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The biggest sale of the year is officially here: black friday g fuel, bogo sale. It's time to stock up, you buy one, you get one great deal. We have the new pewdiepie shaker cup in black baby. Looking it's so exclusive.

I don't even have it yet god damn. They also have the black friday reskin edition, which looks hella nice, god, damn look at that y'all know i love g fuel. I drink it every single day. It gives me that nice, clean energy boost, not those annoying ones where you go.

Oh i'm hyper. Now it tastes amazing. It gives you a nice clean boost and it helps you support your favorite creators. That's right the! Why not mix and match your favorite flavors.

You can get the pewdiepie original one and the pewdiepie user, one both amazing flavors, i mean the original one is the greatest flavor of all time. There will never be anything that beats this, but the usual one is a nice clean change of paste that i also love beautiful. So if you buy this, you get this for free. It's also a great chance to try out different flavors, like blue eyes, hyped sauce.

Miami knight is really good. That's the fun of g field, there's so many different flavors and they all taste amazing, so yeah use the link in the description to take advantage of the sale. Definitely don't want to miss out on this one. Great cans.

Hey pick up. Some gifts, stock up link in the description. Thank you g fuel today we're checking out the most common misconceptions in the world, we're about to broaden our brain or to see how dumb we are. Did you know chinese fortune, cookies aren't? Actually chinese they're.

Japanese changes. Your whole outlook on life, doesn't they okay, okay, check this out? I found this wikipedia page and it has it. Has it all? It's i'm blowing my mind. I bet you didn't know this jesus was most likely not born on christmas december.

It's more likely. He was important other seasons spring or summer. Christmas is cancelled. Are you kidding me? How did they mess that up? Come on? Oh yeah? Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, i remember hearing this my entire life and i could never make sense out of it.

I'm so glad the great wall of china is not the only human-made object visible from space from the moon. Who came up with that? Why did people believe that have you seen how how slim it is? How would you possibly see it? It makes no sense like if it was this giant ball and yeah. We could probably see it right. City lights, however, are easily visible on the night side.

They i mean yeah, it all adds up, but that's still kind of cool you think about it. The sun is actually white rather than yellow. It is atmospheric scattering that causes the sun to look yellow, orange or red at sunrise and sunset huh. I thought the sun was black hold on.

Am i crazy? I thought that was like a physic physics concept, where it's a black body, the sun emits a black body spectrum. You know what i'm not going to spread any more misconceptions while trying to debug misconceptions. Thank you very much. Okay, it's white.
It's white, fine, whatever dogs do not sweat by salivating. Dogs actually have sweat clients they sweat mainly through their foot pants. Thank you another thing. I could never make sense out of okay.

I don't believe i just don't believe it. I don't know why. I can't explain. I don't believe it i believe they sweat.

Thank you. I've seen a sweaty boy when my dogs lay on the couch and they get real, warm and and fuzzy they ooze that wet smell like skunk smell, gunky, dunky funky smell, i'm like they sweat, they definitely sweat. Thank you wikipedia idiots who will say, dogs, don't sweat, they definitely sweat idiot. There's, no evidence that vikings wore horns on their helmets.

That would have been highly impractical in battle. No, what what's next they're going to say that vikings didn't they didn't drink out of the skull of the vanquish enemies? They didn't name. Iceland lies! Liberal lies. What is this? Oh, my bad? Okay, they gave its name, but they didn't do it to discourage others from settling it.

Okay, we're fine - and you know what i don't care. What this says. I'm gon na believe at least one viking put horns on their helmet and said that looks cool, so it counts in my head, even though i made it up - and i bet you at least one of these skull and was like. Ah that's good.

I bet you. I bet you, you can't prove me, you can't prove that it's not true. So, therefore, i will believe it is true idiot, i'm the i'm. The whole reason this stupid wikipedia page has to exist like it's baffling how much misconceptions there are look at this shooting two guns at the same time looks cool, but it's like impossible.

