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Workout review workout review hello. Everyone today we're going to go through my epic workout, so you also can look epic gamer, someone posted this on my reddit, so dude that looks photoshopped. I don't even is that real, but maybe not uh? I don't really feel comfortable doing like a before and after i don't want to do that uh but yeah. I wanted to talk about my workout, so hopefully you guys can get inspired as well.

I made a workout video a year and a half ago and uh. So i wanted to talk about what has changed, what has improved what has worked, what didn't work or if anything's changed at all. First off, let's go through my setup, my workout setup, which is the same goddamn setup that i've always had and here's my gym setup. Edgar spots me, thank you very much for doing that.

The only difference now is that i'm in our living room - i just put in my mat - i put in my thingy schmingy and i put in my weights. I keep them behind our couch, so we don't have to see them like. I don't want to make our living room messier than it is. That's all you need baby.

I use these weights called power block. It's the same one i always had, but a friend of mine gifted me, the newer ones. I refuse to buy the newer ones. I don't know why i'm so cheap guys.

I don't know, what's wrong with me. I could have just they kept breaking and bending. I went to a welder guy and he fixed them, but they didn't really fix them. I had to use like a screwdriver to pry them open every time and i was just losing a bunch of time in my workout.

So i'm glad the newer ones are way. Better of the power blocks is this a way, so you can change the weights really quickly. I personally really enjoy working out with dumbbells, so considering a whole rack of dumbbells will probably set you back a couple thousand. This is definitely like a cheaper version.

I hope once i'm more settled in, i can actually justify investing in some equipment because uh yeah, since i'm supposed to move abroad, i just haven't my workout - is pretty much more or less the same as i used to i've only changed up a couple things here And there i think i used to do five days a week, but i've actually moved down to four days a week. I start off, like most people with chest, got ta start up with chests it's the best. So this would be my monday. I start off with the regular bench press struggling to get picked for once i'm filming myself.

I can't do it. I actually maxed out my uh i've maxed out my dumbbells. That was an amazing moment i might say, had to spot me. The thing with dumbbells is they're quite hard to get up like to get to the position this position uh to do that on your own, when you're maximizing it's really difficult, i have to psych myself up a little bit every time.

I do this pathetic push with my leg, like that's, not helping it's more about getting in the right position, but yeah um. I was so proud when i hit the my new record and then i googled like how good is that, and it basically said like for your weight group intermediate, and i was like what the i expected to read, like god, mode or giga chat or some. So it became clear to me that i i need to put on more weight to lift more weight um. So that's why i i've been trying to bulk up more i've, always been quite skinny, so yeah you can do one more yeah.
Let's go perfect form. I definitely been pushing myself more. I think, if i had to show my progress like on a graph, if this is where i was when i made my video a year ago, i think i kind of like it went up a little bit and then i kind of like became a bit more Lazy - i just did my workout for the sake of it, and i did that for a long time with the goal of just being consistent, you know getting my workout done. I wasn't really pushing myself that hard, but i was also okay with that, but only until recently i've really started pushing myself more than i have ever have and that's actually been really really fun.

I try to push myself to the point where it's like. Okay, here i am one more ramp. If i can do one more ramp, there will be world peace and everyone will be happy and it's like. No sorry, i can't do it but yeah.

So i do chess. I do incline chest which is good too, and then i do a third set of chests when it's, i don't go down all the way. After that i do shoulders, which ones when you're already tired from chest. Shoulder is quite difficult, but it still feels amazing um.

I'm really struggling it's kind of funny. I've never seen myself work out before oh yeah and then after that i do a superset where i combine. Oh yeah. Look at that these i don't know what they call this tricep and then uh lateral braces.

I guess like that. I guess i'm resting a little bit in between, but i try to make it into one set. I don't want to get too tired. I finally come to a point where i'm more comfortable, pushing myself before.

