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Foreign amusement park today. This one looks like it's more visual so am I checking you're allowed to come. They do have a Godzilla Ryan it's a shower amusement park so it's happy. Everyone happy and good till then.

But first we're stopping for some Italian Food big Japanese Italian chain here. we never actually tried it so we'll see if my table the pro or I you know I have a fine Italian taste now. thank you very much. we'll see.

Let's bring it overcooked. it was good I think I turn myself but we're gonna get snacks at the theme park. Gotta be a responsible idols. It is empty.

it's 37 degrees, very humid I'm wearing long sleeve because I didn't a lot of tattoos. It's a good thing we're wearing full sleep because he was totally like checking out if we had it I was like why is he staring at us everything is in Japanese which is cool I get it, it's shower so they don't want to put it English stuff prettier than I thought actually foreign I think the fact that there's no English text really like makes you feel like you enter another time. Best part of summer in Japan oh my God it's just flavored eyes but that's all you want when it's this hot. All right time to practice.

put my kanji practice to test. uh that was like one of the first scary rides I ever went to and after I did that one I was like I can do anything now they have a giant octopus that's not running. where's that Godzilla ride. What's that so much? Wonder feels very empty I Guess a lot of people don't go on a weekday.

Yeah, it took it took a while to get here. It's super. It's totally worth it. I Really like it so far at least.

but I don't wonder how much there is to do. There's the water slide. there's a man swimming on the ocean. Got a lot of stuff.

Uh, it's not open. We're going to take the train because as much I can do that one honestly I Love that there's no one here. It makes it so much more enjoyable to be at a theme park even if everything is gone. I decided to go on the sauna.

You know it's kind of fun you lie to me. Was the AC not invented in the 1940s? We just left the train and now we're like oh, it's so cold outside. it was so hot in there now I'm sweating before I was okay. Oh spray me hello.

What is that All right? Let's find the actual train we wanted to go to go to. It's closed. we picked up some merch TV Godzilla very cute I got like a short sleeve shirt I Feel like that would be really nice right now but I'm not allowed to wear it I might step on a knife. Cute t-shirt oh no.

too hard. oh no I know this evening that concludes our showa era amusement park. it is it. It was really fun.

No luck with the games or the rides, but you know my son needs to walk a lot now because she's really close to her delivery giving birth. so it's good. We got our steps in interrupting video for sponsor and baby here to destroy. Thank you everyone who supported the new Merch drop.

Very nice I Can't seem to keep them clean for whatever reason for everyone I missed out on the first drop. Don't worry because we got two more available right now in Ray and off-white looking very nice. You can also find a dead cam get it and a hoodie too. All part of the father of YouTube collection.
only available for three weeks so if you want to check them out it's a limited availability as same as Lifetime. Don't wait or get shamed. go to Check them out. Thank you for supporting appreciate it.

The Vlog continues what's going on. Got Mr B in the bank Our first outing as a fan. Let's see how this goes. We're going to a mall because we figured that'd be easy and I have to poop probably Beyond Two we have to buy it Brianna I Have bad news for you: There's an imposter I say it's the biggest fan.

it's your birthday Mama Today is mama's birthday. Happy Birthday! Mama One year old we went here with Matt Mayan Anger's birthday. so it's almost time and she gets the cake and she's gonna eat it like a psychopath though. I'm sure she sees the food going back.

What is that? Which one do you want? He's like whatever. Just give me the pizza. Oh I gotta take a photo of that Happy Birthday to Mama Happy Birthday Mama It's over Mama Coke Zero melons. We're gonna have a kakigori Peach Flavor I Feel like this is our life now going to diners, family restaurants.

You get to pick your menu I Heard that Americans that come to Japan to the dinosaur get really like weird like where am I feast if you go to Denny's get the garlic rice. it's the bomb and they have a spiral meat I like the generous portion of potato almost didn't like Peach that much overrated fruit. All right, this is actually a Swedish dessert comes from our backyard. You just eat snow.

Um, we're sitting in line 30 minutes. we're going to the shiningawa aquarium in case I didn't tell you and then I'm going bouldering after. So today we'll be. Did he fart again I don't think he can hear it.

So gambling here in Japan is illegal. but boat raising is okay so it's one of the many things people do. Oh, you can't really see it but they were just coming by Joey told me about this. he said it's really fun to watch.

