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So so so so so so so so so you're all here welcome. Thank you. New members welcome as well gon na play some allen ring today is the game. I enjoy it.

A lot super funny. It's been a while, since i was into a game this much it sucks you in and spit you out. What are you guys doing here? You should be playing it. Obviously, it's better watching me play it.

That was a joke. What happened to two uh, i don't know uh, we might have the delay thing. Let's just pretend it's fine for now, because uh, actually, let me start the game then, because i don't want to resync everything it doesn't delay for me when i speak, there's no delay. I can actually fix it in two seconds.

Hold up should be better. Now let me launch the game. Uh yeah, i haven't. I played a little bit offline, just a tiny bit, maybe a little bit, maybe a substantial amount, maybe not bruh uh.

Last stream, i had this delay problem and i tried to fix it and we've had this issue for a long time. I don't know why it happens. Sometimes it goes away and i think i fixed it forever and then it comes back and i'm just like. I don't know, there's nothing, i hate more than trying to troubleshoot when you're streaming and then i was like.

Oh, we actually fixed it and no one in the chat was being annoying because sometimes people just say it's delayed and then it's not to try and be funny - and i was like i actually really don't appreciate it or some like that, and we will do that And then someone did it right after and i'm like you're done, you're banned, i ban them and then not afterwards. I was like, i feel, really shitty for doing that, but i couldn't figure out how to unban them. So sorry, i'm really sorry, but you did a bad thing and you should. You should know that i had reasons anyway.

I know it's like normal to ban people, but i feel bad if someone's like paid to support me - and i just like you you're at even though they were very annoying. I don't know how to juggle that uh speaking of delay. Well, we have delay today pause. Oh speaking of delay, well i ain't sh, i i don't even show the game yet my dumbass pause, that's my dumbass.

I feel like it was synced with me, but not the audio hold up a drink or that i feel like it was synced with me now that they should not depend on the country hold up a drink, or that i feel like that's good enough. I feel like it was. I won't ban anyone if you say it's do tell me for once. I will allow it, but for now uh, okay, i okay.

Here's what i've been doing. I've been checking out this south area, there's a boss down here, but i'm too shitty to beat him uh and i think, there's a bus here which i think is like one of the main bosses. I purposely haven't done him because i want to do that on stream. There was a dragon here.

I wish i killed. That was, it was easy and then there was a rider here which i also killed. It was easy uh and i bought the a spell that i got from killing the dragon which you can buy over here church of dragon community uh there's a bunch of tiny mini bosses. I don't think they count there's like countless bosses in this game.
I can't turn the game volume up actually and i think we're ready for the boss over here. I don't know. Oh double spear, the greatest edition of all time double speed, so you can do a wheel and double poke. No fair double spay poke we're gon na poke our way through this entire game, yeah, hey um! I can't, i think, um.

I think we should should we try the boss. I haven't warned up yet uh. I i ditched the helmet just for now. It's just! I don't have enough to.

I: was it called equipment load to be able to carry him and i'm too shitty? What was i doing? Let's just give it a go. So walnut helmet will return, don't worry, uh, but yeah. This is the boss cool. I haven't hit him once he really there we go now.

I can hit him. Oh gosh, not great start. No, i fell down. I forgot.

I could do that. That does not count, because i forgot that i could do that. So that does not count. Everyone looked away uh, he can't fall down.

So i was like. I can't fall down either it. I want my souls back. That does not count.

Hey, hey, don't attack me bro. I just got ta get myself one minute: bro, okay, okay, we do damage okay, he did a swipe instead of a bite just poking bro i'll. Take a hill thanks. How does that not make him fall down, though bro not even close whoa? That will hurt if that hit me.

Okay, can i heal now, though, for real? No apparently not, i think we can get him. No, let's not fall down again. That was bad! No. What am i doing? I had a more healer cool one hit.

He had one poke left. It does not count if he has one poke left, obviously that zero death still applies. I spoke to the devs. They called me now through my brain illness, new thing going.

Give me my blanks wait. I can summon for this boss. I just saw uh, you know what let's do it with that? Maybe we will maybe we'll use someone uh, you think i'm dead, uh cringe. You thought that killed me.

Uh, zero deaths lag lag as hell. What the i'm tanking on purpose! It's a strat! I like there, you saw it, i don't know i can't come on trash. I have to drink we're gon na poke him three times hit good start. I was gon na be cheeky there.

Okay, we're doing good, i'm gon na heal. Now whoa. I don't know the timing of that. I don't know how to dodge those.

Oh that was close. I'm just gon na talk. I died so fast. I have four more heals yeah.

I know you can summon i don't know. I i think it's a little cheesy. I don't think i need it. I was so close.

Should i summon i can summon dogs yeah? Let's try it dogs, sven ghostven they're, not doing anything. How start good start him up? Spence, oh wow, what a difference? What the ah rip once man? Well, i almost dodged into it. Oh, we don't want to be hit by that rest in peace. All sense i need to rebuff, can you i don't have mana, never mind? Okay, sure, i'm still alive.
Somehow we can do that does not count because he killed all my dogs, and this is rude. Okay. Now we can do a lot of damage. Nice, snuck, one in there, okay, great dammit, good, start great start he's attacking the sven whoa.

I almost that up whoa. I didn't know i could stagger him. He's done. You're done mate, whoa lag.

What the oh he's done. You're done easy nice whoa. So many souls. Let's go.

Sarah there's first try. Thank you sven! Thank you to all the lost fans. Oh i forgot to record god. Damn it is, he saying something i thought he was dead you're there.

