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Before this video begins, i have new merch represent.com super happy about this, so i think you guys will like it check it out anyway. Let's on with the video taking advice, need help in life. Dr pewte's, here to help baby. That's right: i will bestow my infinite wisdom on this earth that, but for real um yeah taking advice, let's see what we got curse as how do you cope with our awkwardness or specialty of mine, especially when you need to talk to a lot of people or New people, if i have to talk to a lot of people, i tend to practice a lot i mean.

Are you talking about public speaking here? I don't know, i don't know. I think what i tend to do subconsciously, which is a little bit cringe. I tend to smile way more than i need to just like this smiling is the ultimate cope, i'm very comfortable right now. This is terrible advice.

I the thing is, i never thought i was that awkward until the internet pointed out to me, so i don't really know what to say to this: get a job in customer service and you'll get used to to talking to dozens or hundreds of people talking. Oh, oh people daily yeah. This is great advice. If you want to ask people if they want mustard or ketchup on their hamburger, like what i had a job like this, it didn't help me at all.

What do you mean you just go into robotic mode? Hey you want, you want fries with that you're gon na walk up to people randomly at parties. You want diet, coke. I mean, i guess the point here is the the more you do something like this: the more you'll get over it. Slowly but surely challenge yourself.

Don't run away, i think, is the trick. Just do it and you'll realize slowly, but surely it's not as bad as you think, but if you run away it'll just become scarier and scarier: hey pewds, i recently graduated high school and i'm gon na start college soon. The thing is that i'm really not fond of doing that, but i'm doing it anyways just to be safe. What i really want to do is work on my youtube channel, make story time animations as well stream, but since i'm just a beginner, i'm obviously not earning any money from it and college work really reduces my time to work on the stuff.

I really like to do. Would you recommend that i continue doing what i do or drop out of college sometime in the future? Well, i absolutely don't drop out of college. My dude listen. I was extremely lucky, but i was still i was still studying, while making videos it's entirely possible, just keep it as a fun hobby.

You know it doesn't have to be your job to enjoy it. I think what a lot of people don't realize is that, as soon as your hobby becomes your job, it completely ruins the joy of it being a hobby. It is a job, then right, there's no escaping that. I think everyone has this dream that your hobby should be your job, but it can be perfectly fine to keep a normal job and a hobby at the same side.

There's no there's no harm in that, so keep your job, keep it as a hobby. If it goes better, you know great, then you can start thinking about that, but i think you're a little too early to asking this question. I feel, like my parents, have this extremely high expectation of me and, to be honest, i would happily have those expectations for myself and work hard to reach them, but it's really tough when it feels like every mistake i make makes them be more disappointed in me. I feel like i'm not working hard to make my parents proud anymore.
Rather so they don't dislike me. Why should i do pewter uh yeah that sucks to have parents like that? I mean it might be worth talking to them about this. I don't know what kind of open conversations you can have. I think my parents have high expectations of me, which i think is good, but they also had on the flip side as long as they noticed, i was trying my best it.

You know the result wasn't as important as them feeling like. I was really working hard and you know i would hope that you, it doesn't sound like you have that kind of parents, but i don't know so. That's that's why i thought maybe it's worth talking to them about this because maybe they're not i don't know i'm trying to be optimistic. That sounds really.

I guess at the end of the day is: do you want validations for yourself or do you want it for your parents, and the answer should be for yourself right. Parents will always have expectations for what they want of you, and that sometimes is an image that is impossible to fit into, and it sounds from what it sounds like that's where you're at so i would try and sort of question more. What is it that you want to that will make you feel validated and focus on that? Instead, i like how you guys are helping as well. That's really sweet sort of giving similar advice here, make yourself proud and they will be proud, yeah and maybe try and discuss this with your parents moving on hey felix uh.

How do you get used to having lost many friends and being forgotten seamlessly over time? Uh? I'm sorry i didn't mean to laugh. I just i don't know to this is the first time i'm reading these questions, um and they're very difficult questions. That's why i'm you know i've definitely lost a lot of friends in my life in my days. I think that's a natural thing, uh part of life.