Apparently how hard can it be get out of here? I can do that this one kind of blew my mind, because i still see it in movies. You must wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person, my entire life, every goddamn movie says it. If you have a genuine concern, you should contact the police immediately like what the hell you serious yeah. It actually makes sense that, isn't there a thing where, like by every hour that that it takes when the child is missing, the less likely they are to find the kid right.

So if anything, you want to contact the police as quick as possible to increase your chances of finding the child chloroform immediately knocks out people for several hours. No, the truth is it takes five minutes what to feel the chemicals effect. It then lasts for a short time. Are you serious? Can you imagine someone trying to kidnap someone? Then they just pull up with this.

I'm like you doing, stop it! Well, it's good. It smells like sharpie thing. I like it. What the hell drowning victims usually call for help loudly while reaching their arms up.

I don't know actually it's hard to notice a drowning person yeah i actually almost drowned once i mean not not really, but as a naive person, i am, i remember in the we were swimming and i was i don't know a baby and you have. Those are those pads on your arms to swim. I didn't know how to swim, but i decided one day, i'm old enough to swim without the pads but jumped in without anyone looking without them and clearly i was drowning right away and it was re. I remember so vividly like trying to pull from my dad and i couldn't do it so yeah i almost died.
A door can be unlocked with a gun. A padlock shackle is thick and made of iron. A small bullet could wouldn't break it really. Well, that ruins video games as well you're joking get out of here, and you know what that kind of pisses me off now, because every time i get stuck by those, sometimes they show up and you're, like god, damn there's a locked door and i don't have A key, ah so annoying and the game just wants you to shoot it right, but you don't think about it because of this, because you couldn't do it that's right.

My brain was right all along. I am not dumb for not thinking of the puzzle. Thank you. Napoleon was short, he was actually 5'7, which was slightly taller than the average frenchman at that time.

Thank you. Another thing that i didn't know if it was true or not, but it just annoyed me the fact that people said it because people love to say napoleon was short right, one of the greatest war generals of our time. Few people in our history will ever compare and people are just like reducing him. Did you know he was kind of short he's like what the? What is that you think that places you anywhere above him like shut the up god.

Damn appreciate christopher columbus. First discovered america, no, it was norse missionary named late ericsson. Well, if i ever heard a swedish name, that's it. Sweden invented america.

You're welcome or are you i don't know? I knew vikings discovered uh america before which is really badass. If you think about it, it was a north explorer. Just don't tell me he was norwegian, please he was born in iceland. No, that makes no sense.

You're gon na tell me vikings, didn't have those cool ass things now too, stop it. You must wait. 30 minutes. After eating, there's no risk of muscle crimes, if you another thing that always annoys me, i'm like why.

Why can't? Why can't i go in the pool you just egg felix, you can't go in the pool but yeah, but why? Oh because, your muscle, how does that work? Oh, my god, this is pissing me excuse. Apparently i mean it's having multiple personalities, no to be confused with multiple personalities or schizophrenia, involves disorders, thoughts, psychosis and delusion. I like this because it's like hollywood, says we need to be inclusive and everyone that is, this should play this, and but also hollywood completely misrepresents someone's mental disorder into a plot device. Well done you only use 10 of your brain brain scans have shown that no matter what someone is doing, all brain areas are active to some degrees huh.
Well, god damn, i guess, there's no hope for us, dumb ones huh. I always thought that. Yes, turning on the interior light, while driving is illegal, it is not illegal, but it doesn't make it harder to see the road and can cause distracted driving, no it. No.

I don't even believe that get out of here it's funny, because martial still wants me to turn up the light. Parents just said it was illegal, because if you turn on the lights in the back right as a child, you do that when you want to play on the game boy that didn't have any internal lights built into it. So you physically couldn't play a game boy. Unless there was a light, mom, okay, but yeah, then we forget to turn it off.

So the other day, the next day when your parents drive the car they're, like oh super child, forgot to turn up the light. That's irritating. That is made enough that it was illegal god, damn it. Oh, my cats and dogs are colorblind.

