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Sinks, sink stinks, sinks, stinks, yeah. Welcome to my presentation, 2021, i hate syncs and by the end of this i hope you will hate syncs as well we're going to cover some sync facts: some history behind sinks and why sinks suck reason? Why number one? Why sync stinks you may ask what is the reason: zero improvement? Okay, there's been: no innovation in the sink industry example a here's! What cars look like 500 years ago? Here's what cars looks like today: okay and the same example, here's what syncs looked like 500 years ago: here's what they look today, there's been no change any other field. Humanity has improved except sync: sync design is bad and i'm going to explain why here we have the ls 9643. It's a chinese piece of.

I hate this sink, it's stainless steel, which is not stainless. Let's get real here. I've! Never in my life seen a stainless steel stain steel, it's always stained, it's the biggest scam in modern history. How are they getting away with this number? Two? It's a top fitted sink, it's garbage! You might have to throw it out when it hurt dang and it's got a sideboard like it's.

The 1980s and people are still washing their dishes by their hands. The only thing worse than the ls 9643 is, if it had a double fitted sink disgusting. I don't even want to look at it reason: 2, the cup and the sink. I'm gon na call out a lot of you here, the cup in the sink, the fatal cup in the sink.

For some reason, people seem to think that leaving a cup in the sink it just goes away. You can't see it anymore. I see things are misused, a fatal flaw. People don't even use sinks the way they are supposed to be used.

Okay, it's not your garbage disposal, it's not where the cups goes. It's not the dishwasher. Can we stop doing this? Please? Why do people do this? I will never understand, because things sings, that's why i hate them. Stupid stinks, move on.

I can't even look at this. I actually went to do some research on this and i found that people are actually getting divorced because people leave cups in the sink, something to think about. Let that sink in. I just came up with that on the fly all right, recent three since there's always since america has figured out the problem where they have those things in horror, movies that goes right and it takes care of all the crap.

I assume i like to believe there's some hope for humanity that they fixed it, but with europeans we just don't do anything. We just be like it's sink gunk. I like that. I like saying gunk, i don't want.

I don't want the waste disposal thing. No! No. I, like i, like all the sh and gun collecting in there and smelling weird, that's what i want. So this is what it looks like in a sink 99 of the time.

Let's get really yeah, it does thanks. So people invented these these. This is the standard. Every sink has that one they all look like that or the one that has holes in it and it comes up like a basket.

Those are the only two options. Are you kidding me? Those are terrible, it still looks like it doesn't solve the problem and those are impossible to wash because you wipe them and everything gets stuck in between. How do you wash that? I don't know it's pissed, i'm getting pissed off. What do people do when they? This is the problem with sings.
We put a lid on. It, amazing fix the problem right, it's still there. Why? Don't you put a lid on the whole goddamn sink then? What's the point, i don't get it and stop pretending. It's stainless steel, like that, it's not going to be stained.

It's arm! I hate it. I don't get it. I don't. Okay, reason, four, this one thing: can you believe this okay? This might be exclusive to britain and british people, for some reason, don't want to admit that this is the most up thing.

They're like yeah, it's over here, hey the job will sink yeah. So you get two options, i'm not even joking. This is common. This is everywhere you get the this blazing hot water option, the left one or you're freezing cold, which one will you choose huh.

You want to burn off your hands or even freeze your hands that you, let me know which one you would prefer. That's the only options there's no in between they exist like this is satan's reincarnated literally, i don't understand it. It blew my mind when i see it everywhere here, they're an infestation and before you get all tom scott rich me. My reason why is we've got victorian? Plumbing yeah and we could be it's not an excuse.

Okay, every other country has figured out, and you know why it's not an excuse as well, because they're still doing them they're still being made people like it. They're like. Oh, it's like a victorian style sink. I love victorian, blazing hot whoa.

Why you can't answer why? Because you're dumb, don't even answer it, because i don't want to hear it. Oh it's because uh crossing the streams make it a little illegal, okay good. What is this animation? God? Damn it reason number five! That's right: i can go all day literally. I had to cut it down the plumbing okay.

It makes no sense. It's ass design, it's ash. The same trap makes sense in principle because you're trapping water there, so a bunch of smells from the sewage will not come out. I approve it, but why is it so annoying to remove and clean the damn things they get clogged all the time because reason number three those little take out.

