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Foreign, so no one's here, oh there we go zaki how you doing or ma'am or whatever music nice fast click on stream gang. What up? Oh yeah actually takes like around five minutes for notification to go out hello from bulgaria. What up bulgaria just accidentally opened your channel accidentally? You were refreshing constantly and you know: we've come up. These are people that are checking their subscription times, but it doesn't pick up from the romanian gang is here.

Malaysia getting is here. When are you going to japan? Bro, you guys got to stop asking me because i don't know: okay, their borders are closed for foreigners. I wish i knew nice. How are you guys doing today, independence day in india? Congratulations anyway, maraka it's a new game.

Uh! It looks really cool. I checked it out before and then they reached out and asked if i wanted to do a sponsored stream, i'm like hell yeah, so we'll see how this goes seems to be like a mix of genres. I played the tutorial and that's pretty much it, but it flows pretty well. Naraka means hell.

I didn't know, oh, that nice beard yeah, i'm freshly shaving, i'm back. My internet is dropping on and off hope that doesn't happen when i'm killing people. Sorry about that looks stable now, yeah yeah shave. Thank you.

So yeah did everyone get the notification everyone here. I don't want to start playing. I look like a newborn baby yeah. They all come out with a stubble, that's the weather in uk gray and windy.

As always, you got your ghost keyboard nice. I really love mine. I lost my flow. What is this song? What the is this? No, this place can stink it up.

There we go this is it and game solo and all right just need to set up one side. Can i see clearly without my glasses? No, i'm legally blind staring at computers all day kill my vision. I had headache for like two to three days and i couldn't understand why? Because i never get headaches for a long time and then i realized i had like the wrong prescription on my lenses like an old version, because i just found them randomly laying around. So i was like cool it turns out.

I've been squinting and giving myself headaches. Just from that, that's how blind i am blind as why are you singing stop singing? I want background noise help. Sorry, i can't do laser, i'm not gon na laser, my eyes. If my vision is getting worse, got ta laser my eyes every year, huh stop it, and i don't know when i'm going to japan, stop asking me coward.

When are you lasering your eyes? I don't know takes like half a second to put lenses in i'm. So sorry, i haven't done plastic surgery. Shut up. You want to fight me giant.

Is that where this is going anything else you want to get off your chest. I'm ready yeah, yeah you're, tough. Now, are you huh? That's what i thought. That's what i thought yeah you better back up.

I need to channel this energy into video game which is too loud need to lower. Oh, you think you can take me on sure name a place anytime. I don't laser. My eyes, i got laser eyes, i'll burn you ikea, 4pm, okay, i'll, be at all of them.
Meet me at the ikea rooftop, bring your finest katana, hmm nao, knight with a fitty. Thank you. We can't swear to pewdiepie. Where do you play games with fans? That's kind of nice talk about books or do podcasts um good ideas.

Thank you all right. I had enough of this. I don't need my chat to slander me and my good name we're playing naduca. Can you see you can see, but you can't hear.

Okay, i'm fresh out of this game. Maybe i should do training advanced tutorial start. Please thank you. I picked the boba girl.

It just felt right dodgers make made during a dagger converter, even more powerful. Oh, i learned something new. This is my character. This is evil.

Man yeah this game is fresh check. It out, link in description if you want to play. Oh, this is just training mode, i'm not entirely sure where these things are yet stamina strike composure. Okay for the katana, successful counter-strike combo will recover health.

I guess you find these while you play, how do i know which ones are good? Let's practice the long sword. Nice got abilities. It's like an upgrade yeah. I mean i figured that got him.

I can change heroes from here, she's kind of cool who's, the best girl - not you, that's for sure. I think i think we got it. We got it. We got the best one.

When i get my graphics again here we go, you can grapple. How far can you grapple sick, that's kind of cool, you stay mid-air and you can hang from there just checking out the angles. Okay, i think i got the gist of it. Hero skills, spirit, slash and my old is ominous blade.

I never played sick. You know properly at least angles. Angles looks good. We established that you can climb trees, that's always good yeah.

Oh, they got boob physics. Did you see that check this out? They wiggle they're, just anti-gravity. I love it. Oh damn it's so fluid.

Did you see that? That's kind of cool, you can slide jump cool, don't tell marx yeah, i'm playing this okay, we're good that outfit i paid for that, got it in a crate. I don't like her. You look dumb. What about the guys, it's kind of cool sure what if we customize her, will be she less ugly? Oh, that's kind of cute.

What about you, what a difference just pick: boba girl! Oh you're, right! I don't know why i'm wasting my time. Okay! So what do you, i guess quick match should do trio start off in a party. That's probably the best way to go. Customize the bubba uh.

I tried it. You can't really customize the ball by it. Right now i mean i i haven't checked yeah. I wouldn't know can't tell you about it.

This is my first match this game isn't margin friendly? I think she would like it uh, oh lock it in. So i pick where i want to spawn. Where are we dropping boys? He there's a lot of buildings. Maybe here that's good uh mark the enemies, one time.
How do i mark enemies? They didn't tell me that that's easy. I can do that. Spend coins, okay, sure up team, it's a game too loud or too low. Let me know i like your armor: it's cool! Hey yo, we got mooks.