You know how to speak idiot wow and we continue journey to storm mail poking our way through cool. We found another one. What the i think, if i do this, i can now uh use, and you spell no, i need arcane and i leveled up faith. Okay next level.

Next level is new area unexplored. Oh, come over here, okay, bro! What's up yes, i'm tarnished, but i do have maiden it's tightly guarded right here: yeah you're, just the kind of tarnished i pray for your city. I don't know if i can trust this guy, but you know at the spirit of cheesing it. What are the messages say, good sort friend ahead, good fella uh, sorry, but how do we, which opening this one, okay bro? I would have gone here regardless? You dummy stick of marika here.

I don't know. If i feel about that, you can go down here. Uh. It's like a whole area down there, nope that's just death down there.

Do we check that out? It be wary of liar this one. Is this a liar? Why always dragon? Is there a dragon? What what are they? What are you on about? It is a hall you're right hold up good. What, if sven, i can't you i mean you're again, i can't use liar ahead who's, the you're, a bonky. Are we back at the yeah? Okay, we took a little detour.

This is what it is. You saw me on lunchtime yeah, i tried to say hi, but i didn't realize i wasn't actually subscribed. So i couldn't write to him and he was like that's fake. That's funny.

I'm gon na have to wait five minutes. Okay, i'll take this right. This seems like a good rap. Try fingers butt good good, that's the highest rated one.

I have ever seen. 2. 600.. Oh god! Well done! Souls players are intellectuals, hidden path.

There there's no hidden paths, there's no hidden path, stop lying! I can't use my horse here. Man, time for left, i trust you bro smithing, stone. Behold bird, it's a bird i'll head, we'll head back, looks like i can go down here. That's where i came from never mind we're in oh that bird.

I should have worn. Oh, what the it's a harpy smarpy - oh god, it's so irritating poke it poke it! I'm gon na keep poking it! You, bird hate birds, all right. I guess i'll stay buffed just to be safe up required ahead. Oh we made it yeah.
The the piece of this version needs a patch desperately i would not like if you're torn on, which console to buy it on. I would not recommend pc at the moment. They will fix it, but they always do this bandai with the pc version. It's always kind of janky compared to the well in general.

That seems to be the case which is kind of disappointing man. Leather shield, i'm not gon na use that oh, no, don't hunk, don't hug bro! These guys are easy, ow! Oh, he has helped left, don't hunk, no hunk, no honk alone! Beware of mag! Okay! Shouldn't! Listen, kill them before they stand! That's what i'm talking about mate. Could this be an item shut the up bad poor piss-poor? It's 8! 000. yeah! You tricked me yeah.

I'm way too level up for this area like one shotting them. I went through the south area. First thinking like. Oh that's like an optional area, so i can do that offline.

Hey, i don't mind. Just poke him hook, claws that's kind of sick. I can poke them with that, there's, never a hidden path. I'm not listening! Oh uh, okay.

I don't think i've used this before. Okay yeah, i don't trust it there. It is all right now. You will regret doing this.

Okay, sus arrows jump down for no reason sure. Why did i do this? Oh, the sprint poke is amazing, lava good jesus. You scared me mate, don't do it, don't do it don't do it don't do it, don't just don't bro, i'm leaving oh stay away. Where can i walk? It was a trap.

No, i didn't think it was an outing. Stop that it's the same guy, doing that i swear to god. Thinking he's hilarious. Only the butthole joke was funny everything else.

It's cringe death ahead. I don't think so. Can you roll through here uh, it's gon na fall down? Isn't it i don't okay, let's look at that guy, he fell. Why would you want to go there? This is a message we did miss the item over here.

Maybe we should grab that really quick. This era is very sus hold up. I don't have any more we're. Okay, could this be an item? Could this be? This is the one i missed nice.

Oh, clean, baby, all right, continuing, very dark. I don't have mana. I should really. Oh.

Is this a boss? No, you you smoking, oh he tricked me he tricked me. I can't believe you can't trust anyone anymore bro. Let me backstab you making it impossible. Okay, i get it.

I get it we're gon na run, poke him run poke. I didn't hit. Him run poke whoa. What the was that all right, he thinks we're not attacking run poke.

That was close. That was really close, run poke. Yes, it's mine give me treasure my treasure curved sword, talisman wow. What is what does the talisman? Do? I don't know nice, not son, of a could this be an item.

What oh shut up nice run poke thanks guys thanks. Why is this so creepy? I didn't mean to break it. How do i progress now? There's i have a key, but i didn't find a door before uh. I assume the rest key goes to this door.
Should we go back to the guy? Maybe oh there's a door. I didn't mean. I didn't even check that out earlier. I hope that was expensive.

Game mode is a little low. I can turn it up. I think i'm just loud how y'all doing on this beautiful. I thought it was sunday today.

Actually i thought it was thursday i'm out of it. I don't know how i exist. I had one appointment, i had to attend to one meager doctor checkup and i completely forgot it. I am completely useless.

I don't know how it's even possible. I got ta i got ta stream. Millering is right. It's not my phone, yes great nice.

Can i make this jump hell, yeah? Okay, let's go! Oh, let's check corners, especially in places like these see that guy over there he's peeping out going to run, spoke him poke. It didn't work, it didn't work. What do i do? What do i do? What do i do run poke? Oh got staggered. Oh yeah.

I also have impaling thrust. Oh i forget. I have that uh. This is a trap.

Butthole, brick hammer huh, not crafting inventory, so i can summon this guy. He costs way more someone's spirit of luther uh. I got a weapon though: where is it oh wolverine claw it'd be cool to get another one, brick hammer 31 strength. Can you pair in this game? Yeah? You just need a shield uh.