I never believe this either they're, mostly sea shades of blue gray, yellow much like a human with red green. What's that dogs aren't colorblind, they see blue-green, yellow just like human every time. Every time we watch shark tank and i got them shark swings by or anything blue for that matter, edgar loses it no way. I know it.

Yes, this smells good now what's happening, edgar. What are you doing? You can see color red guy. That's amazing! Congratulations! I knew it stupid. Oh you're, here now you want to come here.

Okay, come here, oh you're, so sleepy i've been trying to tell you ferris. I can see cars, i can shoot them. Just fine all right, bro, let's check out more well now, they're saying the sun is green. Buddha is the god of buddhism.

Gatama possessed no godly powers and encouraged self-reliance, self-discipline and individual striving. I remember when i was younger. You thought he was like some sort of uh crazy. Being tennis fans are always random.

The penny will land tails up 80 percent of the time lincoln's head makes the head side heavier, making the coin more likely to fall with that side down. Eighty percent - that's an important fact to know, actually is that true, i can't even tell if i'm reading the myth or the d but eighty percent - i don't know. If i i don't know, i don't know no pets or tails. Well, i guess always pick tails.

Then the familiar story that isaac newton was inspired to research. The nature of gravity by an apple hitting his head is almost certainly apocryphal. All newton himself ever said that the idea came to him as he sat in a contemplative mood and was occasioned by the fall of an apple bro. If i lived isaac newton time, easy easy i'd, be like bro gravity, this invisible force all right.

Listen! How do you i was the kind of child child? I thought. Well, if i lift up one leg, why can't i lift up my other leg and like flying yeah but yeah? I will die there, you have it, don't you feel smarter now now, when other people bring all this stuff up, you can go hey. I watch pewdiepie. I can tell you all about subscribe for more epic information, see you tomorrow, profess.

13 thoughts on “People still believe this????????”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Face says:

    Vikings wore horned helmets on special occasions it wasn't for battle more for rituals

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Am Not Лама Anymore says:

    wtf no it's not 80%! there is a favour for tails but it's like 51%

    I knew it there was something fishy with those myth debunks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kuniklo Y says:

    The Great Wall thing is a Chinese nationalist propaganda taught in Chinese schools.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fallen Intellect says:

    Is a child I had a vivid lucid dream where I remember just swiming through the air, felt so realistic still think about it quite alot. Still don't know if I was sleeping or it maybe happened once 🤣 broke my brain for the rest of my life

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just google it says:

    Mine process of gravity was way better "if i could pick somebody up from the ground, and the person that i picked up was strong to pick me up too while in the air, then we could fly somehow".

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colton Thompson says:

    The guy from split doesn't have schizophrenia. He has multiple personality disorder.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralygos says:

    "I drink it every day, it gives me that nice clean energy boost". Weird hearing that considering you don't like being dependent on supplements. Everything I know about you is a lie Felix, why do you have to cause me this pain! Why does everyone I love lie to me?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hash says:

    Didn't Christians steal a pagan holiday on Dec. 25th and claim it as Jesus's birthday? Or something like that?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darc Hart94 says:

    If a child is missing more than 24 hours many investigators assume the child is dead

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emil_mc says:

    im just saying that gravity being an invicible force is just a theory and one that is more disproven now to other things than proved that its right but there still is gravity just not in the way of an "invicible forse" it is much more complicated than that but you could say that for an easier explenation

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K K je says:

    I’m buddhist buddha is not god he is religion founder just normal people and buddhist dont have gods but we have angel and demon if you do good you be angel if you do bad go to demon dimension if you follow buddha teachings you after death You no need to cycle through birth and death no need to go heaven or hell (true death)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mega says:

    if swedish vikings didn't put horns on their helmet, why not be the first?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Bradshaw says:

    Also, the chloroform rag can kill you, I know of somebody who accidentally killed his ex-wife or wife or something by chloroforming her to go through her phone and then leaving the rag on her face.

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