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Japan Review: Japan review It's been a year since I moved to Japan and I thought it made sense to finally rate Japan I will talk about things I like and the things I don't like which seems to be the only two options available if you have opinions about this country. So sugoi or did you know Japan is actually really bad. It's got a lot of survival issues okay I will list one good thing and bad thing and I will not hold back. There's no trash bins where I'm gonna put my trash I have to put in my pocket.

Oh there's always these generic things that you hear or yes when we you visit it's kind of weird, but then you realize it's not a big deal. Anyway, let's start off with number one reason: I like Japan it feels like a giant playground. No, I don't mean in the Logan Paul kind of sense of doing whatever the hell you want, but rather there's a infinite things all right. Lazy feels like to explore and experience and I've been here a year now and I don't think I'm gonna get bored anytime soon.

although I am having a child so I don't know how much more I have time to experience, but it really feels like a whole new world and if you visited, you can probably relate to it. And I'm glad that even a year in it still feels incredibly fresh. And I even would say that you realize that the best part of Japan aren't the touristy places kind of, obviously. but there are so many areas that I found that I really enjoy visiting and this is probably more specific to me, but you know Tokyo is very busy and so many times I just catch myself surrounded by what feels like hundreds of people and they have no idea who I am.

Everyone is just doing their own thing and that feels so good now. once it was staring at me, no one's following me, no one's being weird. you guys are weird. and I'm just kidding.

I just love the feeling of being able to exist in public and uh, not worrying about what everyone else is doing like I've said this before, but I genuinely enjoy talking to fans or when people approach me. It always makes me happy. but it can be kind of frustrating to always wanting to just do your own thing and always be. you know? So yeah, let's move on to the bad things of Japan Number one reason: Japan is bad.

It's kind of a heavy subject and I haven't seen anyone else really talk about it. It's not brought up very often at least. And that is cones. There's too many cones in Japan Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

They're everywhere they say. Oh, Japan has so many vending machines. There's like five per one person. No, the opposite.

There's more cones than people. Why are there so many cones I need to know. We got the tall ones. we got the small ones.

we got the funny ones. the cute ones, the sexy ones. I Do like those I Just don't understand that whoever plays these cones think I'm just gonna barge through. Oh thank God there's cones here otherwise I Had no idea what I was gonna and I realized the cone history of Japan stretches centuries.
Okay, if you played Animal Crossing Sometimes it's a Japanese game, so sometimes you get these items right. You're like, oh, that's kind of weird I don't know exactly what that is, but it's probably something Japanese And then you get the bamboo thing and you're like, what the hell is that? What am I even gonna do with that And then you see it in real life. here in Japan you're like, holy, it's a cone that's a cone. They're everywhere I Feel like they are following me I'm glad I was able to talk about this I'm for one and willing to call out Japan Knock it off man, no more cones.

There's enough cones. Let me tell you something, even better than cones, you may have noticed new merch. Finally, it's been forever. My mom came over.

she had unofficial merge because I literally have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't merch I'm sorry Mom So we spruced up the logo got a cool back design. The team that worked on it really truly understand how my brand and I think they did such a good job. These pieces look amazing and I think you guys are gonna really like them as well. These are available for limited time only so make sure you order now! So excited to finally have this merch available! Thanks to Amaze for making this happen! We are gonna have one piece that will stay on the store so my mom will not buy the wrong merch but for a limited time that piece will be available in this color off-white kind of color.

It looks really nice and then after that you can still get it but not in this color. That's you want this one? Yeah! I Get it? So yeah. check that out if you're interested. I'm so happy about these designs and I hope you guys would like them as well.