They made it way more obvious how the controller worked like. If you look at impaling thrust, it says that so, if i, if i grab a shield, it will say perry instead uh and it's your l1 attack. So no wait. L2.

Sorry! So, like yeah, i like how they do that. It's more it's more clear. I always felt confused by the controls, but i'm also very down all right here. We go.

No trust, no trust. Sarah! Oh trust! I you don't give me the item, give me adam god, damn it. You could have given me the item man. Oh i'm, really low.

How much i got? Oh you're getting run poked, run, poke silver picked foul foot, that's not a foot, that's a hand. Okay, this has to be the exit yeah. We breached the castle, fellas gorgeous view yeah, it's kind of cloudy something incredible ahead. Uh, oh, i feel, like we've been going a long time and i haven't found a bonfire, so i feel like there's a trap, just waiting to insta kill me and i don't like it and i keep calling it bonfire.

They might as well kept that bonfire. Honestly, oh, where is it necessary item? I guess i could jump in there. I want to try it. I did it what i'm not supposed to huh weird okay, how's, our boss fight here.

Did i miss him, but i must have missed a bonfire, it's impossible. I have nothing. This took all my strength to get here. You don't understand what does it say strong, though okay time for stealth, i agree my dude we're just gon na chill forgot.

There is still yeah. Thank you notes. Uh. Can i please have my banana fire bonafide bonfire there, it is, let's go uh.
Clam helmet will return as soon as i have enough endurance, and i i guess i could keep it now. This area seems easier. Oh, it's called pumpkin helmet. I didn't know that.

That's funny switch. Why can't i switch back? I have to go in equipment, of course, all right how's, my dodge good enough. Good enough. I have to go naked for it to work.

We back baby double poke baby, all right. Let's double poke this! Oh double poke! Double poke, a double poke is not as strong with the pumpkin head man. He just you just shot all that, i'm coming for you you're gon na regret it the double poke, you're, very ambitious. I don't think so there.

It is you two. You should be ashamed of yourself double poke these guys. I missed, get poked you're gon na get poked the beach. Oh no, oh god.

Oh one, more! No, not count, not count, because i said one more and then uh it's still zero, because that clearly i don't. I don't think i have to explain myself everyone's already nodding in the chat agreeing that was clearly thank you uh. Where was i going? I went upstairs. I want to kill the down.

The guy downstairs too pumpkin head, but it will cost yeah. It seems like we do less damage too bro. Can you you're so annoying? I'm i'm double poking you should you should not be doing this. Thank you should at least feel bad.

I ain't doing push up. I don't want to do a workout today, i'm i'm spent man, god damn double poke. This is the guy that killed me. I didn't see him before he's hiding a little snake, don't think so.

Buddy ow, oh, this guy, wants this. Guy wants business. Man it'd be nice if i could kill them in one, but i don't but whatever come on, i want my souls back. I really do.

Can you go up here? I feel like it could. But the real question is: do i want to oh okay? I think we'll, ah that's weird, jumping required it bro. I just did oh nice, you can buy those they're, not that important. Oh god.

This feels like the boss fight in dark souls, one ah, the birds, birds with bombs. I don't think so, get poked your poke whoa. She killed me. That does not count, obviously, because there's a bird bomb.

What the is that, ah, how do we even get back there? I have no idea i have yet to deal with the guy downstairs. Let's speed run no poking: hey yo, hey yo, bums, hey yo, baba ain't got time. People die here cringe. This was like a really bad.

I could make it 5. 000 souls 5 000 souls just like that. God damn it. Why did i do that? It's so dumb.

Ah, you know what that is clearly absolutely after, not even don't even speak to me about it, you'll get bane zero. Why? Why did i jump like that? I thought i would have. I thought i had like a cool little jump like a nice. Little jump, he can't be that strong, see what i mean.

I'm gon na go. It's fine plenty of help. What the around the corner! Really! I don't think i don't think that's a move, double poke! I almost got him, though, all right here he comes. Okay! Stop double poke.
Thank you that negates all the death site. Is he not dead? I feel like. I got no points for man. He didn't die.

He didn't drop anything, no item, nothing, nothing! I got nothing for that. You kidding me right now. I did all this for nothing for nothing. I want more one more level, so i can use my dragon spell.

I was so close uh. Is it really that low? I wonder why? No! No! No, of course it's my old ones, i'm stupid! I got. I got happy for a minute, but then happiness disappeared just like it always does this bird, this bird thing you're gon na get it you're gon na, get it so hard yeah. I knew you were gon na.

Do some bird, oh, my god, the bird. It's so full of goddamn birch. It doesn't count because a bird, i okay, you don't get it. You don't get if you don't get that, but that didn't count.

It's still zero from now on, of course, no more like weird exception or mulligans. My knee this bird just gon na get it man this bird smoking. How did that miss? Oh, my god, it was two pokes and dead. That's all the bird had and i died from burn.

You got a joking all right. This better be good cross leg. We can sit cross leg now, guys guys pause whatever you're doing cross leg. No, that's dejection cross leg.

Let's go! That was worth it. We lost 5 000 souls, but take it in cross leg. What the it looks so weird yeah here, let's go this way. I have a good feeling: good fortune fall.

Is the boss down there? Ah, no i'm not going there gord fortune. Is this way fellas good fortune follows us here. Where am i no lover ahead? That's good! I'm still thinking about the 5 000 souls that we lost. I'm so mad about it all right, double poke.

What are they gon na do what the is down there? Okay, it's a crab! Meme down. There can't wait to double poke him. Oh it's a big boy! You didn't see me trust me! Ah, no! No! No! No! Sorry, sorry double poke double poke. I missed two double pokes that could have been huge.