My first match. Don't expect much. Oh my god. Are you kidding it's? His first is my first map too.

They went with the boys. All right. Ping is middle mouse. Okay, all right! Here we go.

Where am i equal? We got a grappling hook, nice another grappling hook, armor, okay, i'll, take it. That's cool area where's the low. Oh, this is not gon na bode well. Is it oh purple thing? Oh, we got stuff here.

Oh, this is one of those trading things. I don't have enough got a gun, i got a gun. This is all garbage. I need good stuff.

What is this again? I got soul jade. Oh extra help, nice uh weapon bag upgrade nice, and this is what again respawn area i think samurai back to royale. I think so, oh great sword, nice, we'll replace that with the that looks good nice grappling hook. Okay, where are my teammates? I need to move.

We need to move. So if i mark, i need to go there. How fast is it closing they're telling us? Let's go what up you got any gear. Oh, i got a cannon.

What i love that dude! I got a cannon, i'm gon na blast. These fools. Okay, let's go someone's shooting me! Is my teammate shooting me what the shooting me! Oh you are. We got ta help him whoa, whoa 420 baby get die, my cannons out yo.

Can you do something? Yeah get kill, get the trip repair the cannon. Thanks for the help? Gamers we got ta get going, yeah yeah! You guys go ahead and loot after doing nothing. Okay, all right, we got ta move. I think.

No, we have time man, ah they're, shooting me what the is he doing. Kuroyami you guys go ahead. Oh the cannon is so good. How do i heal? How do i heal all right? They them up.

Thank you. Poor all right, let's go gamers yeah. I didn't. I didn't see the hotkeys okay.

Oh, oh now, they're shooting me with kenneth. Oh, it's so funny. Quadra kill who's. Shooting me with a cannon anyway.

I need weapon repair uh, oh, oh! No! I miss. We got ta help. Is that weapon repair? I don't repair my weapon again. This are now repairing all right.

All right guess i'll help. Nice are we still fighting, because i we're still fine invincible. Thank you. I don't think i need this many references.

Oh, this is source armor a weaponry chest which one nice thank. You yeah we're back in action, baby nice do. I have armor armor already quit. Okay love the cannon range defense head: defense nah.

I already have it okay. We should probably get going right. We're in the circle just keep learning that repair. My katana.

Thank you yo slack. Oh, we got some people oops get hey, hey leave some for me, it's their bridge in this game. Nah. I don't think so.
Thank you for asking, though yeah they have to be bots they're, so bad, some of them, oh ho. No, i'm just kidding yeah you're right. This is similar to any existing game. I played fortnite all right, nah nah, oh, are they attacking us? No, i wanted to enter the house.

Someone's they've been looting here, hold up, that's the edge, oh yeah and there's a golden circle too. Oh we got people, we got action, this guy, oh get so poor as well. My item bag full yep, beautiful. I, like it, we'll see how it progresses.

I want that, like. Oh that's how you open doors nice. Where are we? We should go to celestra. I think you can well run yeah.

Where do they want to go? Oh, we got a poor soul, you're dead. You can't run from me: you get cannonball, get hell, yeah, all right. She wasn't entirely poor. Okay, this temple has to be good ray.

Oh, i see epic give me this pistol. Oh give me. Oh legendary spear. We about the up.

So there's a golden circle. There's like free stuff, you can get there. I also need to remember i can trade stuff, i think from yeah these. If i go there, i don't know who's shooting.

How do i get there? Oh someone's trying to kill me. This looks like an actual player because he has armor and wait. I lost my spear. I haven't attached it.

What happened to my spear, what happened to my spear? This will do for now. If he blocks you, you can lose your weapon. Okay, i'll, go dagger! Then! Oh, we got one more, not killing it with the dagger. Not gon na lie all right.

All right! Oh i can't repair. Oh, oh, well, don't mind! If i do, how do i get the armor like they have like blue armor? And oh that's, five. Give me armor, i understand game. Oh, we got people, it's the only one, oh god! No, no! No! No! No! I'm innocent hold up hold up nice.

Oh epic, pistol, let's go glory, is mine girl. I did the most amount of damage. Most amount of healing most amount of rescues, most amount of kills most of my bubba. Let's go gg boys zero depth on top baby yeah nice.

Oh battle, reward. Give me what level am i three we just got ta keep playing. I should have gone the spare back. I agree.

I forgot to mark people easy ein, harrier what stupid name. Sorry, yeah! It's like a battle, royale samurai's, fighting style. I'm not sure we go second game, all right. All right! We're all the good stuff.

Bubba girl. Give me the good stuff: oh we got cannon all right, yep, uh yep definitely wanted to. Oh, you can wallow in sick. I guess i'll take the katana for now uh-huh armor for now, maybe in the cave, there's good stuff - oh nice, maybe up there! Thank you.

This is where we picked last time. I should know this area a bunch of dagger. I, like the controls, this moon, i'm not entirely sure like if i'm picking up the right stuff oops. I picked up something.
Oh so these are my other weapons. Okay, let's see that cool, oh there we go. Yes, i'm ready baby. Yes, maybe yeah! Let's do that! Oh, oh, oh ho, ho! Okay, where are we going? You scared me where the did he go there.

