh. How do i go down there? Uh you have to go. We pull your stream back up where you at uh look at your map, and maybe i can help you.
Oh maybe from here yeah, there's a road here, yeah yeah. I don't need your hands around shut up. No, you got it. I got ta go yeah, never mind.

Sorry, i delete he found it yeah. I can't say, jump yeah sure. Oh you get this. I don't know if you found it, there's a talisman that it says it negates all fall damage.

It's a lie like that. Like, first of all, if you fall far enough, you know it just automatically kills you doesn't let you hit the ground but yeah. It just gets a bit more yeah like it. It gives you like a little bit more room to jump.

I guess because i still took a ton of damage one time when i had it equipped and i was like how dare you betray me? Well, you trusted you, it seems like you, either take a little damage or a ton of damage, so it feels kind of pointless. It's piss time ken. Oh god, that's a lot of dudes! Oh no! No! I changed my mind this thing. No, i want.

16 thoughts on “Elden ring live bby! #4 death count : 0”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SlippityHoppity says:

    It’s crazy how horrible this comment section is lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Davila says:

    Pewds wishing you always the very best mate

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The cigarette butt says:

    This game is so addictive and awesome and to top it off PewDiePie. We want more of this!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Humphrey says:

    I always forget how much these games were inspired by berserk. Fantastic video

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don't read profile photo says:

    We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content !!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Svet says:

    I wish the 1st part of the stream also saved 😢

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PASÓ PACKS ALO 3k says:

    Perdón si te causo alguna molestia con este mensaje solo quería decirte que Dios te bendiga y que todos tus pise hagan realidad 🙏🙏

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LargerThanLifeBenny says:

    i need to do something with my life I watched this guy play a game I cant afford for 6 hours 🙁 .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NeonBolt says:

    Are the previous streams be on the highlight channel?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matilda Pawlega says:

    I thought I caught the start of the stream… missed 7 hours not 24 minutes 😭

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blexzy says:

    It’s crazy how much time and effort you put into these videos. Huge respect. Keep up the good work

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matija Stular says:

    I have a corona so the stream defenetlly took care of my boringness, I had watched the whole stream since he started and till the end and it was an amazing one, thanks Pewds! 😎🔝👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blexzy says:

    It’s crazy how much time and effort you put into these videos. Huge respect. Keep up the good work

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blexzy says:

    It’s crazy how much time and effort you put into these videos. Huge respect. Keep up the good work

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blexzy says:

    It’s crazy how much time and effort you put into these videos. Huge respect. Keep up the good work

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JoeySullivanTheMan says:

    This stream was hella fun bro! Can't wait for the next one

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