How do you do that around the corner? That's so cool that would have killed me if i hit, but it didn't i'm falling down somewhere. I think we're live holy, huge fools. You're all fools get poked. You fell in my domain.

My trap poke. No, no, i'm not dying from a dog get poked. Why are the dogs like the best ones in the game? I swear to god. I hate them all right.

Give me a flesh mental whoa. That's huge. I was looking everywhere for that item. Oh we're down here, okay, um, let's check out here.

First, we got apples elevator. Where did it go? Is it back to the beginning? Maybe nice we got a shortcut. Let's go. Have you got any tips for fighting margot? The fell omen is that the boss we just did - i did the summons and uh.

I was very. I went to the south first, so i was very high level and he was very easy. So i don't know. I kind of like that, though, that you have the option at least to go somewhere else.
I i think the open world element really works in this game. You're so poked, oh god he's a little bigger than i thought. Uh everyone look away. One second, oh looks like the game.

Teleporter is back okay, cool! Well, that happens. It's a pc port. My armor is so i re i really. This meme helmet is going to be the death of me man.

I can't i want my souls back, get my souls back. Okay, i got myself my adios amigo. That was a win through the wall. All right excuse you, i'm gon na throw fire at you now, because you suck ass, come here, yeah where's the hole back in my hole, please i'm kind of out of okay.

Now we kill now we kill here. I go that damaged me. What the i didn't realize that damaged me, that does not count, then i'm actually going then how we doing here, fellas we're doing good. Is he still after me? Nah he's actually not after me, 3d premium extra night, okay.

So that was the life then i i took out a loan on it, so this one didn't count give me an advance on a couple: bro: oh skyrim, um. Well i mean i got ta play elder ring. First, skyrim can wait. It's waited 10 years.

Sorry guys now, let's get the loot and get out this. Oh and my souls who did that you know i don't matter double poke? Oh god, it doesn't kill him. Oh we got his armor. Oh we're back here sneak his chest.

Yo we got his something uh. These guys are not worth the effort. Man, oh. What we're here.

Where am i supposed to go, then there's a chest there crab? Yes, how can this man be so good at gaming never die. I don't know i'm born with maybe born. Why is it always arms? Let there be legs uh, okay, there's a hole there, i'm just passing through mate. Don't worry about me right, there's a door here: no bro open the door, bro open the door, get hope what the! Where did you come from seriously, where the did he uh bro? Oh he's so mad whoa.

No, how can he's good uh? I give him that i don't know how that hit. I thought it was covered by the ceiling doesn't count, obviously, because i thought it was covered by the ceiling uh and he followed me. Without my permission. That's kind of creepy: if anything, i think we should all tweet about his behavior and get him out of here.

That did not count, i'm not a fan of this area. I have no idea what the going on and this helmet honestly. It makes it so much more difficult about it. We'll try this new armor that we got should be okay like this yeah.

Are we heavy yeah that makes us happy? Okay, i'm just going to poke him a couple times and then we're ready out of here. It's an old trick. Should my souls be there: where are my souls there? They are see now i kill him on one shot before it was two. Oh, that pillar is doing a lot of work.
For me, nice, okay, nice, no, more crab crabs out fellas. Did he drop anything? I killed this crab and nothing came out of it. I don't believe it, although we can't go here. I didn't realize that.

How am i so strong uh? Have you seen my double poke? Bro uh sarah def game playthroughs been doing them for years. Bro. Uh! Beware of lead! You snake! Thank you ever put that down. All of that, for some arrows see no danger ahead.

Lies wait a minute i was like making an effort not to jump down. I could have just jumped down okay, huge area here, uh we're gon na double poke a lot here. That guy has something. Doesn't he okay? They both have something.

How do i can? I use my mount double poke double buck here it comes here. I come no honk, no honk holy. I stopped the hunk, oh oh he'll! That does not count because he honked a little bit. I was so clean.

Otherwise i just snuck in there he got a little too thin i'll give him that wait. Wait a minute! Is this where i jump? Is that where i, where should i go? Should i just go the way yeah see my death symbol is like over there somewhere. Let's go that route, we'll go that route. It's got ta be reason uh they gained up on.

You doesn't count. Thank you it's. Finally, someone gets there all right i'll, have it in a minute, so i got a massage earlier and came halfway through. That's that's a good joke, uh! No, it's not happening.

I know this is not where you me. Oh, the boss is here: is it about no, but this is oh. You need the sword right yeah. We found it earlier, i'm not big on massages man that guy loves massage, especially poking it's weird, because i love uh spa, but i don't like people touching me at least rain strangers.

It's weird, then again, i don't like doctors and i don't like hairdressers. I don't like carpenters, i don't like anyone so whoa we get some cool ass weapons here. I guess we're in an armory. So what did we get that one miss serry cole that sounds french? Is it a french weapon? It's a tiny little sword.

That's definitely! French! Look at it tiny give me my speed. Mate, look at all these spears and none of them i can use yeah. It did lag a little bit there. Carpenters shouldn't be touching you that's right, it's just they.

Never they never do what they tell you that they're gon na do and it always costs and takes more time that they promised and i'm just annoyed by it spears or cringe delete that i hate when people touch my hair and tell me it's gon na fall Out what the? Why would anyone do that? That's so random me? Neither you fall asleep at the job. Was that worth it? I didn't really get anything. That's kind of shitty nice. The crab doesn't respawn.

So right. You just go in circles where you're supposed to go left and then further in i'm drinking these like meal replacement, because i'm trying to get fat. They fill me up so much yeah, damn, okay, oh we got ta. Do this again.
I want my souls back. I'm just here for my souls. I got ta balance with you guys, i'm going back in get poked. Anyone that comes in here gets poked.