If i ever felt like i'm pushing myself so i could almost throw up which, which can happen, i think, especially when you're building muscle it can happen happen easier than you think uh and that's just not a place. I want to be uh. I want to feel good with my workout, but i i know kind of where my limit is so. If i do feel tired, i don't i'm not too bothered just stopping a little bit.

You know yeah and that's pretty much my monday, i guess the first day of my workout. It takes me about an hour more or less to complete, i would say, probably 50 minutes and then i do around eight minute abs afterwards to wrap it all up. If you're still here listening, can you guys do me a favor? So i was supposed to promote the new g-fuel tub, like that. It's awesome it's by the artist for tuber, simulator and legend of the brofist.

If you get this new tub, there's a 30 discount. If you enter the code pewdiepie - and you can also get this new shaker very nice love g fuel, it's the greatest i drink every day, ten percent muscle increase. Of course, the pd5 layer is just so damn good, like there's so many great flavors in g fuel, but it's also the most relevant flavor. I deleted my video, where i was promoting it because i didn't like the video.
So if you guys can uh just just buy it from this promo, so hopefully g full doesn't notice that i deleted the video okay. Thank you, entry code pewdiepie. I appreciate it. It's good drink.

Okay, it's not a pre-workout! It's just epic drink epic gamer drink. Moving on to the next day, number two tuesday is leg day baby. I do squat with my perfect form. Okay, i don't want to hear anyone complaining about my form, because i don't care four sets of squat and then do four sets of dead.

Lift barefooted dead, lift, don't drop it on your toes, it's kind of awkward, doing dead, lift with dumbbells. I'm not a huge fan, but hey it does the trick and oh mama. Do i get tired from it? I i know it's a bit cringe, but i did film myself. Oh god, what's my heart right, i can't see you didn't film it you idiot.

I guess i don't know if i'm doing it wrong, you know what don't answer that the thing is leg just kills me: it's my shortest workout. I think it takes me only 45 minutes, but it absolutely destroys me like this is weird thing where, while i'm doing it, i'm not that tired, but as soon as i stop i'm just like, i need to sit down. Oh god, no one likes leg day. If you like leg day, you're lying okay, but so i try to make it quick but intense, just to get it out, uh after dead lift.

I do the split squat thing lunges, that's it three sets of that and then i do. The calf raises where you go on your toes blah blah blah blah blah, and then i'm pretty much done. You know, i don't i'm not that you know legs yeah sure it's done it's done. I don't care more.

First. Two days are quite intense. That's why i rest on the third day and on the third day i should be feeling really like i've worked out. I should be feeling my legs and i should be feeling my upper body still it's a good day to rest there.

I think, because my whole body is pretty much in pain at that point, but it's a wonderful feeling if you work out regularly, especially you don't it's hard to get that. But if you work out to the point where your whole body is literally in pain, that's a great reminder that you had a you put in the effort you put in the work you put in the hours. Man uh, it's a good kind of pain to have. I love it then, on day four, i do.

I start off a little bit slower again, where i do uh pulls and the great thing about working out at home is, i can be shirtless and it's not crunch, so i i start off with the single arm. Rows then i do two arm rows. Then i do overhead extension and then i do two double arm rows, but reverse grip. Then i do biceps and then i do uh hammer curls.
That's probably my easiest workout, it's kind of hard finishing up with bicep and hammer curls, because you're kind of tired at that point, but what i find to really elevate. My workout is my spotify playlist, where i listen to a bunch of like industrial techno or like metal or heavy metal or or black metal mixed with some really cringy music, like euro techno europe pop, i don't know what to call it from like 2 000 with, Like dj alice and like that, because you want to start off with the duke like really heavy, but then once you get tired and you need to pull through those last few sets you put on that euro euro disco techno that real cringy music, but once you're It it sounds so cringe, but once you were there doing those bicep curls and that do you think you're better off alone, you're, just like yeah, it works. Okay, it works 20 muscle increase 10 from gpu. I guess that's the thing with that.

