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We're looking at can't wait for my life to get improved 15 signs you're a beta male welcome to okay! Let me try this bad posture. Wife! Has a boyfriend subscribe to coke, not subscribe to pewdiepie hello alexers now this sunday, video will make a couple of you guys cry because not me living in a body, so absolutely not yourself right to see reality for what it actually is. What a patronizing! Okay, this town is an unremarkable, mediocre, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation beta males lack the physical presence, charisma, confident associated with winners in life; you're, probably thinking well, that doesn't sound like me. No, it doesn't matter always well-being, it's time to put that to the test.

We made this video specifically for those of you who are struggling with this, we're not talking about gym lads who can bench press twice their body weight, but instead we're focusing on a more holistic approach. Some might even mention that there are other categories like gamma, males and omega males, but to be honest, i'm infinity male, i'm above male. I rise above meta, mayo, honest if you've got an alpha. Does it even matter what you call yourself metamail, that's good! No! Let's coin that right the capability to deal with the situation directly, it's enough to go to.

Oh, my god. She keeps blabbing fifteen signs. Let's go number one here are the 15 signs. She says correct what to do about it number one.
You don't feel like your life is getting better and better. What the look i'm a beta god, damn it well, it has to always get better incrementally, that's ridiculous! That is dumb. Stop it. It got ta go worse to get better, sometimes stop it.

Stop it! No! Not dumb dumb, what is number two skipping this you never face your voice and stick around in your adult life. Most people get both. You can't get bullied unless you never get bullied. Okay.

Why would i why why i go? I go back to school just to confront them. What am i supposed to do, and i was never bullied anyway, because you can't get bullied if you don't get bullied idiots dummies, okay, dumb? What you? Never? What stupid, i'm not a beta! This is dumb. This is so dumb what the hell. I'm sorry, i didn't grow a supernatural powers like spider-man and started confronting people.

Okay. What am i supposed to do? My point is: the best way to deal with bullies is to act like they don't face you, because they just want a reaction out of you and they're taking out whatever sort of they're dealing with onto you or their insecurities onto you. So don't just just don't engage with it. Okay, yeah you're, welcome, can't get bullied if you don't get both you'll have to deal with them throughout your entire life.

Oh my god, all right! What's number three! You rely on others like your family to make decisions for you. Okay, dude. Is everyone gon na be beta male in history? I actually don't do this at all. Maybe it's a personality, trait thing i i think it has nothing to do with beta or offer man number one sign up being a better you.

Let people classify you right. It seems like people always want other people's opinion, which i i don't know i'm like bro. I don't know where you're asking me is your choice. At the end of the day, i don't know all the nuances of the different outcomes of the choices that you are weighing.

What the hell do you want me to do? I don't know, stop letting other people make choices for you, although i mean i did kind of go to university, like my parents wanted me to do so. I you know what guess i was a beta. Now i met a man number four. You are physically weak, no, no you're, no weak! This is so ridiculous.

Okay, if, if i want to entertain this concept of beta and alpha male right, it all comes down to confidence to me has nothing to do with physical strength right, nothing, it's all confidence. Physical strength is often a contributing factor in self-confidence. It happens to also be an indication of someone's health and if you are under the impression that you are more of an alpha, male or some sort of cooler guy, because you have muscles and that's some dumb schmuckery as well, then you're, that's some beta. That's some beta brain if you're in the friend zone, you're, probably a beta male, the truth is most of you end up in the friend zone, because all you do is act like a friend, not a possible partner.
You've positioned yourself incorrectly and now you're stuck there. But alux i'm in the friend zone, because i'm too nice i'm not a douchebag, no you're, probably not as nice as you think you are just because you think of yourself as a nice guy doesn't mean the world should see you the same way. Well, no, just because she worded this completely wrong just cause, you are a nice guy doesn't mean anyone owes you okay, but i was nice to girl. Why? She? No, let me peepee, i'm like just because you're a nicer person doesn't mean that you have any obligations whatsoever to you.

So it's so entitled to imagine that right, listen, listen! I don't do fred. I don't do relationship advice often, but if you're into someone it's better to tell them and if you think they're gon na say no, don't tell them and just move on. Okay, don't get stuck on one person. There's someone out there for you! Okay, you better! Take a chance, then no chance, but you got don't linger.

