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Today, we're going to do something that i'm very excited about, which is show up my minecraft world. If i may, can i please i just thought it could be cool to do like a summary of what we got so far. This is the main mansion, the main biz, the my beauty uh. I wanted to have like an eastern style to it kind of like uh.

I was watching avatar when i designed it. I thought, like the fire nation kind of looked cool, there's supposed to be a planet there, but it's not loaded in and we're going to have a lot of that issue because i don't know after after the latest update it's everything is laggy and i have so Much stuff going on these are my as people i cherish and love them. We will go through them later uh, but why don't we start with the main gist of this whole giant, ass building, which is here the main hub next to dark sven 2.0 in banquez uh. So you come home from an adventure.

You come home from the nether portal, which is supposed to be over there. Your box is full. You want to just dump it all somewhere, you don't want to go to each of the boxes, to put them in yeah. That's boring.

I present to you, therefore, as some of you know, my famous automatic sorting system, also known as ass. You can see it's already working, actually that's cool, so you can dump in any of these chests all the stuff that you don't want to sort out. I'm putting in different boxes just because it's faster that way because it shoots out faster; otherwise it takes just one at a time. It doesn't really matter uh.

You could also, if you wanted to dump all the stuff you have in your red, shulker box. That's why these are here. So you know if you had stuff in here, like i don't know a couple arrows just to show uh, you could that's another method to do it and holy cow. The it's making me lag so you'll see them get shot out here.

Underneath uh, why don't i just show you the insides, so here's a tick for each of the different boxes that then shoots out here. They all meet in the middle, so it goes through here, which is the first sorting process which is later for when they're supposed to be melted or not i'll, show that later it's really cool actually back to surface and if it isn't painfully obvious. I am super proud of this build uh, but anyway, so items get shot through here and they go through this main sort of pump here, which is connected to the west side of the building and the east side of the building. Two other two pumps, uh.

There's a lot of pipe systems just intertwining and connecting, but this is the main one that shoots out. Uh you'll see the items pass through here until they find their respective box, which is this one for this item and, as you can see, it's filling itself up. It's pretty standard, this is done into a massive scale. All of these are getting sorted items you see them pass through at the top, and then they also go through here here here and then the last one is this block.

So all of these type of things will automatically sort. I do have some empty ones. Then, if an item isn't get recognized, it ends up here. It's usually all the eggs.
I don't need these eggs, so i hit the flick and then it gets burned in the lava. It is kind of annoying to listen to so i'll, just i'll just keep collecting eggs for now. So why don't we go to the west side and start talking about all the items there? So here's what i talked about earlier, one of the main pumps, it's so fun, seeing items pass through because that means it is working even with a low render distance. I should increase it.

This pump goes all the way to the bottom, underneath the building and i'll show you later, which is then connected to the main hub that i talked about earlier. It has my pumpkin farm right here, which is amazing, as you can see they get collected underneath and then there's my melon farm works, the exact same way. I have a semi-automatic netherwart farm which gets collected underneath here. Once you farm, you see they're disappearing.

You can make them kind of autumn, fully automatic, but yeah. I don't know since i needed so much nether brick. I i did need to make one of these uh anyway. Here is my creeper farm, which i love.

It looks so cool, usually automatic farms. Look kind of ugly, i'm not gon na lie. It's not. You know my design, i just kind of changed how it looks like a little bit, so it looks like a japanese uh pagoda.

Basically only creepers can spawn in these heights. Then there's a water uh redstone that ticks every other block so that the creepers will get pushed down into the middle i'll. Show you it's the standard form. I don't need to explain how all of them work, but they fall down here.

They get sucked in there. They die there, the items gets collected and it goes through a pipe underneath the surface into the pump. It's pretty cool, let's go to the east side. Here we have our pump number.

I fell down the whole thing. Damn it you're good hold up. Let me go up again: oh my god, they're killing me mind crying, please make hoppers less laggy. It didn't used to be like this.

I swear. I have a good computer. I swear damn bunky, you look good in this light. Man, here are my carrot: farm beet farm potato farm - they work.

Amazingly, they used to break all the time in the past because i would give them some freedom kind of like free-range chickens. They were allowed to go outside, but um now they're not allowed to go outside and it works beautifully. They are great people that work hard for me, and i appreciate them, of course, they're just amazing. You me i make so much money thanks to these guys.

Basically, once their inventory is full because they collect what uh they farm, they trade it with the guys in the middle and the guys in the middle, just drop them underneath him and that gets collected in the system and then gets pumped into the system again uh. It's all fully automatic. The only process that i have to do is making uh making the trade. I redirected the all the farming stuff here.
Just so i can access them quicker. It's a sub ash. I guess you can call it so uh all the carrots and all the stuff yeah it gets here and even the melon. I i put a long pipe.