Oh he wants to nice. We did it, get the grease, get the greaves mamma mia mamma mia. We got a pokeria. What is it? Is it good pike pike? I got a pike, how did oh, it looks so thin and shitty.

No, i didn't use it there. It is oh, it's longer than pure slimmer. What's the problem with it, why can't i 20 strength? Okay, we're leveling strength. Ah, i hear something: where do you come from? Could we farm this area and we can get two of them? Oh mama, oh mama.

Why am i going this way? I feel like this is the wrong way bro. They have no idea. Imagine just standing around getting poked by a double poking swede. You think it's a normal day a job, but then you get poke double poke.

Can i one poke you at least thank you. Oh they're, gon na snipe, jesus, okay! Well, maybe i won't go there, then that looks like a boss or something and i'm not ready to fight that man. I'm feeling that dark souls and lostness, where i have no clue where i'm supposed to go the deeper i get the more lost i feel like. I am no road ahead, oh excellent.

What the is this, then i hate the rats. They get double poke. How did that mace? You tell me: how did that mace? My poker is not they're too short man. It's a nice place.

I need another here. I don't think i have it. I had one other one, excellent, hey! Stefan! Thank you right back appreciate it very nice lucky fortune. You know my response would not have been as nice.

If i didn't have that seal a seal, a spear give me a spear what the is this garbage prayer book? What am i gon na do with that? Cookbook splingblook give a learned cleric to acquire new. Oh, oh, oh! We have to go back to the knights table later. Remind me golden rune. This castle is huge uh.

Should i jump down, i feel like i could ambush all of these. If i jump down i'm gon na pop them poke them all to pieces, you are number one on the poke list. That's one two! This guy is not even noticing anything, so i didn't get their loot, maybe a spear, maybe a spear all right. So now we have 5 000 souls again would be great to not lose them again.

Uh we got a poke versus poke, poke, wins, poke versus poke poke, wins. Ah, stupid. Stop! Oh god! Oh mama stop shooting! Okay! He he doesn't leave you don't listen! Barista! Can i open this bro? Can you stop super rude? Don't kick um? Okay. Almost died.

Jesus christ, oh gosh, oh gosh, we're in a hair every health matters. At this point. Oh there's, so many jesus, i'm just gon na go. This looks nice and cozy no way a hairy, little smorgasbord.

What the? Where did you come from legit? Where did he come from here? I am with six thousand souls minding my own business. Don't know god anything god. This castle is too big man. He's too big man he's a big man.
I don't even know where. How do i possibly go back there? Schmucking thingy bucking, give me a side resting place thing. Fine, we'll speed run. It bear came out of nowhere - god, damn man, whatever he was hairy, god, damn okay run gang.

You ever heard of it. We we running. We run this all right. We're gon na we're gon na run we're just gon na run zigzag and i just realized.

I kind of forgot where i was supposed to go. Was it this way? I don't think it was this way. This does not feel right, don't die, don't die as long as i don't die, we're okay. I got plenty of help.

Plenty help this dog. If the dog kills me, i kill it: dogs, old dogs, okay, i get it. No one likes me here. I get it.

You know what memo noted. I hate dogs. I hate you, i hate smoo. Oh it's this way.

It's this way. I remember now i'm getting my 6 000 souls. Thank you very much glad you could ask the rats are not going to kill me. You can do a little jump thing.

I don't give a flop. Okay, we're fine! I'm getting my souls didn't counsel that thank you. Moises moses gets it we drop on the box, we hope - and we schmuck give me my runes. It's not souls idiot, don't poke, don't poke all right.

Where are they? No don't do this don't do this? If you knew how many souls i had on the line, you guys would not be doing this. Oh right, i ran this way and then i ran here and then the dog, oh god, the dog dude, i'm so close. I'm so close. Thank you this way, then.

No dog then no dog play through. I don't recognize dogs as real bugs aren't real hope, run. Hop run you joking. I am in a i'm in a nightmare.

I am not dying here. I'm not dying here. You do not shoot me, you know what it, oh god, i'm low i'm low as nah. How much i got ta run, don't look, i ran so long.

Can i get a drink? You know run through the whole game. Where am i supposed to go? At least the dog didn't kill me, you know actually something about killing dogs wrong with me, uh uh, where if there was a map, is there a map? I don't understand. Where did i die there in the courtyard? You know what maybe there's a short shortcut. There's a shortcut through there, but then again i already opened the shortcut.

It's got to be a shortcut and i run i'm running the most inconvenient route uh. I don't want to do that again, but i have to no spear gang we're shield gang sweden's shield and gang now and we just run and we're heavy as though uh no gloves gang, no gloves shield gang, we blocking block and run block and run boys block And run well that was a lot easier block gang shield gang. Let's go that frame rate drops is brutal, how's it going that bros. I really don't have to do this.

I hope you understand. That's how much i load you guys. Ow, stop he's! Put he's pushing me it's so rude they're, so rude shield, gang okay and, let's not forget about miss crossbow over here. Why aren't they shooting me? I will never ask that again holy.
I ran all the way i did it. I did it poke gang. No, i'm not dying here again, i'm not doing it. We're not doing it.

Stop stop they're hitting me a lot. I don't like it. I'm not used to using a shield. Stop! Oh my god, i'm! Oh i'm out, i'm out of juice! We're back here! I ran all the way.

Are you serious? Oh, i ran in circles. Well i got my souls back. Oh my god, this i'm going home, i'm going home, i'm gon na go home, chilling i'm going home, i'm not i'm done guys. I'm done no shield and sweetie.