I think that's the problem with people and friends and they linger stop lingering number six. You can't say no and stand your ground males have a hard time saying no to other people. Just this is a skill you have to learn. I think i i definitely was the kind of person that couldn't say no and then you end up feeling miserable because you're doing a bunch of stuff you didn't want to do it takes confidence again to say no.

So uh yeah - i actually agree with this one. That's a good sign! Good telltale sign some hide under the mask that again they're just being nice or being a people pleaser, and i don't i wouldn't like people that can't say no to say yes either like. If i ask someone to do something, and they don't want to do it i'd much rather, they say no anyway, so it makes no sense why you wouldn't be able to say no, in my opinion at least a different circumstances, gray areas, but still even in your Sucker friends, people make fun of you number seven. Even in your circle of friends, some people make fun of you, it's all fun and games until you realize that even in your circle of friends, you're one of the weakest links and your friends treat you as such.

This can happen for a multitude of reasons. Bro nah nah disagree the strongest with this one. Everyone makes fun of everyone in the friend group right government pay taxes; no, i'm not a beta 15 out of 15.. I got a perfect score.

I'm using the word beta made on a writer right. This might seem arrogant and i'll, try and work this correctly, but i do feel like in the past with friend groups i had in the past there's been times where i feel like everyone has had to rip into me because they had their own insecurities about my Success on on youtube and in general, so i don't think that makes you better ma'am. I just think it's a thing that happens that can kind of suck. I'm not a better bear, make sure to stand your ground and earn the respect of the group.
Do not simply demand it, because nobody has to give you anything, don't be the friend. That's left, walking alone behind the group, add real value to the squad and be treated as an equal. You can be made fun of in between us and equals still that one! No dumb so dumb your existence largely centers around past times, like browsing the internet, anime video games. Oh no, there's so much distraction around us that it's easy to get trapped into binge watching.

That's a beta male. What the this is! Imagine watching this game existential crisis! Your existence largely centers around pastime. What is your existence central brand in general? I don't know this youtube channel. Oh god, that's depressing, even that! Well, i don't know.

I think what gives my existence centered largely largely, is around growing learning new things that kind of stuff. Without that, i don't know where i'd be, but you know i mean i don't know memes on huge lol or nine gag won't make you smarter or a more interesting person. Okay, that this is you apparently the i i agree with this. Unless you subscribe to pewdiepie, then uh, obviously you make excuses.

No, i don't i at one point: you need to face the truth. You're always finding excuses when the real reason why you're not taking action is because you're scared of failure or you're, just lazy sooner or later, life is going to hit. You like a brick house, because this kind of behavior not only is not rewarded in the real world, but it's going to make it even more difficult for you to deal with the real world number 10. You have no sense of style.

Ah, oh like they like. They have sense of style. Excuse me, they look dumb as perfect sense of style. Perfect couldn't get better.

I got that sookie suzuki shirt on, as you can tell perfect sense of style. Thank you. Thank you. I'm above fashion shut up.

You don't look people in the eye and you're nervous when you talk to them. This is normal. Okay, sorry, i don't like staring at people. Sorry, also, it's weird! When people do it, i'm like dude, why are you staring at me? It's weird! Stop all right! All right imagine this is how i would talk to someone i know you're supposed to look above them sometimes, but then it's like.

Why am i thinking about these things that just makes it so weird like i'm a robot? Okay, hey how you doing cool awesome. I don't know i don't know how to talk to people shut up shut up, i'm not a beta shut up uh. You don't get laid much. Even when you do it's not that great, oh much, and even when you do it's not that great being a sexually active person is a sign of good health.

If you've checked off most of the boxes so far, it isn't a surprise that you don't engage with the opposite sex. Oh no! When would you when you're spending most of your free time playing fortnite or binge watching? Oh, my god, this woman shut up! That's nothing wrong, nothing wrong with not engaging other sex. Okay, some some of these things, behavior borderline, disruptive, anyway. Okay, don't let that not pass! This is this toxic actually has a big ego, but you can't control it.
I thought about this a lot because uh swedish people, it's kind of natural of us to uh, not have an ego as a swede, it's kind of built in. We even have a word for it. Like jante logan. I think it's called it's like you're not allowed to brag love, jumping you're, not you're, just not allowed to brag, which i agree with like it's ugly, but i also feel like um it's.

