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Oh we're back with minecraft baby, the new update is out you can. Finally, finally, you can go underneath 64.. The whole thing we wanted from the first update and goddammo is disappointed. I have not played in so long look at all this, oh god is it still working? Is my automatic sorting system still functioning? It sounds like it.

Oh god, it's laggy, though i got way too much red stuff going on. I don't know what i was thinking to be honest. How could i ignore dark sven, dark sven hello, dark sven roams? Here, it's good to see you, man yeah, you wan na, go with me, bonky! Oh the whole family, me! Let's go that two fps! I love it. Man hold up, i got ta, i got ta have a little lookie, it's been a while, since i looked at the world, oh yeah, i built those, i can build them higher now right.

That was my whole thing. Maybe that should be the first thing i test, because i wanted to look like planets: let's go up to it, so this is uh. Ah damn this looks so cool. Ah, okay, let's hey look! I spent so much time on this.

Let's not forget that it's in hardcore mode as well, so i can't actually you know what let's do that i don't want to actually die good to know that my uh, my workers, my employers, are working hard in the amazon factory, they're still doing their job. I like that, i, like that, a lot it lags so much less up here when there's not a bunch of stuff happening sven get out of here. You could die careful, oh my god, all right, so now we're in 256. We should be able to build higher.

We can you can build higher now. I don't know why this is cool. This is cool yeah. This is cool height limits is 319..

It's not that much uh, it's not that much different, but for someone that likes to have stuff in the sky i say that's really cool that you can build that much higher. I'm definitely gon na build stuff. With that, oh i can't wait. Oh that's! Gon na be so cool, oh i'm! So excited yes, oh look! I'm pretty my face is at night dude.

That's going to look sick. I mean it does really look sick, hell, yeah! Oh dude! I love my bass. Yes, burn iron farm chinese, our iron farm 2 fps. It did not used to lag like this right, dark sven you're, looking extra dark today i got ta, say man all right.

Let's put these back, i want to prepare for our uh underground adventure. I mean i think i have everything i need yeah, i'm always prepared. I played minecraft too much like i. I would say i played it all right.

Let's go oh yeah, it's down here. Isn't it let's be careful not to pull that was unnecessarily dangerous? Okay, here this is, like my mind: shaft, hey sven you're, coming with me, it's really not that fast! Now, i think about it. I guess it's because i don't have the the buff. Why don't i have the buff? Oh god, the frame rate is so much better here i love it.

This is what i'm talking about. Oh, we hit lava careful sven we're at nine pivotal moment. Oh this, is it we're boldly going where no one in this world has gone before sven? Do not jump in the lava, i'm serious, oh god, you're right there yeah! That's right! Stay there! Oh! So now it's cobblestone! It used to be. Oh wait! What's that, ah careful saying careful! What is that cobbled deep slate? So that's a new block then.
So instead it used to be uh whatever. Oh, my god, this is huge man. I can't wait. Okay, we're going under.

Oh this is oh i'm so excited. This is all i wanted. No stinking axle models. They suck i'm joking, so we've got a brand new block.

I have no idea what it does. Maybe you can melt it. I i look forward just check it out. Oh that's, another type of block tooth.

That means tough in swedish. That has to be intentional. So we're minus one. Now that's so cool we get gold and sh.

Oh sick, whoa, oh here it begins. That's so cool! It's man, i'm gon na dark sven. I know you're super epic, but i'm gon na leave you here because this is too dangerous. Oh man, i'm so hyped.

This is high when i first play minecraft, i i'm an a minecraft veteran. Thank you. I was so hyped to see how far down you could go, and i was so disappointed that you couldn't dig that deep, so now that they updated it at last. Should i check out that chasm, should i just jump down here? Is that that's like feels like a bad idea? Is there anything down here? Oh, oh zombies.