With this crap too, like i used to listen to like podcasts and maybe youtube videos, sometimes just like whatever in the background, and i don't think that makes you as focused as when you, if you put on music, that you really like it really motivates you and, Like it forces you to kind of push yourself a bit more, and i got ta be honest, like my goal with the my workout is to just be consistent more than anything. So, while i am, you know really pushing myself now, i am allowing myself to understand that, even if i do later on go down again, that's totally fine as long as i'm staying consistent with it, because that's the oh, the long-term goal is for me to just Keep going no matter what i don't want to fall off and i'm not planning to i'm like my goal is to keep this on forever, because i i just love it so much when i'm in a in a workout where you're so tired that you literally have Nothing else left in you and all you can do is really just like. I don't i didn't film it because it's not authentic, but you push yourself to a point where all you have left is to just scream. That to me is a beautiful moment because it means you're pushing yourself to your limit you're, fully concentrated in what you're doing uh you're, overcoming yourself as someone that's quit drinking.

I quit nicotine, so those are usually things that makes you feel like oh dopamine good. But that moment when you're you're pushing yourself to your limit while working out it gives me that same sort of almost spiritual feeling - i i could say i love it. It's very addicting, it's just a pure moment of concentration of pain. I would say i don't know what to call it then uh after i do my pull exercises day.

Five is i used to do leg on day five, but i just feel like. I don't need to do legs twice a week. That's just me. I think my legacy looks just fine and i'm not particularly that passionate about legs.

So what i like to do is uh. Sometimes i do kendo, which i found to be a really fun kind of cardio. To be honest, it kind of tires you out pretty well and it's fun to try out something different uh i've been following like tutorials online, i'm sure kendo bros are just like he's doing everything wrong, but i really enjoy it before that. I used to do other stuff as well.
I was jump skipping joe. What's it called jumping rope, i kind of see it as my i can do whatever i want day, and i do that for literally just 40 to 30, 30 to 40 minutes and that's a really good workout and it's really fun to try out something different as Well, i'm i'm not entirely sure i will keep that up to be honest, but i'm also okay with that, then, on my last day day six, i really like to finish strong and i do a workout, that's sort of a combination of the entire week except leg Of course, because leg is cringe, i do chest, i do shoulder, i do bicep, i do all the epic stuff and it's my favorite workout yeah. You definitely feel it the day after which is really nice. So that's why i rest on the day after there's a lot of stuff like small tips and little mindset stuff, that you might think.

That's not gon na make a difference, and it probably isn't. But i i find myself to be with workout. It's so easy to make excuses for yourself, like oh i'm, a bit tired today or on yesterday, i had blah blah blah or today was a long day or blah blah blah. You come up with all these excuses.

Why you shouldn't work out? I don't want to sound like toxic, like you have to work at my mom, it's more like it's easy to get in that mindset, so i like to have other stuff to kind of it seems silly, but they help counteract those sort of uh self-pitying thoughts. I guess one thing i have. That really really helps is my watch, because i can time my sets and i can see my heartbeat to make sure i'm not working too hard or i'm working enough. You know and as an epic minimalist you might ask, how do you justify having a watch? I try to use my phone.

I try using an app to time my reps, but it it's dangerous to be on your phone, while you're walking out because you're just it's so easy. Oh, oh notification start talking to people uh. It still happens, but it's better not to touch your phone during your workout. So that's why i like to have my my watch and it's really really helpful to have that.

It's. The sole reason i have this watch is just for that. So i don't touch my phone during my workout. Another good thing about it is that i can time my workout, so i know how long it takes to know that i'm not slacking or being sloppy, and also you know when you work out on your own at home.

It's kind of hard to start, sometimes especially when you're in your living room, you're, not in the right mindset, right away and you kind of start dragging you're you're like uh i'll start soon. But if i start the timer on my watch, it's like no now i have to start another thing i do. Is i drink pre-workout? Sometimes i even drink g-fuel. Just because i know jifa is not a pre-workout, but it's more like okay.
I drank it now. I have to work out. I did something now. I have to start my workout, because sometimes i just find myself wasting time and that's not what you're supposed to be doing.