You know i'm not close friends with the people that i thought i would be friends forever with so many i mean i had the best yeah. This is normal right. Maybe everyone you know, moves on to different things. That doesn't mean that you're forgotten someone, it seems like you're, taking it quite personally, which i don't think you should it's just a natural thing that happens to everyone, try and think of what sort of purpose your friendships are for you and what it is that you Find that you get out of them.

If your point is to stay friends, just for the sake of being friends, then i mean it's kind of pointless to have that friendship. To begin with, i actually this reminds me i used to have so few friends. My i remember my dad just walked in on a saturday he's like. Why are you aren't you out and i was like, i don't know, and it's like you should be out with friends and i just thought: well, i don't really have any friends to call it's funny.
It didn't bother me, maybe i'm a psychopath, i don't know but yeah, and that's why i think yeah it's good to ask yourself what what's the point of having their friends to you. Why do they mean something you'll find friends? Don't worry it takes time. If i, the neighbor's kid can find friends, so can you all right? I just entered senior high school this month, seeing how tough it is already. It really makes me doubt about my future.

Oh boy. I can relate to this except college and if i can achieve the things i want to do not expecting kids to see this. But if there's any advice, i'd appreciate it. I wish you would expand a bit on what it is that you want to do it's hard to answer this question because of it.

I guess you just have to ask yourself if you're up for the challenge, i think anyone is capable of so much more than they think they are, but they you really just have to put your mind and soul into it, and if you really wanted to step Up, i'm sure that you can do with timothy i'm giving you the confidence, but you have to make that choice and make the sacrifices to get through what you want with the grades or whatever it is that you want. It doesn't come without work. You go timothy. You got it, you got it man, how do you get the courage to put yourself out on the internet and share your life passions and talk about anything while most of the people on the internet? Don't know you the ones in real life that do might find it weird for someone who wants to keep their nativity a secret.

They might let it out uh, it sounds stupid, but it always taunts me as an artist working on my way on the internet and much love from romania. I think this is normal and i wouldn't feel pressured to feel like you have to share your life or passions and talk about anything on the internet. That's completely up to everyone. If that's what they want to do, some people feel comfortable with it.

Some people - don't, i remember, feeling super strange about just recording myself without camera, just my voice. It just takes a little bit of practice to do if you're not comfortable with it immediately. It takes time to take it step by step and you'll find sooner or later, what sort of things you do feel comfortable about, and maybe some stuff you actually do want to keep private for yourself. So take it step by step and don't make any rash decisions.

Uh, maybe just a little general being an adult advice. I heard a lot of great advice about my main concern, so i guess i'm wondering if there's things about adulthood that surprised you or regrets that you wish you knew better. I wish i started reading and i wish i started working out sooner. That's it is being an introvert really that special, or are we just trying to justify our abundance of social anxiety? Sometimes i wish i could talk to people normally, but here i am shivering at the thought of any interaction yeah.
I think this is why i get so. I used to at least get so annoyed when people call me awkward online because, as an introvert, i'm really trying to get past that, like doing stage performances back in in the days and big fan, meet up and all that stuff or even shooting shows like scare Pewdiepie, you know when you're in front of all these people and as an introvert, that's kind of awkward. I i want to step up to the challenge and be like yeah. I can do it, but and then someone comments me like.

Oh, that was awkward and you're. Just like ah, but i i'm trying, but i think i'm just accepting hey, you know yeah. I am a little awkward. That's fine! What's the big deal, i it made it so much easier and i'm i you know i'll still push myself or whatever, but at least knowing that in my back of my mind, okay, it's fine! It doesn't matter to answer your question, though, but if it's really special, no and that's - i guess what i meant with trying to overcome it.

Everyone has things that they excel in and and maybe aren't as good in and it's good to recognize that so you can improve on it. I don't think being introverted is necessarily special, but i also find that it helps me gain a lot of introspection, which is something that i really highly value and i think it's important for your mental growth and strength. I'm not sure you know in extroverts are excluded for that, but it's just something that i highly value that i know feel like comes from being an introvert dear doctor physique. We know you're growing, a beard and that's final step in becoming a philosopher.