All right Reason number two: I Like Japan Yay! When we first announced that we were gonna move to Japan there was so many people just saying how bad Japan is actually Did you know Japan is really bad? did you know this? I have to list all these reasons now because everyone is like thing and then thing Japan Ah so I have to tell them and I it's actually but. One thing in particular that people said was that old people really don't like foreigners. they hate them. So when I was gonna stop by to say hi to our neighbors who was a little older at least some of them I was terrifying I Heard all these stories you know, like what are they gonna do to us So I had my guard up ready for the worst and I was met with nothing but kindness and welcoming and I felt like a total dick for having this preconceived ideas thanks to other people and just a side comment like yes, there are definitely probably people that don't like foreigners and all that stuff.

but I realized I should let my own experience is dictate how I feel about certain things. Maybe that's just ignoring a problem I don't know. It just feels like it's a bad way to approach life. if you always have a negative expectation, you know it's smiling people may Smile Back smiled back.
thank you. sometimes they don't and that's okay, you know. Anyway, my point being Japanese people are very in my own experience are very nice and friendly the majority at least. and yes, even to foreigners I Feel like they are especially nice to foreigners because they think we're like a kid lost at Disneyland or something I just asked for directions I didn't need you to walk me for half an hour to this specific place I was going but thank you I appreciate it a lot of times I go bouldering alone and there's always other groups of people being supportive and yelling like I'm about there like go, you can do it I love it I think it's great, you know or if you're small talking with people people, generally want to communicate with you and I love having those moments.

But of course there's times where people are like oh, you're a foreigner I don't feel like even trying which again, it's fine. Speaking of which reason: I don't like Japan Number two their language I Have lived here for a year and I'm not fluent in Japanese I am dumb I am very dumb I Remember the moment we moved here I had studied some Japanese and I was like Let's test out this knowledge that I have acquired. Let's go I'm just gonna come in, it's gonna be dangerous and you enter a store for the first time and they're like what? what? Oh what? The classic. The most common experiences that you have aren't necessarily what you're taught in the textbook.

Yay! I know I think that's the same for anyone learning a language for the first time. but don't even get me started on the kanji main. What the is this? I feel like Japanese is such a hard language obviously. but I don't think people realize how hard it is at least me personally, because the more you learn, the more you realize you don't know.

For English speakers Japanese is considered one of the most difficult languages and because it's just so different. I listed it as bad because that was my first kind of experience with it coming here. but the more I interact with people, the more it feels like I'm unlocking new skills you know? Oh I made a phone call for the first time. oh I could ask someone over the phone I know big deal, but it's like oh I can actually do that or even just having a small tiny yes, shittiest conversation with a stranger.

It's still something and it feels good. You start to all of a sudden understand, you know a movie if you're watching oh I understand actually what's going on here or I can play games and kind of get what this they're saying I have to look up words obviously. but to me all those new experiences that it unlocks to me is very rewarding even though it's such a challenge. I would actually now say it's a good thing I played it on its head.

It was a good thing all along. but I obviously have a long way to go and it just I don't think it will damage time. Reason number three: I like Japan this is nothing to do with Japan To say it's more related to me taking a more relaxed approach to YouTube for my entire 20s I did nothing but YouTube that was my life and that's okay but I also think it was a little toxic probably. you know if I wasn't making videos I sure as hell was thinking about making videos I uploaded videos during our honeymoon and it feels really good to finally be free from it.
you know, and I can discover other things in life. There are other things in life, a new hobbies and interest that I've always wanted to do I can do and have so much fun with it surfing I know I would love for the longest time and I finally get to do it and it's so amazing I love learning new things. Anything that isn't necessarily connected to all of this on the internet and that is something. I'm very, very grateful that I discovered.

So yeah, it's not really. Japan I could have done that anywhere, but it's largely why I enjoyed so much here. Reason: I don't like Japan Number three: This is probably the most trickiest one and it's the rules. What are the rules? Japan has so many rules and it's a bit conflicting for me to complain about because a lot of the best stuff about Japan not the best stuff, but a lot of the reasons why Japan works so well is because of the rules.

You know, the trains are always on time, things just work. In general, it's hard to explain, the streets are clean, people aren't loud in public, and so on. and these are sort of societal rules that make it happen more or less. But sometimes There are rules that just don't make any sense.

and I have no problem following rules As long as I understand the reason for it, you know, don't talk on the phone on the train because it's generally annoying when other people do that to you A lot of it is just be thoughtful of other people. It's not just about you and that just makes it more pleasant for everyone. But one rule is especially which I talked about before is the fact that because of Kovid I'm not allowed to be in the delivery room for our baby for more than two hours. That's because of covered rules.