Of course, no substances, no steroids steroids. That goes completely against my whole philosophy and workout. If other people want to do it great good for you but me nah, no thanks. I used to write down my my weights in this book, but uh.

I don't really feel like. I need to do that anymore. It's really good. To do that, i definitely recommend doing that, but i i feel like i know my weights and i don't really have to but yeah going on before with like making excuses, it's easy to start feeling pity like oh, no, i shouldn't blah blah and i yeah.

I really don't want to promote some sort of toxic like push yourself to hard mindset, because i'm not about that at all. I just know that it's easy to make excuses sometimes, and i think everyone is different. Some people don't feel good by pushing themselves, but i always know i feel way worse if i skip something as opposed to just pushing myself through it, maybe at 80 or 70 instead of doing nothing feeling pity over yourself is kind of a pointless emotion. It's not going to help you with anything really, so i think it's good to overcome that it's the pain that gives you the strength.

After all, it's kind of funny how it works with that not just from the typical gym, like no pain, no gain. It works. The exact same with your mind, some philosophical notes, there's a famous quote from socrates that says no citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace! It is for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable of socrates.

I think this quote is kind of taken from a time where there was a lot of war and greece needed to be defended. So i would take it with a with a grain of salt, but i think also the way we live now, especially sort of the mind precedes the body. Our body is just sort of a suit for our brain to travel and when, in reality, they're deeply connected and to experience, growth and pain in in both ways combined, i think, is something especially now where there's no practical using any of it. It's a wonderful thing.

You know everyone's canvas is different. Everyone's possibility is different, but it's what you do with it that matters. You know a lot of people look at work at within in philosophy with the idea of nietzsche's ubermensch, but for me it's more of rising above tarasustra. The idea of the last man, like i said before, um i think we live in a time where, where the mind precedes the body - and i don't want to live in a way where i'm always comfortable or i'm not taking risk or pushing myself and just simply Keeping keeping warm as it said, and then i feel, like my results with my workout, doesn't matter as much as the point of me pushing myself, and i think that goes for for everything.
Really, i don't remember if it's aristotle or socrates, but they basically lay out the idea with about virtue that it's it's in what we're doing? It's not what we have done and i think that's something really nice, because, especially with with people that work out, i notice there's a feeling of more. I need to gain more muscle. I need to become more strong or i need to become more built when in reality that way, you know you'll never be satisfied the point of working out, and i think this should be motivating for people that maybe haven't started or or want to get started as Long as you're doing it, that's all that matters you're putting in the same effort as anyone else who's at the gym or whatever. The point is that you're doing it, not that you haven't reached your goal yet i would really focus on that and i i think that's such a better mindset that it works really well for me, like, i, don't think about what i haven't achieved.

Yet i'm just really happy once i do it and that's why i try to work out in the sense that consistency is what matters more than anything, but i really really enjoyed pushing myself more lately. I find that to be really really fun. I'm enjoying my workout more now than ever: it's probably the closest thing to any sort of spiritual feeling that i could achieve right. I love it and i hope other people can experience it as well.

So what are you waiting for get on out there? You got nothing to lose, it's good for your health and your mind anytime. You work out, you feel better and it doesn't have to be strength building anyway, like like, i said on my fourth day, i do whatever like kendo. That's a good workout, even just jumping rope or doing a sport. You know it's, it's always better doing something than nothing, and i guess that's another thing that a lot of the stoics talked about as well, especially with workout, that whoever is doing some sort of workout and they figured this out thousands of years ago, which is that Whoever's doing regular physical workout is living a better life because you are making a better choices as a consequence, and it's better for your health as well.

I don't want to anyone to feel guilty or feel shitty about not exercising, but i think it's always better to do a little bit than nothing and then you can slowly. If you start to feel comfortable, then you can start pushing yourself a little bit. But oh start simple: it doesn't have to be that much. It could be um just a couple minutes a day.