Okay, i don't know why i was you know what i am missing about. What if we put a water ladder here, hello, we're going i'm going down dark sven if i don't make it out alive, just know. I love you man, oh careful! Is that a creeper? Did i hear a creeper? I ain't dying. This is not my first rodeo yeah, oh there, you are, i ain't, taking no chances, i'm too powerful to die from some stinking, oh god, you're.

So annoying this looks so cool. This is this: is iron right yeah? They updated that fine new recipe, deep slate gold ore. Okay, what are they doing? What are you guys talking about in there get out of here? So i know: there's uh, there's a new enemy to watch out for it's supposed to be really dangerous and i definitely don't want to run into him unprepared. Oh i get the buff here cool.

Maybe i should stick around here then uh. I forgot to bring look at so organized so which floor are we on -17? I think it goes down to 64. red. What is that? It looks good.

I like those blocks, all right, i'm heading back. I do like that. I have the buff here. I think i have lighter falling.

What is that? Oh almost died, it's whatever minus 20, so we can still go down a lot dude. Oh, maybe i'll go back up i'll go back up. We explored this game. Sven dark sven, i'm back struggling to get back on board neither hand dark sven.

I put the water too low, god, damn it. Okay, dark sven journey continue into hell. Oh hella, comfy dude! Oh yes, oh so comfy, i'm going to spend hours! I purposely have not looked into what the update is too much because i wanted to just explore. I think that's the fun no need to tell me: oh come damn it, i'm a minecraft expert, okay, sven! Oh, it's! Okay! Omar! Come! Oh careful here! Sven left trap! Oh then, i just walk in circles.
Great good job me all right. We go deeper, eight diamonds. I only got one. Do i not have fortune what the heck this cheap, ass place? Dude doesn't matter how many hours you have in minecraft.

You still get hyped for diamonds, that's just how it is. We are now minus 26. So not that deep! Still, i'm getting me, oh god, you're really right in my face. Dude dark sven is kind of cringe.

Not gon na lie prefer a real uh. Oh okay, did you guys see that i thought jesus said hello or something i think it's my shader doing the glitches? I got so mad at mojang for almost getting me killed because of my shaders glitching uh. 53 baby. Can you yeah? I need some space dark, sven, okay, you're a little bit: clingy - okay, oh my god, dude he's worse than edgar darksvin is the worst of the multiverse men.

Oh there it is the new bottom. We found it all right: minus 60. I guess 64. 60 yeah.

Okay cool: now we dig straight until we find chasm, oh god, dark sven. Did you hear that super evil sounds? I love it. This is gon na, be the new way to farm diamonds. Maybe, like are diamonds more rare here i don't know you know what i don't need, this famous last words iron gold.

I just realized what it sounds like. Where are the new bio minecraft i've been looking for 20 minutes. I want to explore and have fun. Where is it i wish sven could like help, at least like maybe sniff out some canyons and stuff.

Like that, you slaves, you will never be what he was, i'm full god. Damn it push me again. Sven push me again see what happens. Keep pushing me see what happens, keep pushing me see what happens.

That's what i thought jesus christ. Does that mean you can go deeper in the nether. I don't think about it. Stop it.

You smell when's, the last time you, oh sorry, oh, my god can i find anything hold on the warden mob has been delayed. Oh that's, cool, that's cool! Then. What's the point, there's no sense of danger isn't sven. I bet you delayed the update.

Didn't you yeah? What am i digging for now? There's nothing exciting, i'm just digging for nothing. Why do they keep doing this mojang? Why you did ab tuff? I do like the tooth. Oh, is that the warden? No, that's not into something okay, that is a creepy sound though i'm not gon na lie dark spin, i'm a little freaked out. Oh, could there be a warden in here sven? Oh sven? Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, everyone is sorry.

I don't have meat actually i'll use, my bow from now on. No, no, no, no uh! It's your fault! Where are you stupid? You made me kill you killed ducks fan, not me! Oh god, you saw it. It was on camera. Oh, i love dark son.
He was the best starks fan, he was the best fan of the multiverse. Ah i hate this update. He was like a father to me. He would tell me bedtime stories dark sven god darksvan.