You are yeah. Come up here. Come up here. Ah, she's hacking, yeah heal all you want, i'm almost dead too, never mind.

Oh yes, she had a better cannon sweet. I hear someone, but where no, i failed. What is that? Oh? Yes, there you are. Oh they hit me, i'm trying to mark him.

What is he doing, monkey boy hell yeah, so good zero deaths baby. You can't touch me my teammates. I should probably get going. Oh, what's this shiny a bounty defeat mo self? Oh you're dead, myself, okay, they're! Not far.

Oh none day, my camera is glitching. What is it doing? Hey the boys are back, looks okay for me. Oh, i saw it it blinked off for a second overheating. Oh, we got pro players.

Oh he's got the cannon. He must be amazing. He blocked old old old. Here comes, oh, oh! Oh! What the is happening, i killed someone: what hell yeah, i'm the new leader killer hell? Yes, oh we got ta, kill him too invincible.

Did she just call me sam love that simpin, okay, okay circles, closing we're doing good camera's flickering, don't tell me? Oh, i have to hit a bell. I did it. Oh, this is the trading area there we go. Give me yes, yes, excuse me, i'm shopping over here, get cool.

Now we can shop some more. I just can't be stopped. I'm actually low on health help help. Why am i blocking? Where are we going? That's the hardcore action of the game playing us stop running! Oh, that was my kill.

Hold up. I got ta hear rip camera man, oh, did it grow up? It was dangerous, yeah, all right, all right boys. What are we doing? What is this? We good? Let's go if there's a golden circle closing, because i want to get that in two minutes: master climber. What did you find? That's cool! You have a ton of our weapons.

You can hold whoa what is happening to my camera. Oh we're gon na attack cowards. Oh, oh, okay, no fall damage. Bro, i'm looting, nice.

We got better armor rip, camera rep! Oh we're back we're outside the circle. Now i think right on the edge mate. Oh hello, taking a lot of damage here, we're switching up the cannon gang can't escape cannon gang nice they're, so bad dude dude, stop stealing my kills doing everything here, i'm the one. With the pointy hand, i deserve respect.

Okay, can you die in this game? Well, other people can you see, but i cannot consider that. Oh here golden circle, let's go mine, give we're shooting where's my goal. Yes, oh stop it knock it out. Oh i see you have we blocked at the same time come on get up.

Is there anything else, so the circle charges up what happens when it's charged up now it disappears. Okay, oh repeating crossbow kind of want to try that oh rich gang everyone, bad at this game, yeah everyone except me! Thank you very much, i'm repeating crossbow. Oh look at that damaged i'm trying to escape tree gang tree gang. This is a musket gang bubba girl.
Oh look at that. Most amount of kills most amount of damage, most amount of healing most amount of resources, most about a bubble. He died from the trees. He's with the bees look at that beautiful, beautiful uh, we level up our proficiency.

Nice, we get stuff, ooh much stuff, ha ha talent. What is this? Oh, spend money yeah! Absolutely! Oh! I got ta go with more more pay to win. Come on this. I is this: isn't how they look like anyway, nice i'm level.

Four, i think you play more against people with level five. My camera is having a bad day. Man, let me turn it off for a bit. Let it rest how's that you can't see me, but here i am game 38.

Should i get something from this? Oh thank you all right. We got to climb trees remind me to climb trees. You guys want to check it out. The game is out now link in description, not okay, drop right in the gut travel more than 500 meters, easy peasy, my computer's lagging what happened since i removed the camera.

Hello. Everyone skins are so ignoring me and then you got me. Oh just check out the leaves realistic looking nice here we go again. Give me the loot.

I don't see any loot, i'm toast gamers. Oh, i got a dagger, we're good! Oh bounty. I don't think so. Oh yes, we got the cannon easy win! Oh nice! Oh, oh green, there's, green boys, nice, epic cool, oh, oh epic, katana, let's go already looting mate! Oh i like that.

You can charge it can't have bad camera quality. If you have no cam been doing it right, i'm doing it wrong. Did someone in my team kill, someone sounds like it? Oh, oh they got. Oh canon boys finish the kill.

Staying, sorry, sting! Sorry girl. I forgot to loot them. Yeah. Give me your money.

Oh yeah, you're, looting them psychosis. Oh i'm, sorry idiots. What do we do now? Gamers? Oh, look at these acrobatics. Oh they're, already up oh climb trees where i got ta climb trees.

So what am i doing? Oh broke gang myself. That's a tree climb! It tree climber gang another tree. Let me crime. It yeah yeah yeah yeah, climb that tree yeah.

I see another tree cannon gang get fought wasted, steeler. How dare you, where are you going? Give me money? My money, my money? Oh head, defense. Let's go back to the chest. These are the shoes.