No, no more gang uh. All the gangs are over. I, i honestly i'm going i'm going back home. I don't have to even go.

I can tell where i'm going, i'm going, i'm considering me gone man, i'm just gone. Man click on it, click on it. Yes, i made it as difficult as humanly possible. I think i have something for you uh you can.

I can give you that it's incantations very well okay. So what did you give me black flame blade, enchant's right hand with black flame, so evil throws a ball of raging black fire? Oh that's like evil fire, okay, i'll, consider it uh. And what about you then, honestly uh? What did you guys reckon just literally give me my? I can't upgrade these, but i can't upgrade the spear. Then again, i need that's a twin blade, 20 strength.

I am not even here um i'm gon na buy it. I'm gon na bite i'm buying the black flame blade and chad's right hand armament with black flame. What does it do? I really don't want to waste 6000 souls, but it sounds so cool uh. What do you guys think press x it'll tell me? Oh, what no um! No! I don't think i don't think that's very good.

I i we can buy it later. Black flame is temporary, but gloria's level is forever because i have can i see my spell somewhere in here. Am i covering the stats first because we already have a spell that i haven't even used yet, but it costs more than i can afford. Uh.

Remember i spell 13 arc. I think i am a 12.. I don't know if i can actually afford leveling. No, i need 9 000.

We can farm that. Okay, we had a lot more than i thought, we're good. Okay, and now we level up arcane, and now we got a new spell on our hands, which does dragon claw. What okay? We spanky we poke and we spank apparently uh golden seats.

I feel like i have a ton of them. I mean. Is it okay? Let's spank some, let's go to the normal right. Now, i'm i'm done with the off-road man.

Oh there's birds. Oh you! I hate birds. I i'm gon na spank this bird, this bird gon na get okay. That's what happened you blingy, if there's any birds watching this just know.

What's gon na happen, if you with this, that is, i burn again. I don't have mana what is happening. He killed himself dumb, ass bird, oh there's, another bird, how many birds there's too many birds in this game? I said it. I said what no one dared to say: suicidal birds, no more birds, please i don't like them sus.
You knew you knew that was gon na happen. Did it with my face cover screen cover all right. We take the bird red. Do you reckon you can jump through those yeah? I do actually.

What's all this, then someone dying, you can also just go here. Oh so that brings us down here: uh huh. Okay, there was some twosome um, we're in the church. Oh ah, the pleasure's mine, i'm looking for a little something when i'm not hot footing.

But enough about me this place is not exactly what is he looking for? I see here to challenge you can see it there. Well, i'm tarnished, but, unlike you still, i won't forget how it felt when i'm privy to a few, would you care to learn as a fellow tiny uh? What is this ash of war great sword, or i can use it on sword and pull arms capable of thrusting? What does it do exactly spinning weapon weapon, a skit? It's a skill. These are all skills, a thousand five hundred. Should i a little more than oh.

I have to be better by uh. I have to be by the bonfire whatever it's called. No one cares. Okay, double poke feels good to do that.

I'm not gon na lie. Can i go up here? What did i say if only i had legs, what a waste, what a waste i wanted to do, this don't count it don't count, it don't count uh. It doesn't count, because i actually did that on purpose so that we can go back to the bonfire like. I was talking about and we can see what we ashes of war double poke standard standard.

So how does it work? If i have two of them? Let's try it that's a double poke. I shoot a pebble, that's my ability, wow, i'm so glad i got this new ability. Oh, it's so good guys guys be careful to not abuse the new that ability, because it's so good wow, don't don't abuse the power of the pebble man, i'm so right about that, i'm actually thrilled. What, in the actual, is that garbage? I missed a helmet.

I do this feels like the kind of area that the first time you go through it takes forever, but the second time you're just like okay here here here - okay, i'm done now so i've learned not to run around these fools. We're gon na give dogs a try here, so very focused. Go dogs poke them all the hell. I wreck one of the spans who's that good job bugs guys.

There's more. Do they follow me or yeah? Is it worth killing this guy? He seems tough man, god all of that. All of that, but nothing nothing. Ah, all right, i saw there was two openings there, i'll just run through i'm not gon na.

Do that fight again um we run them. Should i sack my svens or no saxophone's a run? I don't want to lose my sexpins. Oh my god, there's a bonfire there. Oh mama, it was worth it.

Finally, can i not rest, i did so. A little damage mean what's with this lag man? Okay, so no one saw that either i mean i uh decided to quit the boss and tactical retreat as we call it. Oh little guys, big guy he's cool with it. He actually doesn't give a cracked pot correct pot.
Oh sorry, i feel a little shitty doing that the cool it does look like they cool again. Man use the pebble you're right. I got it. We have a boss down here.

I want to try him now that we're a little stronger, so um. This stream is going in and out like hey what goes in and out felix. I don't know um eggy, camera uh doesn't show up. I can see it, but no, it's not over my bad.

Sorry all this effort, because my dog doesn't want to come to my lap such a dick there. He is hmm what's happening on the in the game over here. I cannot beat this boss. Pj said he did this boss with the whip.

Oh wait: i can summon that will make this a lot easier. Never mind go dogs, they stagger him holy. The dogs are amazing. Oh my god.

The dogs are godson. Oh my god. The dogs are so good, i'm going for it, i'm going for it. Oh, my god that was easy.

Baby buys whoa. What is that uh great sword? What is all this? I have 40 strength. Yeah. I have that.

That's sick! You can jump r1 attacks to stagger easier. Okay, i don't know you could do that thanks for the tip. So 20 strength. We need to get 20 strength.