I actually just shaved yeah, it's true uh, the the beard used to be such a highly symbolic thing for greek philosophers that uh they would rather cut off their head than their beard. I don't remember who said that into nihilist philosophy, i'm making a video on this, because i find it so strange. People's idea of what nihilistic philosophy is, i think, there's a major misconception here of angsty teenagers, not understanding what it means. How do you find balance between being educated on social issues and not letting it negatively impact your own mental health? I want to be educated and advocate for things, but it takes such a toll on me.

Yeah i mean if you, if you uh, look at your whole country's past or everything like that, you're bound to just feel this dread of uh guilt. I just don't think that's healthy whatsoever, uh. I i think it's in our nature, especially as young people. We tend to want to find social issues as a cause and uh.

We want this suffering. It's almost like a function in us trying to find where i read this, i think it was nietzsche, read nietzsche, i guess how do you get out of a rut? The time period of your life, where you are unproductive to do anything, i suffer a lot of being stuck in this timeline of my life and every time i do something i can't really get it done or keep procrastinating. Well, that's because you train yourself to be that way and it's very easy to fall in this trap. I think we are very habitual creatures, i think, and if we act a certain way, it's because we made it comfortable for ourselves to act that way, but there's a great way to challenge yourself in and trying things that are a little more difficult and setting goals For yourself to maintain those things, i don't know what it is that you want uh to do specifically, but i'm sure there's something that you you feel like there is that you should be doing otherwise.
You wouldn't complain about being stuck in this rut. I guess it's kind of like how the greeks saw the virtue inhabit what was said who said it. It's such a good quote. I think it was aristotle saying that i'm butchering this quote, but it's something about virtue, isn't in doing one thing, but it's in the continuation of doing things recognizing that how you live your life in a good way is setting up habits that are good for you.

It's not just one small act that defines your uh, your goodness, oh god yeah that's terrible explanation, but i hope it makes sense. I'm cringing at my answer. Sorry. Finally, some relationship advice.

I like this girl - and i strongly feel she likes me too, but she doesn't feel interested in having a relationship. What should i do? Well, it might be good to back off because it sounds like your feelings might get hurt from this woman better to step aside, i think, if that's the case, if you really want a relationship of course, or you know, this is a very guy advice, but you Know sometimes you just got ta get out of your system. Man do what you got ta do all right, do what you got ta do, and you know you might find that uh. You know you scored the highest university.

How did you focus on studies like that? Do you set your environment for studies or set a schedule? I think all i did during this time was studying from the moment i woke up to the moment i went to bed, i was so into it. I i don't know why i was so competitive about it. I wanted to be the best and it i can't explain like what unlocked that inside me. I guess i wanted to prove that i could do it.

I sometimes we just get that random spurt. I wasn't always the best in school. I was actually pretty terrible in a lot of subjects, so i wanted to prove hey. I can do it if i put my mind into it and i got really really really really really really nerdy.

There's a lot of questions about like motivation and there seems to be a lack of it. Bro everyone is unmotivated. I'm a strong proponent of that routines is what keeps us motivated, because motivation only lasts for it's a short spurt. It's like a certain.
It's a feeling. You're not going to feel like amped up and motivated all the time, but if you have a routine set in place that when you're not feeling motivated it's there to pick it up for you, okay, i'm supposed to do this! I'm going to do this! That's not necessarily going in like yeah, i'm gon na do this it's rather okay. This is what i have to do, uh so setting those things in your life. It takes a long time to build these sort of uh uh routines.

You have to stick to it. Set goals for yourself, big goals, long goals, realizing what it is, what you want and set goals and how you wan na get there. Oh, i wan na i wan na learn this okay. I'm gon na spend this amount of time every single day to get there and also recognize that these are my goals.

If i don't do this, i'm just going to go back to feeling the way i was before. So i'm i'm setting these goals and i'm taking it seriously. I guess it's kind of how i feel about uh working out. I would always feel socially about not working out and maybe that's just pushing myself too far and there's some other psychological issues there.