Hell yeah, they're super tiny boats. Yeah, look at this little toes almost. oh my. God it says underwater we're going on.

the water wheel is just trying to go down. everyone's trying to go underwater. I'm so confused I don't know if I want to do this. Okay, wow.

Lagoon aquarium tunnel. The emergency has spotted puffer fish, foreign fish. oh my. God it speaks.

Damn. these look like leaves. that's so cool. but they're fishes.

Whoa uh, that's super pretty. We just did a quickie because it's We're kind of new with bringing yarn out and it's also very hot. It was easy in there obviously, but ravion is great. He loves his baby beer.

people were saying I was wearing it wrong. It has to be like Kiss distance but look what is that then? Oh dude. close foreign at the moment. I do the morning and much to do the night.
Why am I speaking too loud, huh? But it's been working out good. It's been kind of cranky this week, but he's sleeping more now which is really good. So I think it's going better and better. What is all this thought? Babies were bold see I Usually just spend the morning studying Japanese which is nice.

I've been having more time to do that. He sleeps in his bed too. it's just he happened to pass out like this. so I don't want to move him.

it's our anniversary so we're going to a museum and then having some dinner immersion. Museum Thank you Foreign having so many Italian food and The View had a really nice meal I'm very full I need to hold the camera here when I Vlog but I feel so awkward in public going back to Baron Are you happy to see? Daddy Yeah it's very cozy being a dentist. sleeping baby is the best baby! We weren't sure like how much of yarn we would show, but he's such a big part of our lives that it sort of happens and he's so cute I can't help but I wanted to show him I Just think it'd be fun to see like I would love to see videos of me as a kid. more well edited by professional editor: Marzia Um, today we are continuing our sort of anniversary because we rented a house in Chiba where I like to go and Surf and hopefully we'll get a little break from the city heat and hopefully I'll The waves are good so I can serve.

We'll see it's the first time we go traveling with Byron It's only two hours away so if everything hits the fan we can always just drive back home. It feels so good that we have a babysitter now because obviously like our grandparents aren't here. so it's just been me and Marzia every single day and I think after a while you just need a break. So you started to feel like things are getting more into motion and getting a better swing of things and we get good suggestions by our babysitter.

that helps and it feels really good. I'm actually starting to like the little guy even though he poops on my hands and it feels like you do it on purpose you wouldn't poop on Daddy on purpose right? Good day to you mate! It's also PewDiePie here mommy went to pee. we are in Chiba and uh, surfboard is on the roof. We packed every single baby item there is in the car.

there's another. Chihuahua Hope the dogs love it. This is really nice from what I've seen so far. You guys get a whole backyard Finally! Yay! Matt says feeding beer in the car yeah I should unpack I'll show the place later.

Well mama loves the place. What do you think? beer. We're right next to Surigasaki which is my favorite Beach I Didn't know so we're gonna go hard tomorrow while Mommy stays does Mommy stop So much stuff to set up and we forgot the baby bouncer. It's uh, it's a bit cooler out here because obviously we're not in the city, but it's still pretty hot I would say so pretty though I Really like this iron.
We stayed here nearby on my birthday last year. Oh my. God I There's the biggest spider here you see I'm sorry I'm scared beer and I'm so freaked out by the spider. oh I'm sorry oh my God there's three of them.

Uh oh disgusting. Finally the day has come. I Get to Surf again I feel like such a goofball with this hat but the sun don't play around. so I'm at one of my favorite beaches.

world's first ever Olympic Beach which is very cool. Waves are looking about a meter high. It's not the best but uh it'll do I forgot my GoPro so I can't film that guy's filming so maybe I will find some footage online of me is landing on my face I'm so tired but I'm going out again. uh just taking a break and drink some water.

It's super fun. The waves are bigger now they're like two meters. There's some really good servers out there. Had a one big wipe I almost lost my hat but I rode some pretty big ones so this felt really good.

Good control now. I Feel like I'm finally getting pretty decent I try to film myself but I was out of frame the whole time. That was such a good wave I got at the end I was like rushing back to see if I caught it on camera. Foreign I might go out again after I eat I have contact lenses so my eyes get so red.