Jody. Thank you, um. Does anyone know where the map drops in this area? It kind of bothers me that i don't have it. It's i'd be kind of odd to remember that, specifically, even if you do have it, i feel like there was someone that wanted me to go in this castle and i'm supposed to go back to them, but i don't remember where they are, but i think we're Done did you here this area out a little bit maybe or should i stay in the hell castle? Smassel looks like you can go here, that's cool! Let's check this out.

I might be too low level, but you never know yeah. I think the game is out now yeah. Likewise, thanks guys good to hang out uh-huh there's a hole in there. Should we check out hull, you usually entering a hole, means you can't exit hole, so i think now there's an icon on the map screen.

That shows where the map piece is excuse me oh hold up getting attacked by blobs. I never noticed them. There's an icon on the map screen, it says, and how does that icon? Look like my dude help? Is it where these are pointing, because i don't know what that means either. I have not figured that out for some reason: a woolly we're waiting, hello, bully an icon show underground.

I don't know you can do that. This changes everything sides of grace. Oh, you have the the tower looking thing you mean this: no, this yeah. That is the only thing that shows on the map.

Actually, that could be it that isn't like the little phallic item. I don't know what a failing item is. To be honest, i'm gon na go with my whim here and then you guys correct me if i'm wrong, there's a boss here. If you come to this area at night, there's like a black knight, it's kind of cool.
I did without you guys, i'm sorry he said lower. How could it possibly be lower? Oh so it was so ah lovely. Oh, that is so much more pleasant to look at. Okay thanks.

Thanks guys that pp works there's a couple areas. We can go now that i think about it. There is a boss here and if you guys remember, last stream, we went down somewhere to like this weird area, which i don't remember where that was. I wish you can make notes and stream quality dropped again.

Where was it was in the tower or something like that? Sorry, but i have no idea why crabs i get. The ball come on. Crabs come on crimes, be cool, wait. What the? How did the crabs die? Did the crimes kill each other? I think the crimes killed each other yeah crabs.

I'm out of here lag internet 200 pounds a month internet guys. I got a crab running online. Is me mr crab killer? I can't drink get. Oh that's! So much xp! I got this blob on me, though.

I think i got ta, do it again, nah there's still frame rate issues, uh they're, quite bad 2k. Just doing this i'll take it. I got it again. I got it again.

Oh my god did it. I think i might be back what the good old race restart did the trick. I think what the actual was that i feel like boris himself, just heard me and pulled out the cable when i said uk has internet because that just made it 10 times worse. I don't think i didn't think we'd be back, we're we're back uh, i killed a crow and i killed a bunch of dogs.

Sorry with really big heads. I got a great sword that dropped. I never go sword in dark souls because swords are like normy weapon. I want that 20 strength.

Man uh this area is like only possible if i use the dogs can't summon them again. Thanks for waiting guys holy, i legit didn't think i'd come back. I was like yeah, i guess i'll do something else. Today, these dogs - oh there's another thanks for waiting, bro yeah, the big ass crow.

It gave a lot of xp, almost 2k doggy dog get the metaphor. Um see i can summon suns here and i think i shall, if the if the little icon appears on the left, where the wolf says, then you can. That means you can summon, oh god, this is what are these? I just poke you and then it's done. Bro same honestly, i poke you and it's done our pokemon is done so now we're in the western area, at least it feels like it.

It really does isn't it where my boys and yeah? Oh it's a weird area. Oh god, are they gon na? Are they gon na bing-bong spins? No they're bing-bong, not worth it? Oh, i lost to a lot of sun sad, sad fun noises. Ah god they're, not very smart. This fans spend retreat retreat.

My friends, oh the frame rates, svens come ah, the svens he's still he's still doing it rocking out i'll help him good. Sorry, to be honest, i thought he would die by now. Oh god, sorry sven! Sorry, you make one turn in this game. What the actual was that, oh there, it is again whoa.
Let's calm down boys, kamikaze boys, they're fine, oh, i guess whoa so much exp on those, oh there's a guy operating them that doesn't count cause. I uh i got freaked out and because of the lag earlier, it also doesn't get this areas. Yes, it's suicide town, uh. I i want those 7000 souls back.

Thank you very much and i will oh they placed them nicely for me. Can we sneak up on this nope jesus? Okay, don't approach head on got it, i wasn't trying dude. We need to summon fence. Okay, just look away one more time, uh for no reason, not because i died we're like a mountain goat in this whoa bro.

Oh god, sven summon, no don't go for them. Go for the big boy! Yeah go for him! Jesus, oh perfect, kill him. Now now poke him. It's almost dead.

It's almost dead. It's almost there. It's almost there just once just once, just once just once breathe at him what is happening it yeah. You drifted into me.

Oh my god, because i didn't buff. I paid the price at least it's easy to get myself back, or so he thought me. It's so terrifying that thing one one, seven already dead: two sven ben, oh gosh, i'm hitting the wrong button me all right. I guess there's a reason they give you so much xp, it's nuts sven strat is not it's not doing it.

I got ta be honest with you: how did i kill the other one? They don't respawn, so i think it's worth killing them and they just need a better strike. I think i got it. We do sven spawn, we do the drink, the clunk uh. We do.

The dragon claw - and we s smash it - that was a pebble shot. I used the pebble shot there. It is that did a lot of damage right. This is going really good uh.

This is just ash. It's actually identical to the plan that i had. This is how we do this now. Oh, i guess not you'd think you can snap the guy in the back, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Okay, we're using we're using horse threat, sir there's by the way, because uh obviously, but i'm just saying, wait, wait! Wait wait busta. Now we can't okay, now see that me. Okay, that's it! I'm done this! That's i stupid! No more sven's will be sacrificed. I promise that, oh god is he like sitting on top of, but maybe what, if you no, but maybe this is clearly how you're supposed to do it there.