It just doesn't make sense to me. and I tell people about this like uh, family and friends and they're always like, well, why don't you just ask them or like, why don't you talk to them I'm sure you can. There's got to be somewhere and it's like, no, it's Japan Okay, there are rules and people follow the rules for better or worse, you know. So the more I time I spend here, the more time I encounter these sort of rules.

that in my head at least don't make sense and I don't want to make it seem like like I'm above it or like oh, I don't get it. So therefore I'm above it. But it's still really frustrating I think because yeah, Rule six is for a reason and even though the reason it might not be obvious to you, they are usually there for some sort of practicality. I don't know I'm just trying I don't get it man.
So lastly, the reason I like Japan I Feel like there should be a word for it. It's more of a feeling than anything and it's could be happening at any point during the day maybe. um, riding a bicycle. It's sunny outside and surrounded by trees and it's just Pleasant In general, a warm wind hits your face and you just sort of have that moment where it feels just so amazing.

it feels like you're living a dream. It could be just walking my dogs and then out in the distance. everything is clear and you see Mount Fuji popping out. You know I'm surfing and the Sun is setting and it's turning the whole ocean to look pink and it's just one of those moments where you feel like I'm living in a dream I just feel like how is this real I I don't even believe in myself and I catch myself a lot in those kind of moments living here and it's just a wonderful thing.

Happy days. It's actually really silly talking about him because it's not like these things don't exist anywhere for anyone. It's not like oh Japan ah, but moving here I feel like I definitely get those moments more often. It's not like I wasn't happy in UK or wherever but I think just in general.

It has changed me and my priorities and as a person to the better in a weird way. and I realize a lot of it is also very specific to me and my circumstance. I have the opportunity to not work as much anymore and I have the opportunity to have a lot of freedom and not engage in a lot of the bad parts of the tough work ethic in Japan for example. and so I think me specifically feeling like I don't get recognized so that's also a reason I really enjoy here A lot of the reasons I enjoy Japan is very specific to me at least and people like Japan for different reasons.

Obviously I'm not surprised or necessarily think people are wrong to trying to dispatch around Japan to from being this holy Mecca or anything like that. but I think ultimately it's an amazing place to visit. You should definitely do it. but I also think not everyone's gonna enjoy living here.

that's my big Asterix Basically I feel like if you're content as a person, you should be able to be happy where you live I at least for me. For example, living in UK I was just as happy as well. but like I said, catch myself in these happy moments more often here which I'm very grateful for. So yeah.

I hope that sort of summarizes it I would put Japan s here thank you for watching this video I See you guys next time!.

16 thoughts on “1 year japan review 0 – 10”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petr Stejskal says:

    Well you can experience all Japan u want if u have unlimited budget 😉 things are MUCH different if you have to live normal life and I don’t know… go to work 😁Glad Felix mentioned it 👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bacotv says:

    The first japanese word you mastered was "baka!, isnt it felix?" 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mohamed MLM says:

    lots of thing are specific to you, and we are happy for you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MezyanX says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars タグ says:

    CONES 日本語では結界といいます。

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars true blue says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! レイ・オカモト says:

    Innocent but mature soulmates seem to love Japan. Such an honor. Thank God.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ally-C-83 says:

    I think 'euphoric' is the word you was looking for regarding the last reason you liked Japan

    Been a while since ive dropped by and commented. Congrats again on the birth of your baby son Bjorn and its great to see you and the family enjoy life so much over there

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mandy Dickson says:

    Where is Pewd's wedding ring? 💍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🐺ツPKXDツGaming With RollanKat🐺 ⧼OfficialPlay⧽ says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars air-n17 says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shampoohorn toshiyuki says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ayashi says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devon Zastre says:

    You ore planned to make me feel like my hearts giving up!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaniTheHero says:

    While I wouldn’t want to question your own personal experiences, and also having visited Japan myself, even with all the major advantages the country does have, I’d argue that living in Japan if you aren’t so economically established is not that of a great experience, especially if you aren’t already with a partner.

    The work culture and the lack of social interactions, which are even worse for an outsider, can make things completely miserable.

    When you don’t have the passive income of someone like Pewds, and aren’t already in a relationship, your life in Japan is very likely going to be lonely and exhausting.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars meep moop says:

    My grandparents are Japanese and I can relate to your last point. Whenever I visit them I leave feeling spiritual as fuck. Japan is beautiful bro the gods live there for sure

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