It can go the other way too, where, if you're successful at something, if you catch yourself saying like oh, you know, i could have done way better or or actually you know this or actually like when you try and downplay your success that can't be healthy either Right, i think we're taught so much in sweden, especially that you're not allowed to brag whatsoever that it's just become the complete opposite, where it's not healthy, either. Ego is just one of those things where you have to be honest with yourself and you're like. Are you being an egomaniac or no? Are you just being proud of yourself and what you've accomplished, i don't know like you, should be able to be allowed to do it so yeah number 14. you're a follower, not a leader.

Uh-Huh data males are not the ones who take initiative; they usually wait for someone else to initiate and then jump on the bandwagon they rarely have seems smart right as a beta. I respect that decision. That's clever right makes sense to me. People disregard his ability to achieve results.

This often happens in companies where usually people rally behind those who manage to get the best results yeah. But then now all the pressure is on them. If it goes wrong, you know they're the ones taking the fall for it with that, you feel a fit if you're offended by this video you're a beta. No, i'm criticizing your video, because it's dumb make this video to offend anybody.

Instead, consider it more like a cold shower which would make everyone reflect on what their life is currently like and maybe find a few ways to improve. If you take a single piece of information from this video tackle it head on and your life is better because of it that we're pleased with the end result. There are two types of this: is the worst video i've probably seen in a while. I, like i understand it's purpose and i can't disagree with all of it, but i i mean come on dude if you actually think these things matter, that's some real better like this has to yeah.

This has to be a joke right. Oh signs, you're, an alpha! Male, okay, let's do it! I just want to see you really quick, you're, really happy with your life. Okay, sure you feel controller of your life. Sure three is so quick.
You don't get see you get things done, yeah whatever, oh man all right! Well now we found out hope we learned something today be uh, be yourself and be confident with yourself, and that's all that really matters right. That's how i feel anyway, thanks for watching brofist, you thought it was gay, but true relevance never really died. Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator. Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers our emotions, memes, our emotions, express your emotions with me.

Show them for likes. Share them for love, get up for free and who knows maybe i'll review your memes, the greatest honor of all time, full circle, baby download it make a meme. We need subtitles on this.

17 thoughts on “Are you a beta male?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlphA XyZ says:

    It's irony coz a women telling.
    yOu aRe a BeTa.
    YOu are alpha .
    YOU are sigma.
    You are gay.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A.A.M. says:

    you're depressed? have low self-esteem? are an introvert?
    no, no, no, no, no.
    you're just a✨beta male✨

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoltenCreeper is Gone says:

    “Being a sexually active person is a sign of good health”
    People with 100+ body count and 7 STDs named after them be like bruh

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owls n' stuff says:

    We also have "Janteloven" here in Denmark. I do think it can be unhealthy. Like, even being openly proud of yourself, can be looked down upon.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thrannn says:

    Toxic masculinity and self esteem problems. Fuck that video.
    Imagine a video 15 signs you aren't a real women….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaguyaa says:

    Signs you're a beta male: Watching videos on whether you're a beta or not

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reia Love says:

    "being a sexually active male is a sign of good health" then are asexual people sick or what? jeeezz

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ursa Prima says:

    I can't process mentally the idea that betas can't dress good.
    How the fuck does that make any sense? I didn't know beta was another word for learning disorder.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MichaelPL1997 says:

    "Being a sexually active person is a sign of good health."

    Not with multiple people at once or through moronic hookups like this bunch of holes is suggesting

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archer Madsen says:

    Alpha and Beta males don't exist. It's a myth perpetrated by insecure incels and pick up artists.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Lorenzo Ugalde says:

    Number 6: can't say no is a sign of beta male

    Me who grows up getting beaten by my father when I say no: 👀

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Riley Howell says:

    The best way to deal with a bully is to punch them in the face. Bullies need someone who won't fight back. you might get the shit kicked out of you that day but it won't be worth the effort.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xyra says:

    As i see number 14 i see why everyone is beta, all alpha males died in the wars so far

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2B Afi Afzil says:

    Hello Pewdiepiers
    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raven Eyes says:

    Omg I remember when Mya was big and fluffy that was clearly years back, now seeing Mya I can't help but just want to protect her. Wow. Crazy how 4 years will change a doggo.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Britt L says:

    Im a 31 year old married woman and this made me feel like a beta male.

    confusion noises

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Almighty says:

    Lol 😂 this was a waste of time. If your mgtow you don’t care about womens opinion.

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