I got my cannon there, you are, i want it, what does this do? Acquire a soul. Jade of random quality doesn't seem that good, but i'm tempted what do i get? What do i get? What what i get? I should have upgraded instead now i'm broke. Oh here they are uh landing a shot and then, with with your bow, leave some unable to sprint. Oh that's for the kid: don't have a boat bogang someone's trying to shoot us cute master climber, bow common, bow, nah! Oh, what was it? Oh yeah beautiful! It's like a light, bulb what up gang golden circle here, let's go together, any full damage.
Question mark! Oh that's, sick! Oh, oh there are people that people climb the trees, climbing trees, quick climb in the trees, all right, i'm gon na snipe with that cannon. Almost almost almost oh all right, i'm always out of range. Oh, my kill. 100.

Thank you any bows nope. What is that again grab free treasures, while you can free treasures, don't care free treasures? Oh shiny, oh chest, chest! The sun closed, bow! Okay, hey, hey teammates, help me idiot what up team there's 20 alive life, norwegian for sure yeah! I could smell. Oh another norwegian climb the tree climb, the tree, yeah him up poor lad. Oh another, one she's got umbrella, owl invincible, hell yeah! That's me! I should also recover what up this parker yeah him up.

He tight now it's cannon time, cannon time. Oh i'm broken hey. I have a lot of money. What do i see my money? My money, all right? Let's go to one of those money places.

Then! Oh people, hey he's melt, get yeah finish with cannon. Oh the can is so funny. Why is there an umbrella here, mine all day? Oh, we got a bone now, let's try and check it out. Then.

Yes, uh bag, upgrade that i hear someone. Where are they? Oh cannon gang have to kill yeah where you going ow last shot finish her. Yes, no yeah, i got her, not a kill, still, not a kill seal joint anywhere. You can't run ah kill steals, can't believe it.

Epic katana don't mind if i do yeah yeah yeah, yeah gim me gim me gim me advanced hero. Let me try the bow, we're in the circle. We're just chilling. Oh it's just golden circle here.

What do we get free stuff i want it same. Are my teammates boss as well because like they just follow me they're, very polite and we're outside the circle as well, should probably get going oh bridge sad starting to like the game. Our gamers were in they'll, never see me, but here i am oh there's only us left there's only one party left. We should just find them.

Then oh, we won. That was tough, oh most amount of the kills most amount of damage and most amount of everything. Gamer did it again, they said it couldn't be done. Am i level five? Yet it was climbing the trees.

Yes, you're right absolutely ho ho ho ho go fight in the herald's trial mode, it's impossible to achieve zero. That's there uh, not for me, but thank you. I got ta fart. What's the protocol on streams, never mind too late? Oh, we got a treasure um level, five.

Okay, nice! Let me do a quick camera check, we're bringing them back, see how he's doing hello. How are you i'm gon na reset the game as well? I can't tell if my computer is having a stroke protocol to fart the streamers fart. Surely they must fart? I can't be the only one. I look 20 without a beard yeah.
I can do this. One really nice now never mind just flew out of my head. It is clara. What did she do? Okay, i got a pp, but now i think the real games begin.

We played through the tutorials. The quest for zero deaths continues. Bareback peggy, you want to say hi to screen somebody what uh um paris can kill you, but they're very good, all right who are 100 egg. You want some prayer, hey guys, yeah come here i'll share my pair man, they'll love it oh tongue gang! Look! How cute he becomes as soon as there's food around how do dogs do that you'll? Have your turn lots of love from turkey hey max around! Thank you very much.

Okay. Sorry! Oh! I got edgar hair on my pear. That's disgusting proceeds to eat. You can bite it.

You know here bite it stop licking it no bro fight it. Oh my god you're so dumb eat it he's like. Oh, i can bite it. Oh you got it edgar versus pier, come on.

You can do it, you can do it yeah! Oh yeah come on bite. It bite it here, i'll help you bite it bite it, i'm holding it still. It's slimy. I don't wan na bite bite it stop licking it bite, give shove them up.

You can bite, show him how tough you are. Oh, my god. You don't lick, you don't lick it. How does this dog survive anywhere? You can't eat anything.

Are you done? Are we done here? You're done? Okay, you can leave now you can leave now. You're, just gon na be annoying, go, go, bye, bye, everyone say: bye, hey doll! Yeah! You go yeah, that's right! You leave come on he's, so funny watch my hand, wait. It says i'm level three, but i'm a little. Oh.

My title is level three. Okay. Now it's herald's trial so now we'll play against people. So yeah we'll see how this goes.

My computer can't handle this. It's just like. I forgot i need to add my. I think i guess i have the wrong settings pairs.

Don't get that sticky! It's fine guys, download the game, so i can play come on. I got ta wait one minute. That's too long come on. Oh, i did the daily quest yeah, oh level, six baby dude we're going places.

Oh, we can open chest ho ho sick, oh open one. Please i'll share that uh open another one yeah worth it. Oh, oh another, one, another one come on come on. Come on fingers crossed more string.

Another one come on channel channel. The energy good fortune will be bestowed boiling boiling another one should i do. I want to do it. I want a cute outfit for her.

What do we got this? Oh yeah? Yeah? What are your talents, though? Oh yeah uh reduce the amount of energy required to dodge increase. The kaplan speed increase the amount of rage you generate when you take damage increase. The amount of uh enjoy discount increase, the rate of which no, this one - oh one - percent, all right. Didn't i get a skin.

I got a skin. Didn't i oh baby. It's got. Two panthers: that's sick.

