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Plastic is the new paper hello. I'm paper bottle saving the earth how's it going everyone. My name is: i hate bad design. Fellow sink hater here today we're looking at some of the worst design ever made hello.

I'm paper bottle saving the error. I love that. That's so insane chipotle goes all out advertising that for the next week, delivery is free and then casually makes the delivery mini price higher than the regular one. Oh free delivery.

You just pay more amazing. It's not it's not a bad idea. I don't. I don't hate that one, what i'm kidding having to watch the 30 seconds of ads before i'm even able to pump gas? Let's go, oh my god, the industrial rep, no cup design that makes the drink look like it has actual fruit in it.

How can they keep getting away with it? There's no strawberry mixture, in that it's just plastic; ah, the worst one of them all god, damn it we're three ones and i'm pissed off where's that so you go if you'd like to unsubscribe from our emails, please consider donating that. I'm pretty sure that's illegal! There's! No way they can do that, you have to pay to unsubscribe, you can just block their email come on, so in china they have a toilet paper dispenser. That requires you to watch a 30 second ads before you give to toilet paper. It only gives you about three per head and people thought i was crazy when i said everything is getting, everything is getting everything even me, norton after canceling subscription.

Your subscription is over really of it. How how has it become that antivirus programs became actual viruses and they won't stop haggling you or harassing you to keep activating that shut? The up you became, you became the thing you you swore to destroy. Windows 10 update, silently turns on news, weather and taskbar links default, uh, yeah yeah, it's great. The first thing you have to do when you install the new os now is just like.

Okay turn this off turn this off turn this off turn this on and spend like an hour just removing all this stuff that they set up for you. Why would they oh, they made them, seem longer hey, at least they remove the head for you, i'm not gon na eat that i'm not that mad at this. I don't know why the difference between a small versus a medium orange juice at mcdonald's. I will see these and i never know if it's actually real or not yep, that seems about right.

I've definitely had this sandwich. Thank you. Weight rose yeah, those are so tiny there's and they advertise is like, like super low calorie. It's like look.

You can get this low calorie lunch and then it's like no food inside wow, it's so healthy. Look how small stop struggling with those stubborn plastic packages. Oh it's going to be locked in there forever. I mean.

How are you possibly going to get that out? If only you had another package of the stomach, i actually know a life hack. This is one of those few life hacks. I saw if you get your fingers in the in the hole there and then just oh, you can do that. Just saying i don't know.
If i explained that well, but yeah 64 crayon colors, you like orange right, you love orange, don't you, oh my god. It even shows the colors on top. Are you kidding me? Why do some of them make me laugh and others just make me really angry? Maybe it's because i wouldn't buy these uh pencils, even though they're very cute make sure you pick the right one. We made them very different, so you don't make a mistake.

One is going to give you a nice relaxing time, the other one not so much there. You go bro grab one from the fridge grab a cold one from the fridge enjoy yeah. It tastes good. Oh boy, this tastes, good man.

Oh it's radiator coolant. I love radiator coolant, it tastes so good, so cold and nice hell yeah this packaging. I mean at least it's cardboard right like we either wrap plastic and everything these days. Am i right fellas? You know at least this cardboard, and i understand they need people to find the product.

I don't. No. This doesn't make me that angry this should be illegal. Come on prison yeah, this prison, the final boss of misleading packages is lace, potato chips, new, bigger size.

I guarantee you, they have the same amount in them. What the? How did they say? It's bigger customers, angry over misleading chip bags are are suing for getting bags of air good. It's time we strike back no more chips, i'm not paying for air doritos. How is it how? How does this work explain this? To me, 100 juice contains 27 juice oopsie.

I can't believe it how how do they do that? Stop it gluten-free chocolate chip cookie this product contains gluten. Here's a crazy idea. Why not just call it chocolate chip cookie, then. What's the point, this one is thirty percent bigger.

Okay, it was forty percent, bigger, hmm, okay, i guess it's all relative. You know what do you 40 bigger from what it was before i don't know someone took out all the raisins someone. Someone really spent their whole afternoon. Doing that.

I respect that. Salute to you, sir beef ravioli, it's one ravioli, what's the plural of ravioli, it doesn't say beef ravioli. Does it idiot not mad about this? I'm reading this article that shows all this annoying packaging. But what the is this, then this is what it's like to go to mail online.

We have them wanting to give me notifications. No thank you. We have an ad here. We have an ad here.

