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Morning today we're heading to hakone. We've been there before it's an an hour and a half from tokyo. It's usually like a relaxing place it where i propose to marcia. We're gonna do some touristy stuff.

And then some stuff we already done before because we. It's a really nice place this is the first time. We didn't realize it until. We were like oh yeah.

This is the first time in three years. We spent the night away from the dogs just because i've covered in the trip. We just never been able to do it so we're free at last just chill and have fun. We made a quick stop to pick up some food.

It's a lot busier than i thought it would be i don't know if it's a holiday or something i thought it would be empty like a lot of places. But not hot corner. It's fun though so many shops and stuff so yeah. We're heading to the spa place.

Now and we're gonna have lunch. There we're here in the mountains. It's a lot cooler here. It feels really good ah nature hydrangeas hydrangeas hydrogen.

Yes. Did you know that they changed their color based on soil. So what does bloom. Mean oh really you knew that hiring iron that's so cool i mean that's what my mom said according to myself whoa okay.

That's that's what we're doing. I told you it was a bit touristy so we obviously have tattoos. But as long as we cover up it should be okay. I have no idea where the entrance is we're just.

Oh. There it is i read it no big deal. Oh so cute so that's our mascot go marcia going for the sunfish. I don't even see it watch this two of them easy.

Five of them oh. That's bad. Oh let's go so cute. You know i love smirking.

I smoke every day. This is so big looks like i'm naked. We're at a more like a ryokan kind of setting. But we're still in a swimsuit because we're inside the building.

It's really nice no one's here protein pure purest form it looks nice they got fishies. Which is kind of odd wow what a mermaid. We're in coffee this is weird fatigue recovery skin benefit. But don't drink it this one is nice.

I think i killed my phone. It's not turning on i thought it was waterproof mane. What can you do we're gonna do the slime now it's so pretty. It's raining.

Oh. My god oh he's so dead please live come back online. Please. Thank you do you remember so we were trying to ride this train.

Because i wanted us to go in the cable cart. This is the day. I proposed to marzia and we ran into a trouble in like a ticket counter because they didn't speak english. I didn't know any japanese and they were closing and i don't know what he was trying to tell me and marcel was like it's fine.

We don't have to do it because it seemed impossible. But i was like no we have to do it because i knew obviously that i was going to propose for marcy didn't so i wanted us to have a good day and we made it it was super nice. We've been selling fuji all the way up it all worked out how could you it's because we went swimming. Okay.
Where's the excuse. This is what we in sweden call small grant like explosion green. It's nice you know what we're gonna do i'm gonna cook my phone. Oh i have my custom klvp theme.

I put so much time in today's i don't want to lose this theme. I made okay so now you should play the clip that broke the phone and then you tell me if it was worth it all right let's see it oh that was close ah yay. I love their choice of puzzles cooking my thumb. What's the problem everyone does it it actually looks kind of good on me.

Yeah. Maybe i'll keep this we're heading to the open air museum. We've been here once before we peed in sophie. It was really cool.

It's so cloudy though rainy season finally came huh my phone is dead. There's no revival. I was actually looking for a new phone. The other day and i feel like my phone got jealous and was like fine.

I'll just die. Then and then when it did arrive and come back for a little bit. I was like i'm gonna buy a new phone anyway and you were like that's so mean and then he quit he and then he quit. I killed it i remember being get a picture here you can go all the way up damn.

That's cool that's a cool shot hello. What uh. It still looks cool with it i'm out of breath. Amazing should i drop your phone and break it too so nice.

It's so hot it's lovely. We did it during winter last time and i was like yes. I'm cooking so i got it i think two hours. Why i don't know why it took so long.

But we got it that's so good yeah. So the phone came back like 30 minutes yesterday and i managed to back up the footage. So we're good on that front. But the phone is dead.

So i need to buy another one basically we're in asakusa. Which is like old tokyo. It's super pretty i was like coming here. But it's very busy i want to go there mars is feeling something so today is supposed to be the last day of the festival.