All right. I got skin yo, oh yo. It could. What else i got cannon cannon skin that would be so sick.
Please, oh i'm broke oh pink, pink cannon. I want it hold up hold up. I got ta. I got ta spin.

I got ta spend money, i got ta, do it, i got ta spend money, i got ta, do it, i got ta. Do it, i got ta. Do it, i got ta. Do it my card info, i got ta, do it, i must do it.

I got ta, do it, i got ta, do it authorized got ta? Do it? It's been authorized where's my money waste, my money there. It is oh we're opening. Oh we're opening buy it. Ah, ah, oh don't show they showed god it all right boxed.

I boxed my account name rip. Oh no. How do i spend money? How i spend money? Oh, oh ah, but i already bought how i'm take you took, got it got it there. It is use yeah come on, come on charge, your energy open one another one.

Oh damn it it's her ridicule another one. Oh it's ugly, damn it! I want cannon's skin. I want pink cannon skin. I need it.

I need it. Oh, oh crimson in kinsen another one. Oh the devs they're, like hey, so we're going to use our resonation. Now the queue time will be a little longer we're working to solve the issue.

Thank you for letting me know that and um. Oh, we got it another one. I didn't know they were watching face another one i'll just switch gamewood, but i got ta open cute. Not her color, though another one, oh, she can bound.

Now i like that, another one. How many can i get for all this? Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god, should i do that 92 dollars. What else would i spend 92 dollars on? I needed to buy some more hue lights. Don't really need hue lights.

Ninety two dollars: that's a lot of g fuel, that's fair, but i can get g fuel for free hold up. Uh hold up, i'm thinking through it. You get a lot of kombucha. Kombucha is way too expensive.

Then again, i am rich. Give me 50 treasure. Yes, all of them at the same time. Oh, oh! Thank you max harriet! I just opened one.

Ah, that's gon na take forever to open, no, no, no! No! No open! 10.! Oh 10! We're opening 10.. Oh, oh, give me another color. What's the line? Ah purple? Oh, oh cute! We already have that squeeze cheeks! Oh again, come on purple. Porcelain, bow! I have all of this.

How rich am i again? Oh, my god, wolf and pete share it share it. Oh that looks sick. Okay! All right, i think that's enough again come on come on purple bloody, grin all right. We weren't lucky that time.

That's all right! That happens. I think yeah. That's a good time to end it. It was fun, but oh, my god, damn it! Oh god.

What have i done? I have eight more. I have eight more. I have eight more. I have eight more again.

Oh flynn took again a gratitude again bow again corpses. Again, boiling again, all female characters bow again you're right again. Ah damn it. I have that all right all right, we got anything cute, give me the cute.
I want the cute um. We got the flint hook, i'm more of a cr. The crimson looks cool. Well, now it's the one: oh we got the the room, man.

I can't really see it there. It is that's cool i, like that gesture, cute leg and arm uh bow and like an arm thing emo. I like this one, five more for legendary you're telling me if i buy for five more, i guarantee you'd get legendary. Well, i mean i got it, i'm not going to do it, but then again maxirian donated 50.

So i think it's only fair that i spend those fitty and i think he that's what he want. This is for him. His honor just find more just buy more okay, five, more open one boiling; no, no! No! No! No! No! Five! More! Oh seven! More! Maybe seven more yeah, seven more yeah get out of here ugly. Is that good was that the one was that the epic that's actually cute whale, oh baby, there.

It is okay, stop stop! Stop! Okay, you're gon na look better now. Hopefully she got that one and that one, but we also got oh baby. Oh that's! Oh that's, sick from young age kuruma would always dream of where okay, which one is cute yes, cat girl taking over. How do i make it there we go.

Okay, we should play something else. Then uh are all the eu servers struggling, that's bad timing. Did you guys break the servers? What did you do? It was worth it look at the butterflies. Thank you, someone get it.

She looks sick, damon. I'm gon na pretend that i didn't read that. Can i change which server i'm on? No, i know what you meant. I know what you meant me all right.

What's bloodbathing, oh this one works. Let's play this bloody, i'm that that i felt the dopamine something hell. Yeah, i'm a new man. Absolutely, oh god.

What happened to her face? Oh thank god, all right. What is this game mode? I actually didn't. Look we got 11 11 players shoot shoot. Our voice is a little annoying.

I'm not i'm not gon na lie, but the cat ears evens out it evens out at least i'm the cutest. Look at that look at my ankle. It's my team stance me and the boys. So this is so low, but i'm not sure what the game mode is.

It said, blood something the map is way smaller. Okay, i only have a sword you're about to get yeah blocked. Him get finish, the kill whoa, that's my ability. Okay, that's kind of cool and i can heal as well.

That's my old. Everyone gets good weapons. Okay, that's cool, oh someone's, using their old. Sarah! That's broken! I did.

I did come here. Come here schmuck! So sorry, whoops save me cute. No nice cute get. Why am i not moving to the riffle baby? Let's go.

Oh i'm! I'm a goner bounty has begun. I'm trying to escape that did not work. Is she moaning every time i don't you tell me this is like death match. That's cool good for practice.