Why would he run in front of my ball? He would always be in my face all the time. It's not my fault. I take no responsibility for the death and injury of i was just dead. No oh dark span darksvan.

I will kill the warden darkson in your honor. If i can find anything interesting in this darkness, all we got is come on the walls. Thanks, moe jane i'm going back home man, this sucks, it's not the same. If i have no one to talk to - oh, oh god, gosh it.

Ah, okay, we're fine and we're good all right we're going back up. I guess back to two frames per second i was i could have just built one of them, but i was like no i'm gon na be a four and i was like no i'm building. Eight actually are they getting enough yeah? I think i think they are. I think i think that was uh where's, my elevator here again bonky.

I got bad news. Man dark sven, didn't make it. I know he was like a father to you. I know dark spend rooms here, ah, the memories that we had together, man, how you doing dark sven, that's a sad man.

I don't know if they have a place to go, but i don't care, i don't care, you know what i'm going on a journey. I need to see that something else is out there if they had anything in this update cloud city, we've got two alpacas making love. That's awesome thanks, mojang thanks for killing my dog mojang. I hope you understand.

This is what you did. Darksven hated flowers, you, flowers, you're, so cool and dark. It's another dark spin dark's been reincarnated as sheep wow, dark sven returns. Come come i'll.

Take you home, dark friend, shy here, dark son. I got you meat just like i promised he loves it. Oh there's a city here, never realized, that's so nice dark fan looks fine. I forgot he's not an actual dog and doesn't follow me he's like a father to me.

I can't i mean he is a lose. Of course. He follows me. Come here ducks man look.

I found a town dark son. Isn't that lovely? What should i do with the town? Bernie, okay, you're, the boss, darksven, don't say i didn't warn you dark sven. It looks like looks like something's going on. Ah dark swan number two died.

This is just not. He told me to burn i hate stop. Why does everyone die? This is dark. Swin would have appreciated this.

I got that pig dying, i'll burn this town in this honor yeah go hide inside child. There's you're safe inside, oh, be serious. I was gon na. Do my outro well, this has been a show, thank you for watching like and subscribe, and you could win a billion, and i see you guys next time, brofist.

14 thoughts on “New minecraft update!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian T says:

    I love how Pewds started this as if it’s a lost save file he found from 5 years ago

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noodle Lad _ says:

    I was way more hyped for this update before 1.17 splitting it across 3 updates just ruined the whole thing honestly

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Korte says:

    Pewds- to get actual big caves spawning in your world, you need to spawn new chunks in your world that you have yet to go to

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hiluz says:

    I wish I didn't open the comment section. There to many damn spoilers

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grand daddy says:

    Could've said "DARK SVEN RESTS HERE" instead of the original "ROAMS HERE" 🙁

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars l05 rookie says:

    I'd suggest to go out and explore new chunks to find the new mountains and cave biomes.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sven Hagerup Gulliksen says:

    God damn it. I hate that dog, and I hate that reindeer from Frozen.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Premium Memium says:

    Damn, 100% of viewers like this video! Democracy 1000!!! Have 300,000,000 social credits!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y_E_S says:

    Too many dead friends caused Pewds to go insane and replace him with a sheep
    – Y_E_S

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thewildbunny boi says:

    Claim your "claim your here within an hour ticket" ticket here.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! JaKe dOG says:

    How tf have Edgar and Maya managed to survive into old age the way PDP goes through pets?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pucyn says:

    I think you would have to get away from the places you've already been in to have the huge caves on the old update world? Im not sure

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grand m'boi says:

    Pewd's doesn't know he can mod the game to have whatever he wants

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vanindra Hargyono says:

    About the update, I watched a video that the new terrain generation doesn't affect the areas we have explored. So if you want to find new biomes they added, you just need to explore further.

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