The thing that i showed earlier with the paper and the bamboo. Technically is cancelled. But we think they will do it they'll still be decorations and stuff. But the actual festival isn't going on there it is there's a big temple.

This is so cool. I'm just walking just chilling freaking dog with me. It's ridiculous. I remember going here the day after i proposed to marcia and it was the same kind of vibe actually but i never thought i'd be here with the this one andrea and just there's my favorite pagoda.

So pretty this air is crazy. I forgot everything is so pretty damn everywhere you look it looks so aesthetic that was definitely not your everyday kind of walk with the dogs. Damn they got some gay aries i like it this is the street there's the sky tree. So yeah it's definitely cancelled.

But it's still cool to see this area really feels like what you'd imagine when you think about japan. How do you like it my aunt. She's a little tired now we're in mbc looking for a place to eat. Oh yeah.
They have gundam at mcdonald's i saw this today yes gundam burger. What do you get if you get to build your burger like a gundam that'd be kind of sick. But i doubt it i never get used to how many people there are it almost shocks. Me whenever we go out it's like oh.

Damn a lot of good food places here and a lot of good uh bars here. I like it so it's cool look at this i almost died. But i'm alive. I will make it to the shrine.

Such a cool shot real reason. I moved to japan is so i can feel tall at last. I'm a giant wish for my uh to become healthy forgot how crazy it is i know this bit because i play persona. 4.

And you walk this way in the subway. So i already am familiar so i asked uh like oh what kind of stuff do you guys want to see on the channel and people are like oh just do let's do what you want let's do what you want to do i saw a couple of people saying that yeah just a hubra you guys are so nice. It's supposed to work out i'm not feeling good today since i'm always sharing happy fun moment. I thought i'd share a little uh down.

I just need to get this workout. Then i was feeling bad before but now i'm starting to feel better so i'm gonna do it no more excuses can you guys tell the difference on the camera by the way. So i have the new phone. Now.

I do feel kind of like a genius for backing up the footage back up your footage. This is a reminder you don't want to lose it i'm just procrastinating now so i was in the shop and i was like what what protein powder flavor is this i was hoping they would say banana. But it's ocha it's a green tea. Let's give it a try maybe.

It's good how much protein is in there oh 20 gram 28 grams. Is 20 grams. See i learned the kanjis that matter okay cheers. It's actually pretty good.

I'm so surprised well done japan that's really good the other option was like lemon. I'm like no or chocolate. I never like chocolate and protein shakes right. What's going on here usually you're barking like crazy at this hour.

But you kind of you just look a little pissed off to be honest you're not so angry well. We'll see how she develops. But my uh has pedimentis. She's so old her mind is kind of declining a bit sorry.

I'm saying it in front of everyone you're almost 17. You're not angry today. Yeah. I guess.

Today's a good day tomorrow is an even better day tomorrow. One of my dreams. Come true big earthquake just hit that was so quick that was so intense that's the heaviest one i thought it's so quick though my i didn't even flinch. I bet.

That was nothing i don't do earthquakes as a swede um no squeeze then b minus tier workout now we shall today oh what a day what a beautiful day a dream of mine come true today. I've always wanted to surf in japan. And guess what i'm doing today surf in japan. I'm gonna take a lesson.
Because i've only done it twice before and it's been years ago. At this point. So i'm very very very excited okay look at this black. One that's so pretty damn.

I am sunburned that was intense workout. I'm pretty spent three hours so fun. Though he uh he didn't really baby me he kind of let me just try all the waves myself and pick them and yeah really fun i'm not built for this sun though i bathed in sunscreen before but i think it all just kind of washed off right away the waves are so intense and i burned my feet. But it was really fun.

I think i might try it on my own next time i burned my foot. Oh that feels good do not walk on hot sand. I was so proud of myself for this that's my teacher there i picked away myself. I wrote it all away.

But it looks so tame. I felt so incredible at that moment. It was kind of rough. It was hard to find waves and that were rideable.

My board was so long that it took so long to rotate in time. And i missed a lot of ways because of it it is uh. The third time. I ever try it i i'm stoked.