That goes all the way over here, so i don't have to walk all the way to the thing, and i can just trade them really quickly and i can see what they are trading you trade me beat give me my beat money and then, if i have Stuff left over, i can just dump it here and it gets shot back into the ass system, sub ash system. Sorry, i have more villagers down here, but i realize i don't need them anymore, like they're kind of useless hold up this thing at night by the way. Looks so good i'll show you later more but yeah. I have more that i can trade with.

I just a lot of them died and then they're just too annoying to keep track on. I don't really need the money anymore. The lightning would keep striking them uh, but now they added the lightning rod. Thank you, minecraft.

Thank you, mojang. I really appreciate the lightning round, but yeah, you know we're doing we're doing good out here and we're making money. I'm i'm proud of my minecraft wealth. More than anything, this is like my house tour cringe, youtubers, there's actual house tours real youtubers minecraft host tour.

We haven't explained everything that goes on underneath the surface, so let's go downstairs actually there's so many amazing new minecraft youtube channels. I've basically just taken their ideas and and copied it. So i can't take credit but yeah. Basically, all the food gets collected here and it goes in there and it's so satisfying, seeing them get shot around uh.

It doesn't seem like they're doing any. Oh it's night, so they're not trading anyway. We do also have if we head over here. It's important that this house uh the inside, was lit up well, one creeper can cause a horrible situation.

Here is the underneath of my nether farm. I think here is the underneath of my melon and pumpkin farms, my sheepskin farm. So i get all the different colors. It's a great farm automatic farm, it's fully automatic and any anything fully automatic i've decided to build so once they cut their skin.

It gets shot out from here, which then goes into you guessed it one of the main pumps it's over there right there uh there's a lot of connection here to this main pump, and i had to make some weird solutions, because i was really running low on Space uh there's also the paper farm, same same gist of that it goes here back into you guessed it. The main pump damming pump, which is really useful. I love automatic farms. I don't know what it is something just watching stuff work on its own.

It's so satisfying, i love it. I don't know if you can tell next up, we have one of my pride and joys, my giga ass melter. This thing is a guy. Damn beast.
I love this thing. So the way it works is these uh two mine carts collects from this chest. What needs to be melted, which then gets distributed underneath into the furnaces here? The furnaces then get fuel from all of these farms of bamboo. That just have detectors that crushes them and then gets collected underneath i built way too many of these.

That was not necessary at all to build that many, because they're all full they're all full. The thing was like when i tested it, i needed more and more and more but clearly like they start accumulating if you're not melting anything. So, oh this one's empty, that's probably got stuck somewhere great or maybe i actually just gave up it doesn't matter because it gets distributed throughout anyway, but yeah. These minecarts collects the the fuel and it all automatically puts in coal as well.

If it runs out so right now, it's melting some raw iron, which once it's done, it spits out, as you can see here, and it goes back into the pump which then shoves it back into the system and then into my my chest. The way the back end works is over here. These are uh. This is a sub sorting ass where they go over here and if they fit any of these uh throughout here, then they will be caught up by the system and they'll shoot them out down into here and they'll, say: okay, we're ready to be melted.

These hoppers will pick them up see how fast that was 60 blocks uh. It will then distribute them to the smelters, which is melting, the look, how fast it's doing all this. I love it. It's already spitting out, it's so satisfying to watch it.

I need to cover up with some more glass, though, let's go up and check them and they should be adding up here. Yeah they are. I am so rich. You are all poor.

I am so rich, it's so satisfying. I love it. A millionaire laughs at his money - yes, yes, bring me wealth. I could sit here all day, just looking at that.

Yes, yes, do go! Oh yes, yes make me richer, so it is quite fast. It's a well-oiled system! Isn't that right, bonky um! You know we also have other stuff, but i'm not sure if it's that interesting. This is one of the first things i built. You guys saw it on the live streams.

I think i'll make it probably into like a bee farm or a honey farm uh, because i know i can make that fully automatic as well. Oh speaking of the iron, by the way, i don't know if i showed this is my iron melter. So if you look underneath there are villagers who are scared of the zombie which spawns a golem iron golem, this thing works chef kiss so well. I don't know how this is not an original design to me, but i mean i did kind of make it.

You know it just works so well. I it's like me stealing the ideas of other people and then making into something even more amazing because it works so good. It never get. He used to get stuck all the time he never gets stuck anymore thanks to new and improved systems, so good uh, so he burns up uh, which then sends over all the iron which gets through this pipe underneath the water.
So cool right then goes to that pump. That pump goes there and then all the way through the air system and um yeah. This is the nerdiest video ever isn't it? Oh i'm sorry. Are you dying again? Oh that's too bad god.

It's so satisfying! Hey! I'm not saying this is the most ethical, morally ethical build in the world. Okay, yes, we are profiting from the suffering of other people. This is not clean energy that provides, but look we're getting rich from it. It's all worth it.

I share my will uh. Let's go upstairs, this is my living quarters. We got donkey, not bonky uh, my alchemy place. This is where i sleep definitely have neglected.

This area like it needs. If i were to do more stuff, it'd probably be here, but you know it's got some stuff on it. I think we've got more glass melting, oh it's, the melted glass being shot back. Oh that's fun! That's fun! Yes, it is.