Where did she go so sorry? How jesus me cat girl on the prowl looking for prey bro just stop come back ow, i'm almost dead. No, she grappled me come back here, coward yeah. The sounds is a bit sus. I'm not gon na lie.
Jesus christ, chill out - oh my god, destroyed by that guy kurumi means walnut. Nice use the armor. I thought i had a charge where everyone got everybody dead, oh spotlight, that guy is so lp must kill him dude, i'm trying to kill the best player. You're me over for what no mghb you killed me.

I can't believe it yep yep all right tree gang. He can't run the trees tree gang. I'm not intriguing! Oh, my god tree gang over tree gang over tree gang over return to the trees, return to the trees. Return to the trees can't always treat gang.

Do you think male characters? Moan 2 yeah? Obviously, there's nothing wrong with that tree game all right! Here we go. Oh, what the is that is alt, all right, steady, steady tree game. They can't see me, but here i am 3.99. Oh finally, we got that nice feeling tree gang, some call it camping, but who camps in treats three gay? Oh fools! He spotted me in the trees impossible.

What is that weapon? That's a drill i will live. I will live tree gang. He fell for the oldest trick in the book. Oh i'm, this boy up finish this guy off.

No, oh blocked him. Oh, you want to hold now get blocked tree gang tree gang tree gang. How do i get up here kind of struggling outplayed? All right, then? Where did they go? You don't see me. Oh fool, yes, no match over.

Okay. That was good. I won nice cool top rank nice, not bad top of leaderboard. So these are actual players: sweet uh, let's see if we can do battle, royale mode, hey, then hidden treasure, okay, i'll give it a minute.

It's been a while, since i enjoyed a good battle royale. This seems interesting in them that i can get into see. If you want to check out the game link is in the description, use it to download okay, it looks like herald trails is up off the grid, but bloodbath works so epic. I enjoyed it anyway because of the moons.

No that's this bonus bonus got ta play this with joey yeah. I think this is his kind of game. Isn't it nice perv man's game, no cultured man's kind of game, tree gang kind of game? Just me all he needs at level 69. You can play naked wow all right.

I know this um. I know this gal now find the trees. Oh god, there's no trees, we're dead, we're doomed. Okay, all right tree game ignore ignore temptation.

Go embrace tree gang nope get up. That's too funny. He thinks he's safe, three gang okay, okay, i'll, stop i'll! Stop i'll! Stop i'll! Stop i'll! Stop i'll! Stop it! You're cool you're, cool, you're, cool, you're cool! You can stop you! How dare you i got! Ta repair, don't shoot me, i'm repairing! I can't hit not tree gang 3.99. Oh, oh! You fool! Um! This coward come on.

They barely hurt each other. That's how you pro all right come on coward mate! You found me. Congratulations! Return to the trees, return to the trees, return to the trees quickly. You'll, never find me here.
Stop it stop it. You walked right into trap. All right, mate! You starting to piss me off here. Oh she's, lucky get fog ow, another one.

No, no! There's! No! Not enough trees in this baby. What is that is that yeah? Is that a trebuchet? Oh, we got some action oops, i'm sticking with cat girl, i'm loyal, and i snipe from here come on. Oh, how who dares who dares who dares. This is my strength.

All right it we're getting in there - boys - hey, that's! Definitely my kill come on. She saw through my trap to the trees. Definitely didn't steal that to the trees, hey, i'm low durability, hey stop moving! So much hey all right! Fine! No! In the circle nice come on, kurumi come on baby chat. Simply for kurumi.

I see all right. The winning strat the winner, strat shoot the umbrellas. I see you what the is umbrella. Doing, i'm missing all my shots.

Are you serious? I do all damage walnut gang. Come on umbrella, gang get block that can i finish him off. Please there you go. Oh okay, that was nice, got a trip.

Let's go is whoa, that's cool! No! I was gon na. Oh all, right, gg, all right, so i won another one. Sweet bubba girl, very popular okay. They just uh tell me they fix their servers.

We can play harold's trial as well got ta. Give that another go. Thank you based on rocket dave. Thank you.

We got some practice in it kind of worked out, uh yeah. No. Okay, she's saying that she thinks she's interesting. Is that what you said just change back to english curious, how she sounds like.

Oh, we got mike gang nihongo english did i change it? Yeah all right! Kurume is english. Now, let's see if it's equal amount of moaning, that's still japanese. I guess you can't change game. Hey.

Am i using contact lenses? Yes, all right! Oh, we got ta focus. This is our first actual game. Well, garbage nice, garbages garbages. Is that what i think it is? Oh i'm so excited.

I miss her japanese already. Is that what i think it is? Oh, i'm so excited yeah. I would be excited if i literally didn't didn't get it a second ago. Can i ping it for my teammates? Oh, thank you.

I won't make the same mistake twice. Okay, she sounds like reese witherspoon from legally blonde. The swap you out mate nice. It's not a! No! That's what i drop.

I mean i can try oh huge nice, these pistols, then i never use the pistol. It's like, i said it runs. Oh we get you my gamers. What's brewing! Excuse me.

It's like i said things always happen to geniuses. True, it's not wrong. Speaking of uh cute girls and geniuses. What was it? Einstein said it was like if you do something tedious time will be really slow but spend 15 minutes with a girl, pretty girl, and it will go really fast.