Thingaroonies, they don't work right. Food still gets in the sink, so it clogs up and you have to clean it eventually that's normal, but look at this. Where would i even know where to look to clean this? I need to take out two points of one part and then it's gon na leak everywhere. It makes no sense.

There's too many points of failure as well. It could leak anyway. Look at that. I would have to screw three things just to take out.

One thing: that's too many screws. I don't like that. Look at this garbage. What is that this is normal google search by the way, that's normal sink material right there, i'm not cherry picking.
British people will think i'm cherry i'm not. Why are pipes not see-through at least then? I know where the gunk is, and i know which one of these figures i have to remove right and why are they shaped like that and not just straight down and then to the side? So then i can just screw out here and then gun goes out right. That would make sense. Why is there not like a thing i can spin to release the gunk? I don't know i don't know how to sing i'm not a plumber.

I just think this is this is the best we can do. We went to the moon. Okay, just think about that reason. Seven, the splash, don't even get me started on the splash, my god have it.

You yeah it's like a dead meme. At this point, you ever put a spoon in the sink, and then it's i hate it. Why does it come from the top? Can we come from the side and not splash everywhere getting emotional? This is how it is. This is what sings to me everyone's been splashed.

Everyone can relate to this problem. No one likes getting splashed, i don't like getting spiked, you don't like it. We could solve this. If we work together and the biggest problem is sometimes you know, the pressure is so high on these goddamn things.

It splashes your crotch and as a guy it looks like you peed yourself and it's and then you go out and everyone's like. Oh look. He peed himself and he's like no, it's a splash from the sink, the the sink. Did it not me, i swear and then no so those are the seven reasons why i don't like syncs.

Thank you for watching this presentation subscribe for more content on why things are bad. Thank you. You.

17 thoughts on “7 reasons why sinks are bad”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skadragon says:

    This whole video was an excuse to call out Marzia on leaving a cup in the sink.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Cunningham says:

    Please make another presentation just on Kim Kardashians bathroom sink💀

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashleigh Rabideau says:

    Imagine hating something so monotonous with enough fiery passion to make a slideshow presentation and an 8-minute video about it lmfaooo

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gushiiko says:

    "people dont wash their dishes with their hands anymore"

    me: haha funny

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Potato Woman says:

    But the real question is why would you let big crumbs of food get in the sink in the first place, just brush the leftover food into the bin before you wash the dish

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1/2 Irish day shift says:

    I love plumbing equipment because you could beat the shit out of it and it won't talk back to you

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Gaming Hampter says:

    The fact that he’s getting emotional over this shows how much dedication he put into this video. Id love to see another one of these soon.
    ~From one legend to another

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micheal says:

    why did you actually change my mind on sinks?? now i see them as evil

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave! Yognau(gh)t says:

    Okay. I 100% agree with this. there are so many things wrong with sinks. And it's unbelievable, considering there such a key part of our daily lives, that they haven't been improved upon to a comfortable degree yet.
    There's probably some hi-tech sinks currently being used somewhere in Japan, to be fair…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Clay says:

    I never purchased a dish washer for my home. I still wash dishes by hand. Perhaps a presentation will persuade me otherwise.

    You leave dishes in the sink(stacked neatly and rinsed is my preference) in order to wash them at a later, more convenient time. Do it all at once and save a bit on the water bill as opposed to washing each one individually every time you decided to eat or drink something.

    Thank you for reading. Have a good day my hand-washing brethren.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Ulrich says:

    This might be the most effective power point I've ever watched. I hate sinks now.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily Rivas says:

    I feel like Felix went to one of those parties where you have to make a PowerPoint and got so passionate about his topic he had to make a video

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InnannasRainbow says:

    Sinks would have been made of wood or stone 500 years ago so there has been some improvement. The water source would not have been attached to the sink, you would have had to go fetch water and pour it in.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayesha Mamoon says:

    Thank you for this presentation I will now send this video to the King of sinks

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TrueUnderDawgGaming says:

    My sink just has a regular hole and a deposal that literally shreds everything in its path

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Titan Clash says:

    The sink pipes getting full of food is why you need a garbage disposal. I didn’t know garbage disposals were more of a U.S thing. They are so useful.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Santiago says:

    Live in the us. Sink in my house didnt have a garbage disposal…so I installed one. Just install a garbage disposal Felix

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