Going to have lunch now which I am starving for and my bouldering hands in the water Marissa's gonna love that hey I tumbled a little bit I'm not gonna lie oh my God how much can fit in my nose New wetsuit Day two of surf just kidding, it's the same day I fixed my hat I'm not gonna get many chances to Surf So I've only done it for two and a half hours so we keep going. I'm gonna be really tired tomorrow. Back on the beach for the third time today but this time everyone is here Momo still hasn't gotten over sand I think he he's like whatever. still good waves.

my arms are so tired it hurts to hold that phone up. Oh yeah, we're taking a little walk because it's a nice breeze and what did you find? Nikki damn it's bigger than your brain Edgar What the hell happened Big day today. a little one we're registering him as a citizen of Sweden we're going to do Italy as well Mr worldwide. Hopefully it all goes well.

All these things are always so complicated. they moved damn Missy I Feel like super dead right now. There's so much going on. we'll see how this goes again.

Muncher couldn't come because only one person I don't even know if I have to bring beer and I think I do. Past two weeks Buren has been very fuzzy. You put him down and he cries, You have to hold him like all the time. They say they go through like growth spurts certain weeks.

so I hope that's been the case because you seem much better now. You never know every baby's different. Are you looking for trouble again? Oppenheimer isn't shown in Japan So we're going to see the Barbie movie. wish we would have washed anyway I Stopped myself from saying it's so high you know I'm not gonna do it but it is very hot damn it! We have a babysitter now which is amazing.
We can leave the house for a couple hours and what else would you do with your time Barbie movie was so funny it's probably not even showing anymore by the time this Vlog comes out, but we were laughing so much I think I feel like we were the only ones laughing though. it happens sometimes in Japanese theaters I Don't know if it was like the humor but I thought it was hilarious here I am here's mama. We are so cozy over here guys. we are at a giant Outlet we've been here before that again Maya Rest in peace.

we're going to the snooky Museum because Marta got us tickets for free thank you Snoopy Museum there he is For some reason Snoopy is really big in Japan you guys having fun I Remember this huh? or again like a private tour here. there's no one in the home Museum So far so that isn't Oh I'm almost today I'm going bouldering I'm very excited because also Marzia is coming she's been pregnant. What an excuse to get out of bouldering recently. Finally I can go instead of just coming back home being like I climbed a really good thing today I Can be like look: I didn't think you're gonna have some lunch first and then we climb till we die.

Big Blender I forgot my shoes. Damn it well done. She's stepping up in grades probably? Yeah. Oh she did it at Somehow Nice.

That's it. You got it. Yay Nice. You did it nice.

Let's go get it. So good, well done I'm super impressed. That was really cool. Way more fun to then alone.

I go with Connor sometime I think I did okay considering it was rental shares. oh they were slippery shoes I'm not gonna lie and my toes oh my God my toes are so red. Anyway back to baby. We met a couple there was really lovely.

um they were Japanese but they had been studying in Sweden Gothenburg actually and they were there with their 10 month old I think it was yeah and you better watch out, you're gonna climb real soon. No, they were just there because they were allowed to bring it. It's a fun social Sport and you got the feel of that too. Man we stopped at a book off.

they sound like used items. Donkey Kong 2 I Love that game 900 Yen That's it. What? PlayStation Game is this you found? Oh my God Mother Two Four thousand Five hundred Super Mario Box Two Three Two thousand Three hundred What are you gonna do? It's spinning. You can't prevent the spinning.

You can stop the spinning. You can't stop the spinning. You can't stop this foreign.

12 thoughts on “Dad life”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pj Mcgovern says:

    I’m so happy you share him , I have been watching you for a very long time and to see you in this way as daddy is so sweet I luv it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Hines says:

    Are you guys gonna teach him japanese

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N says:

    So cute

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mardem Lapinig says:

    Bjorn flipping was hilarious

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett says:

    Felix at the beginning is wearing the traditional Italian dad sweat suit

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casual Filth says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Like juice? says:

    I’ve been watching Felix since I was 10. I’m 18 now and seeing him as a father just brings so much joy to me and ik he’ll be the best dad that a kid could ask for! Thanks for the happy memories Felix. I know you’ll make so much more with your kid!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MARIA MONICA RODRIGUEZ MORENO says:

    Ff j jf😂😂😂😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khmer SIM says:

    Daddy always loves child, this is the law of nature.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HourtheRomanticist says:

    Soon we'll be 29 year olds, following in Pewds footsteps 😅

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S_public2012 says:

    Do merch for babies

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panda says:

    so peaceful

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