I was so fun actual dream come true to be doing. It as well my teacher was really good and he let me do it on my own and feel like i was the one doing it sometimes teachers kind of get too much i think. But it was also one thing. He said that i thought was really good which i missed one wave and then he said and i said like oh damn and he said don't don't do that because you want to just enjoy.

It that's a good point. I can't wait to do it again. I'll be catching waves soon again. Oh.

That's cold. Oh. That feels good. Though.

Oh oh mama. Okay. You're so cute are you sleepy as at least. It's not covered.

But you can hear my voice. It's like i'm congested since. I'm a bit down under the weather today it might be a good time to chat a bit uh. I just wanted to say a huge thanks huge thanks for all the support and positivity and the comments.

Everyone seems to love the vlogs and it's a huge reason. Why i'm even doing them i mean. It's fun for us to look back on as well. I think.

But usually me and mars are a bit more private with our private life. Because there's always so much annoyance coming with sharing your life online. I don't that's the easiest way to describe it but everyone's just been so nice supportive and positive. And yeah.

That makes me want to share more and i really appreciate it maybe some people will think. It's like oh everyone's just so positive and so kisses whatever. But i don't know i'll take it i feel like i've gotten my fair share of people complaining and you know how it is it's almost like to someone i'm always doing something wrong. So if people are being supported i will take it i'm done with all the negative drama.

I've been for a while. But i think here just uh transitioning here it's been really fun just focus on focusing on fun stuff huge thanks to marzia for editing. These vlogs. I think that's what makes them so special so i'm still editing my other videos.
We just figured it's easier and it makes sense for her to do it. And she's doing a great job as well so it's funny how a lot of you guys seem to have noticed too like oh they have their style to it. And i i think it works out great so yeah. Thank you marks.

Yeah. I'm always kind of cur. Cautious with doing vlogs. Because just the sharing aspect online.

It opens up so much judgment. But also i've daily vlog before and that can be fun for a little bit. But it can also sort of become like your life becomes your job or something like that but i think we've been keeping it natural. It hasn't been forced or we're just doing stuff that we like to do and there's so much to do here.

And it's so much fun. But also just having the freedom to be out and about here pretty much undisturbed. I really enjoy that it feels very liberating to be here. And yeah.

I think that reflects in the vlog so again huge thanks to you guys i really really really really appreciate it honestly. I think i'll feel better later today. We'll see i got leg. Day today.

Can't skip leg day.

15 thoughts on “A dream of mine came true today”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AIBMZ says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melissa Oltmann says:

    I love these videos, it's nice to see Japan in a relaxed setting

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alessandro Nanni says:

    holy hell Marzia!
    adoro questo stile di edit, è perfetto per questi vlog!
    Continuate cosi!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legebro says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Revina Que says:

    "Play the clip that broke the phone… Tell me if it was worth it."

    It was worth it, Pewds. It was absolutely worth it 😄👍

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blood says:

    the vlogs makes us feel like we are there with you and that makes it perfect

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrHayydd says:

    These vlogs lately have been the absolute best. If you feel comfortable sharing, I’m sure we’ll be happy to ride along. I’m just happy you are happy. And the adventures are super fun, I find myself smiling whenever I watch your videos 🙂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akseli Lähelmä says:

    We nead video of Felix and marzia plaing chess

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uncu Ionut says:

    The vlogs are awesome!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kim Loyer says:

    I for one have to say that I am in love with the evolution that your video's have taken. If you ended you career as a you tuber here and now, I would feel ever so blessed to have been part of it. Please don't though, not yet, please! Love you all so much!(dogs included)

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leon Tarchalski says:

    Letsss go keep going

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FireWrathSorcerer says:

    Thanks to Marzia too ~~~!!!!!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma Ross says:

    I absolutely love marzias editing it makes these vlogs feel so calming and makes it even more enjoyable to watch. The happiness is radiating so much in these from both of you since ur move to Japan 🖤.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matthew says:

    Just casually reading the players handbook for DND 😂 I've been trying to get into it recently need a better group

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Lockhart says:

    Pewds is out here living his best life, happy for him

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