It is i'm so dumb. Let's go it! Finally, clicked i got, we got there eventually, okay, we can level up now wish. I will. I think i need 10 000.

there. It is strength. How much strength do we need 20 yeah? It was 20. we're a little better.

Oh god, we're not gon na get it wait, they do response, i can farm them. I don't feel like it. Okay, let's get out of here. It's a lot of xp, though what am i, what am i riding on? I don't know if i want to know.

Ah travis appreciate you man thanks for watching. Oh what did i just die for oh dead yeah. I try that a little bit uh i just played hades though so i wasn't that into it. So bird, let me live man.
What did you see how much damage the bird took from jumping down down last burn kind of worth killing it now? To be honest, i can't someone's friends here never mind. I said never mind, uh wait! What's going on with the stream, i said never mind. My audio peeking, wait what's going on with the stream seems. Okay seems alright with me: no you're, all ben.

How dare you um? Okay, how weird all the tech problems huh? Why did i buy that pebble thing? I can't believe i bought uh wait. Wait, wait! Wait! Here's where i want to go this looks manageable, get the steak guy first, oh, that guy did a lot more than i thought, god damn it. What it do. I feel like i'm not supposed to be here.

To be honest, i think i'm a bit low for this area, but there was a chest there. I have to check it out whoa that guy is not playing around. Oh, i was hoping i could get. One of them might be a bit tough.

I think i'm getting myself and getting that still started, of course, yeah of course. Of course, how's eggie doing i actually can't see him he's cropped out. Is he sleeping yeah? He saw me, he saw me raining in the desert. No, i can't summon dogs here.

I don't have the blue tick thing, i'm supposed to be strong enough, but i'm not okay watch this. Here's the plan we're gon na stab this guy twice just get the chest, get that's a egg all for an egg, i'm out that it was all for an egg, a egg. You ain't doing it man, i don't care what kind of egg it is snow egg is worth dying for man here i can summon, because i have the rune thing dog kill. Excuse me meets back on the menu boys.

What are they doing? They're just going straight into it, huh no one can hurt my dogs, but me oh whoa, whoa whoa they got spells and what the is that was doing. The spell i just jumped into that. Are you kidding me great timing? If it's cheese, it'd be different story, only skyrim gang will get it uh. Is he already he's the one? Is he no no way? Well, i got ta.

Stop him then this. I cannot stand for bro you're, shooting yourself. Oh he's super strong, never mind. I apologize.

I feel silly, i think we're whoa. Shame is there that does anyone care, i don't think we can siege that castle quite yet, but maybe we can, i think, i'm stuck in a loop of oh. This area gives a lot of xp dies. Oh now i got to go back, but this area gets a lot of ex, but all right, it's clearly it ain't working mate, keep it up.

Adios! Oh it's one of these! Oh there's another game's too hard for you in a minute yeah. I feel like you just have to be really patient a lot. A lot of it comes down to that, oh god, this one's so much longer. Is it teasing me? No, it's coming ah see what i mean with my patience.
We wait and we wait it's coming. Oh my gosh. It's way faster than the other one me all right. You can throw a pepper line.

I don't know if i can do that. Here comes okay. Well, it hits the groove. Now, let's go flame of red mains.

Can i use that it's got ta be better than i can use that? What does it do? We're just gon na have to try it kind of cool kind of cool. I suppose man she's pretty lit man. Okay, guys! I get you don't like me, i'm actually just gon na oh she's, just gon na go here. Bulls fools thought i was going on the side.

You fell for the old, what's happening, why? Why is nothing working? Do i do uh fire damage now huh? What the so now, i can't buff my blade, though, because it has the fire thing on it. That's a shame, but that might be good later if we go against like a we're going hard out here. Oh, i can't do anything about that. It.

I need to stop to get out of this area. I don't know why i'm here! No, no, i'm out! I'm out trust me. Let's check this out again. Sometimes they need a change of scenery.

What if i put ashes on the other one, and then i can buff my main one? Maybe we put that flame on you. Does it even do more than what i do? Does he do more damage? I don't understand how that works.

12 thoughts on “Elden ring live bby! #3 death count : 0”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcelino 1 says:

    My Xbox Controller isnt working with Elden Ring on PC and I am really sad and dont know what to do

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Roland Travel says:

    Hello dear friend, thanks for the great video! Everything is well marked! Have a nice week!
    let stay connected 😍😍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars axel ericastilla says:

    As a fan of 12 years it sucks to see his content behind a pay wall, I’m just to poor to enjoy him I guess

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 𝗗𝗿.𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 says:

    I',m losing my "confidence'' me itni mehnat krti "Health care Tips" pr lekin koi chote you tuber ko support ni krta sb stars ko krte bs😭🙏😭😢

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lime Chronicles says:

    Why does it say in his channel information that hes United States

    He resides in UK and is Swedish

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shady says:

    why does dark souls 3 looks at least 5 times better than this game

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blexzy says:

    To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer 💙

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trần Cương says:

    First time comment to Pewd Ended Live Video here ! Greeting From Vietnam !!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajay Singh Grewal says:

    someone rate this game comparative to sekiro pls?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DioChama says:

    pewdiepie could you please send money so i can play elden ring? <3 I'm really looking forward to play it but I'm saving up for collage

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Blacsibil says:

    His stream lag is worste than his mincrafts…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Coomer says:

    at a buffet, i personally sneak corndogs into the buffet so others can enjoy them. I hide 6 corndogs in my jacket pockets. it then, is a joy for me to see other patrons of the establishment eat my corndogs thinking they were part of the buffe

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