You know if you start looking at it like. Oh, i i need to work out because i need to be in this type of body shape or whatever then you're missing. The point the point should be. My goal is to keep being consistent and doing everyday.
I don't know anyway, thanks for watching check out the g fuel guys, so you get 30 off. I really appreciate it and that's it. Bye, bye.

14 thoughts on “My workout 10% muscle increase”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SlendyMan says:

    Yk, seeing Pewd’s setup workout, is obvious that he lives in England. And plus, they got tons of other cool stuff around in England. Like man… this makes me wanna live in England.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars João Costa says:

    Hey pewds, if you wanna continue training by yourself without supervision and the guide of a professional I recommend you start reading cientific articles about hypertrophy and resistance training, try pubmed (I personaly use it and it was recomend to me by my college professors) or any other database. Your workout is actually good and has little flaws in it, but you have room for improvement. It's great to see you so motivated, keep up the good work

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koben Penny says:

    Pewds make sure you’re training your rear delts. Doing shoulder presses as well as bench presses will put a lot of stimulus on your front delts, if you don’t give equal attention to your rear delts then you will become imbalanced and get postural problems. Generally you want to do less pressing sets than pulling sets, because your back can never be too big.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A S says:

    Pewds perhaps consider buying a pullup bar and gymnastic rings ,with the dumbbells rn you'd be set for everything (and maybe bands )
    If you're not interested in getting a rack with weights then this is all you'd need, it cost me like under 5k bucks which is 50 pounds and i can train everything very well

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhiteCourtain says:

    I started working out, just for fitness and to slim down and it's so refreshing to see Felix laugh at himself, recording him being tired, saying he slacked and rested, he doesn't push until he is sick. It's motivating to see him getting gains and not being a meathead "YOU CAN DO IT NO REST NEVER GIVE UP" I mean sure you need to keep at it but for a beginner those videos just really bring me down because the level is already too high. I think seeing Felix's progress is the most motivation, he looks so good and it is not the focus of his life 24/7. Great quote from Socrates, it stuck with me from a previous video on philosophy ever since, and great reason to see myself in peak form.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandro Rodriguez says:

    I too am a firm believer in the Sisyphean exercise that is exercise. The simple mechanical motion of moving more and more weight is a beautiful tedium to get lost in a little everyday. I don't have a lot of time to meditate in my day to day so if I don't get to work out I get anxious so I relate with you deeply. Keep up the good work Pewds, inspiring stuff!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars loljunmin says:

    Hey pewds, since you are so intrigued by philosophy, ever thought about joining the Jordan B. Peterson podcast? it would be hella lit if you appeared there as a guest

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Wanvik says:

    A tip for your dumbell bp, tuck your elbows alittle more in. This way there is less of a chance for injury and it works the chest in a bettet position

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NerbGaming says:

    I specifically like leg day not because im a masochist but more on it give me more health aside from bench presses. I honestly have a huge testosterone boost 2 days after leg day. Getting super Horny too lol.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mira says:

    Hi felix.
    I would really appreciate it if you make video about your diet and about being a pescatarian. Of course working out is not gonna payoff without a good diet so I think that video would be a great addition to this one.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Yogurt says:

    I have the same setup. But, I struggle getting my lats worked enough and hamstrings. Sadly the gym is the best place for those 2 parts.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zacki Awa says:

    Man what the hell this is rlly humbling this guy can get a whole gym if he wanted but he gets in shape w some rusty chair and dumbbell set. Eliminates excuses

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brite Rigby says:

    You should make a video about the nutrition/protein that you need to build/keep your form since it's such a huge part of working out

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Gonzalez says:

    I started working out since the last workout video and while I haven't been as consistent I would like, this video really helps, again! I did felt guilty because I skip some workouts or I don't eat what I shoudl and then I look in the mirror and I don't like what I'm seeing. What I take form this is that I should be focusing on my journey rather than being miserable because I don't look the way I want yet. I guess trying to enjoy myself, my workouts, and challenging myself on a daily basis with things like one more rep or even just showing up are the things that will make results visible on the long run. Once again, thank you Pewds!

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