I got a cannon, you shall be healed. Nice him up. Stolen stolen einstein was a simp just saying nice to be the one being healed for once confirmed. He definitely said that.
That's how you explain relativity according to einstein, that's how actually that was a direct quote from his original publication, guys all right. I figured out this groundbreaking physics, theory, imagine being with a hot girl time, just push. Okay now all right, i guess in a german accent. Ah imagine i don't know what i'm saying all right loaded.

Oh, i complete a quest, epic, there's austrian, my bad sorry, austrian einstein's ghost it's like, i said. Good things always happen. Yes, oh i'm doing good. Someone's shooting us come on, don't be scared wow.

Indeed, now i can cause trouble. Great sword is yeah kind of op, not gon na lie. I like it it's cool too. I like the skin.

I got for it. Oh i'm going to see free guy tonight, jack's in it i mean ninjas in it. I'm uh, i'm hyped for that. The healing may begin okay.

So how does this work again? I can link it to my teammates and then i can teleport there and do damage while i do it that's kind of cool. I, like her abilities, i think we found the best girl, hey pills, just wan na. Thank you for continuing youtube over the years. I remember being 11 watching your live streams, while coding for fun.

Now i'm a cyber ops for the military, still watching you as a program bro cyber ops. That sounds awesome. Oh, i need i need here all right, then tdm's in it too. I i can't wait to see them.

I can't wait. I saw jax uh, it's dubbed that in italian and he sounded so strangely much like him was really funny, oh and also ryan reynolds in it. I guess attack our enemies or i shall make you regret it. What the are you doing? She's ceiling.

Stop her jesus christ, did that mean yeah? Do it do your umbrella thing there you go locked it up. Oh pokemon is on sorry can't wait. I i will say i mean i would be. I have no right to speak about this, but it did seem like some of them.

Jack was really good, but some of them sounded a little bit like an ad read when they were doing the lines, but then considering me on south park, i think you know they did amazing. What are you doing? Oh yeah, this is the quest bro. I was so nervous that were my idols okay, what am i supposed to do? Let's not bring that up. They were amazing, that's it and story, uh yeah taika.

What tt is in it too dude he's everywhere. Man can't stop a jade bag, upgrade you took it. How dare you, what are you doing? Oh he disarmed me. So what happens to my great sword there don't take it, don't take my great zone! Oh my god.

Would you do movie rolly farmer to me? No, absolutely not! I've done embarrassing, myself, hello! This steals all the kills greatswords right there. Oh blue shirt, kid better than blue shirt guy, where yeah i've declined a lot of movie stuff. I can't do it too awkward, but free guy would be tempting because ryan reynolds lava he's shooting me. I'm there you don't even try it.
Oh god, i'm getting, you shall be healed. The short-range cannon makes me laugh dude any remedies for stuffy blocking us. You came to the right place. I don't know blow your nose.

If i know i used to take those nasal sprays, but then you get addicted to them, it's kind of like lip balm. You always use lip balm. Your lip all forever dry same with nasal spray. You use nasal spray nose forever climb rip.

My future is protected. Oh we're here, oh she used to think stolen. I mean if you're not gon na, take the stuff, and i mean if that was going to take the stuff i mean i mean if no one's going to take the stuff. I mean.

Oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh, we got it back at last. It's like, i said. Good things always happen to geniuses. Do i have a musket? No hello.

I was looting. Sorry dft nice, destroying these fools nice. Oh she's, getting geez the great sword, man! Oh, i guess the young do know better easy holy. We destroyed them hell yeah.

I wish i could play more. I got ta go cinema. I enjoyed the game check it out, link in the description, use a link to download naraka. It's a good battle royale with the bubba.

Thank you for joining the stream as well free guy. I just said it. I just said it should i do one more i'm checking mines here, we're ending it on a high, though okay, one more i'll change. The japanese.

I should make my own knives yeah. I i j honestly. I just want a custom pewdiepie one that'd be so cool, but yeah all right, kurumi wherever dropping boys. It's here.

I think there we go yes and just one more yes, one more for the road yeah. I am good in barca. What does that mean? Impact pink hair looks kind of, though i'm not gon na lie, but i got the kitty ears so win by default. Do you have to wear masks in the cinema? I don't think, there's a mask mandate in uk anymore um, it's good because i always forget mine and then i have to walk back, but i mean at stuff like groceries and stuff, i kind of prefer to have it.

I kind of like the masses because it makes me more private, don't hate it, but i'm glad it's not mandatory. We met a girl that uh so obviously wanted to take a photo with marzia and not me, but i was like. Oh sorry, i don't do selfies anymore and she was like okay, but i didn't ask for one with you. I wanted marzia well, she doesn't either according to me, where are my teammates? Am i if i meet someone, no we're near but other than that everyone's been super, chill uh meeting people i enjoy it so much more like a friendly, hello, so much more pleasant.