We have an ad here and we haven't had e here and then, if you scroll down, there's another form of ad and i also clicked the way the cookie thing i already clicked that away god, damn it jesus christ, dude, oh and it's also auto playing uh. It's also thought i'm playing another ad ghost on this website just die already daily mail jesus christ dude. This is pathetic hello, so one of them has to print that's nice or two of them. The one at the back and front uh new chairs in starbucks is specifically designed, so people won't hang around for a long time.
I mean yeah. How long do you want to sit just slurping on a coffee? I kind of i'm on the side on starbucks. Here all those people just said get an office. You can only study and work if other people are looking at you, so you can prove look look how busy i am just work from home.

Stop it cancel the subscription to cancel this contract. Please send a letter or a fax to four players. Come from hamburg. Please hand deliver this cancellation note to the top of mount everest thanks.

Oh god, my phone marks. No life has not yet been found on mars, but imagine waking up to that headline. How would you react? Yeah. Imagine imagine that dude, i feel like a lot of these aggregated.

I don't know if that's the word news articles that gets blasted to you for whatever reason they're all like that. Okay, here, here's a firefox when you open it like who clicks on this like. I would never trust any of these head headlines. I just imagine how many people like scroll through them and they're like yeah yeah sure i heard that live phone on mars yeah.

No, i heard about that last week - oh god wow. So it has two cameras, but it pretends to have uh four amazing you're reading newsweek. I guess that's the end of the article there he goes here continues thanks what the they're worse than youtubers la fitness cancellation process is designed to make you not want to quit, had to go to the gym, then call then send the super later yeah. I spent a month in la and i wanted to work out, so someone recommended la fitness and i went there and it was awful the way the amount of harassment i got after canceling.

It's like i don't live there leave me alone. I hate you. Facebook will start putting ads in the oculus quest app, can't wait for the sci-fi from the new world, the meta universe, i'm sure facebook is not going to get up yeah. It didn't used to be like this.

It didn't all used to be like this. I've been waiting for this a pill that gives me treatment the way i want it, hypothetical patient guys subscribe to the pewdiepie channel and you can win a billion dollars. You could. Why? Is that not even crazy to say at this point jesus christ anyway, if you enjoyed this video smash it like subscribe, we appreciate it and i'll see you guys tomorrow with another video brofist.

18 thoughts on “Bad design deserves to go to jail”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firstname Lastname says:

    The air in chip bags is just nitrogen gas to keep the chips crisp by the way.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mega Nerd says:

    The McDonald's orange juice one is fake. The dispenser has buttons for all the different sizes and I assure you, I've made too many messes by hitting medium with a small cup. Love how fake the McDonald's slander is

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BBS UNKO says:

    Brake fluid and radiator fluid are so CARCINOGENIC that if you get it on ur skin you should wash in petrol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BH5 Mods says:

    Funfact: You can get a Chrome extension called 'Return YouTube Dislike' and still see the like to dislike ratios, even on new videos.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Late says:

    That toilet paper ad thing isnt that bad just start watching the ads while you are doing your thing and when you have dano your thing out have lots of paper ready to use

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lanie Hammers says:

    When you turned on the last one the lays chips I just like 5 secs before I grabbed the exact same chips flavor and everything

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucun says:

    The gas in the chip bags are rumored to ensure the bags pressurize when squeezed, which prevents the chips from being crushed to crumbs. Now, they're shrinking the air in the bags, too!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Merlin says:

    Life hack : If cancelling a subscription is difficult just cancel the payment through your bank. Stop paying = they cancel for you 💁

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Ranjid says:

    The sad music … when it started playing istg I had rewinds to watersheep…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zaylaxer ft says:

    bruh i was watching the video and i got a speechelo ad and it said you dont need to pay a cent and i saw the small photo add and it says 63 percent off 1 time payment

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom varghese Joy says:

    there is a food theory video about why chips packages contain mostly air and what would happen without it

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anshuman Mohapatra says:

    Once I was in Expo 2020 and the fruit they gave in zoom stores were in plastic packets like one apple inside a plastic packet.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Ishta Troya says:

    I clicked on the life on mars one. I was pissed. I ranted about this for an hour.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boba Sniep says:

    "capitalism breads innovation" yes. Innovation to get more profit by fooling the customer in a legal way

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitch Collins says:

    Chef Boyardee is a top tier chef, and I'm honestly insulted that somebody attacked his character in such a ruthless manner.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shifukato says:

    I just won one billion dollars by subscribing to pewdiepie -hypothetical subscriber

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lêåfiī says:

    Ehhhhhh…… both card board and plastic are bad. Plastic is bad for animals and releases toxins while we cut more trees down reducing the oxygen produced and allowing the plastic toxins to be released WHICH they both harm animals and habitats.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just a Human says:

    I wanted to like a comment, but i accidentally refreshed the site and now the order is different and i can't find the comment anymore 🙁

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