Let's jump down. I know. Mojang is not gon na do it, but i would love if they made a new sort of redstone machine. Something like this.

If, for example, i have a sugarcane farm, i would love to have some sort of redstone minecraft contraption, the redstone that makes automatically this. Like turns any item in the box into the thing, they're never gon na do that it makes no sense for them to do that, because then you could make it so that, oh okay, add the gunpowder, add the paper and then it automatically makes the rocket for You i just think that would be really cool, but you know i'm probably in the 0.00 percent of people who gives a oh looks like i got some more stuff i'll, just dump it in here. It'll take care of itself. Isn't that right, dark sven? I want to lastly show you guys how it looks like at night, because i i'm so proud of it, but meanwhile, when it gets dark, we can head over here.

There's my uh creeper disc farm. It doesn't matter over. Here is my uh. What is it? What is it called? Oh raid farm and over here is my pillager building.

I was lucky, it was so close to me uh. It actually looks kind of cool at night, not gon na lie. It's really fun too, just seeing them since i built it in glass. Just seeing them get sucked up through the machinery uh, so all the pillagers spawn because there used to be a pillager tower down there uh they go to attack the iron, whatever they call.

But lo and behold they get sucked we'll see them get sucked up any minute. Now there you are come, get sucked my dudes. Yes, yes and you can just kill them. One shot.

One kill i mean the best. Xp is just trading. To be honest, and i have a cow up here in case - i don't want to get the buff. This is very, very satisfying.
Then, once you have the raid buff you just fly down here, get the buff from downstairs, fly back home. Do the trading bada bing bada boom, you're, rich baby? Oh look! Now you see all the planets. I could build it a little higher now because of the new update, which i really appreciate. Thank you.

Mojang very cool uh. Here is another area. I tried experimenting with shooting items from the nether into uh, my ass, but uh. The chunk needs to be loaded and uh.

I know there's coding ways to cheat that but uh i'm not smart enough, and it feels like cheating a little bit here. Is my nether base, it's kind of bland there's not much to it. It's apparently not safe either. I don't know how these people spawn.

Oh because i don't have it carpeted is that way: um, but yeah these tunnels go either way and they're. Quite i i love the design i got on them, like they're, very satisfying to run in so this one goes right over there, which goes to my nether castle. This is cozy nether used to be so scary when you were starting off, but now bro. We control this city, i own this town uh, you can leave if you want to, and there are some other passageways and i don't need to go through all of them, but yeah pretty cool.

It's getting dark nice, that's just what i wanted so yeah. Thank you for watching my tour of my minecraft world, i'm very proud, and i love this thing. I me now finally get to show it and at its peak when it's dark, yes holy moly, i added lava around, which is something i wanted to do for a long time, but i just felt like it's too dangerous: let's fly up yeah baby yeah boom baby. Let's go, got ta, make sure not to fly into the llama.

Let's go on top of the planet, damn i'm so stoked, oh yeah, all right guys, thanks for letting me do this tour, i appreciate it. I love this stuff uh. I think i'm done. I just need to add some small details, but overall i'm i'm done man thanks for watching leave a like bro fist.

14 thoughts on “My minecraft house tour”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maooo says:

    I'm also a automatic system lover! Looking at u looking at those is so satisfying

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johan avril ✓ says:

    pls install iris its much better than optifine for performance and also update your shader I think its kinda out of date

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pepper says:

    i love how felix came from not spending a single minute on the idea of playing minecraft to spending countless of hours on the game

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hey hey ningen SUCKER ah ningen ningen FUCKER says:

    "I tried experimenting with shooting items from the nether into my ass"
    PewDiePie 2021.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dijy says:

    Petition for Felix to make a new series trying out the Create mod. I think he'd love it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lafas anagnuhd says:

    Euhhh try to turn off some autoamtic farm…. Cuz all those minecarts and items flowing in the water can cause ALOT of lag. Or turn off your shaders, that can help with lag too. Ps love your videos

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mindils says:

    i remember when you couldent make an crafting table and now your house is better than all mine build combined.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sh0nlyfans says:

    someone tell him to change from optifine to sodium + iris shaders for SMOOTH FPS!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H. Nittel says:

    There are autocrafters in minecraft mods…..
    Please Pewdz – start playing modded – especially packs with draconic evolution in it !!!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alisan says:

    This reminds me of “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory” movie when Willie Wonka was showing them the factory

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dago Duck says:

    Felix face on the thumbnail really does look like someone, who‘s proud about what they have done.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GAFFY says:

    Wait until Pewds finds out there's modded minecraft that lets you build insane machines and sorting systems

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tony san mateo says:

    If I want to reduce lag I hear if u put composters on the hoppers it reduces lag so

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raviz says:

    I suggest you use Iris than Optifine to use shaders

    I guarantee you would get much better performance than Optifine, the downside is that it's not as customisable as Optifine but considering you aren't using any resource pack I guess you won't got any problem with it

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