I think uk are pretty chill british people and i don't get the screamers anymore. So it's all good uh. How are we doing items decent? I get recognized a lot, i would say probably the screamers younger fans yeah, but not always. Oh hello! Oh oh! You got oh absolutely destroyed.
Where is she come back up? Come back up come back here! Oh, hey, hey! You don't have to take everything. What is this long sword? I didn't know that was a thing she has cat ear or sven here now, you're asking the real questions, i'm not sure, hey intriguing. Do i sneak past in the cinema marcia? Does she always has a pasta pocket kind of like napoleon dynamite? Are they attacking my teammate yeah? I want it on him. Ow stop running.

Oh my god. I sneak into streaming here. You never know when you get a snack, yeah use my grappling hand, hey bro gang. Wasn't there good stuff in the case looted.

Oh boys, we got ta, get moving oops monkey gang. Are there enemies mine it's for daggers? Isn't it how many people left that 40? Where is everyone oh right, by the edge baby nice? What is that? What is that? Is that, because we're on the edge, oh, i never been close to the edge before scary. Stop it! Stop it spooky circle. You want to go here, good idea, actually, oops.

It's looted, i'm back. We got enemies, oh my god that sounds beautiful, popcorn, nitros, nachos and pretzel bites with cheese dude. You went go hard. Oh epic, cannon love.

The cannon cannons deal less damage. Fire. Two projectiles give me that let's go double cannon time. Oh, it's happening an epic one pistol shot damage now great sword.

I don't have the great sword. I do have the right sword. I like to get the popcorn with the i got: ta buy a ah salted popcorn, yay pepsi cherry flavor max of course, and then you get more teases and you mix it with the popcorn baby, who you, i don't even know why they offered sweet popcorn. Here i don't know what's wrong with this country: they also offered honey roasted nuts, which is just nuts.

Oh, oh, yes, yes, please long sword. The third strike in a combo unleash a sword and give me that i love caramel popcorn though well guess what you're wrong. Buddy you're just wrong, i'm using the great sword. Yeah! Oh did i switch out the wrong one? Ah god damn it! Oh god circle circle gang, oh god, oh god, oh god, no circle gang! No in the popcorn get out of here, spicy popcorn! That sounds amazing.

I want that el maco flavor. Do you remember those el maco that in popcorn mama, oh mama, oops, oh double cannon, so epic, this circle is really not in our favor huh, calm down we're in the circle. Oh, you can buy stuff! Oh, oh, oh! Oh! I can't see anything where are they oh gosh? Oh, it's our teammate nevermind. Where are they them up there? You are.

Where are you going? Let's stick with that? Teammates! Oh, get you're! Welcome teams! Oh there's! Some sweaty battling happening quadruple very nice, i'm stunned. They got me come on baca, well, gg anyway. I like the game, it was fun all right. I got ta go.

That was my last game. Very epic check out link in the description. If you want to download check it out, use the link that way. They know i sent you.
Oh i got the most kills most damage most everything. Thank you for hanging out on this wonderful sunday. Mate see you next time come on. Oh yeah, bye.


18 thoughts on “Checking out naraka”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agung Ngurah Wiguna says:

    Try to play Biwar legend of dragon slayer game please 🙏🏻

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z Pow says:

    Brooo I flip toooo so good to see people who don't just have bali channels flipping, love that you like squid too lol I've got all the squiddies and a squidtrainer too, hopefully gonna cop a krake raken soon. When svix comes back you should definitely check him out, I've got a zephyr, it's my favorite so far, definitely gonna try for a gale too when he's back up n running.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qusay _112 says:

    F everytime i watch a pewdipie live stream the camera somehow dies i feel like black cat 😂😂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salvador Nunes Rodrigues says:

    Edgar vs. Pear was the best part of the stream!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 慢活 Slow work says:

    🍤⬅disturb Subscription im Track Taiwanese food

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lydia Robertson says:

    Would actually like to play this game but my PC is a potato xD Hopefully we see a mobile release one day.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Ghost. says:

    this is the first live stream of pewds ive seen in like 2 years cus you usually have to pay for them.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars foREVer FEAR ME says:

    I can't even visit my family-in-law in her home country of Japan because I'm a foreign-national

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deadmoo5e One says:

    I saved this to watch later because I thought he was playing onmyoji arena.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Stephen Barona says:

    Just scrolling for some vids of pewds, then saw the thumbnails of a game character who looks exactly the same as yotohime from omyouji arena, I clicked it hahahahahah

    Edit: it really is yoto hime haahahahaha don't know what is this games relationship with omyoji arena but I think they are related

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Starkessa says:

    Why is it so satisfying to watch you play this?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Антон Власов says:

    Сейчас он хрен так кого замочет.)) Если,конечно,его не узнают и не будут поддаваться 😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Антон Власов says:

    Ого. Не знал, что и пьюди в эту игру играет. Я с момента старта в неё гоняю. Очень крутая.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Banana says:

    Thats Yoto hime from Onmyoji Arena in the thumbnail.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aurora says:

    The notification is killing me.. please pewd, check the mail icon and other things 😩

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zury Puebla says:

    WOW I WAS WHAT THE HELL IS YOTO HIME HERE that character is from a moba made it in china Onmyoji Arena

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FkhGhost says:

    Thank you for playing game from our country

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars (not so) MethodMC (make vids too lazy, i stopped) says:

    at first i thought it is MonsterhunterRise

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