I don't know, but there was always this anxiety of i know i should working out because of all the health benefits, but it's kind of i don't really want to, and but if you have that routine of saying, okay, i'm gon na work out, this is my Schedule and i'm gon na keep with it. It's so much easier and i never have that feeling of oh, i should be working out. He says. No, i just do it.

That's the point of setting goals for yourself. It doesn't matter what it is. It's the same principle, all right, that's enough questions answered. I hope this was helpful, uh in some sense and i'll see you guys in the next one.

Oh, i have new merch super hairy because of maya represent.com pewdiepie check it out. I'm really happy with this one. I think you guys will like it too bye. You thought it was gay, but true relevance never really died.

Welcome to the first undead game, use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator. Add some of our patented stickers in there stickers. Our emotions means our emotions, express your emotions with me. Show them for likes, share them for love, get up for free and who knows, maybe i'll review your memes, the greatest honor of all time full circle, baby download it make a meme.

We need subtitles on this.

12 thoughts on “Im here to help..”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Izora Iza says:

    I rarely leave the house. I go to school and come home to talk to friends I've made in VrChat.

    I don't really hangout with my friends from school.

    I rather be in my room playing video games all day with friends I've met in those games… I would love to be able to play games with my friends from school but they are always too busy to play online games with me…

    I like how I can just talk to my online friends in VrChat or even just play VrChat games with them. It's easier than going out to the mall or to play games at a arcade with my friends from school…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Schoonmaker says:

    This video makes me want to go after my goal of learning to code or pick up a trade 🤔

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natalia Love says:

    Idk he would just make such a good dad. Whether he had kids or doesn’t though, he is a good person who has a great comfort about him. He’s well spoken and I love when he makes these videos

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A.A.M. says:

    I definitely relate with the friend thing (guess I'm a psychopath too lol)
    when I was younger, I used to involve myself in a lot of friend groups, thinking the more friends I have the better. but being an introvert, I never knew how to connect with any of them properly (most were extroverts) and it usually just made me feel even shittier about being the way I am.

    HOWEVER. you live, you grow, you learn. I have a very selective group of friends now, and even though they're mainly made of extroverts, I feel like we chose each other for values way beyond just needing a friend, which makes it feel more meaningful even when we're very different.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vampy_Rhombus5006 says:

    I don’t get how “it’s pointless to be friends wit someone for the sake of being friends wit them” is meaningless……

    (Unless I’m misunderstanding something here)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ana Bianca says:

    Yes in my grade 12 psychology class we learnt that having a set schedule is better for your mental health then not knowing what to do. That’s why they made us get agendas/ journals

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maddi Horsburgh says:

    I’m exactly the same as pewds. I’m comfortable being completely alone and not leaving the house for days. But have a few people that I like to talk to occasionally and see sometimes.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abigail romero says:

    I'm the same!
    I have like 2 friends that I talk to every ones or twice in a year , just to see if we are alive & well in health. Honestly we are ok with this and love each other.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joakim Lein says:

    Make more of theese actually motivational, not like the big tough guy that stands in a white room eating pizza telling me to exercise to lose weight and that lossing weight has nothing to do with your eating habits and generally your diet. Best regards from norway🇳🇴

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Would You Kindly says:

    To the guy that wanted to ask the girl out but won't because she doesn't seem interested: just tell her how you feel. It can go three ways; no, yes or no (you stop hanging out and drift apart. On to the next. I totally regret all the times I had feelings for a girl and didn't take the leap and tell them.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deviser says:

    Your advice on about college and hobby really made me feel good, I wanted to have a music career making my own rock band I guess I'll stick to college I'm still waiting for face to face classes, I'm not that great at guitar yet but I have all the time I have with this pandemic maybe when ftf are back I probably get to join a band or make one if it's possible.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jethex says:

    working in retail has helped me a lot when it came to talking to people. i really struggled with phone calls, casual interaction with strangers especially, business conversations and putting myself into a position of authority.

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